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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 26 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Novemb. 26. 1740 To John Airey Esq. Sirs I Reced. yours from Chester of the 24 Inst. with one Inclosed from Mr Robt. Lowes in relation to Bridget Horsman of Corbridge who at present Stands in Arrears to the Comniss<ion>ers of Greenwich Hospital no less than £8 - 5 - 3 after Deducting £3 for which her Household goods were Sold. Mr Lowes’s Letter Contains a great mant p.ticulars, which I shall pass Over and only Acquaint you with the Severa

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 28 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Novemb. 28th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. your favour of the 18th Inst. & would have answered it sooner but we mentioned in our last to Mr Horne to Acquaint you that oats were then at 16s per Quarter, at which price we did not think proper to Buy any, but within this Week they have falen to 12s per Quarter & we will Buy you a Quantity & send you the first opportunity, please to Cause your Servts. make a thorrough search for the sacks

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 28 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle 28 Novemb. 1740 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir Inclosed is a paper Relating the Differences you mention in your last, which paper we hope will Clearly remove the Dificulty as you may please to Observe. The £16 - 16 - 6 is no pt of the arrears standing out the 31st Decembr. 1737 & the Year Rent Due Mart.s 1738 with which we Charge our selves. therefore must be Deducted out of the Supers also. The £2 reced. of Masewild upon which we Charge Poundage added wi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle Dec 7. 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. I Reced. Yours with thge Boards minutes of the 29 Nov. last which shall be duly obswerved, & Inclosed I send you our Cash accot. for last month, by which there is a Ballance of £832-9-4 ¾ in favour of the Hospitall. We have paid no to the Heirs of Dr Chambrlaine Since Ladyday 1739, & as we have lately had a Letter from their Agent demanding it please to lett us know at how much Per C.t it is, and

Letter – Nicholas Roberts to John Blackett – 16 Dec 1740

Decr. 16th 1740 S[i]r S[i]r Edward orders me by Mr. Bowes to Enquire after your health this very Extream Cold Weather, the snow is I think Deeper than any time last year and the Frost as Severe, we have a Scarcity of <Fother> and have a whole Troop of Dragoons Quartered here which is very heavy upon our Poor ale house Keepers, S[i]r Ed[war]d has had the Gout in his right hand Sometime, my mother has had some slight attacks but I hope they will Escape a Bad fit., When Mr Bowes

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Ritson – 17 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle 17 Dec. 1740 To the Revd Mr Ritson at Cockermouth Sr, Your favour of the 19th Inst. came safe to hand tho I Expected it sooner. Mr Jefferson at last Court desired Earnestly that he might have time to apply to Colonel Mordant & some other friends for to have the Charge Mitigated which I granted, And a month was of time agreed upon, I at the same time was to Speak to Mr Simpson to stay proceedings till that time was Expired which I did & I hope he h

Letter – Hugh Boag to Isaac Thompson – 17 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle 17 Dec . 1740 To Mr Thompson Printer Newcastle Mr Thompson Incert the following advertizement in your paper till further ordered to the contrary, which is only a Copy of one taken out of the London Gazette vizt - To be sold before Charles Taylor Esq. Deputy to his Majestys Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer pursuant to an Order of the said Court, Several large quantities of oake, Ash, Elm, and other Trees, Standing upon the Estates forfeited by th

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 19 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle 19 Dec . 1740 To Mr Wm. Radley Sr We reced. your favour of the 11th Inst. with the Gazette of the 6 Inst. Inclosed, and have orderd the advertizement to be putt into the Newcastle papers & shall do what else we can to Encourage persons to bid for the Wood upon the Estate. We are glade [sic] the last Leases sent you are signed, we have several of those formerly signed, yet Unsigned by the Tenants in our hands, some of them seen indifferent about

Letter – Hugh Boag to Joseph Pearson – 19 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle 19 Dec . 1740 To Mr Joseph Pearson Sir Yours of the 27 November we received and as to the Trees that are blown down that are Numbered, they must not be meddled with upon no account; for if any Numbers are missing those concerned will think they were better than they are. As to Mr Grave and Mr Wilsons farm I should be glad they would continue for they are good Tenants but if they will not, I hope you Need not call it but Lett it for the same Rent t

Letter – Hugh Boag to John King – 19 Dec 1740

Rav Castle 19 Dec . 1740 To Mr King Sr Inclosed is Mr Edwd. Stephensons Accot. for R[ent]s & fine due Mart.s 1740 or last amounting to £3-7-9 which I desire youll get and send us it down by any Sure hand to Newcastle, pray write to Mr Holmes Strictly abt it. As to old How & his son they are Rogues tho poore and Endeavour to get it without great Severity. I had a letter from Mr Mitchinson ab<ou>t it but I have not answered it, you know we must Endeavou

Letter – Thomas Rudd to John Simpson – 23 Dec 1740

Durham Decr 23d 1740 Sir Mr. Silvertop has been with me and shown me an old Settlement of the Estate at Ashtree whereby it appears not only that it was an Estate belonging to Mr Timothy Shaftoe but he has also thorowly convey'd all the Colemines & other Royaltys within the same & this is very near 100 years ago, he has also shown me an Article made near 60 years ago for the workings this Colliery by the family of the Shaftoes & says that there have been Instance

Letter – Hugh Boag to Abraham Bunting – 27 Dec 1740

Ravensworth Castle 27 Dec . 1740 To Mr Bunting I disire youle carefully Number over the bricks and Tyles that remaines now at the Shades at Dilston & Send us an accot. of them. Send us also an Accot. so farr as you know how many has been delivered this year, to whome, and what is reced. for, and what stands now out I am for Ptn er & Selfe Your Hble Servt. H. Boag

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 2 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 2 Jany 1740 To Mr John Maule, Sir Your favour of the 9 Decem had the misfortune to be misplaced or had been answered in course before, which I am sorry for considering it may rtard the forwarding the accot. If you will consider & compare the halfe years rent from Martinmas 1738 to Mayday 1739 & the halfe year as from Mayday 1739 & Martinmas 1739 I hope you will find it right for our acct as its stated consists of halfe a yrs R[en]t out

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. January 4th 1740 To William Corbett Esq. Sir We reced. yours of the 6th 17th & 27th of December last with the Boards’ Minutes of these dates which we duly observe. and have only to add that we have reced. a proposal for the purchase of Thornbrough wood from Mr Stephen Elteringham of Hall Yards, John Johnson of Prudhoe & Thomas Johnson of Masters Close, all in the County of Northumberland. They propose to be Joynt Purchasers & to pay for the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. January 16. 1740/1 To Wm. Corbett Esq. Dr Sir We reced yours of the 7th Jan. Inst with the Boards Minuits of that date which we duly observe. As to the Right of Simon Drydon upon Grindon Common by Virtue of his Estate of Moss Kennall we will take care to lay before the Board a true State of it as farr as we can but from the Information we have had it has always appear’d to us that he had no right at All. A P.ticular Accot. Shall be likewise laid

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 16 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Jan. 16.1740/1 To Mr Maull Dear Sir We reced. yours of the 8 Jan. in Due Course in which we observe Your good office with regard to our last Acct. Ending June 1740 for which give Us leave to say we think our selves much obligedto you. The Vouchers shall be forwarded by the Carryer tomorrow directed to Mr Horn who will desire to forward them to you & it will give us great pleasure that all is done so as we have our Quietus at the Next Declaration for

Letter – Hugh Boag to Richard Horne – 26 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 26 Jan. 1740/1 To Mr Rich. Horn Dear Sir On Saturday 24th Inst. I delivered to Mr Wm. Laycock the Newc. Carryer a Box Directed for you, in which are our Vouchers for one Year Ending 30 June 1740, & which will Answer the Paym.ts in the Accot. now before the Auditor Ending then. please to take care & Deliver them to Mr maule. Inclosed is the Carryers Rec.t for the Box which deliver him w.n you gett the Box & further please to pay him 5s for the

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 26 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 26 January 1740/1 To Mr Jno. Maule Dear Sir On Satureday last 24 Inst I Delivered a Box with our Vouchers for one Year Ended 30 June 1740 to the New<castle> carryer and they are Directed to Mr Horn at the Pay Office as before. I believe you will find them all right Strictly & none wanting Excepting one which is but for a small Sume (it shall be sent you Inclosed per Post. I agreed with the Carryer for 5s which Mr Horn will pay & yo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Strangewaye – 26 Jan 1741

Ravensworth Castle. January 16th. 1740/1 To Mr John Strangewaye Sir I hope youle Excuse my Silence for I realy waited till I could gett something of a Rental & Schedule of the Chapplery of Ancroft so as my P.tner & I might Judge a Little of the Truth of it. we have often heard of the land Tax being Unequally laid on which by this so appears to us, & we hope you will see it your Selfe. As to the Rents we are Afraid theyt are not right our Accot. being but a [Same

Letter – Thomas Westgarth to Unknown – 3 Feb 1741

February 3 1741 I propose to take a lease of Wolfcleugh vein which has not been wrought for twenty years past for which I will pay five hundred pound premium and also pay the dues to the Bishop of Durham & Rector of Stanhope Thos. Westgarth

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Feb 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Feb 5th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esq. Sir Mr Airey Sent to Mr Radley the papers relating to the Commission for perpetuating the Evidence against Richardson concerning the dispute with him, as to the Boundary of that part of Alston moore Joyning his Liberty, & he has since delivered us a bill of his Outlay for that Accot. which I send You Inclosed. We have pay’d him Forty Guineas in part thereof & the remainder he desires the Board will be pleased to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 10 Feb 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Feb. 10th 1740/1 To Mr Woodhouse Dear Sir As we expect there will be a Declaration of Accot. at or about the rising of the Parliament, we begg the favour of all the Dispoatch necessary to have our two Quietuses ready; Our Vouchers have been some time Sent to Mr Maule, who we make no doubt will forward them to an Examination with You, and we must depend upon the Speedy Dispatch of You two Gentlemen, to whom we Shall always think our Selves much Obliged. W

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 10 Feb 1741

Ravensworth Castle. February 10th 1740/1 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir We would have answered your Letter of the 22nd Jan. last much sooner but that we have Scarce been together Since, so as to have time to Consider, how to do what is right, with respect to Mr Woodhouse and Your Clerk. We are much obliged to You for the trouble you take in dispatching our accots. I can have no Objection to yr Two Guineas You mention for Expences Postage of Letters &c which we herewith remit

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 16 Feb 1741

Rav Castle. 16 Feb 1740/1 To Mr John Maule Dear Sr. We hope before this you have reced. the Vouchers for the last Accot. Ending 30th June 1740 which are Compleat Excepting one as we wrote you before was wanting. Inclosed in this is that one, which we hope you will get Safe and we do not doubt but you will get them delivered the Auditor very soon. We have hopes of both accots. being got ready to be <passed> togither we are Dear Sir Your Hble Serts.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 17 Feb 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Febry. 17th 1740/1 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. yours of the 10th February inst. & observe that there are ready to send down 17 pair more of the Land Leases which we would be glad to have, the Carriers are all unreasonable Chaps & generally Insist upon something above the Common price of Carriage where they come to the knowledge of things of value. There is no way but to make the best agreement you can, for we can recomend none, but what are
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467