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Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 19 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 19th 1675/6 Sir My last was of the <5> feb to w[hi]ch referrs you have none from you soe the lesse to enlarge upon that <Beinge> cheifely to advise you that Jno Vagghan [Vaughan] is Sailed, who I hope may be with you ere this come to hand, when please God send him to his desired Port be pleased as formerly desired to dispose of my Lead as you shall think Convenient, not doubtinge but you will doe it to the best of your knowledge, for my most advantage & make a q

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 19 Feb 1676

Feb 19 1675/6 The enclosed Letr from Jno Curtis abt the lead mines we rcd but had not the opertunity of seing Mr Vermuyden to communicate itt to him of wch shall advise per next

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Turfrey – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 22d 1675/6 Mr Geo Turffrey Sr I have onely to advise you that Robert Porter is arrived who shall have w[ha]t money hee desires but I would gladly know In answer to my last w[ha]t you will please to allow mee for my <Comm[iss]ion> & if you have any other Friends who you can recommend mee unto upon the same account I shall be as reasonable as any in this place whatsoever, for w[ha]t you & they think Convenient shall aske noe more, & <besides> you will ve

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle 22d Feb: 1675/6 Major Edw: Allan Sir I have before mee yours of the 17th for answer I doe asure you I was my selfe seekinge a good p[ar]t of yesterday for a Bill for you but could neither for love nor money meete w[i]th any I have some at work this morneing if they bringe me some in time you shall have it Inclosed, if not I have no other remmedy but you must please to have patience a Post for if it lay upon my life I could doe noe more for my selfe then I have done for you Malt a

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 22d 1675/6 Mr John Horsham Sir I have onely to advise you that my Vesell by greater Winds had much a doe to keepe above for by misfortune sprung a leack butt god be thanked by the helpe of some of his friends who stand by him hee hath gott into Thems [Thames] River & hee writes mee hee must of necessity sell his Coale there & soe lay the Shipp a Shoare to gett her mended. I hope hereafter wee may have greater dealeinge together & if at any time you shall Judge mee

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 22d 1675/6 Mr Tho: Finley Sir I expected you over before now J: E: his business for you writt me you would be here before wee should make an end I goe into the West to morrow, att my Returne w[hi]ch will bee God Willinge upon S[a]turday I expect to meete with a letter from you and to know w[ha]t you Intend to doe for my p[ar]te I would advise you to come over some time the next weeke & to make a peaseable End thereof butt doe w[ha]t you please my respects to all Frends I

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Leck – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 22d 1675/6 Mr Wm Leck I have before mee yours of the 17th present am very glad you are gott well to London God be thanked for itt I can nott helpe the badd Markett you meete w[i]thall onely I hope you will take care to sell as deare as otherwise & w[ha]t money you can spare pay unto Mr H: Nelthorpe Gold Smith at the Rose in Lomboard Streete, make w[ha]t hast[e] you will but noe more then good speed, I hope you have gott your Vesell <Holded> first & then away as fa

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 22 Feb 1676

Newcastle 22d feb 1675/6 Honoured Sir I have noe more to Inlardge upon that to advise you that tomorrow morninge Brother C & I indendes God willinge for the pay, att my Returne you may expect as full an accou[n]t as my weak Capasity shall be able to give you of occurences att all places there, of w[hi]ch I can at present onely lett you that the next pay will take about £600 - - <S> I intreate you to advise mee how it stands with Mr N for some people in Towne doth feare him a littl

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 26 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb: 26: 1675/6 Honoured Sir I have att present onely To advise you of occurrences at the Lead Mines w[hi]ch I shall doe God willing as well as I can, Soe in the first place the Condition of the severall Groves are as follows (vizt) Green Gill Inddiffrent good In two Shafts & they gett some Oare In the third Cole Cleugh Indifrent good In the low bed for the high bed itt hath beene poore this long time but Rich: tells mee hee hath <Dialled [drilled?]> oute a new Shaft, &am

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 26 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 26th 1675/6 Major Ed: Allen Kind Freind Under 2 Posts I now meete w[i]th noe Bills, nor for 2 Posts from persons To Content, here Inclosed you have my owne Bill for £70: 8: 6 upon Mr George Turffreys> 10 d[ays] sight to your order, w[hi]ch money I payd yesterday unto one by 1 d Turffreys order if you will accept thereof & allow mee 2 < po> advance I suppose you may comand the money, if not you are free & I doe sweare to another I would nott take after that r

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Turfrey – 26 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 26th 1675/6 Mr Geo Turfrey, Sr, I have your kind letter of the 19th p.sent & have furnished Robt <Porten> with £70 & this Inclosed receipt, now Sr what matter att any time you doe recommend unto mee my fitter shall be ready to wayte upon them upon all accounts, to <sbare> them & to helpe them to <such> coale as shall bee fit for the Markett for wch I demands ½ P % wch I call reasonable so Commission of that if 70 will be <7.s> att the rat

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 26 Feb 1676

Febry 26th 1675/6 Sir Yours of 20th with the inclosed came to safe hand I should have answered but that I have been out of Toone I shall examane them & place them to account my request was to you that you would sell my lead Cottons & Stockings off at price current & send returns per Mr White for to lye to <another> Fair will be inconvenient & noe shipping till next vintage, soe pray sell of the goods rather then draw bills for here is such a dead trade that their

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 29 Feb 1676

Newcastle febr 29th:1675 Mr Tradill my last of the 26th Curant wherein I desired you if you had not drawne not to draw, by reason of the Inconveniencey of geting moneys to London <& mee> which yor bill of exch[ange] was presented & accepted for 2100 Crownes at two <Usance> which I shall take care to performe at day, w[hic]h s[ai]d bill is transmitted to Sr Laurence <Hebrestye>; I have prevailed with a favore to <want> to him his money shal be <ready

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 3 Mar 1676

Newc March 3d 1675/6 Mr Wm Peacocke Yors of the 28th febary Came to hand for which I thanke you & for yor kindnese to my cousin Thos. Bridgys he <mR.dy> over this summer & <will wait> upon you at yor housse on the <last was> per Mr Tho: Richisson for Rotterdam I have ordered him to leave the Skins with Mr Jos Pannell to be sent you your 4 dozen of Calfe Skins they are a prohibited comoditye <had may adoe> to send them , since which I have recd five doze

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3th 1675/6 Mr Walter Chaytor Sr The above is Coppy of my last dated the 19th feb to which referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 21st & 25th past I hope ere this Va[u]ghan is Arrived & that you have made some progress In the Sale of my Leed the disposall of w[hi]ch I leave to your discression, onely pray after it is gone lett mee have an account Curent sent that soe wee may beginn upon a new I have gott the Bitch you sent mee the Charge of w[hi]ch place to m

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3th 1675/6 Mr Ed: Willatt Sr The above is Coppy of my last dated the 8th feb to w[hi]ch referrs you, since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 18th & 25th past lett <my> D<r> Huntington alone, if ever I catch him hee shall pay for all – pray writt mee an answer p[er] first as to w[ha]t I desire about the price of Stockings for if they were vendable w[i]th you & for my profitt I could supply you w[i]th greate quantytyes In the yeare Tis very strange to mee

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3d 1675/6 Mr Robert Jackson Sr In an answer to yours of the 15th past I will onely say that I am willinge To referr my selfe to any reasonable man I meane as to the diffrence you mention betwixt us & the find the least poynt of discretion or reason, In w[ha]t you have done I shall be willinge to Submitt, may I dare venture in that Case to referr my selfe to your owne discresiton takeinge you to be a man of soe good <p….>, as that you will nott In the least Act a

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Hall – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March the 3d 1675/6 Mr Jno Hall Sr For your readyness In Complyinge w[i]th my desire of deliveringe of my letter To Sr James Standfeild I give you my hearty thanks & want onely your comands to shew how ready I should be to serve you in matters of greater Importance, w[hi]ch In my oppinion Is an obligation upon mee untill I shall have made you a Retaliation In some measure, w[hi]ch is all I know needfull in answer to yours of the 24th past, but before I conclude give me leave

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Standsfield – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3d 1675/6 Sir James Standfeild I perceive by Mr Hall that as yett itt stands nott w[i]th your Convenience to lett mee have my money neither one way nor a nother, pray lett mee know when you think itt will bee your will & pleasure to remitt mee accordinge to your promisse w[ha]t is due unto MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3th 1675/6 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr I desire you to send mee by the first oppertunity of shippinge a good large strong Silver Tankitt [?tankard] about £8 10s to £12 price & pray lett it be one of the largest & strongest you can affoard for that price I am MB Pray Receive the Contents of the within Bill beinge fore £120: 14: 10 & place the same to my Creditt & pay Major Ed: Allen £17 0s 8d of In case he demand the same & doe tell you that hee doth accep

Letter – Michael Blackett to Samuel Sowton – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3d 1675/6 Mr Sam Sowton Sr I can not but acknowledge my selfe very much oblidged unto you for your kind letter of the 22d past, I shall not be backward to serve you a nother time If ever In my power w[hi]ch In my oppinion is an obligation upon mee until I shall have made you a Retaliation is some measure Sr I have occasion for some Pitch & Tarr, soe pray lett W Strother have your order for the Shippinge itt I question nott butt you will use mee, as you doe others s

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March 3d 1675/6 Mr Thomas Finley Sr If you would give mee £1000 I can nott be att home Tusday the 7th present nore noe day the next weeke but Tusday the 14th I will God willinge bee ready to serve you as upon any day that weeke, praying respects to all my frends & acquaintance Them that wee are both merry & soe remayne In hast[e] MB Faith I thinke itt falls soe out that I am allwayes in hast[e] when I have occasions to write to you

Letter – Michael Blackett to Benoit Decoud – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March the 3d 1675/6 Mr Benoist de Coud Sr I doe confess I owe answer to severall of yours butt I can nott Endure to sett penn to pap[er] when I thinke my letters will nott bee worth the Postage, for thinges are soe falen out Contrary to Expectation that I shall nott beginn the wine Trade this yeare or two yett, In the meane time you may be pleased once a Vintidge to write mee one letter of occurrances & bee assured that in your place I will never make use of any but your self

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March the 3d 1675/6 Mr John Strother Sr My last to you of the 18th Feb: to w[hi]ch referrs you since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 26th January & accordinge to your advice have this Post writt to my freind at Rochell that hee take care my Salt be of the very whitest, w[hi]ch I am confident will be complyed withall for the disposall of w[hi]ch I leave to your discression you know how many lying dayes I have for his unloadinge & loadinge soe order him as you please, onely ta

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 3 Mar 1676

Newcastle March the 3d 1675/6 Mr Antho: All[a]ire Sr My last to you of feb 18th to w[hi]ch referres you, since none from you soe lesse to Inlardge upon I hope this will find <Master> Lecke arrived unto whome I pray deliver the Inclosed & I desire you to lett his Loadinge of Salt be of the very whitest that can be gott for money w[hi]ch I hope you will buy for mee accordingly & pray write Mr John Strother of Stockholme by the Vessell & accqua[i]nt him of the quantyty of Sa
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467