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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Middleton – 15 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 15. 1740 To S. Wm. Middleton Sir Colonel Liddell who was so kind as recomend us to the of Greenwich Hospitall as Receivers for the Derwentwater Estate, was likewise so good as Enter into a bond for £1500 as Security for the faithfull performance of the trust reposed in us. And Sir Henry Liddell was also so kind as be bound for the same Sum. The have thought it necessary to Call upon us for a Security in the roome of Collonel Liddell

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 15 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 15. 1740 To John Airey Esqr. Sir Last Post brought us a Minute from the Board requiring a fresh security from us in the room of the <pa[sse]d> Collonel & Mr Corbett was so good as write us at the same time that he would name it to you. We have this day talked the affair with Mr Ellison who is of opinion that Sir Wm Middleton will be the proper person to apply to, and therefore we send you Inclosed a Letter addressed to him, which we begg t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 15 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 15. 1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We are much obliged to you for the Intimation you have given us of the boards resolutions in rergard to the Security, & of your Intention to Speake to Mr Airey which is very kind - We’re Inclined to think a Member more properly a Security for us altho’ Mr Aireys is of equale dependance, & therefore we think of mak.g application accordingly & hope we shall have Severall ready to Serve us such as

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 22nd . 1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We have in Obedience to the Boards Commands examined into the Claim Mr Drydon makes to a right on Grindon Common, by Virtue of his Estate of Mosskennell & Hawden Lands, and in order to lay before the Board the Clearest accot. of it we can; You have Inclosed a Petition of the Tenant & Severall Affadivetts relating thereto, by all which it appears that he has never Enjoyed a Common right as is setforth

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 22 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 22nd . 1740 To Mr. Thos. Simpson Sir We sent you some Advertizements giving Notice of the Peremptry day of Sale of the Derwentwater Woods, which I make no doubt but you took the Trouble to distribute, but as they are likely to be sold farr under the Valluations I am Obliged to give you fresh trouble about them. The Deputy Remembrancer has declared Mr Speedings the best bidder at £4100 - which is near £1000 under the valuation but as this Declarati

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 22 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 22nd . 1740 To Mr Jos. Pearson Mr Pearson Mr Speedings are declared the best Bidders for the Woods at £4100 alltho’ any Person may between this & the beginning of Next Terme make further Proposalls which will be received, & if better than Mr Speedings will have the Confirmacion . I desire you will therefore on rece.t. hereof Accquaint all such Persons as you think woud make proposall for it is a Shame those woods should be sold s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 23 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 23. 1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. yours of the 18 Inst with the Boards Minutes of that date which we duly observe. & in Answer to that part relating the sale of the Derwentwater Woods we think the properest way to sell them at their Value, woud be to receive proposalls by you and us in the same Man.r we have always done in the letting Farmes ; in the doing of which as people know we have an Exact Valluation, we think few woud be un

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Airey – 24 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 24th March 1740/1 To Jno. Airey Esqr. We received your kind favour of the 19th Instant & think ourselves greatly Oblidged to you for your Assistance, kind offer, & Early Application to Sr. Wm. Middleton on our behalf, We are also under a very great obligation to Sr. Wm. for becoming bound for us in the Colonels roome, for the faithfull Execution of our offices & doe returne him our Sincear thanks for this great feavour. We think it a luc

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 24 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 24th March 1740/1 To Mr Wm. Radley We reced. yours of 27th Inst. about the sale of the Woods, & are indeed Sorry that they have not been better bidd for ; However have got Mr Ambrose Hopper a man well skill’d in Woods, & who assisted in the Valuing the Derwentwater Woods to make an Affadavit that they are in greater Value then £8100 and have this day inclosed it to Mr Corbett (with a letter) which will Sett the bidings aside as you Desired.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Middleton – 27 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 27. 1741 To Sir Willm. Middleton Sir We took the liberty, to give you the trouble of a letter dated the 15 Inst requesting the favour of you to become our Security as Receivers for the Derwentwater Estate in the room of Collonel Liddell deceased, which Mr Airey has wrote us, you are so Obliging as Consent to. We begg Leave now Sr. to Acknowledge the favour & to return you Our Sincerest thanks; and to Assure you that it shall be our Care to tran

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 31 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 31. 1741 To Mr Radley Sir We have herewith Sent you the Tacknotes for Granting to the Gov.r & Company four Veins of Lead Ore in Alston Manner & of Clargill Cleugh head String & Matt Cousins & Ray both which wou’d have sent Sooner, but that we Cou’d not get the Tacknote from the Company Agent nor Settle with him the Discription of Blaygill lease, so as it might not Interfere with Fourshield burn. - Blaygill you will Observe is on

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 31 Mar 1741

Ravensworth Castle. March 31. 1741 To William Corbett Esqr Sir Since the Accot. we gave you of Mr Hunters Bidding ane Advance of £500 for the Derwentwater Woods in the County of Northumberland we have had with us Stephen Elteringham & Ptners with a fresh proposall to give a further Advance of about the Same sum so that we presume before this reach your hand these Gents. will Offer for the Northumberland Woods at least £5000. We begg leave to recomend it to the perso

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 3 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 3rd. 1741 To Mr Jno. Maule Dear Sir We reced. yours of the 26th Ulto. with Mr Hunters Quieres & which we hope youle find Answerd by the Inclosed. We are glad that you have found out the 10 mistake in the Janry. Cash we thought it must havce been in Copying; we are obliged to you for the Trouble you have with us in getting our Accots. forwarded & hope Sr. youle press the Auditor to get those before him ready against the Next Declaration, we a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 3 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 3rd. 1741 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We wrote you the 27th January 1735/6 that Mr John Ridley who purchased a bargaine of Timber of Mr Watson & Elstob in Dilston Park were Entituled by their Article to An Allowance of Twenty four Tunns of Timber to be Cutt in Dilston Park in Case it appeared that he had a hard bargaine. To which the Board were pleased to give us for Ans.r by their Minute of the 4 Feb. Following that the said Allowance Shoud n

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 3 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 3rd. 1741 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir Above you have a Bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt for £500 dated this day at 28 days after date together with two others Inclosed amounting to £900 more making £1400 on Accot. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which three Biulls pray acknowledge the recet. of. They will be punctually paid & we hope Save you a good deal of trouble. Our Comp<liment>s pray to all friends at Green<wi>ch,

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 5 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Apr 5 1741 To John Airey Esq. Sir We were favourd with yours of the 30 of March last Inclosing us a Letter from Mr Robt. Johnson of Ebchester , an an [sic] Affadavit relating the Der[wentwater] Woods. the former I sent a messenger with Yesterday morning which brought Mr Johnson to N.castle & the latter I return you herein with such alterations as were proper. Sworn before Mr Dixon. Mr Johnson & Ambros Hopper speek only to the Northumberland wood

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 5 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 5 1741 To Mr Thos. Simpson Dear Sir I Reced. the favour of your Letter of the 30 March last & thank you for the Care you have taken of what I wrote in relation to the Derwentwater Woods but am sorry to find the Cumb[erland] Woodmongers are so well Skil[le]d in Combination. Surely these practices are not often mett with in that County in the Comon runn of Business. The Sale of the whole woods is offered by proper Affadavit setting forth their be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Jefferson – 7 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 7. 1741 To The Revd. Mr Jefferson Sir I Reced. yours by last Post, and in answer thereto I must acquaint you that the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall, have given us fresh instructions to call upon you for the Debt due to them, & in obedience to their command it was that I gave Mr Simpson likewise a fresh Order. Whether you presume right or wrong, in saying I cannot know whether your designs have been frustrated or not, I shal

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 10 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 10 1741 To Mr Radley Sir Since we wrote you last, in relation to the proposalls which we Expected woud be made for the Derwentwater Woods in Northumberland we have had any further Information as these Woods, but in regard to the Cumb[erlan]d ones, we have Endeavoured to promote fresh proposalls, we have so farr succeeded that we expect this Post will bring one & we think at £4000, but as most of the Wood Mongers in that County are in a Sort of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 10 1741 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir As next Wednesday is we apprehend the day upon which the Sale of the Derwentwater Woods are to be Confirmed, we presume to acquaint you that Since our last we have not had a prospect of `any further proposals for the Woods in Northumberland, but from what we before wrote you we hope proposals are lodged at upwards of £5000. The Sale of the Cumberland Woods will be attended with a good deal of difficulty

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April 12 1741 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed herewith we Send you our Cash Acco[un]t for last Month, the Ballance of which at the End thereof was Two Thousand five Hundred & Ninetythree Poundfs Twelve Shillings & three pence of which we have Since sent in to Mr Woods hands £1400 & will in a few posts Send him £1000 more. Gawen Charleton to whom Throckley mill was Confirmed at the last letting has Since the Confirmation appea

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 12 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Apr 12 1741 To Mr Radley Sir Since we reced. yours of the 7 March last have often Sent & been at the Newcastle Carryers Inn in Newcastle but can hear nothing of the Leases. We begg you will lett us know the carryers Name & the term they were d[elivere]d to him, so as we may be able to seek for them here perhaps they are lyting at his Ware house in London Still. we are Yr &c Walton & Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 24 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Apri.24. 1741 To Mr Richd Horne Dear Sir Our Recet. at Keswick & Other buisness of late, has been the reason why yours of the 9th Inst. was not Sooner Answered. We are sorry any thing Should prevent us from having the pleasure of hearing from you, or in Whose friendly Correspondance we have a greater pleasure. We have herein Inclosed you an Advertizement for letting the two Coll[ier]ys & Potts’s House in Corbridge; which you will please

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 24 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. Apri.24. 1741 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. the L:eases you formerly mentioned to have been sent by the Newcastle Carryer; but this day; & thought proper to let you know we have wrote you about two post agoe that we could not hear of them. We wonder much we have not heard from you if the Sale of the wood be Actually opend. & what is bidd & by whom. we shall be glad to know that we may be as usefull in getting it Sold, to, or nea

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April.24. 1741 To William Corbitt Esqr Sir We reced. yours with the Boards Minutes for the 8 April Inst . the Contents of which we duly observe, & we coud have Answerd that part relating Mr John Ridley & that of the fee farme Rents Sooner, but that we wanted for an Ans[we]r to a Letter we wrote to Mr Ridley, desiring he wou’d send us the Article whereby he is Intitled to the Allowance of Timber, which we did not receive till Yesterday. T
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467