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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Stephenson – 24 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April.24. 1741 To Edwd. Stephenson Esqr. Sir There being due from you to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital Three pounds Seven Shillings & sixpence for a General fine & Nine Years Rent of your Estate at Keswick to Martinmas last, We take the liberty of Acquainting you with it, hoping you will be so obliging As order your Agent to discharge it as it is real Inconvenience to us to returne it in our Accot in Arrear. The p[ar]ticulars we presume

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 24 Apr 1741

Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich Apr. 24. 1741 The Commissioners of his Majestys Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich hereby Give Notice that on Wednesday the 11th of November 1741 or as Soon after as may be, the following farmes belonging to the Derwentwater Estate will be lett on Lease for Twenty one Years vizt. Greenhaugh Colliery in the Mann[o]r of Wark & County of Northumberland late or now in Possession of Matt. Robson, Greenhead or high Green Colliery in the Mannr. afore

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Andrew Scott – 24 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April.24. 1741 To Andrew Scott at Scremerston We are much Surprized to hear of any person Winning of Limestone in Scremerston Liberty without our Licence & therefore this Serves to desire you will Discharge all such persons as are doing so, till they in the first place pay us a Satisfaction for what they have have [sic] allready gott & afterw[ar]ds obtain a Licence from us. We do not demand an an [sic] unreasonable Satisfaction, but a reasonable one

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 26 Apr 1741

Ravensworth Castle April 25. 1741 Errors Excepted A Coppy Sent the Board 26th April 1741 into the hands of William Corbett Esqr the Letter not Coppy’d Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag [The table of Contingent payments made on accot. of the Derwentwater Estate from 31 December 1740 to 31 March 1741 is available in the corresponding PDF]

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Walton – 1 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. April.24. 1741 To the Revd. Mr John Walton Sir We had the favour of yours of the 28 Ult. relating the Chappell at Dilston, being Converted into a School & Observe your Objections. We did not Consent to the Schoolmaster making use of the Chappell as above, provided the Books Sirpless &c were taken Care of & that no damage was done to the Seats or Windows. If we had apprehended it necessary to appraise you of it we wou’d most Surely ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 3 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 3. 1741 To Wm. Corbett Esqr We have used all the means in our power to procure a Ship of 150 & another of 130 Cha[lde]rs to Load for the Use of the Hospitall, but have not been able to gett one of Either of these Sizes under Seven Shillings a Chal[de]r . We have therefore Ventured to exceed the Boards Comission, having agreed with a Ship which we Expect will make out near 200 Chal[de]rs and at 6/6d Fraight with one Guinea in Lieu of all port Charger

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 10 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 10th. 1741 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir This Serves only to convey you in the Bill on Mr Benj. Skutt for One Thousand Pounds dated this day and payable Twenty Eight days after date, which is on Accot. of the Rents & Profits of the Derwentwater Estate. Bills are not to be come at, without paying a large Premium, & had I not this Opportunity by Sir Henry Liddells Banker I know not how we Should be able to remitt you the Hospitals Money, our Complim

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 17. 1741 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We received yours with the boards Minutes of the 29 Apr last which we will have a due regard to. & hope to give you a full Answer to that part relating the Amble Estate in a post or two. Those Tennants who refuse to Sign their Leases are such as are Apprehensive their Farmes are two dear, and give that as a reason for their Refusal. These Farmes we believe are pretty nearly lett to the Value, but we do

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 22d May 1741 To Mr Wm Radley Sir We reced. your favour of the 14th Inst And as to the Draughts of Throckley & Scremerston Colllierys. The former we have not yet got from the Tenants Attorney who has had it perusing & the latter you have inclosed this day to Mr Corbett. & The Draught for Brockenhaugh Colliery you Surely had but we will Send you fresh Instructions as soon as we can as its Mislaid. As to Bidding for the Wood we have Endev

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. 22d May 1741 To Mr Joseph Pearson Sir We have had an Accot. from the Exchequer that some persons are Cutting down wood as fast as possable upon the Derwentwater Estate in Cumberland. If you have Suffer’d any such thing to be done you ought to be laid in Irons for it, for many times we have discharged you from Suffering any such practice, & if this be true its the last time ever youl have any thing to do with the Estate besides we hope the Court of E

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 22d 1741 To William Corbett Esqr Sir On the other side is your Accot. of Oats & Two firkins of Butter Sent by our Order amounting to Thirty Seven Pounds Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence for which N Walton has drawn a bill on you this day payable to Mr James Wood at 28 days date. & at the bottom of the Accot we have Signd the Recet. of the Money by the 1st Draught. There is 5s you will please to observe charge for laying on. board a former quant

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 22d 1741 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir In Obedience to the Boards Commands of the 29th April last we begg leave to Observe, that from the best Information we can gett with regard to the Amble Estate, it Appears That the Tennants have not payed any Rent for about three years, & for this reason that no Person has called upon them for those Rents during that time. That the last Person the Tenants payed Rent to, was one Mr Jeremiah Hunter of Newcastle Hostma

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 22 May 1741

To the right honourable the Lord Comissioners of his Majesty Treasury The Memorial of the most noble Charles Duke of Richmond & honourable James Brudenell Esqr. Sheweth [in margin:] Lease & Release of 18 & 19 Jany 1716 That the honourable William Radcliffe Esqr. Uncle of the late James Earl of Derwentwater by Indentures of Leases & releases made between him of one part & Ralph Radcliffe of London Merchant of the other part in Consideration of £3500 conveyed to Ralph s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 22d 1741. To Mr Jas Wood Sir Herein you will receive three bills Amounting to Five hundred & Sixteen pounds five shillings & Eleven pence halfpenny, on Accot of Rents & profitts of the Derwentwater Estate. the P[ar]ticulars as Under which pray Acknowledge your recet. of from Yrs &c Walton & Boag Revn Fetherstons bill on Sa Child Esqr &Co dated 22 Inst @28d £100 N Walton Do on Wm Bell Esqr dated 22 Do at 28 da

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Bell – 22 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 22d 1741 To Wm Bell Esqr at Greenwich Sir The 3d of this Month we Sent M[r] Corbett a Coppy of a Charter party Bill of Loading of Coales and an. Invoice of 104 Ch[alde]rs of main Team Coales Newcastle Measure in the Ship Thomas & Eliz of Scarbrough John Wilkinson Master, which by the Minute of the 9 May Inst at a Meeting at Greenwich the Board acknowledged the recet. of & that the <Sev[era]l> papers were ordered to be d[elivere]d to you.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 29 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 29 1741 To John Airey Esqr. Sir We desired Mr Bunting to Come down & acquaint us this day with what further Steps have been taken in regard to the Colliery at High Green and as we find you have taken his Information & have likewise acquainted Mr Radley with the Steps which have been taken, we Intend only to Mention the Affair to the Board this day, & refer to Yours to Mr Radley & we desire you will from time to time acquaint him with w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 22d 1741 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir John Reid Esqr. to whom we lett the Colliery at high Green for one year commencing at Mayday 1741 had peaceable possession given him of the Pitt injoyed by James Dodds’s Widdow the late Tennant the <2d> Inst but Since has not only been put out of possession of it, but is refused the possession of the other part of the Coll[ier]ry [used] by other Freeholders; by one Mr Mattw Robson the Tenn[an]t of Greenhaugh C

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 29 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 29th 1741 Mr Maule Dear Sir We reced. yours of the 23 May Inst with Mr Woodhouses letter and the State of our Accot. abstracted for the year 1738 & 1739 & to the 30 June 1740, in which we observe, no material differences — That of the passing fees for 1738 to June 1739 is we observe brought forward to June & is called £49-12-1 ½ in all but you will please to observe that £18-18-0 of it has been pay’d to Mr Hunter for the passing fe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mark Aynsley – 31 May 1741

Ravensworth Castle. May 31st: 1741 To Mark Anesley Esqr. Dear Sir Mr Reed of Chipchase as one of the Tennants of Greenwich Hospital has had most Intollerable Abuse from one Mr Matt. Robson & Severall others, who have Invaded the Right of the Hospital, Farmed by Mr Reed in which we must defend him — The Case will appear to You at large, by an Information, which is drawn to be Swore to by our Bailiff, as alsoe what Methods we are advised to pursue by Mr Grays Opinion, wh

Letter – Thomas Fenwick to William Corbett – 5 Jun 1741

A Coppy of Mr Thomas Fenwicks Letter to Wm Corbett Esq. Sir As I spent some part of the summer at Hexham, nigh which a part of the Derwentwater Estate lyes, so I have observed that the Game of all kind is very much destroy’d in those Grounds; I apply’d to your agents here to recommend a person to be gamekeeper of that part of the estate near Hexham; but they said it would be better for some neighbouring Gentleman to recommend it. I therefore take the Liberty to acquaint you that ‘t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Jun 1741

Ravensworth Castle. June 5. 1741 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir Herewith we send you a Rentall of the Derwentwater Estate as let at Mayday 1741, as Also our Cash Accot. on which there is a Ball[ance] of Four hundred & fifty seven pounds thirteen shillings & a farthing in fav[our] of the Hospital. We have Fraighted another Ship which is now Load[ing] Coales for the Use of the Hospital & in a post or two you will have the Invoice &c We are Sir Yrs &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 7 Jun 1741

Ravensworth Castle. June 7. 1741 To Mr Pearson at Keswick Mr Pearson Your Letter of the 25 May last came to hand in Course and it would have been Sooner Answered but that we have been pretty much engaged of Late. With regard to the Resentment you Shew upon Receiving our last, we have nothing further to say, than Such kind of behaviour verry ill becomes you & in Case a proper Representation of it is made to the Hospital, you will probably have reason to be Sorry f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 7 Jun 1741

Ravensworth Castle. June 7. 1741 To Mr Radley Sir Your Letter of the 4 Inst is Just come to hand acquainting us that Mr Smith has made a further bidding for the Cumberland Woods & that one Mr Hall for Some Client of his has bidd £4200 I have just time to run over a state of these two proposalls or biddings to Shew without regarding the damages of ground by the Wood continuing longer upon it by Mr Smiths bidding than the Others, & if I am right it appears that Mr Hal

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 9 Jun 1741

Ravensworth Castle. June 9 1741 Sir, We have freighted another ship of about 200 tuns burthen to bring a loading of coales for the use of Greenwich Hospital which is now lying loaden in the River Tyne, but by reason of the impress for seamen, cannot proceed on her voyage, the Master having lost all his men. What we have therefore to desire is that you will with all convenient speed procure a Navy Protection (as we are told a common protection will be of no use) & that you wi

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 9 Jun 1741

Ravensworth Castle 9 June 1741 Sir Inclosed is the parcells for 3 separate leases for Langley Castle viz. Edw Brown, George Thompson, & Matthew Brown. Each of them at £25 a year . The Reason why these parcells were not sooner sent was that they disagreed among themselves but now they have agreed, please therefore to get them filld up and sent down by the first that come. I am for Mr Walton & Self Sr. Your Hble Servt H Boag The P[ar]ticulars of the field
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467