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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nicholas Roberts – 15 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Aug. 15th 1741 To <N> Roberts Esq. Sir Reced. the favour of yours of the 13 Inst relating to Wooley hall Mill which is un Tennanted and very much out of Repair. In Ansr to which I do not think the Comis[sioner]s of Greenwich Hospl. Will be at any Expence in the repair of it, but if you would consider what Rent you would think proper to give & let me know as also the Terme you would take it for your proposals shall be Transmitted to our Board & then

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 18 1741 To William Corbett Esq Sir In yours of the 2d of July last, you Inclosed a Letter from Mr Thos. Fenwick (who was some few years agoe a Corn Mercht. In Newcastle) recommending a gamekeeper to be appointed for preserving the Game in that part of the Derwentwater Estate near Hexham, of which we have not taken any Notice in answer to you as we were willing to be informed how this might give Offence to the neighbouring Gentlemen, as it is a thing by which the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 21 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 21st :1741 To Mr William Radley Attorney at Law at Greenwich I Recd yours of the 15th Inst in relation to the Covenant you apprehended necessary to be incerted in the Tack Note to John Lowther Esq. which I thought we had wrote you fully in ours of the 11th Inst. To Incert such a Covenant as that of Building a Smelting Mill, when they have one already, or laying out £4000, when £100 may be sufficient or Imploying 100 hands, where it might not be in th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Hutchinson – 25 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 25th : 1741 To Edward Hutchinson Esqr. Sir I am ordered to give you the Trouble of this, to desire you will Inform me, whether you have in your Custody, the Leases from the Dean & Chapter of Carlisle, of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, which were renewed by you or Mr Watson in the year 1734; If you have them I desire you will Transmitt them to me, or if you have them not, that you will be so kind as Inform me where you apprehend they are. I have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Watson – 25 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 25th : 1741 To John Watson Esqr. Sir I am ordered to give you the Trouble of this, to desire you will Inform me, whether you have in your Custody, the Leases from the Dean & Chapter of Carlisle, of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, which were renewed by you or Mr Hutchinson in the year 1734 & If you have them that you will Transmitt them to me. You will please to signifie if you have them not, in whose hands you apprehend they are, which will be very obli

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 31 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 31st : 1741 To Mr Horne Dear Sir I would have answered yours of the 14th Inst sooner, but that I expected your Patterns, which I intended to have shewn immediately and by that means I hoped to have had the pleasure of telling you our success. Mr Boag has been from home since before I recd. yours, but I can assure you we are both well Inclined to serve you & you may depend upon our doing our best. Captain Airey is I fancy in Town, by whom pray send th

Letter – Nicholas Roberts to Nicholas Walton – 31 Aug 1741

Hexham Aug 31, 1741 Sirs Yours of the 15 Inst I did not receive till the 29. or should have made my Acknowledgement sooner. I would propose to have Wooley Hall mill putt into repair with two stocks for Fulling & a Dwelling house erected for a Miller with Tenters: I shall be willing to pay Ten per Cent for the money laid out in Such Repaires & to take a Lease for 21 years, you finding wood for Repairing the House, Mill & Dam. I will bear the Expence of the other charges in

Letter – Thomas Stephenson to Nicholas Walton – 31 Aug 1741

Messrs Walton & Boag. Gentlemen. I reced. yours & very much Wonder the Commiss[ioner]s will allow me nothing which will be a hardship I am very unwilling as well as unable to bear it; you Desire to know what will Content me, which I am at a stand to answer nor can I see what purpose my saying anything is, as to the particular as you say the Gentlemen will allow me nothing. They see what I have Expended of which I am willing to lose one third & I do not doubt if they seriously

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Septemr. 4th 1741 To Mr Wm Corbett Esq. Sir We reced. yours with the Boards Minutes of the 16 Aug last which we duly observe & beg you will please to rectify the Minutes relating the Balance of our bank acct. as the £20 3/4d is in our favour & not remaining in our hands. As to the proposal which you have reced. from John Lowther Esq. for making a trial for Lead ore to the south of Redgroves Edge we can see no objection, provided you make the commo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sept. 4th 1741 To Mr Wm Corbett Esq. Sir We reced. yours of the 27th Aug last & will take care of your commissions; but at present it is not a proper time to buy oates for you & butter is extraordinary dear, not under 28s or 29s per firkin we are in hopes it may be Cheaper, but if it is not we would be glad to know if we should buy; Oates will be low, so that till about Xmas we don’t propose to buy. The Crop here is a most extraordinary one of all G

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 8 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sept. 8th 1741 To Mr King Sir I have fix’d the time for holding the Court at Keswick & Thornthwaite the 1st & 2d of October next & hope to be at Keswick the 30 of Sept in the Evening. I desire you will give notice of the Courts accordingly & that you’ss have every thing ready for the necessary despatch Business as I shall not stay longer than two days. I am with Comp[liment]s to your Lady Sir Yrs &c Nich. Walton PS Mr Bo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Pearson – 8 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 8. 1741 To Mr Jo. Pearson Sir I have Wrote to Mr King this day to give the proper Notice that the Courts will be held at Keswick the 1st & at Thornthwaite the 2d of Oct next which days are also fix’d for the Rec[eip]t of the Rents &c. & of which pray give proper Notice, & if you can receive in the meantime any small R[en]ts which may Shorten the Work pray do so. I hope to see you at my [Landbed Gravess] on Wednesday Evening the 30 Sept Ins

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Lee – 8 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 8. 1741 Mr William Lee I desire you will in the usual manner Publish the Rec[eip]t of the Derwentwater Rents at Lowbyres on Tuesday the 29 of this month where it is expected that all the Tennants appear and pay their Small Rents &c. I am afraid no millstones can be got to you this year s the weather is Altering & the season for such heavy carriage too farr spent, but when Mr Boag & I are together will Consider it & do for you what we can

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 8. 1741 To William Corbett Esq. In obedience to the Boards Command we wrote to Thomas Stephenson the Tennant of Hartside Colliery & therein Acquainted him that the Board would not allow him anything towards the winning that colliery & that they they [sic] thought his demand a most Extraordinary one, but as we apprehend a small part of his demand would content him, if he would let us know what his Expectations really were, we would venture to lay th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 10 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Septemr. 10th 1741 To Mr Radley at Greenwich Sir In answer to yours of the 25th Inst. I am of opinion that it is not necessary for Doctor Lowther at the Determination of his Lease for a year to Covenant in any future Lease that he will imploy any greater number of hands, than four to each mine, nor to build any other mills, than the late Col. Liddell and he did, as these in all probability will smelt & stamp more, than the produce of the whole moor, both

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 11. 1741 To W.Corbett Esqr. Sir Herein I send you the last Months Cash Accot. in which you will please to observe is A Ballance in our favour of £66:13:11 ¾ which is the Needfull from Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nichs. Walton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 15 Sep 1741

To N Walton Esq I did write to you by Order of the Board to be Informed as farr as you Could what quantity of Coales Robson & his accomplices have got and Converted & Sold since Mayday last which you said was not possible for you to come to the knowledge of: and if so whether it may not be worth while for the Comiss[ioner]s of the Hospital to seek for a Satisfaction for the Coales the Intruder have Carried away illegally & sold since mayday last, and if it will that you will end

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 18 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 18. 1741 To Mr Wm Radley Sir Your favour of the 3d Sept came in course, wth the Termes proposed to be laid before the Attorney Generall touching the sale of the Timber upon the Derwentwater estate which we have examined & returned you herein with only two small alterations which are interlined as you will observe by the inclosed. We think there is no other alteration necessary Except in regard to the payment of money being secured only by the purc

Letter – John Maule to Nicholas Walton – 19 Sep 1741

Mr Maull to Messrs W&B Royal Hospital at Greenwich 19 Sep 1741 Gentlemen, Before I came into this Hospital I was Bound for a Brother of ine for £100 …… and by misfortunces he has failed & they have come upon me in a hurry for the money, which I must pay presently or be Exposed, therefore not to let my Circumstances be known where I am, I must humbly Implore your Assistance to Lend me the foresaid sum and I shall give my bond to whom you desire payable with Common Inter

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 20 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 20 1741 To William Corbett Esq. Sir Herewith you will receive our Generall acco[un]t Including all Rents and Arrears to Mayday last & the Rec[eip]ts and paym[en]ts to the 30 June last as usuall, which you will find Exactly to Corespond with our Cash Accot. ending then. We beg you will forward its examination in order that it may be passed at the next declaration or s soon as it is convenient, & when that is done we will be obliged to you fo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 20 Sep 1741

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir The Inclosed Advertizement has been advertised in the Newcastle Journal every week since the 24 April last by the Boards Order, & we presume it was then Incerted in the London Gazett if it has not you should order it Imediately to be Incerted & only alter the time of letting to the 25 March next & date the advertisement the 29 Sept Inst. If any other Advertizments are proper to be put into the papers we will take care in due time to give you notic

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Benjamin Skutt – 23 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 23 1741 To Mr Ben’ Skutt Dear Sir I Rece’d yours with your Acc’t and vouchers & yesterday one in Ansr to mine about the Lead Trade, which I will shew [the expenses ] & I dar say it will be thought a full Ans’r, it is very much so to me & a very P’ticular acct for which you have my thanks. Mr Boag & I yesterdays post had a Letter from Mr John Maull one of the clarks at Greenwich, desiring we would advance him one hundred pounds

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 23 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Septembr 23 .1741 To Mr Maull Dear Sir We have rece’d yours of the 19th September Inst which gives us concern to find you have been a sufferer by being bound for your Bro[ther]. We are very glad to assist you in the affair, but at this time it is rather Inconvenient however the it is We have wrote to Mr Skutt to advance you the money on your Bond payable at three months with common int[erest]. The common term of paym’t being 3 month we make it so Accordi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Cornelius Stephenson – 25 Sep 1741

Ravensworth Castle Sep 25 1741 To Mr Corne Stephenson Dear Sir I was telling you that a pticular friend of mine in London is concerned in a Stuff and Camblett Manufactury, which he would gladly have encouraged by the Gent in Newcastle and Gatesh’d who deal in those articles & therefore has sent me some patterns to Introduce him to those Gentlemens favours. I have herein sent you the patterns which I hope you’ll like and if the method in which he proposes to be encouraged

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 16 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octo. 16 1741 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir We are very glad to hear by yours that you have recd. the £100 of Mr Skutt who has likewise informed us thereof and sent us the Bond ; We doubt not your punctuality in the payment and are we assure you very glad we have it in our power to serve you. The mistake you mention in our Cash Accot. for March last we cannot make out as their does not appear any payment to Mr Johnson but what follows which we give you as i
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467