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Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 16 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Oct 16 1741 To Mr James Wood Sir Above is a bill on Wm Bell Esq. for Fifty three pounds four shillings & two pence halfepenny on acct of the Rents & profits of the Derwentwater Estate wch pray acknowledge the Rect. of. We have just finished our half years Accot. and have a large sum to Remitt you but cannot at present get bills, but we hope we shall soon and are Sr YourMost Hble Servts. NW & H.Boag Ravensworth Castle Oct 1

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octob. 16 1741 To Wm Corbett Esq. Sir Inclosed herein we snd you our cash acct. for last Month on which remains a balance of £21.5.6 ½ in our favour & herewith you will also receive the Invoyce Bill of Loading and Charter party of 70 chalders of coales Newcastle Measure, shipped for the use of Greenwich Hospital on board of the Dove of Whittby Captain Harrison Master which we hope will be a good [bulk] and we think compleat your orders. This quantity wo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 25 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octo. 25th 1741 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We reced the Boards orders of the 17th Instant, with a Copy of the particulars of Dilston & Lorbottle Tythe Leases, and the terms on which they were formerly Renew’s. We have this day Wrote to the Dean & Chapters Steward at Carlisle to know when it will be a proper time for us to waite upon the Chapter for a Renewall of them, and we shall acquaint the Board of our proceedings therein, and are Sr Yours &am

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Carlisle – 25 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octo. 25th 1741 To Mr Edwd Carlisle at Carlisle Sir We have received directions from the Comm[issione]rs of Greenwich Hospitall for renewing the Leases of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths in our nmes, in Trust for them, which occasions us giving you this trouble, to know when it will be a proper time to waite on the Chapter for such a Renewal, or whether it can be done without ones, or both our presences. Please also to Inform us what fine the Chapter Expect at this

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 25 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octo. 25 1741 To Mr William Radley Dr Sr We reced yours of the 13 Inst with the draught of Throckley Lease, which we will deliver him or his attorney for perusal, and also acquaint him that he need not expect any allowance, and lett you know the result, which we hope will be soon. There re not any Engines or Workgear, in or about Throckley Colliery, that belong to the Commissioners; they are the Tenants, & are always provided by the Tenants. We are

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 25 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle 25 Apr 1741 To Mr Jno Maule Dear Sir We reced your fvour of the 20 Inst and as to the article of the <the ….> last being 6s undercharged we have examined it and find it must be a mistake in the Copying for in our Cash its 6 fother of wood 4 of Tyles & 3 of Lime which at 3d is £1.19.0 . Please to observe the Lime shoud only be 3 fother and please to make it so in your Cash Acct now by you. We are very senceable you will loss no time in discharg

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 30 Oct 1741

Rav’ Castle Octr 30 . 1741 To Mr Horn Dear Sir I Recd. your favour of the 20 Oct Inst. Since which Mr Boag & I have been thro’ all the <marcers> in Newcastle & Gateshead from whom we have for Ansr. that they deal with the makers & that if they knew the prices they would give you orders, but I am of oppinion few of them deal with the maker, but only want to know the profits there Dealers have with whom they have Dealt. The Patterens seem to be well lik

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 30 Oct 1741

Ravensworth Castle Octo. 30. 1741 To Mr Radley Sir The Draught of the Lease of Throckley Colliery has been laid bfore Mr Browell ho has p[er]used it & has no Other Objection to it than that with regard to the Utensells (of which the Attorney Generall has order’d a Schedule to be made) to be left out where it is Scored under with Red Ink. For as there is no Utensells belonging to the Hospitall it is unnecessary; it is a Common Covenant in Colliery Leases & always Incert

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 6 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle 6 November. 1741 To Wm Corbett Esq. Sir Inclosed is a letter we have reced. from Mr Edwd Carlisle, Steward for the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle abt. The Renuall of Dilston and Lorbottle Tyths, in which he requires a proper power from the Commiss[ioners] directed to the Dean & Chapter to Renew to us in Trust for them. The 23rd Inst being the time fixed for Renewing them please to lay the letter before the Board that they may direct such a letter or

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Middleton – 9 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov. 9 1741 To Thomas Middleton Esq. Sir Last Post brought us a Coppy of a letter from the principal Gent[le]men of the County of Northumberland to the Rt. Honble the Lords Comiss[ioner]s of the Admiralty requesting that some Trees on the Derwentwater Estate in and about Meldon may not be sold but left standing as an Ornament to the Country, Which Letter was by their Lordships Commands laid before the board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall who have Ordere

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 13 Nov 1741

Rav. Castle Nov 13, 1741 To Mr Wm Radley Sir The Person whom the Comiss[ioner]s have agreed to grant Tack Notes too are Robt. Hetherington of Nenthead in the Parish of Alston Moor & County of Cumb[erland] Teoman, & John Chester of Hazley<well> in the Parish of Allendale & County of Northumb[erland], Yeoman for a vein called Rampgillhead [quer] Killhopehead in Aldstone Moor, & Jaames Scott of High Shaws in the parish of <Hartehill> & County of North

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 14, 1741 To Wm Corbett Esq Sir Inclosed we send you Mr Aireys & Mr Down’s Bills of Law Charges on the Accot of the Derwentwater Estate, the former amounting to £39-9-7 & the Latter to £17-6-2 which please to lay before the Board for their Examinacion & inclosed we likewise send you the Quarterly Accot of the Moor Master ending at Michaelmas last & the Abstract of the Whole, for one year, Ending then by which you will please to Observe th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 15 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 15, 1741 To Mr Wm. Radley Sir In a Letter you wrote Lately to Mr Airey which mentioned your draught of an Affidavitt in which you had made us parties we beg Leave to Observe that we Cannot Swear to one tittle of that part which Relates to us it being quite Contrary to matter of fact, for altho Matthew Robson some time ago complained of Greenhaugh Collierys being too dear, it was never Lett by us to Mr Reed nor did he ever attempt taking possession of i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Middleton – 16 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 16, 1741 To Thomas Middllton Esq. Sir The Bearers Mr Robert Johnson & Mr Amb. Hopper were concerned in the Valuation of the Derwentwater Woods & are such we think they are proper persons to go upon the Valluation of those trees which you Desire may stand. We send them on Purpose to make such valuation & beg you will either shew them the several trees or order some persons to do so. The Trees which you mention to form a Sort of Avenue are so litt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 20 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 20, 1741 To Willm Corbett Esq. Sir In obedience to the Boards Commands we have informed ourselves what part of the Meldon Timber it is that the principall Gentlemen in Northumberland have desired may Stand, which we find at least to be the principall part, but they wish to have the Whole left for Ornament. That which they most earnestly wish to preserve is what lyes near the Town & within the haugh in the Park & from a View of it, the Value is compu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 24, 1741 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir, In Ans[wer] to that part of the Boards Minute of the 14 Nov Inst relating to the tack note to be granted Mr James Mason, we apprehend by the description, that the ground there described is within the Derw[entwater] Estate & that the same does not Interfere with any former grant. The Description of this Tack Includes a Large Extent of Common, so that it cannot be certainly known whether it Interferes with

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 24 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle Nov 24, 1741 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir Bills have been & are now so Scarce that it is wth great difficultie we made you the Inclosed remittance by Mr Ralph Fetherstons Bill to Samuel Child Esq & Comp. for One Thousand pounds on Acct. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which pray Acknowledge the Rect. of. I am for Mr Boag & Self Sir Yours &c Nich. Walton Ra. Fetherstons Bill on Sam. Child Esq &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Nov 1741

To William Corbett Esq Rav Castle November 29th, 1741 Sir Your Letter by last post Surprized me very much to find you had not got your Butter, but on Enquiry I find it is safe at Newcastle & will come by the George this voyage. The ship is now near Loaden & will sail about the Latter end of the Week, but I doubt we shall not this voyage be able to send you any Oates as they are advanced in our market but there is no doubt of their being down again & you may depend up

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Nov 1741

To Wm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle November 29th, 1741 I reced. yours with the boards minutes which I duly observe & in Obedience to their Commands be pleased to Acquaint them that the Lead Ore in Alsdston moor yields very differently, but in an average every Fodder of Lead is 21ct & the bing of ore 8 cwt so [that every cwt] of Lead Ore in a Medium will yield about 4 stones 3 pound. I have this day sent to Mr Wood Deaputy Trus[tee] a Bill for Five hundred pounds on Acct.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 29 Nov 1741

Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle November 29th, 1741 Dr Sir Above is Mr Ra. Fetherstons bill on Saml. Child Esq & Co for five hundred pounds dated 27th Instant & payable 28 days after date, on Accot. of the Rents and Profits of the Derwentwater Estate, which pray acknowledge the Rect. Of I am for Mr Boag & self, Sir, Yours &c Nich. Walton No. 38 Newcastle November 27th 1741 £500 Sirs Twenty Eight days after date pay to Mr Nich. Walt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 29 Nov 1741

Ravensworth Castle November 29th, 1741 To Mr Radley Dear Sir I received the favour of yours of the 20 November Inst wch I would have answered sooner, but that I waited to see Mr Airey, to consider how we might rectifye the mistakes you have been led into before I did. I find we were not named in the draught of the Afidavit you sent down, but in your Letter of the same time to Mr Airey you desire the Receivers may joyn in it, Pticularly as to that which related Green

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Dec 1741

To William Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle Decem 11. 1741 Sir The 23rd November last being a Chapter day Mr Boag Attended the Chapter at Carlisle and Contracted for the renewal of the Lease of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths in our names, pursuant to the Boards orders, & we expect daily the Lease of which we are to Execute Counterparts. The Fine agreed for is £70. We have recd two proposalls for taking the following open mines; which please to lay before the Board.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 11 Dec 1741

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle Dec 11th.1741 Dear Sir We wrote you the 8th past & therein Inclosed you the draughts of Chester & Hetherington’s Tacknotes, which we hope you have recd and at the same time we acquainted you that we intended to write to you in relation to the sale of the Derwentwater Woods. We have since recd yours with the Advertisement thereof wch will be incerted in our paper tomorrow so that we can say no more than that we will doe all we can to p

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Samuel Archer – 12 Dec 1741

To Sam. Arthur Ravensworth Castle 12 Decem. 1741 Mr Arthur Your Brother Joshua Archer [sic] complains you are for turning him off, by which he will be Ruined & Mr William Robson, Mr Blacketts Agent Requested of us to write you that you wou’d be favourable to him where it Consists with your Interest so to be. You always said it was for Love of him & his poor family you desired this farme & we hope you will Consider it. We are very well informed that you are Sufferin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Bell – 13 Dec 1741

To Jos Bell Esq at the Gen[era]l Post Office London Ravensworth Castle 13 Decem. 1741 Sir As we have a very great regard to the Int[erest] of the present happy Establishment so it gives us pleasure to have the pursuall of anything wrote in its Defence and as the daily Gazette woud furnish us with an Earlyer opportunity (by having it directed to us) than we at present have, we take the liberty of desiring it may be directed to us if it can be done without giving you much tr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467