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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 16 Mar 1742

To Mr Strickland Ravensworth Castle March 16. 1741 Sir We were favour’d with yours of the 6 Inst relating the Leases of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, granted to Mr Watson & Mr Hutchenson and beg you will make your Application to our Board for Such Information as you think proper in that affaire, which will oblige Your most Hble Servts Walton & Boag

Letter – Edmund Keene to Edward Chandler – 17 Mar 1742

My Lord I have received your Lordships favour, and am sorry to find things so perplexed. The copy of Articles which Mr Dover sent to me some time since, one of which I imagined your Lordship had, I have now enclosed. The particulars tho’ some of them were not altogether agreeable, I was willing to consent to, as the time was so far advanced. The delay of payment to the 1st of October is owing to the works having been retarded so much that they cd. not be brought to market. And

Affidavit – Thomas Harrison – 3 Apr 1742

Thos. Harrison’s attest[ation] abt a piece of Ground <in dispute> with the Duke of Somerset Thomas Harrison of Alnwick in the County of Northumb’d Plummer aged Forty Two years and upwards being Sworn & Examined deposeth that he does now know and has for these thirty years last past very well known the close or Parcell of Ground Situate in the parish of Alnwick and commonly called or known by the Name of the Goose Crook Close and that the same is bounded by the Main on the S

Affidavit – Richard Harrison – 3 Apr 1742

Richard Harrison of Alnwick in the County of Northum’d (Plummer) Aged forty Four years and upwards being Sworn and Examined deposeth that he does now know and has for these thirty years last past very well known the Close or parcell of Ground Situated in the parish of Alnwick and commonly called or known by the name of Goose Crook Close and that the same is Boundred by the Main on South West and North and by the wide open Grounds on the East And this Deponent further saith that the Dike or Fe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 6 Apr 1742

Ravensworth Castle April 6. 1742 Sir As Mr Busbie is very desireous and pressing to have some of the Goods in Dilston hall and as a late Demand has been made by one Mr Richardson of Nether Witton in the County o Northumberland, to make Inventorys thereof we think it proper to accquaint you that pursuant to an Order of our board dated 4 Aug. 1736 (which you were then accquainted with ) we are Ready to deliver all the Goods which are the property of Sir John Webb and Counsellor Piggo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr 11. 1742 Sir We reced. your of the 27 & 30 of March last with the Boards Minutes of those dates, which we duly observe & in pursuance of the Boards order we have put into the Newcastle papers the Advertizements for Letting the Severall Farmes & for Sale of the dues of Lead Ore from Mich. Last to Mich. next As to the Sale of the Lead Ore dues we think it shoud not have been limited to Michaelmas but to some earl

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr 11, 1742 Sir Poor Ralph Douthwaites Box is come safe to hand and Shall be taken care of & deliverd to his Relations with the money you order to be paid them which you shall have a proper Rect. for. Your Oates are now all sent on Board of the George who is Ready to sail being the Remainder of 240 boules we bought for you which runs over 13 bushels in measure so that you are to Receive this voyage 173 bushells, which Compleats you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 11 Apr 1742

To Mr Thos. Simpson Ravensworth Castle Apr.11. 1742 Sir We recd. the favour of yours of the 5 Inst & this day have wrote a Letter to the Secretary in your favour which will be laid before the Board of Directors at their first meeting, which will be about Wednesday [sent] Next & we hope will be earlier than any Applications from other persons. You will do well to Apply the next post after you receive this as it will Strengthenwhat we have thought proper to say on that h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 13. 1742 Sir We rece.d yours with the Boards Minutes of that date which we duly observe & in answer thereto Mr Ricardson is possess’d of a Freehold estate called Lowhouses in the Chappellry of Garrygill within the man[o]r of Aldstonmoore & Claimes a part of the Common as Lord of the Mannor of Lowhouses bounding upon a Ryvulett called Garrardgill als Garrygill Burn from which we Suppose he calls it his mannor of Garrygill

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Stephenson – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr John Stephenson at Nentsberry Ravensworth Castle Apr.13. 1742 Dear Sir Mr Ricardson having wrote a letter to our board that he is Seized of the Manour of Garrygill adjoining Alstonmoore and that the Lessees under the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital are likely to come into his Liberty, therefore disires his Title may be look’d into in order to settle the same in an amicable manner; which being refreddown to us to make our report thereon, & not being thoroughly acq

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Richardson – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr Christo’r Ricardson at Alston Ravensworth Castle April 13th. 1742 Sir We have received the Commands of our board in Answer to your letter of the 16 March last, to informe them thoroughly, how the affair in dispute, between them and you really stands, which we are not able to doe, as not having the substance of your Title and as this Report of ours is to be made previous to their further directions as to what you have desired, we must beg the favour of you to shew Mr Simp

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr.13. 1742 Sir We rece.d the Agreeable favour of yours of the 8 Inst acquainting us that you will soon have a new Treasurer of the Navy, & that you & our friend Mr Horne will be Continued in Statu quo. You are very very Obliging Sir in accquaintingus with a piece of news which give us so much pleasure & we beg leave to Congratulate you both upon it. We never Expected Sir Henry Liddell woud be in the Admiralty, as he has not on

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr Horne Ravensworth Castle April 13th. 1742 Dear Sir We rec.d last post the favour of yours & in answer thereto we will not fail to repeat our request to all our friends as you desire at this season of the year when they either Come to town of send their Orders we doe asure you no opportunity has been missed by us to recommend your Goods & we have the repeated promises of our friends to promote them. Mr Smith of penrith is now in Town & promises to call upon M

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr Thomas Simpson Ravensworth Castle April 13th. 1742 Dear Sir Mr Chis. Ricardson of Randalholme in Aldston moor has an Estate also at Low Houses in the Chappellery of Garrigill within the Said Mann[o]r by which last mentioned Estate he Claims a part of the Common North of garrigill burn & the Royaltys as Lord of the Man[no]r of Garrard Gill Als Garrygill. And as this part of the Common has been understood by us to be a part of the mannor of Aldston moor of which the Hosp

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 16. 1742 Sir The above [below] is your Accot. of Oates and Butter, as Also what we have this day pay’d to ralph Dowthwaites father by your Order to whom we likewise deliver’d the severall things which belong’d him after calling over the List & seeing that all was Right & Inclosed you have his Recet. acknowledging the Rect. of them. The poor man is in great Affliction for the loss of his son, but says the acct. you g

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Apr 1742

To William Corbett esqr. Ravensworth Castle April 16. 1742 Herewith you will receive our cash Accot. for March last, whereby you will observe a Ballance of £2384.19.10 ¼ in our hands which we are Endeavouring to get remittances for. We have this day sent Mr Wood two Bills for one Hundred & Twenty Seven pounds fifteen shillings in part thereof & we are Sir Your most Hble Svts Walton & Boag PS We are now Loading a Ship with Coales for the use of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 16 Apr 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle April 16. 1742 Dr Sir The above mentioned Bill for Fifty Seven pounds Seventeen Shillings & Sixpence , together with John Burdons on Wm Herchell for Sixty nine pounds Seventeen Shillings & Sixpence making One hundred and Twenty Seven pounds fifteen shillings we send you on Accot. of the Rents and Profitts of the Derwentwater estate wch pray Acknowledge the Rect. of & youll oblige Sir Your most Hble Servts Walto

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 23 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 23. 1742 Sir We have put on Board of Capt. John Calvert 60 Newcastle Chalders of main Team Coales, which I expect will make out about 112 Chalders London measure, & I hope will give Content. The Invoice Bill of Loading & Charter Party you have inclosed and for the value we will next post draw as usual on J. Bell Esq. The Ship is I expect Saild & I am Sir Yours &c N. Walton Newcastle April 20.1742

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle April 30th. 1742 Sir Inclosed we send you our Contingent Acct. as usuall for the last three Months ending the 31 March last, which please to lay before the board. We have been at Berwick Viewing the Colliery Winning of Scremmerston, which we find very well done, and will in all probability be effectuall for many years, but we are afraid the Tennants have out done themselves with the Rent, and will not be able to Continue. They are in Arr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Andrew Scott – 7 May 1742

To Mr And. Scott Ravensworth Castle May 7. 1742 Mr Andrew Scott As the Winning of Limestones at Scremerston Estate is not only a damage to the Present Tennants, but a Considerable one to the Estate as well as the Waisteof the Mine, we have agreed not to permitt any person Whatsoever to Winn any quantitys under 3d per Fother to be pay’d to us by way of Rent and Such as desire any quantitys are likewise to pay the Tennant reasonable Satisfaction for damage of Ground. We therefore d

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Armorer – 7 May 1742

To Mr Armorer Ravensworth Castle May 7. 1742 Sir Your Letter of the 23d April last woud have been answd. Sooner but that we have been very Little together since it came to hand. You are very welcome to Winn the quantity of Limest[one] you mention on Scremerston Common, paying three pence per Fother for them being the price we have agreed to take of everybody since the 1st of May Inst. & in order that we may have an Exact Acct. of the Severall quantities each person shall h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robert Wilkie – 7 May 1742

To Mr Wilkie Ravensworth Castle May 7. 1742 Sir In Answr. to your Letter of the 2d Inst we have wrote to Mr Andrew Scott that he is not to permit any person whatever to Winn Limestones at Scremerston without first having a Licence from him, to the End that a true Acct. may be taken of all such quantities as shall be won there. the price we have fix’d at Three pence per Fother since the first of May which Mr Strangways as well as all others must pay from that time, as well

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 7 May 1742

To Mr Maull Ravensworth Castle May 7. 1742 Dear Sir Not having heard from you o so long a time, we give you the trouble of this to desire you will let us know what progress has been made with respect to the passing our Last years Accot; for as another year will soon be ready we wish to have that now in hand finished. We doubt not your Care in it, but as it will be a Satisfaction to know how and where it rests, we will be obliged for a Line in answr. to this informing us therewith

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 7 May 1742

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle May 7. 1742 Sir In Answer to your Letter of the 24 April last, all Lease lengths must be 1200 yards & the Breadth 40 yards on Each Side of the Vein for tho’ it often happens that the Vein does not Extend so farr as 1200 Yards, yet it is always granted with the provisoe for preventing one Lease from Interfering with another. William Todd Benjamin Geal & John Millikins places of abode we doe not know, but will informe you soon.

Affidavit – John Richardson – 8 May 1742

John Richardson of Alnwick in the County of Northumb’d Gentleman aged Fifty Three years or thereabouts John Gladstone of Balmbroug in the sd County yeoman aged Fifty Four years or thereabt. William Neale of <Salkelde> parke in the sd County Gentleman aged Forty Six years or thereabouts John Boyd of Hope House in the sd County Yeoman aged Thirty Seven years or thereab’ts John Murton of Alnwick afores’d yeoman aged Forty Years or thereabouts and Henry Johnson of Alnwick aforesd aged T
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467