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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 May 1742

To W Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May 11 1742 Sir We recd. yours of the 5 Inst with the Boards Minutes of that date which we have due regard to. As to the Complaint Mr Richardson makes we have heard of it, but if any person is liable to pay Henry Barnes damages it is the Lesees of the Lead Mines whom we will Accquaint therewith. We have recd. a Letter from Mr Mannock Strickland dated the 6 Inst acquainting us that he has Learnt that we are the Lessees named in the l

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 14 May 1742

To Mr J. Wood Ravensworth Castle May 14. 1742 Dear Sir We never were in such distress for Bills in this part of the World as we have been in for some time past, and at present are in the utmost Want. Nothing but Coale buyers notes being to be had for money . We have with Difficulty pickd up with two draughts on Wm Bell Esq & Mr Skutt £500 – which We send you herewith the pticulars above mentioned on Acct of the rents and Profitts of the Derwentwater estate which pray

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Bell – 14 May 1742

To Wm. Bell Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May 14 1742 Sir We have this day drawn on you at 10 days date for £41.6.8 ½ the value of the last Loading of Coales sent for the use of the Hospitall on board the John & Jane of Whitby payable to Mr James Wood on acct. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which please to give due Honr. We refer to the Invoices & Bill of Loading Sent William Corbett Esqr. for the particulars & are Sir Your very Hble S

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Blackett – 14 May 1742

To Sir Edwd. Blackett Bt. Ravensworth Castle May 14 1742 Sir We have been prevented from being at Hexham and Consequently from paying our Acknowledgements to you for the Singular friendship you did Mr Bunting lately at Hexham, in Supporting him against an outrageous Mob, who have taken away a Tree from high Wood the property of the Comiss[ione]rs of Greenwich Hospitall. We beg leave Sir now to Acknowledge the favour you have done the Comissrs. & us & to return you our thanks

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 May 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May 14 1742 Sir Mr Bunting the 1st of May Inst detected Severall People the Inhabitants of Hexham taking away a Tree from High Wood in part of the Derwentwater Estate to sett up in the Town of Hexham as a May Pole & with some assistance took it from them & secured it with a Wheel Carriage it was upon in one of the Tennants houses; but afterwards the Mob Increasing, broke open the door & took the Whole away, threatening to burn t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 21 May 1742

Mr Wood Ravensworth Castle May 21st 1742 Dear Sir Inclosed herein I send you five Bills vallue one Thousand Pounds on Acct of the Rent & profit of the Derwentwater estate and which Pray acknowledge the Rect of as below & you’ll oblige Sir Yours etc Nicho. Walton Jas. Barts bill on Sam Pearce dated to May Inst at 40 days £40 Wm. Sheels Do. on Robt. Smith dated 11 D[itt]o at 10 days

Affidavit – Aaron Mills – 22 May 1742

Aaron Mills of Newbiggin in the Parish of Newburn in the County of Northumb’d Yeoman aged Fifty Six Years or theirabouts and Wm Mills of the Barrowe Bridge in the said County Yeoman aged Forty Years or thereabouts Severally make Oath as follows And first the sd Aaron Mills for himself maketh Oath that he hath known the North Demesne and also the Goose Close both in the parish of Alnwick in the County aforesaid for thirty Four Years last past and when he first knew the Same The North Demain was

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 28 May 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. For the Board Ravensworth Castle May 28 1742 Sir We have shipped for the use of the Royal Hospitall at Greenwich 85 Newcastle Chaldrons of Main Team Coales on Board of the good Intent of Whitby William Jackson Master which we hope will Come safe and please, Inclosed you have the Invoice Bill of Lading and Charter partie. The Ship we believe went to Sea last Nights Tide. We have taken the possession of Scremersto

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 28 May 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr. To himselfe Ravensworth Castle May 28 1742 Sir We are verry much obliged to you for the favour of your Letter of the 18 Inst. which brought one for Mr Johnson, which has not yet been delivered him as he has been abroad ever since yr Letter came to our hands but as we shall see him tomorrow, it will then be delivered to him, it is no trouble to us to have these Letters Inclosed to us but they will get as directly to him if in

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 28 May 1742

To Mr Thos. Simpson Ravensworth Castle May 28 1742 Sir We have received yours with a State of Mr Richardsons title to that part of the Common in Aldstone Moor now in dispute and Coppys of the two deeds Annex’d for which we are not only in your debt but much obliged to you as you have taken great pains therein. Your State of the facts and Coppys of the two deeds we Send to the Board who will no doubt lay them before the Attorney Generall for his Opinion which we are apt t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 1 Jun 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle June 1 1742 Sir We wrote you of the 13 of April last, what we cou’d then Informe you of relating to Mr Richardsons Claims to what he calls his Manner of Gerrardgill Since which we have rec’d. from Mr Simpson (who we desir’d to look into the Title) a State of the Said Mr Richardsons Claim & Coppys of two Deeds upon which the Whole is founded, and as these papers will we hope Clearly State to the Board the Matter in disp

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Todd – 1 Jun 1742

To Mr James Todd Ravensworth Castle June 1st 1742 Sir We were favoured with yours of the 28 May last in due <Course> with a Coppy of the Assignment from Rutherford & Gibson of their Coale Debts which we are sorry to see amount to the Sum of £66.1.10d only exclusive of what Rutherford & Gibson are indebted to the Colliery We would have you call upon the severall persons mentioned in the Schedule, for the Debts

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Stephen Ridpath – 1 Jun 1742

To Stephen Ridpeth Ravensworth Castle June 1st 1742 Stephen We have lett Scremerston Colliery to Mr Thomas Stokoe the Bearer hereof till next Mayday; & he comes to take possession of her which you are to deliver him up. Mr Stokoe has agreed to Employ you in the management of the Colliery, & as it is at our request that he has done so, we must recommend it to you to use all possible diligence for his Interest – You know the <Consumers> to be <Sure> v

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 4 Jun 1742

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle June 4th 1742 Dear Sir Inclosed Send you Mr Ralph Fetherstons bill on Samuel Child Esqr. & Comp. for four hundred pounds dated this day and payable 28 days after date on Acct of the Rents & profits of the Derwentwater Estates which pray Acknowledge, as the Recet. of - I hope we shall soon send you more to the amount of the Ballances in our hands and for my P’tne

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 11 Jun 1742

Sir Ravensworth Castle June 11 1742 We send you as above a bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt dated this day and payable 28 days after date on acct of the Rents & profitts of the Derwentw’r Estate for Four Hundred pounds wch with the last Four Hundred pounds Sent you reduces < the book> verry low here which is a pleasure to us who are Sir Your verry H’ble Servt’s Nicho. Walton [crossed

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Jun 1742

William Corbett Esqr. Sir Ravensworth Castle June 11 1742 Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. for last Month, at the End of which a Ballance of £1059.1.4¼ was in our hands since which we have Inclosed Mr Wood a Bill for £400 & this day one for £400 more which reduces the Balance to £259.1. 4¼ now in our hands Yesterday we were applied to by one Mr Bird a Gentleman from Deptford who wanted to see the Derwen

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 20 Jun 1742

To Mr Abraham Bunting Farnacres Sunday Noon 20 June 1742 Mr Bunting I herewith send you a Letter directed to Mr Wastell with which you are to go tomorrow morning Early with Mr Aireys Service and mine to him and as it is about an affair of Consequence you must by no means Neglect it. Mr Airey Mr Boag & my selfe will be at Dilstone on Wednesday morning next early, & I Expect Mr Wastall will meet us there. You are to give my Service to Mr Downs & tell hi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Wastell – 20 Jun 1742

To the Revd Mr Wastell Ravensworth Castle June 20 1742 Sir I recd last post a Letter from Mr Radley our Solicitor at Greenwich with a Coppy of a Letter from Lancelott Algood Esqr. to Sir John Jennings relating the Incroachments, he and his predecessors have made on Wark Common a Coppy whereof I here inclose you, as also a Coppy of the Information lately preferred against Mr Algood on acct. of these Incroachments which I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 22 Jun 1742

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle June 22 1742 Sir Above is Mr Ralph Fetherstons Bill on Saml. Child Esqr. & Comp. for Four hundred pounds on Acct. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which pray Acknowledge the Rect. of & you’ll oblige Your H’ble Servt. Nicho’s Walton <S..> No. 93 Newcastle June 22 nd 1742 £400 Twenty eight days after date pay to Mr

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 27 Jun 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle 27 th June 1742 Sir Inclosed you have the Invoyce Charter Party and bill of Loading for 61 Newcastle Chalden of Main Team Coales for the use of the Hospital which we have shiped on Board the Royal Ann of Scarbrough Richd. Robson Master wch we hope will come safe & prove a good baulk I am for Mr Walton & Self Sir yr most Hble Servt Hugh Boag Sent to William Corbett Esqr. the 27

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 29 Jun 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle June 29 th 1742 Sir I have sent you a bill on William Bell Esqr for £58.19.7½ for the Second Loading of Coales Sent the Hospital. I have made it payable to your self upon your Demand: as it has been long due and as our yearly Acct. Terminates the 30 th <Inst. > it Induces me to do it so Please to Acknowledge the Rect. of the Bill and place it to the Acct of my p’tner & Self

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Bell – 29 Jun 1742

To Wm Bell Esqr Ravensworth Castle 29 th June 1742 Sir I have taken the Liberty to draw on you payable to Mr James Wood upon his own Demand for £58.19.7½ the value of the Second Loading of Coales Sent you for the use of the Hospital, which please to Honour We sent you a Loading last week the Invoice Charter Party & bill of Loading were Inclosed to William Corbett Esqr last post. And the Amount of this last Loading co

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Wlliam Bell – 29 Jun 1742

To William Bell Esqr Sir Since Mr Boag drew upon you for the 2nd loading of Coales & gave you advise thereof we have been Considering how our Balance of Cash stood & in order to Reduce it we have drawn another Bill upon you of this date for the 3 rd Loading amounting to Thirty Eight pounds Seventeen Shillings & Seven pence halfpenny payable 28 days after date to Mr James Wood which we doubt not but you will duly Hon’r, which will greatly oblige Sir Your most H

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 30 Jun 1742

Dear Sir Ravensworth Castle June 30 1742 Upon Considering that this Months End is the Close of our Years Acct. & that there is a ballance in our hands larger than we wish ever to have it, we have besides the Bill sent you Yesterday send you herewith one Bill for Four hundred pounds on Mr Skutt & the above Bill on William Bell Esqr for £38.17.7½. on Acct. of the Rents and Profitts of the Derwntwater Estate which pray acknowledge

Letter – Ralph Archbold to John Airey – 2 Jul 1742

A Coppy of Mr Ralph Archbolds Letter to Mr John Airey Sir Alnwick July 2d 1742 High Buston in the parish of Warkworth lives one of James Harrigates Daughters who is wife of one [space] Graham an able Farmer, sixty years of age. She sayeth her father & Widw. Todd Farmed the North Demain & the wide open and that she knows the Goose Close verry well that it lye between the Main & the Wideopen Grounds and that there was a Runner run through
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467