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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 9 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 9th 1742 Sir In answer to that part of the Boards Minutes of the 16th June last relaiting to Mr Bunting having Inclosed some part of Grindon Common, we begg leave to acquaint you that Mr Bunting has made no Inclosure upon that Common nor has he any direction or Intentions so to doe, or to build a House there but the Tenants of Langly Barrony under the Commiss’rs of the Hospital have at there own

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 11 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 11th 1742 Sir Inclosed we Send you the Invoice Charter party and Bill of Loading for a fourth Loading of Main Team Coales amounting to 56 Chaldons value £35.9.8½… for the use of Greenwich Hospitall Shiped on board the Fran. & Mary of Scarborough Fran. Hodgson Master. The Ship we believe is Sailed and hope she will be with you at or about the time this comes to hand I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Sir your

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 13th 1742 Sir Inclosed I send you the Invoice Bills of Loading & Charter parties of two Loadings of Coales Shipd the 10th & 12th of July Inst. on Board of the Thomas & Eleanor of Whitby John Bernard Master and the Industry of Shields Edward Hodshon Master the former 64 & the latter 68 N’Castle Chalders amounting together to the Sum of £83.12.5d The Ships are both Saild and w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Jul 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1742 Sir This week being the Quarter Sessions held at Hexham for the County of Northumberland; one of us attended the presentation of the Royators [rioters] who Cutt down the Trees & Insulted the Bayliff Mr Bunting & his Assistants in detecting of them Six of the offenders were Indicted two of wch are gone off & the other four having Submited themselves to the Mercy of the Ben

Letter – Hugh Boag to Thomas Snow – 18 Jul 1742

To Messrs. Paltock & Snow Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1742 Sirs We Recd. yours and will in a little time Remitt you the Late Dr. Chamberlains Interest, We Realy forgot, it being hurry’d; but for the Future hope to be verry punctuall and begg you will give us a Line every Year when it is due I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Your very Hble. Servt. Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle July 30th 1742 Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. for Last Month, the Ballance whereof in our hands is Two Hundred and Fifty one pounds fifteen shillings & Sixpence. We likewise Send you our Contingent Acct. ending then amounting to One pound two Shillings & Eleven pence, both which please to lay before the Board. We have agreed with Robt. Naisbitt, for building a Hind House at Scremmerston for t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Snow – 6 Aug 1742

Dear Sir Ravensworth Castle July 31st 1742 £118.16. Twenty Eight days after date pray pay Mr Thomas Snow and Compy or their Order One Hundred and Eighteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings value in Acct and place it to Acct as advised by Sir Your most Hble Servt Nichos. Walton To Mr Benjamin Skutt In King Street St Anns London To Mr T Snow & Company Gentn. Above is my Bill on Mr Skutt for one hundred & Eighteen pounds Sixteen shillings which with remittances o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 6 Aug 1742

To Mr Richd. Horne Ravensworth Castle Aug 6 1742 Sir We rec’d yours of the 3 Inst in answer to which by the Generall Estimate of Repaires you will please to Observe the whole Exp’s of Repairing Rowland Grahams housing on that part of Spindlestone Called Glororum is £82.6.8 of which £54.5- has been laid out for building 3 Cottages & in that £82.6.8 £18.1.5 was Computed to be the Expense of building a Stable, which we have endeavoured to perswade the Tent’

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 27 Aug 1742

To Mr Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle Augt. 27 1742 Inclosed send you our Cash Acct for last Month by which you will be pleased to Observe a Balance is in our hands of Two hundred and Twenty nine pounds one shilling & eight pence. The Assizes here were ended last Week, at which were Tryed three Actions of a Paull Robson against John Reed Esqr. on Acct. Of High Green Colliery two of which went against the Defendant Reed and one agt. Robson the p’ticulars of which

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 3 Sep 1742

To Mr Boag At Eslington Ravensworth Castle Sept. 3 1742 Mr Boag I send you on the other side a Coppy of Mr Radleys Lettr. relating the Estate at Amble in Northumberland, & on that head have only to observe that it is Strange Mr Bulman of Morpeth should be the Attorney for the King. He has taken no notice of it to us, & we ought to have Instructions from him as there is no great deal of time to provide Evidence. I have therefore wrote

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Bulman – 3 Sep 1742

To Mr Bulman Morpeth Ravensworth Castle Sept. 3 1742 Sir I Perceive the King has granted a Comission to Severall Gentlemen therein Named to Enquire whither any and what manners Lands etc at Amble in Nortumberland Devolve to the Crown on the Death of William Radcliff Esq. & that they Intend to meet on Monday the 20th of this month at the Black Bull in Morpeth to Execute the said Commission And as I understand you are the Attorney for his Majesty

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 3 Sep 1742

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle 3rd of Septem. 1742 Sir, I recd. yours of the 28 Aug last acquainting me that the King has granted a Comission to Severall Gentlemen to inquire whether any and what Man’rs Lands and Hereditements at Amble devolved to the Crown as an Escheat on the Death of William Radcliff Esqr. & that they intend to sitt on Monday the 20 Inst. to Enqr into that Affair & Execute the sd. Comission. I observe the Witnesses who h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Sep 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Sept. 10 1742 I will with pleasure execute your Comission at a proper opportunity but I am afraid the season for your Butter is too far spent, however we will doe our best. At Christmas will be the best time to buy your Oates, unless you want them sooner, Corn is extreamly well gott in this Country so that you’ll have verry good oates & I think low I am Sir Yours &c N. Walt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Sep 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Sept. 10 1742 Sir I rec’d yours with the Boards minutes of the 28 Augt.last which I duly observe, & touching the Amble Estate all the Care we Can shall be taken I have likewise rec’d a Letter from Mr Radley of the same date concerning that matter which I answered the 3 Inst. & have this post rec’d his Answer thereto so that I hope we will be prepared to doe what is necessary & for

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 10 Sep 1742

To Mr John King Ravensworth Castle Sept. 10 1742 Sir I have ordered Mr Pearson to receive the Keswick & Thornthwaite Rents, & what fines are due or in your hands. What you have or due now therefore before the 28 Inst. I desire may on or before that day be paid to him, as I given him directions to bring the money to Aldstone the 1 Octr. next or the 30 Inst. both which days I shall be in the Country. You will ord

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 10 Sep 1742

To Mr Jos Pearson At Keswick Ravensworth Castle Sept. 10 1742 Mr Pearson I send you herewith a Rentall to Collect the Rents by which I desire you will doe as soon as you Can after you receive this. I cannot with any Convenience come to Keswick at the time those Rents should be rec’d so you must collect not only the Small Rents but the Rents of the Demesne Lands & what fines are due likewise, I have Wrote to Mr King that he is to pay what he has rec’d to you, so that

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 11 Sep 1742

To Mr Maule Ravenswth. Castle Sept. 11 1742 Dear Sir As we have not lately had the pleasure of hearing from you how our Acct. goes on I give you the trouble of this desiring you will forward it as much as you Can as we have that Ending the 30 June last ready to send you, which we would not willingly send till the Other is finished. A Line or two in answer to this will much oblige D’r Sir Yours etc. N. Walto

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Dixon – 11 Sep 1742

To Mr John Dixon Attorney at Law at Durham Ravensworth Castle Sept. 11 1742 Sir I desire you will on rect. hereof make a Search in the proper office at Durham for a Coppy of the Will of Francis Earl of Derwtr. & if it is found upon your Search that you’ll order a Coppy of it to be made properly attested to be produced as Evidence. If you doe not find it in the office at Durham pray Write to York for it as I apprehend it might be prov’d there, for I think as he dy

Letter – Edward Collingwood to Bishop of Durham – 19 Sep 1742

Chirton: Sept: 19. 1742 My Lord, In obedience to your Lordship’s request, and in pursuance of a Notice of the reference you mention, which I had received from Mr Rudd, I fully purpose, God willing, to be att Durham this evening, when I shall do myself the honour to wait upon your Lordship. I am My Lord Your Lordship’s most obedient humble servant E <A> Collingwood

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 26 Sep 1742

[There follows a table of Alston Mines employees and mines at work available as a separate spreadsheet TNA 66 107 Alston Moor dues tables, tab labelled ‘1742 Mar - Jun’] To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Sept. 26 1742 Sir One of us attended at Morpeth last Monday on the Comiss’rs Appointed to Enquire whether the Estate at Amble in Northumberland late William Radcliffs was Escheated to the King, but they did but little busin

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Bell – 27 Sep 1742

To Wm Bell Esq Ravensw’th Castle Sept. 27.1742 Sir I have drawn on you this day payable to Mr James Wood Ten days after date for £119.2.1½ being for the three Loadings of Coales sent for the use of the Hospitall which bill please to Honour. I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Sir Yours etc Hugh Boag P.S. The Invoice and Bills of Loading were sent about the time the Coales were Ship’d

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 27 Sep 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle Sept. 27.1742 Sir Inclosed is a Bill on William Bell Esq. for £119.2.1½ payable to your selfe ten days after date being for 3 Loadings of Coales for the use of the Hospital. The Bill is on acct. of the Rents & profits of the Derwentw’r. Estate & you will please to give us Credit for it & in the meantime Acknowledge the Rect. thereof I am for Mr Walton & Selfe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Oct 1742

Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle October 5th 1742 Sir We rec’d yours of the 29 Septem. last with the Boards Minutes of that date and in answer thereto we begg leave to Observe, that as the Colliery of Highgreen and Greenhaugh were Confirmed by a Generall Court the 18 June last to Mr Reed, we apprehend Mr Reed Intituled thereto, by Virtue of that Confirmation, & that he Cannot be an Evidence without a Release of that Agreement on

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 5 Oct 1742

To Mr Jas Wood Ravensworth Castle October 5th 1742 Sir Inclosed we send you two bills on Sam Child Esqr. & Co. for Nine hundred pounds on Acct. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which pray acknowledge the Rect. of. The dates etc of these bills are as below & we are Sir Your most Hble Servts. Walton & Boag Ra. Fetherstone bill on Sam Child Esqr. & Co. dated 11 Sept 1742

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Oct 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Oct’r 17 1742 Sir We have taken Care of Mr Corbetts Commission to buy four furkens of Butter but they are yett in the makers hand for we bespoke them of the same person they were had of Last year& we hope they will be very good. We will hasten them as much as we Can & at the most Convenient opportunity your Oates shall be taken care of by Sir Yours etc Walton & Boag
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467