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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Oct 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle October 17 1742 Sir Inclosed we Send you Mr Grays & Mr Downs Bills of Law Charges on the Severall Causes therein mentioned, with what Mr Bunting has Disburst on these Accots. wch Mr Gray has paid him You will please to Lay these bills before the Board for their approbation. We have paid Mr Airey 60 Guineas on Acct. & as the Commission now Sitting is Attended with a great Expence he has callâ€

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 Oct 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Oct’r 22 1742 Sir Inclosed we send you our cash Acct. for last month on which Remained then a Balance of £1312.12.2d in our hands, since when we have remitted the Treasurer Bills for £900. & we hope soon to Remitt the Remainder with a large Sum rec’d Since & we are Sir Yours etc Walton & Boag

Letter – John Widdrington to Nicholas Walton – 6 Nov 1742

Gentlemen As you desired on the 20th day of September last I Attended at Morpeth the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire whether the Estate of the late Honourable William Radcliffe Esqr Uncle of the late James Earl of Derwentwater dec[eas]ed had not Escheated to the Crown etc but the Solicitor Concerned being unwilling I should Attend on behalf of the Hon’ble the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospitall and hear the proofs made before the Commission and Jury nothing was done that day But ad

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 9 Nov 1742

To Mr Wood Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 9th 1742 Sir Inclosed herein we send you two Bills drawn by Mr Ralph Fetherston on Samuel Child Esqr. & Company for One Thousand Pounds on Acct. of the profits of the Derwentwater Estate which pray acknowledge the Rect. of & youll Oblige Sir your most Hble Servt. Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag Ra: Fetherston bill on Samuel Child Esqr. Dated 6 Inst. at 28 days £900 Do

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Buckton – 9 Nov 1742

To Mr Buckton Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 9th 1742 Mr Buckton The Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall have Signified to us that the Tack Note Executed by the Commission to you & Ptnrs may be delivered to you when ever you call for it. I therefore give you this Notice thereof & am for Mr Boag & Self Sir, your most Humble Servt. Nichos. Walton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 9 Nov 1742

To Mr Wm. Radley Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 9th 1742 Sir We rec’d yours and in answer thereto we apprehend the following description etc may be proper to be inserted in the Leases & Tack Notes you mention. All that Colliery or Coale Mine Seam & Seams of Coales lying and being within Hartburngrange Estate, in the Parish of Hartburn County of Northumberland demised to William Robson of Wallington in the Parish and County afor

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 9 Nov 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 9th 1742 Sir Inclosed we send you our cash Acct. for the last month by wch please to observe there is a Ballance of Nine Hundred and Sixty one pounds Eight Shillings & five pence three farthings, in favour of the Hospitall; but this day we have remitted to Mr Wood the Treasurer’s Deputy, two bills vallue One Thousand Pounds. We have a demand upon us from one Mr Teasdale, an Agen

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 14 Nov 1742

To Mr Woodhouse Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 14th 1742 Dear Sir As we have sent our Acct. away Ending 30th June last we thought it proper to apprize you of it & at the same time begg to be Informed in what Situation our Acct. is for the Year preceeding. It would be a pleasure to us to have these Accts. Passed regularly & hope nothing on our part has been wanting by which that before the Acct. has been retarded. We will think our Selve

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 14 Nov 1742

To Mr Maull Rav. Castle Nov. 14 1742 Dear Sir We have with a good deal of Impatience waited to hear of our Acct. ending the 30 June 1741 being declared before we sent away the Acct. ending 30 June 1742, but also much time is Lapsed we are Affraid the Board would think it too long & therefore yesterday sent it & the Rentall of the Estate as Lett at Mayday last with the Vouchers in a Box directed to Mr Corbett upon whom be so good as Call for the Vouchers The Ac

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Nov 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Nov’r 14 1742 Sir By the Prince Friedrich Capt Hudson Master we have sent you 4 Firkins of butter which we hope will Come safe and prove well it is made by the same person your Last years butter was had of. Yr Oates shall be taken care of, but we think it is too soon yett to buy. & we are Sir yours etc Walton & Boag P.S. Our Acct. Ending the 30 June 1741 has laid ver

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Nov 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 14th 1742 Sir We delivered yesterday a box to William Handcock one of the Carryers between Newcastle & London directed to you in which a Rentall of the Derwentwater Estate as Lett at Mayday last, our Generall Acct. ending the 30th June last & the Vouchers belonging thereto, which we hope will Come safe to your hands. Please to Acknowledge the Rect. of the Box and as soon as is Con

Letter – William Corbett to John Reed – 19 Nov 1742

A Copy of the Gen’l Courts Releasing Jno. Reed Esqr. of a Lease Granted him of Highgreen Colliery At a Generall Court for Greenwich Hospital held at the Admiralty office the 12 November 1742 The Court Resolved to accept the Release made by John Reed Esqr. of a lease granted him for Highgreen Colliery pt. of the Derwentwater Estate for a Terme of 21 Years at £5 per Ann. & the Court do also hereby on their Part; discharge the said John Reed, from any agreement, he may be deemed to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Nov 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Nov’r 19 1742 Sir Inclosed we send you several proposalls made to us for the Derwentwater Farmes lately Advertised to be lett and for a Lead Vein in the Chappelry of Haydon and a Liberty to Erect a Salt Pan on Outchester Shore, & as the Abstract of the Proposalls shews the present Rent and all other particulars we begg Leave to refer thereto; only we begg leave to observe that the Vallentine Err

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Reginald Hall – 21 Nov 1742

To Mr Reg.d Hall In Edinbrough Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 21st 1742 Sir, Considering the Expence you must of Necessity be at in Coming to Kelsoe & returning to Edinbr’h we think Mr Airey was Shorte in what he did on that Acct. we therefore desire you will receive Two Guineas more of the Bearer hereof Mr Joseph Shaw. We think ourselves much obliged to you for the favour you have done us & doe assure you we will on all occasion be ready to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 26 Nov 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 26th 1742 We have nothing to trouble you with at present, except that of Sending you our Contingent Acct. of Payments, which we doe herewith for three months ending the 30th September last & we are Sir Your most Obed’t Serv’ts Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag Contingent Payments made on Acct. of the Derwentwater Estate from 30 June 1742

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 30 Nov 1742

To Mr John King. Ravensworth Castle November 30th 1742 Your Letters came to hand in Course in answer to which you may Send us your Recets for the Salary, due to you as Courtkeeper and a Bill for the Ballance for the future what money you receive for times when we are not at Keswick it will be proper to pay such into Mr Joseph Pearson the Bailiffs hands and then they will come regularly to us. You were before desired to Send us Coppys of the Several Suit Rolls

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Dec 1742

[There follows a table of Alston Mines employees and mines at work available as a separate spreadsheet TNA 66 107 Alston Moor dues tables, tab labelled ‘1742 Jun - Sep’] To Wm Corbitt Esq. Ravensth Castle Decem 12 1742 Sir We reced your Letter of the 1st Decem first with the Boards Minutes of that date & bills of Law Charges of Mr Airey and Mr <Doron> amounting to £224.2.2 which the Board are pleased to refer back to us to be <confirme

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Dec 1742

To Mr Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle Decemr 17 1742 Sir In Answer to your Letter & the Board's Comands of the 1st De. Inst. we have Examined Mr Aireys & Mr Downs's Bills of Law Changes & begg leave to observe that Considering the Length of the Severall Journeys mencend in the said Bills, the time of the Year when such Journeys hapinned & the business which was done therein they could not be done in less time than is there <>.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 27 Dec 1742

To Mr John Maull Ravenswth Castle Decemb 27 1742 Dear Sir We reced both your Letters of the 4th & 9 Inst in answer to which we are preparing Rentals for Mr <Aswel’s> Clark which you may please to Acquaint him shall be sent him as soon as they are ready, in the meantime we hope there needs not be any stop in the necessary preparations which Mr Clark will have to make for the first declaration <> part we have no doubt but you will give the Ac

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 11 Jan 1743

To Mr Simpson. Rav. Castle Jan 11th 1742 Sir The Tennants in Alston moor Claim Damages which happen from Working the Mines in Alston moor - Common as well as Inclosed Lands and as the Hospitall may possibly be Inclosed in some Suits relating thereto we desire a case may be stated to lay before Councill, by which we may be thoroughly Informed what we ought to pay And in this case cannot be well done without your having one of the Leases to the Ten.ts

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 11 Jan 1743

To Mr Richd Horne. Rav. Castle Janry 11th 1742 Sir In answer to your Letter of 23d December last. The Tennants in Alston Moor hold their Land by Lease from Henry Hilton Esq (from whom the Derwentwater Estate descended) for 1000 Years paying a Small Annuall Rent & a Twenty penny fine every Twenty One Years: that is suposing a Tennant to pay Twenty Shillings Annualy Rent he pays a fine of twenty Pounds at the end of every 21Years during the whole Term of 1000

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Jan 1743

To Wm Corbett. Rav Castle January 11 1742 Sir In Obedience to the Boards Commands of the 22d December last we have Treated with Mr Teasdale in regard to the Damage he sustained by the Loss of his Home and have offered him Five Guineas as a Satisfaction, which we have fixed but Agree to accept of Six Guineas. This we did not think proper to Gamble with not only as we apprehend what we offered was at or about the Vallue but are in a Strict enquiry

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 21 Jan 1743

To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle Janry 21st 1742 Sir Inclosed we Send you our Cash Acct for last Month by which you will observe a Ballance of £735.18.4 1/2d in favour of the Hospital; but we have this day remitted Mr Wood two Bills for Two Hundred Pounds each in part thereof, so that after paying My Airey’s Law Bills it will be reduced to little more than One Hundred Pounds. We have likewise Sent you under another Cover two Rentals for Mr A

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 21 Jan 1743

To Mr Wood. Ravensworth Castle Janry 21st 1742 Sir We herein Send you two Bills as below amounting to Four Hundred Pounds on Acct of the Rents and Profits of the Derwentwater Estate, which pray acknowledge the Receipt of & you’l oblige Sir Your most Hble Servts Nicho Walton Hugh Boag Ralph Fetherston’s Bill on Saml Child Esq & Co dated 7 Jan at 28d £200 Ditto Do on Do dated 7 Do. at

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Richardson – 25 Jan 1743

To Mr Richardson of Nether Witton. Ravensworth Castle Janry 25th 1742 Sir I have wrote to our Board as I promised you to which I have desired as early an Answer as possible and that you may have no want of the Schedule of what Goods Mr Busbie had. I herein Send you a Coppy thereof, by which you may be going on with his Executor. As Soon as we receive the demands of the Commissioners You shall hear from Mr Boag. Your Humble Servt Nicho Wa
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467