To M Wm Armorer Jun Ravensworth Castle March 29 1743
Your Letter without date came to hand offering £120 for Tennants Cottage on a Lease for 21 Years Including the Limestone Quarry to be free at the End of every 7 Years in answer to which the Limestone Quarry must not be Lett with a Colliery so that we woud be glad to know the utmost you will give for the Colliery without having any regard to any advantage from the Limestone Quarrys. We are so farr from being unw
To Mr Ben Skutt. Ravensworth Castle April 8 1743
Dear Sir
Our new aud[ito]r of the Derwentwater Acct thinks it necessary to have our Commission Entered in his Office & therefore has desired it may be sent to Town for that purpose. I have therefore post’d it to Sir Henry after packing it under cover directed for you this post & desire you will on Recet hereof gett it of Sir Henry if he is in Town or if he is not that you will take of the Cover as
To Mr Francis Woodhouse Ravensworth Castle Ap 8th 1743
Dear Sir
My Partner Mr Boag is abroad but before he went from home we were favoured with yours of the 31st March last which brought us your Queries there Recd from Mr Johnson, John Swinburne, Edward Winship: which I could not get ready to give you my answer Sooner then this Post. But before I doe most Sincerely tell you I am heartily concerned to hear of your Indisposition, and more pticularly
To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 12 1743
We were favourd with your kind Letter of the 7 Inst & are greatly obliged to you for the trouble you have had in your application to Mr Alix on our Acct as we are to him for the friendly Assurances he has given you to doe us Service when the Vacancee Shall happen. The method he points out to us is to be sure a verry good one especially for the Reasons he gives & we will take Care to peruse it bu
To Mr Rich Horn. Ravensworth Castle Apr 12 1743
We were favoured with your kind Letter of the 7 Inst & we are verry much obliged to you for the application you have made to Mr Alix on our Acct & we are also much obliged to him for the friendly assurance he has given you to doe us Service when a Vacancie shall happen.
The method he points out to us is to be sure a verry good one Especially for the reasons he gives & we will take what we Ca
To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 12th 1743
Dear Sir
As above [below] you have all the proposalls we have had for Scremerston Coll.y. Except one from Mr Stokoe which being only Sixty pounds is not taken Notice of as also that made by Mr Rutter to you. And unless you have had any other proposall we think the Colliery shd. be Confirmed to Mr Armorer who is the best bidder & a verry able man. You will please to observe that as Mayday is a
To M Wm Armorer Jun Ravensworth Castle April 13 1743
We reced yours of the 30 March last in which we observe a Clause which may Create some difficultly if you should be the taker of the Colliery which is that of delivering you the Colly in Good Condition. We apprehend the Colliery to be in a proper Condition for an Entering Tennant & of such her Condition you must be better acquainted than we are so that we Can lay our Selves under no obligation to deliver her
To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 14 1743
Inclosed you’ll receive our Cash Acct for the last Month which you will be pleased to Observe the Ballance in favour of the Hospitall £85:5:8 1/2 which being all we have at present to trouble you with. we are
Yours etc. Walton & Boag
Mr William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 17th 1743
In our NewCastle Journal & Courant was published yesterday an Advertizement for the Sale or Letting the Lead Mines in the Derwentwater Estate leased by the late Collonel Liddell, Dr Lowther & Ptners along with some other mines they hold by Lease in the County of Durham which we take the Earliest opportunity of Acquainting you with & herein you willto receive the Advertizement. The reason
To Mr Jno King. Ravensworth Castle 19 April 1743
Dear Sir
I reced your favour with my bunch of keys which I am very thankful for, and am much obliged to you for the care you have taken in Sending them. I had wrote back to Mr Pearson and others for to Enquire after them.
I forgot to desire of you to send us a Copy of the Call Roll for last Court and also for every Court for we should always (as Mr Simpson does) have a Copy of yr Call Roll with the <
To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 19th 1743
We were yesterday Servd with [sub poenas] at the Suit of Sir John Webb to appear in the Court of Exchequer the 20 Inst which we begg leave to lay before you & hope the board will give directions to Mr Radley to appear for us as easily as he can for as it is not in our power to appear upon the 20th having notice only yesterday about Noon, the Sooner it is done afterwd the better.
To Mr Woodhouse. Ravensworth Castle 3rd May 1743
I was extreamly glad to hear by your last that you have recoverd your late Indisposition & heartily Congratulate you & Mrs Woodhouse thereon. I was from home when your Letter Came to hand so that I Could not answer it Sooner than this Post which I hope will be no Inconvenience; on the opposite side you have a state of William Lees Acct showing how the £50 returnd in arrears to be divided the 30 June 1742 for
To Willm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle May 10th 1743
Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct for the last Month by wch you will be pleased to observe a Ballance of Five Hundred & thirty four Pounds & a penny halfpenny in favour of the Hospitall what we will very Soon remitt you. we have likewise Inclosed you our Contingent Acct for the last three Months Ending 31 March what please to lay before the Board.
Last week one Mrs Algood h
To Mr Richd Horne. Ravensworth Castle May 17th 1743
Dear Sir
Inclosed you have an Acct of what we have reced for Leases and Tack notes to the 31st of December last, by which there is a profit of £55 1 3 to be divided after deducting Mr Radleys Charge and Our Expences. Mr Radley by his Acct makes a Charge £8.-.8 for Ingrossing and Stamps of which we only allow Four Guineas having reced nothing for Rutherford, Dr Lowthers, Mason and Chesters Lease and Tack notes
To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle May 23d 1743
We have had some time by us the State of the Case relating to damage by working the Lead mines in the Derwentr Estate with Lawyer Greys Opinion thereon which we overlooked and therefore was not sent you in Course it is therefore herein sent you by which you will observe the Lord of the manor is not liable to pay damages but where it happens in such pitts or Shafts as are dugg by himself You will please to lay it
To Mr Andrew Scott. Rav Castle 5 July 1743
Mr Scot
We have reced a Letter from Mr Armorer wherein he complains that all <you …menton>. Tenants get your Coales at some other place and not from him which we are much surprized at that you should not Encourage the Hospitals Colliery when they are so indulgent to all of you.
We cannot help taking Notice of it and are Sorry you put us upon Resenting it.
We desire for the future you grant no Li
To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle July 8. 1743
Inclosed I Send you our Cash Acct for last Month, on which remaines a Ballance of Two Hundred and Fourteen Pounds, Nine Shillings and Six Pence in favour of the Hospitall. And herein I likewise Inclosed you the Invoyce of another Loading of Coales, shipd on Board of the Thomas & Eleanor, Thomas Barnard Matr, amounting to £46.10.1 ½ with the Bill of Loading and Charter Party. The Ship is not Sai
To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle. July 19 1743
I was yesterday all day with Mr Airey Settling the Evidence to be examined upon the Tryall with Mr Algood at the next Assize & looking over two Coppys of Inquisition post Mort. upon which Mr Algood as we are inform’d greatly depends; yet as it appears to us sh’d Mr Algood make out a Manner these Inquisitions make it dependant upon the Manr of Work. Mr Airey writes this post to Mr Radley on this head and
To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle August the 7th 1743
Last Fryday the Cause between the Attorney General and Mr Allgood was tried before Judge Dennison when the defendant Mr Allgood contrary to all Expectation produced not only very ancient Inquisitions taken in Henry the 8ths time and Queen Elizabeths but Court Rolls so far back as 1683 by which it appeared to the Court that Mr Allgoods Simondburne is an Indisputable Mannor. Besides they proved by living Evidence Sev
(c.) ‘… I have made a very diligent search in the Chancery Office, thro' all the files & books, from the Restoration down to the year 1690, but cannot find during that time, that there has been any suit in that Court any way relating to the Leadmines in Weredale, Except that between Lord Crewe & Mr. Wharton, wherein your Lordp has a copy of the Final order. And in the year 1664 a bill was Filed by Doctor Basire then Rector of Stanhope agt severall persons for his dues of the Lea
To Mr Abra Bunting Rav Castle. Sept 9 1743
Mr Bunting
I reced yours in answer to which the Recet of <Den…> Rents are fix’d for the 3d and 4 of October next at the Grey Bull in Hexham & which you are to give proper notice if you have not allready done so. I have wrote to Mr Johnson to do the like & hope you and he will leave no person on the Estate without Notice. I shall come from Aldston to Hexham the 2nd at Night & am
Yours etc
direction therein, not only as it is a very necessary thing but as he is a Farmr of £300 p ann. & pays well. The other <pl….is> in the Inclosed Estimate are also much wanted by the Tennants so that we hope the Board will at the same time give direction for all together. We have Recd yours with Mr Stehoes Petition which we will well enquire into and make our report thereon & we are sir
Yours etc
Walton & Boag
PS. Inclosed is our contingent account for the last 3 m
To Mr Joseph Pearson. Ravensworth Castle September 9 1743
Mr Pearson
As it is Inconvenient to both Mr Boag and me to come to Keswick to receive the Rents due at Mayday and Pentecost last and as I shall be at Alstone the 30th Inst at night, I must desire you will come thither that Evening with the Rents beforementioned which you are to receive in the meantime I shall allow all reasonable Expences which shall attend the receiving of them & bringing them to me. You have b
To William Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle Septemb 15 1743
In answer to yours of the 7th Inst inclosing the Boards Minutes of that date relating the dues of Lead Ore. I begg leave to acquaint you that in the Lease granted to George Liddell Esq & Ptners there is a reservation made of a Liberty to Smelt the dues at the Lessees Mill at such times as it may be Conveniently done paying to the sd Lessees reasonable Satisfaction for the use thereof so that if the Board think p
Durham 24th Sept 1743
My Lord
In obedience to your Lordship’s order I have searched for the proceedings in this Cause, mentioned in your Lordship’s letter, & on the other side is a Copy of the Finall order made therein, But I have not been able, after a very diligent search, to find the account or the Report thereof made by the Deputy Register But I will renew my search, and if the account or Report can be found, a copy thereof shall be sent to your Lordship, by your Lordship’s