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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 26 Jun 1744

To Mr Ridley. Ravensworth Castle June 26th 1744 Sir In answer to yours we have had no Acct how the biddings for the Derwentwater woods goe on nor how there of some considerable time been any offers made to us, whatever orders have come to us have been communicated to the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall & when any others come they shall be communicated by Sir, Y etc Nichos Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – James Mulcaster to John Mulcaster – 28 Jun 1744

had him on Monday last at Carnwath Fair, but had not any Chapmon for him – I receiv’d also with your Letter by Jack Robson, Blackmore’s Creation, for which, and your Lines of the French War, I give you many thanks, and desires you will continue the latter as largely as you can in your next, for as soon as I see what number of verses it contains, I shall collect it from your Letters, and write it in my Print Hand, it being very well worth my while – The Book I shall read, and let my Frien

Letter – James Mulcaster to John Mulcaster – 6 Sep 1744

To John Mulcaster Junior. At Acton in Derwent. To the Care of John Teasdale Dear Brother This comes, hoping to find you in good health, as, thanks to God, I arriv’d here on the 4th Instant – The Wether, I understand, has not been less turbulent here than wth us; Scarse any thing having been done in the Mine Since I came away, because of ye great Rains that have faln; so that for any thing that, as yet, I See, I Shall have done a good while sooner than I expected wn I left you – ther

Letter – John Mulcaster to James Mulcaster – 14 Oct 1744

To James Mulcaster. At Wanlochead in North=Britain. By Way of Edinburgh and Lead=hills. Dear Brother Sunday October 14. This comes, hoping to find you in Health, as thanks to Heaven, we are at present – Your’s I receiv’d but just now. – I don’t doubt but you have got mine of the 30th of Sept. So can only inform you in this; that I will meet you at Carlisle as you desire; So you may in Your next direct me when and where to meet you, and I desire that you would

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 23 Nov 1744

To Willm. Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle Novem. 23rd 1744 Sir Mr Anesley of Hexham has sent us a State of some Claims he has upon the Derwentwater Estate, which he has desired us to Transmitt to you & accordingly we send you his case herein. In regards to the Tyths of Dinnetley we have allways understood it pays no Tyth & have been Inform’d when Mr Aynsley was the farmer he paid no Tyth to Mr Benjamin Carr altho’ he setts forth now that he did pay T

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 22 Feb 1745

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle February 22nd 1744/45 Sir In Answer to your Letter relating Mr John Aynsleys Claim of Tyths for Dinnetley as part of Elrington; we have made Enquiry and that Dinnetley is not part of Ellrington & that no Tyths have ever been pay’d or demanded, till Mr Aynsley settt up his Claim. That Dinnetley is part of Langley Quarter, lying on the South Side of Tyne and part of Langley Barony which together pay a Modus in lieu of Corne Tyths to Mr Blac

Letter – Daniel Watson to James Mulcaster – 24 Mar 1745

For Mr James Mulcaster at Acton – Sir, I take this Opportunity to Send you what I promised (viz) Collin’s Complaint in Burlesque. And am Sir Your’s very Sincerely D. Watson. March 24 1745 Collin’s Complaint Desparing besides a clear Stream A Shepherd forsaken was laid And whilst a false Nymph was his Theme A Willow Supported his Head. The wind yt blew over the Plain To his Sighs with a Sigh did reply And the Brook in return to his Pain

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Apr 1746

Sir Ravensworth Castle April 11 1746 We are informed that upon a search at Cap Heaton in Northumb’d in the House of Sir John Swinburn a Roman Catholic Gentm’n for Arms Etc some large boxes were found with Writings which belong to the Derwentwater Estate. Sir William Middleton was present when this search was made & the Boxes above mentioned were removed by him to his House at Belsay where they now are & will be kept safe. Mr Airey s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 2 May 1746

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May 2d 1746 Sir We rec’d yours with the Boards Commands of the 19th Ulto. which we duly observe. We have fix’d with Lady Middleton to Wait upon her at Belsay next monday when Mr Airey will accompany us thither, & we propose that day to make only a generall Inspection into the Boxes in order to see whether any of Sir Jno. Swinburn’s Writings be intermix’d with those of the Derwentwater Estate & then we will proceed t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 May 1746

To Wm Corbett Esqr. at the Navy Office Ravensworth Castle 16th May 1746 Sir We wrote you the 2nd Inst. that we had apointed the 5th to wait upon Lady Middleton to make a General Schedule of the Writings at Belsay belonging to the Derwentwater Estate which was accordingly done a Copy whereof you have Inclosed. As we wrote you we think it will be great deal of Trouble to Sir Wm. & Lady Middleton to have the Particulars Schedule and Abstracts made at Bels

Will – Daniel Oliver – 4 Jun 1746

In the name of God amen I Daniell Ollever in the Steell in the County of Northumberland yeoman being of sound and perfect mind and memory prased be God Doe make and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Foolowing That is to say Item I give unto my sister Elsapeth Smith weedow to Edward Smith five Shillings Item I give to my sister <ame> Nickoleson wefe to William Nicklson five Shillings Item I give to my sister Usliee Dods wife to Gilbert dod five shilling Item I give

Letter – Daniel Watson to James Mulcaster – 5 Jul 1746

To Mr James Mulcaster at Acton. Pont-Eland July 5 1746 Sir I beg you wou’d be So good as Send me a Copy of my Lord Wharton’s Burlesque of Chevy Chase – You may enclose it in a Cover directed to the Care of the Revd Mr Alderson of All-Saints Newcastle – And you’ll oblige Your very humble Servt D. Watson

Letter – James Mulcaster to John Westgarth – 20 Jul 1746

To Mr John Westgarth at Unthank in Weardale Sir Having lately seen in my Friend Job Ward’s Hand a Vol. of Don Quixote wch I understand is Your’s, my great Inclination for Reading, and Your late Favour in lending me Several Vols of Shakespear gives me the Presumption to beg a Loan of this also, and the other Vols of it. – Tho’ in this I’m conscious that I too much resemble other Sturdy Beggars, to whom if you give an Alms once, you run ye Hazard of being perpetually pester’d wth

Letter – James Mulcaster to Daniel Watson – 3 Aug 1746

To the Revd. Dan. Watson at Pont=Eland. To the Care of the Revd Mr. Alderson of All=Saints, Newcastle. Revd. Sir According to your Request, and in Requital for the Imitation of Collin’s Complaint, wch I’ve receiv’d from you, I send you this of Chevy=Chace – And am Acton ) 1746 Sir Apr. 3d ) Your’s in Sincerity Jas Mulcaster The Drinking=Match God prosper long our noble King And likewise Eden=Hall; A dolefull Drinking=Bout I sing

Report – Thomas Wardell – 20 Aug 1746

The Boundary and Limits of the Barony of Bulbeck alias Bolebeck as Rid and perambulated in August 1746 Copy taken from an Old Plan Oct 1835 The Boundary and Limits of the Barony of Bulbeck alias Bolebeck in the County of Northumberland belonging to George Baker Esquire as Rid and perambulated by him, his Tenants and Others, in August 1746. Present the said Mr Baker, Mr. John Dixon of Durham, Mr Wardell of Fishbourn his Land Steward, Mr Humphrey Hopper the Bailiff of the said Barony wi

Letter – James Mulcaster to Thomas Brown – 16 Dec 1746

To Mr Thomas Brown at Nent=Head. Dear Sir I acknowledge the Recept of Your’s of the 12th, together wth the two Books, and Should, according to Your Request, have Sent you Some more of mine, but not knowing how this may come to hand, much less Books, I defer Sending any ‘till after ye Holidaies, when People are coming to Work. – I take very kindly your Interposition with your Cousin in my favour, and am not a little rejoic’d to find She does not take my late Want of Circumspection in

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Dec 1746

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle Decem. 17th 1746 Sir Last April the Board were pleased to direct us to make application to Sir William Middleton Barronet (who was then in Scotland) & desire he wou’d be pleased to deliver up to us the Writings belonging the Derwentwater Estate. Accordingly as soon as he came home, we applyed to him, & he gave for answer he wou’d be very ready to deliver them to whom the Directors shou’d orde

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Middleton – 17 Dec 1746

To Sir Wm Middleton Bt. Ravensworth Castle December 17th 1746 Sir Some Months agoe we were order’d to make request to you that you wou’d be pleased to deliver to us the Writings which are in your Custody, belonging the Derwentwater Estate which request you will be pleased to remember we made, soon after your returne from Scotland. At that time you gave for answer you were ready to deliver those Writings to us when you had a proper

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 17 Dec 1746

To John Airey Esqr. Ravensworth Castle December 17th 1746 Sir As Sir William Middleton was unwilling to deliver the Derwentwater Writings without some application and Authority from our Board we have wrote to him this post & the Board likewise on that Subject so that we apprehend an Immediate application will be made to him. If therefore you will be pleased to Speak to Sir William it will undoubtedly forward the affaire

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Todd – 22 Dec 1746

To Mr Todd Attorney at Law Ravensworth Castle Decem. 22d 1746 Sir Mr Wilkie of Berwick has wrote a Letter to our Board acquainting them that at a Meeting of the Freeholders it was proposed on Accot. Of the badness of the Roads to apply to Parliament for an Act to carry on the Turnpike from Bucktonburn to Berwick Bridge & from thence along the West Road as farr as the County Extends, & desiring the Boards concurrence thereto & that it is h

Letter – James Mulcaster to William Atkinson – 3 Jun 1747

To Mr William Atkinson, Wig=Maker at Alondale=Town Mr Atkinson Whether it is that you think me below keeping your word with, or that you don’t regard your most Solemn Promises to any, I pretend not to determine - - - But from your late very uncandid Dealing with me, tho’ in a very Triffling affair, I cannot help Suspecting either the one or the other – However once more, I disire to hear from you, which I make no doubt I Shall, Seeing you have always been liberal enough that Way â€

Bond – John Blackett to Eleanor Bowes – 18 Sep 1747

Know All men by these presents That we John Blackett of Newby in the County of York Esquire and Edward Blackett of the same place Gentlemen are held and firmly bound to Elleanor Bowes of the Citty of York Spinster in the sum of Four hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Elleanor Bowes or her Certain Attorney Executor Adm[inistrato]rs or Assigns For which payment well and faithfully to be made We bind Ourselves and Each of us by himselff to the whole Our several

Letter – Walter Blackett – 7 Apr 1748

Blackett and Allgood Sir William & Mr. Wentworth & Sir Walter Blackett propose & agree that the Estates in the Counties of Northumberland & Durham of the late Sr. Wm. Blackett & part of which were intended to be sold for the Payment of the said Sr. Wm Blackett’s Debts according to the Directions of his Will shall not be sold or any part of them without the Consent of the said Mr. Wentworth or his Issue Male but that the Mortge & other Debts affecting the Estate sh

Bond – Edward Blackett to John Wise – 1 Jun 1749

Know All Men by these Presents That I Edward Blackett of Rippon in the County of York Esquire am hereto and firmly bond to John Wise of the Borough of Warwick in the County of Warwick Esquire In One Thousand pounds of Good an lawfull Money of Great Britain To be paid to the said John Wise or to his certain Attorney Executors Administrators of Assigns For which Payment to be well and Faithfully made I bind myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these Presents Sealed with my Seal

Will – George Pantoune – 8 Feb 1750

A Coppie of Mr Pantounes Will Copy of the Will of George Pantoune Will of George Pantoune In the Name of God Amen I George Pantoune of High Sheel do make and publish This my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) Imprimis I give and bequeath to George Marshall of Wall Town and William Soppitt of Corbridge all my Estate Real and personal and doth nomenate them sole Executors of all my lands [document torn across here] Houses at High Sheel freehold and copy
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467