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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Dec 1754

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield 8 Dec 1754 Sir You herewith receive Rennisons tickett for the Lead recd at Blaydon by w[hi]ch you will find that there are 4 P[iece]s short of Dukesfield Lead, 20 P[iece]s short of Allenheads Lead & 1 P[iece] short of Lintzgarth Lead. Jno.Harrison has not been at Blaydon this y[ea]r to compare accts as usual; but I believe we shall fix the P[iece]s wanting f[ro]m Lintgarth upon Jno. Maughan . As for the Allenh[ea]ds & Dukesf[iel]d Carriers I shall

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Dec 1754

To Mr Chr.Denton Grays Inn London 13 Dec 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r I desire you will pay Mr Edmd.Wiseman £23.15.0 when he calls for it & let him sign the inclosed rect. for the money & place it to my acct. I have shipd in the Duke of Cornwal, Suggit Ma[ste]r, 84 P[ages] of Walling[ton] Leases directed for you, w[hi]ch I desire you will send to be stampd & return to me when done, the sooner the better. You must place the Expence to Sr Wm's acct. My son joyns in Comp[lemen]ts

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Stevens – 14 Dec 1754

To Mr Thos. Stevens (inclosed under cover to Sr Wm.Blacket) 14 Dec 1754 Sir I recd y[ou]r Lre inclosing the Key of my Lady's Bureau w[hi]ch I here return you, & under another Cover directed for Sr Wm. you will receive, I hope, the key th[a]t her Ladys[hi]p wants in London, Mrs Mary assures me th[a]t it is the right one. I will send up the breakfast Knives & Forks & the small Coppers next week by the Carrier as you desire, but if the Coppers are not sent back hither you

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 Dec 1754

To Sir Wa.Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London 14th Dec 1754 Hon[oure]d Sir As Mr Liddel's ballast vessels occasiond a great deduction f[ro]m the Income of Mr Hall the late deputy water bailiff he gave the Corporation notice abo[ut] a month ago, that he wo[ul]d give up his place & according to the late regulation he has been paid 666.13.4 being 5/6 of £800 th[a]t he p[ai]d for it. Under the present situation of affairs nobody will chuse to purchase it therefore

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 Dec 1754

To Mr Chris.Denton Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 20th Dec 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r On looking over your acct I find you will not have money in your hands to pay Lady Mansel's Ann[uit]y due 10th Oct Last; have therefore here inclosd you two Bank Bills for £100 Each (as above) w[hi]ch I desire you will place to my Acct. & advise the rec[eip]t of. My son has p[ai]d me a Guinea, he has rec[iev]ed for Mr Grey's Comission, w[hi]ch I have plac[e]d to your Acct & am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Dec 1754

To Sir Wm.Blackett Bt.MP. in Curzon Street London 24 Dec 1754 Hon'd Sir I have herewith inclosed six bills for £1203.10.2, w[hi]ch I desire you will be pleased to advise the receipt of. Mr Mayor send you his Complim[ent]s & says your giving yourself the trouble of coming down at the Guild, w[hi]ch will be 20 January, is quite unnecessary, he does not imagine there will be any manner of disturbance, but if any of those troublesome fellows sho[ul]d offer to interrupt business,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Strother – 27 Dec 1754

To Mr Tho.Strother at Esholt near Bradford in Yorkshire 27 Dec 1754 Sir Sir Walter writes me by last Post that he probably may be at Esholt in a further few Days, & orders me to send the inclosed to you to keep till he comes or write you to send it to him, If Sir Walter should come down I will be much obliged to you or Mr Harvey to whom my Complim[en]ts if you will make me up one or two dozen of Covers, & desire Sir Walter to frank them, w[hi]ch you will be so kind as send me the f

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Jan 1755

To Mr Ch.Denton Grays Inn London 7th January 1755 Dr Sr The 13 Receipts w[hi]ch you sent me in your Letters of the 24 & 31 Last Month on acct of my W.Kenton ballance amounting to £310.12.1 are placed to the C[redit] of your acct & I have made you Dr for the family's dividend of 14.19.10. Jno.Bakers proportions for 1753 & 1754 amounting to 27.18.9 I see are respited in my hands till further order. I think it wo[ul]d have been better if Mr Beaumont had been obliged to

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Jan 1755

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. in Curzon Street London 12 Jan 1755 Hon.Sir I am sorry to find you have any Reason to be uneasie about the sale of Esholt & am surprised that Mr Strother behaviour in that affair has not been agreeable to what you expected from him. As to the £2000 which you have lost in [the] Sale it is a deal of Money, but I hope the Lead mines this year will make you full Compensation, for Allanheads goes on extremely well, & Weardale I hope is on the mending hand, so

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Jan 1755

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt.MP. London 17th January 1755 Hon[oure]d Sir Herewth inclosed is a Copy of the state of Jarrow & Gateshead Coll[ie]rys wch I have sent Mr Wilson & is a true state of the case w[i]thout laying more to the charge of the late Mr Wilkinson, wch I might justly have done; for the Lease might have been got renewd at the end of the first 7 yrs at the old rents, if he wo[ul]d have agreed to the exception of the 3 towns[hi]ps of Hartyon, Westoe & Heworth, wch all the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Joshua Wilson – 17 Jan 1755

To Mr Joshua Wilson at Pontefract Yorkshire Newcastle 17 January 1755 Sir I have rec[eiv]ed a Letter f[ro]m Sr W[alte]r Blackett ordering me to send you the state of Jarrow & Gateshead Fell Coll[ier]ys, wch I have herewith done, for Sr Wm Wentworths consideration, whether he will endeavour to obtain a new lease of the D[ea]n & Chap[ter] of Durham for Jarrow, to comence at the expiration of the present Lease, or suffer the same to fall into other hands for Sr W[alte]r, you will see

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Wentworth – 17 Jan 1755

17 January 1755 William Wentworth The present State of Jarrow Coll[ie]ry first taken by old Sir Wm.Blackett & P[ar]tners in 1691, of which Sr Wr.Blackett has 4/8 Mess Ledger 2/8 Mr J Wilkinsons Ex[ecuto]rs 1/8 Mr Nathl.Clayton 1/8 8 Eighths This coll[ie]ry is held under the D[ea]n & Chap[te]r of Durham by lease for 21 Yrs formerly renewed every 7th Yr without any fine, the present Lease has 3

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 Jan 1755

To Mr Chris. Denton Greys Inn London Newc[astle] 20 Jan 1755 Dr Sr At last I have got Pr.Hastings rent & herewth you receive the acct & vouchers he has for the last 4 y[ea]rs refused to pay Mr Jno.Mayer the fee farm rent, tho he knew it wo[ul]d be allowd, & therefore Mr Mayer wrote to me abo[u]t it & sent me a rec[eip]t for the money 3.5.1 and this day I have drawn a bill on you payable at sight to Mr Jno.Mayer or Order for 3.5.1 to answer the s[ai]d rec[eip]t , wch I de

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Mayer – 20 Jan 1755

To Mr Jno.Mayer Attorney at Law in York Newc[astle] 20th Jan 1755 Sr Above you have a bill for 3.5.1 in lieu of the acct you sent me in y[ou]r Lre [ letter] of the 18th four 4 y[ea]rs sent out of the Geo[rge] Inn in Gatesh[ea]d due to Ld Feversham at Mich[aelmas] last & I desire you will always oblige the tenant to pay it for the future as has been usual, who will have it allowd when he pays his rent. I am etc JR To Mr Chris Denton in Greys Inn London Newcastle 20 jan 1755

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Jan 1755

To Sir Wr.Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London Newc[astle] 24th January 1755 Hon Sir Mr Ellis writes that Mr Shafto Downs has begun to work Coals at Stublock in yo[u]r Liberty by the order of Messrs Walton & Boag the hospitals Agents, & desires to know w[ha]t steps are proper to be taken to pu a stop to their working there. For if he is allowed to go on for any time, the whole ground in dispute, being above 336 acres will be lost. On the other side (see above) you

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 25 Jan 1755

To Mr Chr.Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 25 Jan 1755 Dear Sir Above is a bill for £100 wch I desire you will give acct for & advise the rec[eip]t of . I have this day recd of Mr Jno. Ord 30.7.6 for y[ou]r use wch I have placed to y[ou]r acct. I am etc JR To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcastle 25 Jan 1755 £100 Sirs Fifteen days after date pay Mr Chr.Denton or Order one hundred pounds value rec[eiv]ed & place the same to acct as

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 31 Jan 1755

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. in London 31 Jan 1755 Hon.Sir Mr Roberts tells me he writes you this Post to desire a Tack of a Vein a friend of his has lately discovered near to Allenheads, & that his terms are 40s a bing for the first 100 Bings & 25s afterwards, wch are the same proposal he made you about 12 months agoe. He mentioned this to me about a month agoe & I referrd him to Mr Caleb Hunter, from whom I have heard nothing since about it. I do not know any Reason why he s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 1 Feb 1755

February 1755 Wrote Mr Denton that I had received £40 of Mr Thos.Hall of Hatherick for Mr Harrison & placed it to his Acct

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Feb 1755

To Sr W.Blackett Bt. in London Newc[astle] 4th Feb 1755 Hon Sir Mr Jno.Gibson id dead & yesterday Mr Peart was here & shewd me a recommendatory Lre signd by sev[era]l p[er]sons in behalf of one Jno.Peart a Relation of his & Son in Law to Jno.Gibson, to whom he has been assistant during his Illness; wch Lre you will receive by this post. Mr Peart says the young man is a good Grover, & the properest p[er]son you can fix on to put in Thos.Maughans place, who he wo[ul]d have p

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Feb 1755

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt. London Newc[astle] 18 Feb 1755 Hon Sir On the other side you have an Acct of the Money I believe you have had of Mr Bowes & of the int[ere]st I have p[ai]d Mr Leaton for it. Lead is fallen at Stockton & Hull & there are great Q[uanti]tys at these Markets. I sho[ul]d be glad to know whether a War is expected in Europe this summer, that I may regulate my conduct in the Lead trade accordingly; for if we sho[ul]d have a war the first Market th[a]t offers

advertisement – Henry Richmond – 22 Feb 1755

WHERAS TWELVE PIECES of LEAD, marked WB, belonging to Sir Walter Blackett, Bart. were stolen some time last year in the Carriage from Allanheads and Dukesfield Lead-mills to Blaydon. Notice is hereby given, that whoever shall give Information to Mr Joseph Richmond, of Newcastle, or Mr Isaac Hunter, of Dukesfield, of the Person or Persons that stole the same, so that he, the, or they, shall be convicted thereof, will be paid by the said Sir Walter Blackett, upon such Conviction, the Sum of twenty

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Feb 1755

To Mr Chr.Denton Grays Inn London 28 Feb 1755 Dr Sir I have put on board the Generous Friends Jacob Remington Mas[ter] a Kit of Salmon directed to Wm.Powlet Esq. in <Beutton> Street by Berkley Square done by the same hand as what Mrs Hymers sent Mr Wynne, wch I hope will prove very good, it is the best Salmon our market will afford & comes to 13s10d wch I have placed to your acct. as I have £5.5.0 for your bill on one to Mr Robt.Fenwick. I wish some of Mr Childs people wo[u

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Mar 1755

To Sir Wr.Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London Newca[stle] March 4 1755 Hon Sir You have, in the Case I sent you, the best acct I am able to give of the Enjoyment of the Royalty of the Gro[un]d in dispute between Hexham & Langley, & as to the Herbage Mr Ellis informs me, that the Tenants within the manor of Hexham, have during the Memory of Man enjoyed it without any Interruption that he ever heard of but on the other hand, when any Goods belonging to the tenants

Letters – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 7 Mar 1755

To Mr Richd Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 7 March 1755 Sir My father is from home, but I rec[eiv]ed y[ou]r Lre [letetr] in relation to Mr Wm.Erringtons casting a Trench in Broomhaugh Gro[un]ds, in order as pretended to new win Sr Wr.Blacketts Coll[ie]ry & in answer thereto have sent you, inclosed herewith, a Copy of the Article (for I never heard that a Lease was executed) for letting the Coalmines in the Parish of St John Lee & Chapelry of St Oswald to Mr Errington for 21 y[ea]rs f[ro

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Mar 1755

To Sr Wr.Blackett Bt. MP. Curzon Street London 9 March 1755 Honrd Sir On fryday I attended at Cambo, but the weather was so very bad th[a]t Mr Allgood co[ul]d not come, & a sufficient No. of the Com[missione]rs did not meet to do any business, so that another meeting will I believe by appointed in about three weeks. I have inquiored as far as I co[ul]d into all the Circumstances th[a]t can attend the fixing a Bar at cambo, & am satisfied th[a]t it will be attended with very littl
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467