To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn LOndon
Newcastle 21 March 1755
Dr Sr
Inclosed is james Wilkinson's bill on Anthy.Todd for £200 wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise the rec[eip]t of, & when Lady Mansel calls for her half y[ea]r ann[ui]ty due 6 April you will please to pay her & send me her receipt. I thank you for yo[u]r advices ab[ou]t Liddle's Machine, his Friends here still keep up their spirits, & pretend there are two new hoppers coming down, but I f
To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London
Newcastle 28 March 1755
Hon Sir
Inclosed are three bills for £990.0.0 (as above) wch I desire you will please to advise the receipt of. Ald[erma]n Robt. Sorsbie is broke up by Geo.Blenkinsop who has seized on his Goods by an Execution for £180. I believe his debts amount to upwards of £2000, but what Effects he has to answer that sum I do not yet certainly know; but I doubt matters are very bad with him. I see he has g
To Danl.Lascelles Esq. MP in Mark Lane London
Newcastle 29 March 1755
Inclosed are two bills for £1475.0.0 as above, in part of the 2 Y[ea]rs int[ere]st due f[ro]m Sr Wr.Blackett the 26 of Last Month, wch I desire you will place to his acct & advise me on the receipt hereof. I will remit you the remainder as soon as I can meet with good bills, wch at present are not to be got here. I am Sr Yr etc JR
To Mr Peter Simond Merchant in London
Newcastle 18 March 1755 £950.0.0
To Lady Blackett in Curzon Street London
31 March 1755
I will take care to get the drawing Room done agreeable to your Ladyships directions with all Expedition, the paper th[a]t will be sufficient to hang it is as below. The panelling must be taken down the surbase, for the paper cannot be put upon it. I have examined the boxes that came out of Yorkshire, but cannot find the red & white cotton y[ou]r Ladyship mentions. The Pew in St And[re]ws Church is new Lined & the Cu
To Sr WrBlackett Bart. London
6 April 1755
Honrd Sir
Mr Davison of Ferryhill is still living, but Dr Askew thinks he cannot continue long. I will send you the earliest advice I receive of any alteration.
The Hoppers go on as briskly as ever, & wee are told two addit[iona]l ones are expected named the Defiance & Revenge which is extreamly insolent, but I hope the Corporation will very speedily take measures to induce the Ma[ste]rs of These to consider better of it.
The Subscr
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
8 Mar [sic] 1755
On making up the Mil accts I find there has been extream bad Management last year at them all, & the worst at Lintzgarth, where very near 5 Bings have been smelted for every fod[der] of Lead, & the slags notwithstanding lessened f[ro]m what they were at Xmas 1753. I desire on rec[eip]t hereof you will inquiore very exactly into the cause hereof, wch is a loss of many hundred pounds to S[i]r W[alte]r. Order all the Clarks imediat
To Mr Chris.Denton Greys Inn London
Newcastle 11 April 1755
Dr Sir
Inclosed are two bills (as above) for four hundred pounds, wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise the receipt of. I shall be obliged to draw on you in a little time for this money payable to Messrs Lascelles, when I can meet with bills to make up the last 2 y[ea]rs int[ere]st, but these bills grow & near due makes me give you the trouble of them.
The Hoppers go on so far as briskly as ever; but as the C
To Sr Wr.Blackett Bt. Curzon Street London
15 April 1755
Honrd Sir
I am very sorry for Mr Stevens's bad Conduct, but hope you will be no great loser by him. I find by Mr Harveys Lre to his wife th[a]t he is alive.
Mr Geo.Simpson who was Mas[te]r of a Collier last year, & was at Ipswich in Sep[tembe]r, is now Mate to Mr Jno.Wall Ma[ste]r of the Swallow of Sunderland, wch ship is now in the River Thames; if you please to order Mr Denton to enquire after him on rec[eip]t of hereo
To Sir Wr.Blackett Bt. M.P. at his house in Curzon Street London
25 April 1755
The 2 P[er]sons undermentiond are Wherry men at Bladon & sometimes employd in yr Service, but dare not follow their business for fear of the press; if you think it proper to apply for protection for them, it wo[ul]d be a particular favour to them & of some advantage to yourself. The Agent to the Quakers Co. here has represented to their Gov[erno]rs the necessity of procuring protections for th
To Sir Wa.Blackett Bt. MP. in Curzon Street London
29 April 1755
Honrd Sir
S[i]r Charles Loraine died this morning of the Gout in his Stomach. Mr <Alderman> Clayton is very ill, & Mr Mayor tells me this morning, he is informed he cannot live many days, so th[a]t in all probability there will be a vacant Gown very soon. the Gent[lemen] at Katy's Coffee house assign it to Mr Bell, but he will be agreeable to very few of your brethren, the Question therefore seems to be whether
To Rd. Wilson Jun[ior] Esq. at Leeds
2 May 1755
As two of the W.Kenton tenants ie Luke Weatherburn & Jos.King are by their Articles to have 12 Months Notice to determine their term, I think it right to acquaint you th[a]t if you do not give them Notice on or before the 12th inst. they will expect to continue 2 y[ea]rs longer at the present rents, Wm.Clarke & Jno.Forsters Articles are determinable on 6 months warning, Chicken & Mavins term will expire 12 May 1756 as will als
To Mr Chris.Denton Grays Inn London
Newcastle 16 May 1755
Dr Sr
I have this day drawn a bill on you for £390 payable to danl.Lascelles Esq. or Order 25 days after date, wch I desire you will accept & place it to my acct.
I rec[eive]d Lady Mansels rec[eip]t for her last 1/2 y[ea]rs Annuity & my bill on you pay[a]ble to Mr Jno. Mayor & have given yo[u]r acct C[redi]t for the same.
Six hoppers are laid up by the walls, they have had no Employment for the last 3 weeks & I
To Mr William Daling at Danl.Lascelles's Esq in Mark Lane London
Newcastle 16 May 1755
Lest Mr Lascelles sho[ul]d be out of Town I send this to acquaint you that I have by this post sent him a bill & a bank note as below for £590, wch wit £1475 remitted the 29 March will clear off the 1/2 y[ea]rs int[ere]st on Sr Wr.Blacketts Mortgage due 26 Feb last, the reason of my giving you this trouble is on acct of the bank note, that if any Miscarriage sho[ul]d happen you may stop t
To Danl.Lascelles Esq. MP. in Mark Lane London
Newcastle 16 May 1755
Inclosed are a bill & a Bank Note for five hundred & ninety pounds to clear off the last half years intrest on Sr Wr.Blacketts Mortgage due 26 Feb last, wch I desire you will be pleased to place accordingly & advise me on the receipt hereof. I am etc JR
London 6 Mar 1755
At seven days sight I promise to pay this my sole Bill of Exchange to John Simpson Esq or Order Two hundred pounds sterling Va
To Sr Wr.Blackett Bt. MP. at Walter Wade's Esq. at New Grange near Leeds Yorkshire
Newcastle May 16 1755
Honrd Sir
Pursuant to your directions in your Lre of the 3rd inst. inclosed are two bills for £500 as above, wch I desire you will be pleaased to advise the receipt of.
We have no manner of trade, so that I fear shall not be able to get the Lead Mines paid this year. The Wallington Tenants pay their rents very indifferently, & there was above £500 to pay there last week f
To Sir Wr.Blackett Bt. MP. at W.Wade's Esq at New Grange near Leeds Yorkshire
23 May 1755
Honrd Sir
Ald[erma]n Clayton died yesterday afternoon & the talk now is that either Mr Bell or Mr Wm.Clayton is to have his gown; for as to Mr Watson I do not find anybody ever thinks of him. I hope you will be at home before Mr Mayor will proceed to an Election. In my Lre of the 16th inst. directed to Mr Wades I sent you two bills for £500 as below, wch I hope are come safe to hand. Mrs Hun
To Mr Richd.Ellis at Hexham
Newcastle 23 May 1755
Inclosed is copy of a Lre I have re[eiv]ed from Mr Rt.Lowes, wch, as he says, I think looks very like trifling, you see he has lent the Money sho[ul]d have been p[ai]d Sr W[alte]r. last year, & now desires the payment may be put off till the first week in August, but says, if it is insisted on, he will pay it on any day that shall be fixed after the 15th next month. The sooner the money is paid in the better, as you say in yo[u]r Lr
To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington
Newcastle 5 June 1755
I have delivered Sir Walter all the Wallington & Berwick leases & also four pair of Leases not yet signed, wch sho[ul]d be executed as soon as you can, & inclosed is an acct of the rents now due f[ro]m the Berwick Tenants, when you settle with them you must take their receipts for the allowances th[a]t are to be made them agreable to their Leases & make the same rec[eive]d of Sr W[alte]r by my hands & you must cer
To Mr Chr.Denton, Grays Inn London
7th June 1755
By Sr W[alte]rs order I send you inclosed a rental & valuation of his purchased estates, & an abstract of the titles, in order th[a]t those estates may be annexd to the trust Estate as it will be most convenient to those in remainder that it sho[ul]d be so. Mr Edws.Ords £400 I presume must be p[ai]d out of the sale of W.kenton, & I think the rem[ainde]r of the money ought to be applied towards the refunding Sr W[alte]r the expence
To Mr Richd.Ellis at Hexham
Newcastle 9th June 1755
I rec[eiv]ed your Lre by the Bearer of thiks & as to Mr Lowes's Money, if you can depend upon his paying it altogether at lamas I imagine Sr W[alte]r will be satisfied therewith, but we must have it then at the farthest on acct of the Leadmines pays, & if he will pay it sooner, it will be the better. Sr W[alte]r is in the North & I do not know that I shall see him here before our races, therefore whatever you think ne
To Mr Edwd.Roberts Attorney at Law at Hexham
Newcastle 13 June 1755
Your Lre of this date surprises me much, for two days after Mr Johnson was here I rec[eive]d a Lre from Mr Armstrong inclosing Copy of a Tack note wch he says he has granted to you Mr Heron, Edwd.Fairless, Wm.Harrison, Geo.Robison & Mary Sams at 25s a bing, wch terms he also says he offered first to Mr Johnson, but he refused to accept thereof, so that I cannot tell what to say to it further; than if you cannot set
To Mr Richd.Ellis at Hexham
Newcastle 17 June 1755
Sir W[alte]r is now here & orders me to desire you will let Mt Lowes know he expects the money to be p[ai]d in at Lamas.
Sir Wr. is determined to proceed against all your people that refuse to pay tithe for their Garden ground & has orderd me to give Mr Scott instructions acordingly; I think it wo[ul]d be right to give them all notice, to try if any of them incline to submit. You must send me all their Names, sometime this
To Mr Chris.Denton Gray's Inn London
17 June 1755
Dr Sir
As I wrote you in my last I cannot find any surplus there can be to pay Sr W[alte]r for his purchases, for I take the matter stands as below, & that Wallington & Kenton will just clear the Trust estate of all incumbrances . I have had some talk with Sr W[alte]r about it & if you find I am right he desires you will proceed no further in regard to his purchases, but get all other matters setled as fast as you can, &
To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham
21 June 1755
I have spoke to Mr Walton since I rec[eiv]ed yo[u]r Lre of the 19th & he tells me he does not think there will be any objection to the paym[en]t of the quitrent since the y[ea]r 1748 when the Darwentwater estate was vested in Trustees, but advises to make out the whole demand f[ro]m the y[ea]r 1736, wch he will send up to the Com[missione]rs for their directions. I desire therefore you will make out & send me a particular acct sometime
To Mr Chris.Denton in Gray's Inn London
Newcastle 27 June 1755
Dr Sr
I always understood that it was insisted on by Mr North &c that the Trust Estate sho[ul]d be disengaged of all incumbrances; wch occasiond my Lre of the 17th; But if the £5000 & the £1000 can be left a Charge thereon, it will be better for Sir Walter to get his purchasd Estates disposd of for part thereof & to get what other allowances he can out of the remainder agreeable to yours of the 14th; so the