To Mr Rd.Ellis at Hexham
1st July 1755
I rec[eiv]ed yo[u]r Lre of the 26 ult. & have deliverd Mr Walton Sr W.Blackett's Claim for the Feefarm rents due out of the derwentwater estate.
The farmers of the corn & hay tithes you say are willing to take a new Lease for 3 y[ea]rs at £70 a yr if they may have an allow[an]ce for the Gardens, if not recovered, & have the advantage of w[ha]t can be recovered at Sr W's expence for the time past : I sho[ul]d be glad to k
To Mr Ald[erma]n Clayton, Newcastle
Newcastle 10 July 1755
Above Mr Kiles acct. & I herewith send you his bill on Mr Baker & his several Articles & his Lre to me in wch he promised to pay £14 for the Gin at Mayday last wch I think is all you will want. I am etc JR
Willm.Kile Dr. to Sir Wr.Blackett & partners
£ s d
For Coals wrot in Gateshead Fell fm Nov 1753 to 2 May 1754 44.17.11
For do.
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
Newcastle 20th July 1755
I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 17th & doubt not but you will manage the Rookhope carriage so as to get the Lead bro[ugh]t down at the old price; but if that cannot be got done the Lead must be sent away imediately on the best terms you can; for as we are on the Eve of a French war the sooner it is at Bladon the better; therefore the Carriage must be be set on imediately, that the Lead may not remain at the Mil or in the ways o
To Mr Richd.Ellis at Hexham
Newcastle 26 July 1755
I have a Lre from Sr W[alte]r today, in wch he says Mr Soulsby has applyed to him about the tithes of Hallington Mains for wch he wants a new Lease & I am ordered to write to you to know what terms sho[ul]d be set him; for Sr W[alte]r has promised to give him an answr at the Assizes. And Sr Wr also desires you will draw up a State of the Case ab[ou]t the Garden tithes & send me the names of all the persons refusing to pay, befo
To Mr Rd.Ellis, Hexham
Newcastle 16 August 1755
I have wrote to S[i]r.W[alte]r about the Mils & Mr Soulsby's tithes; & as he will be at Hexham in two or 3 days, you will have directions about them. Mr Scott thinks it will be right to let the farmers of the tithes a Lease for a short time & that both Sr.Wr. & they be made parties to the intended bill ag[ain]st the Gardeners. When you see Sr.Wr. mention this matter to him and follow his orders.
Inclosed is the Cop
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
Newcastle 29 Aug 1755
Mr Silvertop has apply'd again for S[i]r W[alte]rs Custom for Coals to the Mils & says he will furnish you with better Coals at 8d a fo[the]r than you now pay 9d for to Leighton & that the Leading will be the same; if so, pray let me know why you do not deal with him; for I want to give him an answer. I hope you have got all the Lead f[ro]m Lintzgarth, as you wrote me wo[ul]d be done this week. I am etc JR
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bart at Wallington
Newcastle 19 Sept 1755
Hond Sir
Mr Mayor says that the day after the Common Council will be a <part> day, & there will be some Towns business to be dispatchd, so that he thinks wednesday the 1st of next month, or the day following, will be a proper time for your Entertainm[en]t, if convenient to yourself. William the Gardener says he expects to have 20 pine apples ready at the Time.
The 3 pay bills for Weardale, Allenheads & Coalc
To S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett Bt. at Wallington
Newcastle 23 Sept 1755
Honrd Sir
The Cook sho[ul]d be sent in on Friday Evening or Saturday Morning very early to make provision for Wednesday.
I never was so put to it to raise the money for a pay. I am getting in all the money th[a]t is owing in Town as fast as I can & yet am much afraid shall fall short. I was forced thic day to send the B[isho]ps Stew[ar]d away without his rent, wch I durst not part with till I find myself strong enoug
To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads
26 Sept 1755
Weardale pay is fix'd to be on Wednesday 15 Oct & y[ou]r pay & C[oal]cleugh the day following, so you must be here to receive the money the 13th & I desire you will send the inclosed to T.Armstrong, wch is to acquaint him w[i]th the time, & also that public Notice may be given in the Country. I have examind your Accts & find them allright except as below
PS There does not appear to be any profits by the Corn Mil
To Mr Thos.Armstrong at Coalcleugh
26 Sept 1755
This comes to acquaint you that Weardale pay is fixed to be on Wednesday 15th next Month; & Allanh[ea]ds & Co[al]cleugh pays on the day follow[in]g so th[a]t I expect you all down to receive yo[u]r money on Monday the 13th.
Y[ou]r father wo[ul]d inform you w[ha]t passd when here & I doubt not but he will assist you w[i]th the money you want, as he half promised me he wo[ul]d; for tho I wo[ul]d very willingly serve you in any
To Mr John Peart at Newhouse
26 September 1755
Y[ou]r pay is now fixed to be on Wednesday 15 Oct & you must therefore be here to receive the money on the 13th so you will give Mr Wharton Notice that he may acquaint Mr Lee therewith. I find the pay bill exceeds the ball[an]ce of the acct. w[i]th S[i]r W[alte]r near £300. I think it right to acquaint you th[a]t all my Accts. are now under Examination, & that I cannot take upon me to advance you above £100 more than the ball[an]
To Rd.Wilson Jun[io]r Esq at Leeds
30th Sept 1755
Agreeable to your Directions in your Lre. [letter] of the 5th May last, I gave the West Kenton tenants notice that their articles were to expire at Mayday next, & I was in hopes you would have got matters concluded before this & have been here to treat with them upon new terms, they are all very uneasie to know what they are to expect, & I am afraid if they are kept any longer at at [sic] uncertainty that some of them will l
To Rd.Wilson Jun[io]r Esq. at Leeds
30th Sept 1755
Agreeable to your Directions in your Lre of the 5th May last, I gave the West Kenton servants notice that their articles were to expire at Mayday next, & I was in hopes you would have got matters concluded before this & have been here to treat with them upon new terms, they are all very uneasie to know what they are to expect, & I am afraid if they are kept any longer at at [sic] uncertainty that some of them will leave the
To Mr Jno. Beaumont
Newcastle 9 Oct 1755
In answer to y[ou]r Lre of the 7th, it is not in my power to do you any sservice, or obtain for you any indulgence w[i]th respect to the payment of the Money for the wayleave rent; but I have talked with Mr Denton ab[ou]t it, & give it you as my Opinion, that you ought to take care to pay at least the £100 due last Mids[umme]r before my Accts are sent up, wch will be very shortly; & then the parties may perhaps on a representation of yo
To Thos. Rudd Esq at Durham
Newcastle 17 Oct 1755
I hope Mr Denton did not forget to acquaint you on wednesday last, that Sir Walter Blackett desired you would please to draw the Assignment to him, from Mr Vane, of his twelfth part of Stella Grand Lease Colliery & get it engrossd & executed as soon as can be done conveniently, & when you please to let me know it is done, I will wait upon you for it at Durham. I am etc JR
21 Oct 1755 Advised Messrs Plumbe & Brown of a peice of Silver being sent this 17th inst.
30 Oct wrote again to Mr Beaumont that I should send away accts the 10 next Mayday
To Mr Richd. Ellis
31 Oct 1755
Sir Walter Blackett has let Wm.Robson the tolls again for 21 years from Mayday next at £50 a year, & he has let the mils to Mr Robt.Lorraine & John Midford for 21 years from next Mayday at £250 a year. You have a copie of Mr Lorraines article inclosed, but there was none drawn for the tolls. Sir Walter goes for London on Sunday, but intends to be here again at Chr[ist]mas, against which time, you are desired to get the Leases drawn for both the
To Mr Chris.Denton, Greys Inn London
Newcastle 2 Nov 1755
Dr Sir
I hope this will find you well in London, wch I shall be glad to hear; I find by Mr Peareth & Mr Smith that they have struck the 20 Guin[ea]s off the bill, for they say the Mayor & most of the Ald[erme]n were present & tho[ugh]t it right. Sr W[alte]r was not among them. They have struck £160 from Mr Cuthbertson's bill viz £45 f[ro]m his charge for the Lres, 50 Guin[ea]s being half of w[ha]t he charges for
To Sr W[alte]r Blackett Bt MP at New Grainge near Leeds
Newcastle 4 Nov 1755
Hon. Sir
Last post I rec[eiv]ed the inclosd Lease f[ro]m Mr Ellis; wch Mr Scott advises to be executed before any proceedings are comencd ag[ain]st the Gardeners; you will therefore be pleasd to execute it before two Witnesses & return it to me, & I will send you up a Dra[f]t of the Bill as soon as I can get it prepared by Mr Rudd. I omitted to take your Directions about Mr Todds farm, wch Mr Robsons value
To Mr Chris. Johnson Att[orn]y at Law, Durham
14 Nov 1755
Inclosed is Messrs Peareth & Sorsbies bill on Messrs Stainbank & Freeman for two hundred & fifty Pounds to answer the two receipts you sent me last Post for my L[or]d Bishops Rents I am etc JR
To Mr Chris. Denton London
Newcastle 14 Nov 1755
Dr Sr
I have rec[eiv]ed of the Corporation 432.10.0 & placed the same to your Acct & inclosd you receive as above three Bills for £750 wch I desire you'l place to my Credit & advise the rec[eip]t thereof. Inclosd is also my Acct of West Kenton Rents & under another cover I send you by this post 16 Vouchers for the payments as charged therein. I have not been able to get more than £200 of Mr Beaumont tho he has not want
To Sr. W[alte]r Blackett Bt. Curzon Street
Newcastle 14 Nov 1755
Hon. Sir
You receive herewith inclosed a Copy of the paper you left with Mr Wilson. I have paid off John Malthouse got his Cloathe fitted for your new Servant Fran. Brunton & have sent him for London this day by the Waggon. he says he has had the smallpox. I have heard nothing further yet about Miss Rutters money. Here is no manner of demand for Lead at any price so that I have no prospect of either paying the mils or rem
To Mr Chr. Denton London
Newcastle 23 Nov 1755
Dr Sr
I have only to write you th[is] post th[a]t I've rec[eive]d on the 17th of Mr Shafto Downs 9.5.0 on your acct & have p[ai]d my son John 10s 6d agreeable to y[ou]r order.
Our Correspondence runs very little into politics, but I sho[ul]d be glad to have y[ou]r sentim[en]ts whether there is any probability th[a]t matters can be made up between France & England this winter. for Hull & Stockton are selling their Lead at an
To Mr Chr. Denton London
Newcastle 25 Nov 1755
Dr Sr
I have not yet got Mr Hastings y[ea]rs rent due Lamas, but his goods are now selling & I expect it in 10 days. It will not all put the ho[use] into repair for any new Tenant to enter But you have herew[i]th 3 proposals for taking the ho[use] & I desire an ans[we]r by the return of the post wch of them are most agreeable to Mr Rugge, for if the ho[use] is not let now I do not know when a ten[an]t may be got for it. It is in a dis