Newcastle March the 25 1676
Mr Jno Strother
My last to you was of the 21 March 1675/6 to w[hi]ch referrs you since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 26th past I cannott helpe the deareness of Iron noe reamedy but patience I hope you will buy it for mee as Cheape as you can w[hi]ch is all I can desire, for the length, breadth & thickness of the pann Plates you have allready my Order, soe can say noe more to that peticular Mr Sowton cannott assure mee of any Tarr, soe pray lett my last bee
Newcastle March the 25th 1676
Mr Edward Willet
I have since my last to you of the 10th March Rec[eive]d yours of the 17th & 24th present both w[hi]ch God willinge I shall now answer In Short, they requireing little or none – by your writings I suppose you believe that in this Country Bees Wax may had upon an houres warneing noe I will assure you tis nott nor can I att present procure one hundred weight neither for love nor money soe you need nott expect any from mee – I am sorre
Newcastle March the 25th 1676
Mr Charles & James Banks
My last to you was of the 21st March 75/6 To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Re[ceive]d your kinde letter of the 14th present w[hi]ch requiring noe more Answer then kinde thankes for your readyness to comply w[i]th my desires have noe more to Inlardge upon Then desire you to send forward the Inclosed In doeing of w[hi]ch you will oblidge MB
March the 25th (1676)
Mr Wm Peacoke
Sr Yours of the 23 of March came to safe hand I hope Mr Joseph Panell hath sent you your Skins, sent per Thos Richdson who d[elivere]d them to Mr Fitts your Friend. I have ordered Mr Rudd to send with Skins he can gett for you[.] here is now Three & halph doz of Skins which with fifty Kerseys shall ship next week for Rotterdam & a <serge> Mr Krals ordered consigne them to Mr Fitts per your acct. I hope you <received> your Kerseys
Newcastle 26th March 1676
Honnored Sr
I wrote you by Frydays post that I intended to take jorney towards the Leed hill on Munday next the 27th pres.t And Intreated you to meet me thair the 29th ditto & to bring with you £50 strg to pay of our men all which I hope shalbe don both by you & myself and this sarves only to second my last. If you cannot come yourself pray send your Mony by Sandy Lister but I could wish these few hollydays you would be pleased to consume in that jorney tha
March the 27th 1676 Then begune our Jurney from newcastle to the Lead Mins in Scotland at wanlochheed spent as followeth
£- s- d
from newcastle to branton 00-04-06
pd for a gid from hartwisell to branton 00-01-06
the 28th 76 pd at branton for our selves all night 00-04-00
pd for our horses all night 00-04-06
pd for a gid betwext b
Leed Hill
Recaved then of Mr Wm Dunbar for accot of Sr James Standsfeild the som of fortye pond sterling being in part for his part concerning the charges of the leed myns at Wanloch heed
Wm Blackett
Leed hill 30th March 1676
Honnored Sr
Yrs of the 28th pres't by Mr Dunbar full frieghted With apolegies for Yr not Coming to the Wanloch head as this time som of wh' are Weighty others could have been Dispensed with However I am of so good an nature that I shall pass by such small things.
I Cannot answer your Letter in every pticular [as] I Cannot stir abrod this day so Cannot give you [missing word] wt Condishon the Mines are in . 2ly) I pay not our [missi
Newcastle March the 30: 1676
Mr Wm. Peacoke
Sr my last to you was the 25 Instant per post wherin I gave you an accoumpt of Thom: Richardsons sailing for Amstardam, but since I here he hath taken a fr[e]ight for Hambor so have sent you the two packs by one John: Salmon Master of the Friends Adventure of Whitby, the packs being packt before that the skins came had not the oppertunity of sending of them but shall per the first ship send them with what cums more not else but present but t
April the 1st 1676
Mr Wm: Peacocke
yours of the 31st March came to hand wherein I perceive you receivd the 38 p Brandy <well condeconed> the <Palrit .. .> the viniger that you have sould twenty three pc of them and per nixt you will give me an accompt of the sayle of the rest, I praye Remet moneys to your Corespondent in London and I shall charge bills from Hence upon the acct I <reend> for here is a dead trade for goods, and fishers are fitting against the next mont
Disburst for sevarll things bought and brought for the use of the Leadmines at Wanlochhead from the 20th of nov 1675 till and with the first of Aprill 1676
£- s- d
William Macall for 24 hundered of Stoprise at 1d per hundered 00-08-00
William Mecall 27 horse of settwood at half Mark per horse 00-15-00
George Latimore 29 horse of settwood at ditto 00-16-01
George Latimore 14 horse of coales at 8d per horse 00-09-04
Newcastle Aprill the 4 1676
Mr Hum: Willett & Compa[ny]
I have before mee yours of the 18: 23d and 30 past all w[hi]ch I shall now Answer (God Willinge) In short for I am well satisfied of your receipt of the £120: - : - : and may please to take notice that this day I have vallued upon you one hundred pounds St<erling> payable 6 d[ays] sight To Mr Henry Ashurst or order vallew of Mr Thomas Foster, w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed w[i]thall accordinge to itts contents for the oth
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 4 1676
Mr Lamb
The Reason that upon Saturday night I gave you nott an account of my gettinge home, was, that I was noe sooner of horsbacke, but I was called to goe upon an Inquest, & it was Eleven a Clock before I had done all w[ha]t w[i]th that & w[i]th Rideing I was soe wearey, that after I had done I went immediately to Bedd & writt nott soe much as one Letter for w[hi]ch I am putt to itt now, wee are both God be thanked very well In w[hi]ch condition I
Newcastle Aprill 4d 1676
Mr Walter Chaytor
I writt you the 28th past, unto w[hi]ch be pleased to be referred I have now before mee yours of the 16th & 24th past, the former by Jno Va[ug]han with your toaken to my wife, who desires to be kindely remembered unto you & thankes you for the same, I must thanke you also fore the Bitch, But am vexed to advise you shee is Stolne {?stolen], I hope yett to make some sharply pay for soe doeinge, But Sr if shee cost you any thinge pray putt
London Aprill 6th 1675
Yours of the 25 March came sfe to my hands and for your additional kindnesse therein I returne you my hearty thanks; had Sr Thomas Liddall’s proposals been as you mention (viz) £300 p ann for jointure and present maintenance and £200 p annum after his death and that estate in Land or some other certaine thing that might have been depended upon I should have made noe scruple especially if the young man had been to have had his portion; butt contrariwise his
London Aprill 8th 1676
Sr Ja: Standsfield
Yours of the 30th past recd. Take notis of its contents & therein recd your acct Currant wch finde to agree wth our Bookes except two articles concerning the Lead Mines amounting to £106:13:4 wch Br Lindsay (who is now out of towne) can say nothing to untill he speaks wth Mr Vermuyden who is expected in towne in few days. He shal be then acquainted with wt you desyre. As for wt Ald[erman] Simpson has drawn on you it was contrary to our kno
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 8th 1676
Mr Robt Jackson
If you or your frends have any Bills to spare att 10 or 15 d[ays] sight or dollers att 4s 6 ½d or ¾ pray doe mee the kindness as Lett mee know, my respects to all freinds when you see them I am MB
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 8th 1676
Mr Nich Ma<.>s
I have a greate ambition to be Little acquented w[i]th you & therefore have made bold to trouble you w[i]th these few lines desireinge you att your leasure to lett mee know In Answer if either you or your Frends Cann spare any Bills att 10, or 15 d[ays] sight or Dollers att 4s 6 ½ or ¾ pray excuse this boldness & afoard a line in answer unto Sr MB
Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 8th 76
Mr Tho: Finley
In Answer to yours of the 7th present may please note Jno Eden is nott att home, w[he]n I see him I hope To determine the diffrence betwixt you - as for lettinge of my Land I will say nothing to itt for I have that wholy to my uncle Eden w[ha]t hee doth therein shall content mee being in hast[e] I remayne
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 8th 76
Sir James Standfeild
My last to you was of the 3d March 1675/6 to w[hi]ch att your Leasure referrs you I would desire your Worshipp to give a line in answer Butt the Sooner the mo<r>e acceptable unto MB
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 8th 76
Mr Edw: Willett
My last to you was of the 8th Ap[r]ill to w[hi]ch referrs you since have Rec[ieve]d yours of the 31th past w[i]th an account of my 200 p[iece]s of Leed w[hi]ch I have examined found Right & booked accordingly haveinge In Conformity Thereto made your account Currant <Dr> £2444: 17: 2d for the nett proceed thereof this will Confirme my former In desireing you without delay to remitt mee the Valew upon discount; your complyance w[i]th w[
Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 11th 76
Mr John Strother
My last to you was of the 25th March past to w[hi]ch refers you Since none from you soe the lesse to Inlarge upon this serveing cheifely for a Covert to the Inclosed w[hi]ch pray deliver & perswade him all you can to avoyd diffrences if hee can neither procure Pitch or Tarr, Butt if hees <positive> & refractory Lett him take his Course, if hee can buy any Pitch & Tarr, I am content hee shall buy it, w[hi]ch I heare hee ma
Newcastle March the 25th 76 Ap[r]ill 11th 76
Mr Wm Leck
My last to you was of the 25th of March 76 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since none from you w[hi]ch I doe very much wonder att, haveing notice both from my freind & others that you are safely gott to Rochell you writt from London that you would not fayle to write to mee out of the Downes & you promised mee att your departure that you would write mee from every Port you came att, butt I see you are turned a French Man, all promise
Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 11th 76
Mr Charles & James Bankes
My last to you was of the 25th of March 76, Since none from you have the less to Inlardge upon onely to desire you to send forward the inclosed unto Mr Strother without delay, who I perceive will have accasion very shortly to draw some money upon you, upon my account all his Bills I pray lett bee accepted & as the fall due, And that you reimburss your selfe upon mee, you need nott feare butt all honour shall be given to y
Newcastle Ap[r]ill 11th 1676
Mr Walter Chaytor
My last to you was of the 4th present 76 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[ieve]d yours of the 7th present w[hi]ch required little answer, have the less to Inlarge upon this being cheifely to desire you that when it pleases God my 600 p[iece]s of Leed arrives you will putt them off as also the remaynder in your hands when a good oppertunity presents & soe lett mee have the Nett proseed thereof Remitted & the Sooner the more acce