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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 25 Nov 1755

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt MP Curzon Street London Newcastle 25 Nov 1755 Hon. Sir Yesterday I rec[eiv]ed Miss Rutter's £800 & the intr[es]t f[ro]m the date of the Bond to this day £1.1.0 wch Money I have made my self D[ebto]r to you for, & therefore I desire you will please to advise the receipt of the 3 enclosed Bills for £652.13.7 wch are all in my power to remit you at present. I have also rec[eiv]ed of Dr Cooper £100 in part of his Note & £12 for intr[es]t &a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 2 Dec 1755

To Mr Chr.Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 2 Dec 1755 Dr Sr Inclosed you receive back my Kenton acct. with my Affid[avi]t thereon for wch I paid Mr Widdrington 2s & desire you will charge the same in your bill. I am much obliged to you for getting the £10 allowd for Beaumonts money, for two fine hares sent me by Mr Hutchinson & for the Nonpareils, wch are not yet arrived. You may be assured of having a remittance for the ballance of the W[es]t Kenton accts pay[a]ble 28 inst., but

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 5 Dec 1755

Dec 5 Wrote Mr Denton to send Mr Rudd instructions whether Sir Walter,or Mrs Rastall or both are to be made Parties in the intended bill against the Hexham Gardiners. It[em] Advised Messrs Plumble & Browne of sending them 832 oz fine Silver by Ma[s]ter Lee

Letters – Henry Richmond to Churchwardens – 12 Dec 1755

12 Dec 1755 This day sent the Letters to the Churchwardens of the 4 parishes fixing the distribution of S[i]r W[alte]rs annual Charity on the 22nd inst - see Lres in Dec 1746. HR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Dec 1755

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London Newcastle 12 Dec 1755 Dr Sr Inclosed are two bills for £600 wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise the receipt of. This remittance will enable you to pay the Ballance of my W[es]t Kenton acct & I expect to make you a further return in a few posts to pay Lady Mansel. But as to Mr Lascelles I see no likelyhood when I can make any provision for their 2 y[ea]rs intr[es]t due 26 Aug so th[a]t you must settle the Matter as well as you ca

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 Dec 1755

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bart. in Lond[o]n 14 Dec 1755 Hon. Sir I waited on Mr Ord yesterday agreeable to your Directions & desired to know his Resolution about Kenton estate, but cannot find he is resolvd one way or other. he desired me to send him a Rental which I shall do tho I gave him one 12 months agoe, & says he will examine into the Estate & give you a definitive Answer when he comes to London which will be the latter End of Jan[ua]ry. He talks as if he still has some E

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 19 Dec 1755

To Mr Chris.Denton in Grays Inn 19 Dec 1755 Dr Sir I have received advice to Day that Gab[rie]l D. Vebre, on whom I sent you Mr Thos. Aireys two bills for £300 each in my Lre of the 12th inst has stop'd Payment. Mr Airey assures me if the Bills be sent to Messrs Hyde, Lawson & Co. Merchants in Cornhill they will be paid when due, but if it should happen otherwise, pray return them protested for non Payment, & sell my So.S Annuities as you can for you will want the Money to p

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Dec 1755

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt M.P. London Newcastle 19 Dec 1755 Hon. Sir The dispute between Wray & the Ropers is at present suspended for he has got one Stephenson a free Roper & carries on the Business in his name; but how long this Expedient will keep Matters quiet among them is very uncertain. Cramlington's men have been very riotous, & the Mayor has granted Warrants ag[ain]st them; wch he co[ul]d not refuse to do & this is w[ha]t they complain of , & want the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Dec 1755

To Mr Chris.Denton London 23 Dec 1755 Dr Dr You may remember when you were here th[a]t S[i]r W[alte]r signed a paper signifying his approbation of giving up the D[ea]n & Chap[ter]s Lease of Jarrow Coll[ie]ry & Messrs Carr & Ellisons Lease of Gatesh[ea]d Fell Coll[ie]ry. All the other Parties interested in these Coll[ie]ries have signed the same paper within the last week, & as Sr Wr is the surviving Lessee in of Gatesh[ea]d Fell Coll[ie]ry, Mr Rudd says, Notice must be give

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Dec 1755

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt. MP. London 23 Dec 1755 Honrd. The Trustees for the Sailors Charity have given Notice to the Com[missione]rs for the Elsdon turnpike road, th[a]t if they do not imediately pay in the Money advanced on the Security being £500 or deliver up the gates they will file a bill for the recovery thereof. The Trustees say some of the Com[missione]rs tell them, they beleive you will advance the Money, wch I hope you do not intend to do, as you can never get either the £200, alr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Dec 1755

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt London 27 Dec 1755 Hon. Sir I am extreamly sorry to find there sho[ul]d be any intention of laying a further duty on Lead exported; wch wo[ul]d be a heavy Load & discouragement to all Lead mine adventurers in general, & not ans[we]r the ends th[a]t may be proposed by the Government, for sev[era]l reasons th[a]t may be set forth if occasion require. I have mentioned to the Agents for Greenwich hosp[ita]l & the Quakers Co. that I had rec[eiv]ed intimation f[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Dec 1755

To Mr Chris. Denton in Grays Inn London 28 Dec 1755 Dr Sir Inclosed is a Bill for two hundred pounds as above, which I desire you will place to my Credit & advise your Receipt thereof. I would not have you return Mr Aireys two bills, for he assured me yesterday if Hyde & Lawson & Co. did not pay them when due, which he was confident they would do, they should be paid imediately by another hand, you are the best Judge whether its necessary to protest them, if they are not punc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Sleigh – 28 Dec 1755

To Mr Wm.Sleigh M[erchan]t in Stockton 28 Dec 1755 I have rec[eiv]ed a Lre Last Post f[ro]m a friend in London who says he has it f[ro]m good Authority th[a]t the Ministry intend to move this Session for an additional Duty of £40 a Ton being laid on Lead Exported. I have mentiond this to Mr Tyzack & also Mr Walton & Boag who are concerned for Greenwich hosp[ita]l & we all write to our principals by this post for their instructions by the return of the post, w[ha]t methods are pr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Carr & Ellison – 1 Jan 1756

To Hen. Thos. Carr & Hen. Ellison Esqs Newcastle 1 Jan 1756 Sirs Please to take Notice that S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett & P[ar]tners intend to discontinue working any more Coals in gateshead Fell Colliery from this day, in order to determine the Lease, wch I have in command to signify to you & am Sirs your etc Jos. Richmond NB : Delivered the above Notice to Mr Sill Mr Ellison's Steward this 1st Jan 1756 Hen.Richmond

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Jan 1756

To Sr .Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London 2 Jan 1756 Hon Sir The paragraph in the Newspapers, that a party of Soldiers were ordered to patrole the Streets in the night time was occasiond by some new recruits having insulted several of the inhabitants & killed a Pitman, on the Side about 10 O Clock at night, but the Guilty persons could never be discovered. As to the Lucker Affair, I do not know when the Auditors will rectify their Mistake, unless you will be pleasd to sp[eak to L[or]d North

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Jan 1756

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt MP. London 11 Jan 1756 Hon Sir I find by some of the Lead Owners at Stockton, who Mr Pere Tyzack, the Quaker's Agent, & I had a Conference with last week at Durham, That L[or]d Darlington was apprised before he left London of the Ministry's Intention of moving this Session for an add[itiona]l Duty on Lead exported. We drew up at the Meeting the heads of such Argum[en]ts as occurd to us ag[ain]st laying on such a Duty, wch are here inclosed; & t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Jan 1756

To Sr. Wr. Blackett Bt MP at his ho[use] in Curzon Street London 16 Jan 1756 Hon Sir I send you the post under 3 covers Mr Rudds Dra[f]t of a Bill to be filed ag[ain]st the Hexham Gardners & Mr Ellis thinks it ought to be done in hillary term wch begins the 23rd inst; for these people are not to be bro[ugh]t to reason by any other means. The tithe in dispute is computed at between £30 and £40 a y[ea]r, if you order the Bill to be filed you will please to order Mr Denton to correspond

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 16 Jan 1756

To Mr Chris. Denton, Grays Inn London 16 Jan 1756 Dr Sr Yo[ur] Lre of the 1st inst. bro[ugh]t me the rem[ainde]r of the rec[eip]ts relating to W. Kenton & I have given the acct. C[redi]t for £499.2.2 the amo[un]t of the paym[en]ts, & made you D[ebto]r for £42.14.9 Sr. Wr's Dividend; wch I think you will find right. I have sent Sr.Wr. by this post under 2 covers Mr Rudds dra[f]t of the bill to be filed ag[ain]st the Hexham Gardners, as setled by him & Mr Ellis, the 3rd

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Jan 1756

To Sr.Wr.Blackett Bt London 23 Jan 1756 Hon Sir You will no doubt have many Lres this post, w[i]th an acct. of Mr Cuthbertson the Town Clerks death, who died at Scorton of a Fever last Wednesday night; this place is in the disposal of the Comon Council, & I find many of them are inclined to shew all the favour to the family th[a]t can be done consistent with the late regulation, by wch the Corpora[tio]n is only obliged to pay 1000 Guineas being 1/2 of the money Mr Cuthberston p[ai]d fo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Feb 1756

To Sr.Wr. Blackett Bt London 6 Feb 1756 Hon Sir The petition herew[i]th inclosd was sent by Mr Ellis; who says w[ha]t is therein desired is a very reasonable request. The Subpoenas are servd on the 3 Hexham Gardners, & Mr Ellis apprehends they will not appear, but send you a petition, desiring you will excuse w[ha]t is past, & not charge them with any costs, & th[a]t they will propose to pay ab[ou]t 18d in the Po[un]d for the future, on the rent they pay for their Gro[un]d wc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 7 Feb 1756

To Sr.Wr.Blackett Bt in London 7 Feb 1756 Hon Sir, Since my Lre by the last post I have rec[eiv]ed the inclosd from Mr Ellis by wch you will please to observe the Def[endan]ts submit to yo[u]r pleasure & do not intend to appear; therefore I desire yo[u]r directions herein & that you will please to order Mr Denton to forbear sending the Attachm[en]ts ag[ain]st them or otherwise as shall be thought proper. On Fryday we had the highest Wind that I can remember, wch has done a deal o

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 25 Feb 1756

To Mr Rich. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 25 Feb 1756 Sir Sr.Wr. Blackett came here yesterday & orders me to desire you will tell yo[u]r Gardiners, that he expects they will give him no further Trouble or Application ab[ou]t their Tithes, & in that case he excuse all that is past but insists on their paying £10 an Acre for the time to come, & also all thecosts that has hitherto accrued, & you are to let me know as soon as you can, whether they submit to these terms, & have

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 5 Mar 1756

To Mr Chr.Denton Grays Inn LOndon 5 March 1756 Dr. Sr. Some of the houses at West Kenton, are in so bad a Condition, occasioned by the stormy weather we have had since Mart[inma]s last, th[a]t the ten[an]ts cannot possibly subsist without their being repaired. I have already been obliged to lay out 4.8.6, in doing w[ha]t was imediately necessary to prevent further damage & have made an estimate of w[ha]t ought to be done this spring as soon as possible, wch will come to £10 or £12 mo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 9 Mar 1756

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham 9 March 1756 Sir Mr Walton says they are ready to pay the fee farm rents for the same time they pay L[or]d North[umber]land, wch he thinks is for 7 or 8 y[ea]rs; but they expect the Landtax to be allowd, wch the Earls agents will not agree to; alledging his rents are not liable to pay the same; so the matter remains at pres[en]t in suspence. Mr Walton says they have wrote to the hospital for instructions therein: & they will not require the allow[an]ce f[ro

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Mar 1756

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bart in London 19 March 1756 Hon Sir Herewith is inclosed Mr Ellis's state of the Case about Stublock with copie of the Injunction you were served with on 1739, the case is much the same with what I sent you last year, which I beleive was laid before Mr Ord, but whether he gave any opinion upon it I do not know. Yesterday morning early the regulating Capt[ai]n with the Assistance of our Greenland men got about 50 Sailors at Sunderland, & might have got many mor
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467