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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 1 Jul 1756

1756 July 16 Advised Messrs Plumb & Brown of the p[arce]l of Silver q[uanti]ty 708 Oz sent them this day by Mr Lee the London Carrier, & desired them to place it to Sr.Wr.Blacketts acct at the market price JR

Letter – William Wentworth to Diana Bosville – 5 Jul 1756

Dear Daughter It gave me great pleasure to find by yours that your daughters were in so good a way & Billey so well. I suppose by this you will have seen Mr Willson & his two younge daughters, I desired him if he had any money to spare that he would leave thirty pounds in your hands for me, to pay for Annabellas schooling, her half year being up the 21 of last month. if he cannot let me know and I will get you a bill and send it by the first opportunity. the countery are very ang

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 9 Jul 1756

To Richd.Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcastle 9 July 1756 Sir Agreable to your Lre of the 5th inst you herewith receive the best acco[un]t I can send you of W.Kenton Estate for when I was appointed receiver in 1741 the Lease let by the Court to Mr Byers was just expired & one Fenwick had entred into the Estate, who there was a deal of trouble with to get out of possession; & after it was done, I co[ul]d never get any information about it, but what Mr Geo.Cuthbertson gave me with regard to

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 15 Jul 1756

To Mr Richd.Harrison Newcastle 15 July 1756 Sr I rec[eiv]ed yo[u]r Lre & in answ[er] thereto S[i]r.W[alte]r.Blackett has appointed you to be his Steward at Coalcleugh & you are to enter into the place imediately; wch I hope will not be disagreable to Mr Armstrong, as he did tell me he tho[ugh]t you the properest person for Sr.Wrs. service & I doubt not he will give all the assistance he can to get the work sent to the Mils & his sons accts made up in order for a pay. I de

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Armstrong – 15 Jul 1756

To Mr Robt. Armstrong at Coalcleugh 15 July 1756 Sir I have rec[eiv]ed a Lre f[ro]m Sr.Wr.Blackett in wch he orders me to acquaint you, th[a]t he rec[eive]d your's & Mr Wastels in favour of yo[u]r son to be Steward at Coalcleugh; but he desires to be excused comp[lying therewith, tho he had always a very good opinion & regard for you, for as both you & MR Peart told me that Mr Richard Harrison, if he could be engaged, was the properest Person for his Servic e He has appoin

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Aug 1756

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. at Scarbro 1 Aug 1756 Hon Sir Here are two Per[so]ns whose names are <Pirack> that have offerd £240 a Year for Mr Todds farm for a lease of 21 years, they being at Liberty to quit at the End of the first seven years on giving 12 moinths notice. I beleive their Circumstances to be very good. Here are also two other Persons who are tenants to Mr Rigg that have offerd £250 a year for a term of 21 years certain, I have enquired after them & find they are

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Todd – 18 Aug 1756

To Mr Rob.Todd at Kenton 18 Aug 1756 Sir I think it right to acquaint you that your Farm is now let, that you may lose no opportunity of providing for yourself. I am etc JR Sent by J.Davison

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Wray – 19 Aug 1756

To Mr Geo.Wray, Keyside 19 Aug 1756 Sir I am sorry you are so delatory in paying the money on Mr Kiles & your joint bond, which should have been paid two months agoe. I am ordered to acquaint you that if it is not paid some Day next Week, you may expect to meet with trouble wch I hope you will take care to prevent. I am etc JR

Letters – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 20 Aug 1756

Ravensworth Castle August 20th 1756 Sir Inclosed we send you the Moor Masters Account of mines wrought and unwrought, with the quantity of ore raised <etc> in the mannor of Alstonmoore from Christmas to midsummer last, which be pleased to lay before the Board. We have lately received some Information,that a discovery of a Lead Mine has been made in Hexhamshire in the Common or <parish>,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Wiliam Dawson – 31 Aug 1756

To The Revd Mr Willm.Dawson at Yaxley, to be left at Mr Palmer's Surgeon in Stilton, Huntingdonshire Newcastle 31 Aug 1756 Sir I rec[eiv]ed yo[u]r Lre of the 13th inst, & agreable thereto have herewith sent you a bill for twenty po[un]ds for Sr.Wr.Blacketts half y[ea]rs allow[an]ce due to you the 24 June last, wch I desire you will advise the rec[eip]t of in manner as below, & direct for me at Sr.Wr.Blacketts at Newcastle. for the future I will take care to return you your Mo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Street – 17 Sep 1756

To Mr Thos.Street Confectioner in Old Bond Street London Newcastle 17th Sept 1756 Sir I am ordered by Sir Walter & Lady Blackett to write to you to send down the above articles to be here the 7th or 8th of next month or they will be too late; you must not therefore fail to send them by Carrier or waggon that will leave London the 26th or 27th of this month, for as Sir Walter is to be Mayor they will be wanted at the Guild the 11th of next month, so pray take care you do not slip the fi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Oct 1756

1756 October 2nd Advisd Messrs Plumb & Brown of my draught on them for £90.0.0 at 20 d[ays] p[ay[ab]le to Wadham Windham Esq., or order, value rec[eiv]ed of Mr John Mann. JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Samuel & James Burn – 19 Oct 1756

To Messrs Saml. & Jams.Burn at West Ord near Berwick Newcastle 19 Oct 1756 Sirs As soon as it is suitable to you, I desire you will send me a London bill on acct of the Fishery & Land Rent due at Ladyday & Mayd[a]y last, wch will be of use to S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett as he must be in London ag[ain]st the Meeting of the Parliament. I am etc JR PS the bill must be payable to me or order because I am accountable for the Rents.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 22 Oct 1756

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham 22 Oct 1756 Sir Mr Coulthard has wrote to Sr.Wr. desiring a Presentation to the Living of Allandale; wch I wish he may not have been too long of applying for as Mr Toppin has been dead above six months. I apprehend the presentation must be to the ArchB[isho]p of York & that an 18d stamp will do, as I do not find the Living valued in the Kings books. But as it is a Peculiar I have some doubt whether the patron ought to present, unless it has been done before

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Crowe – 22 Oct 1756

To Geo. Sandeford Crowe Esq. in Durham Newcastle 22 Oct 1756 Sir In ans[we]r to yo[u]r Lre of the 19 inst you herew[i]th receive the D[ea]n & Chapters acct for Jarrow Coll[ie]ry amounting to £8.9.4 wch money you will please to pay as Mr Airey did, for I cannot pay it. I have given Mr Wilkinsons Ex[ecu]tors credit in acct for Sr.Wr.Blacketts 1/2 as usual. Sr.Wr has always p[ai]d Mr Ellison's rent of £150 a y[ea]r for Gatesh[ea]d Fell Coll[ie]ry so th[a]t Mr Wilkinsons Ex[ecu]to

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 26 Oct 1756

To Mr Denton at Richd.Arundell's Esq. at Allerton Mauleverer near Burroughbridge 26 Oct 1756 Dr Sr I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 21st w[i]th Mr Gordons Promisory Note & a Lre for Mr John Ord I delivered him, I also rec[eiv]ed yours of the 24th w[i]th the offer of your mare to Mr Blackett to ride up to London with wch I have acquainted him, he returns you thanks but says he believes he is to come up with Sr.Wr. in the Post Chaise, I rec[eiv]ed a Lre last post from Mr Wilson in wch

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 26 Oct 1756

To Richd. Wilson Esq. at Leeds 26 Oct 1756 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 23rd & agreable thereto waited this morning on Mr Ord of Fenham who says he must have £1000 in Cash but will take Bank Notes for the remainder. I doubt it will be very difficult to get £1000 here at this time for either Bills or Bank Notes, for here has been a great want of money for some time. Your Leeds Gents. take away all the Excise, & as our Collector is now upon the Round, I apprehend they have enga

Letters – Joseph Richmond to James Lamb – 26 Oct 1756

To Mr James Lamb at Haggerston 26 Oct 1756 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 24th about y[ou]r Castle Rent, Wch I will communicate to Sr.Wr.Blackett the first opportunity, & in the mean time I desire you'l let me know w[ha]t Mr Haggerston's Demand is on Sr.Wr.Blackett on that acct. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to James Cockburn – 2 Nov 1756

To Jams.Cockburn Esq. at the Office of Ordnance in the Tower London 2 Nov 1756 Sir Mr Forman in his Lre of the 8th July last, acquainted me that Capt[ai]n Smith had settled the Stoppages from the Miners raised by Sir Walter Blackett at this place as undermentioned comenceing the 1st June & that I was to draw upon you monthly, quarterly or otherwise for the same & there being now five months due the 1st instant, I have this day drawn a bill on you for that sum payable to Mr Chris. D

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 9 Nov 1756

To Mr Richd. Harrison Newcastle 9 Nov 1756 Sir In answer to your Lre of the 6 inst. if Jos.Bell has got Administration to the Effects of Thos.Armstrong you must deliver him up the goods in Coalcleugh house except what you are certain belongs to Sir Wr. Blackett, for we cannot hold them ag[ain]st him; but nust come upon the wid[o]w for her husbands deficiencies wch by her Lre she is obliged to pay as far as £36 will do it. I desire therefore you will enquire among the sev[era]l tenants &am

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Nov 1756

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London Newcastle 13 Nov 1756 Dr Sr Inclosed is Mr Samuel Burns bill on Thos. Burn for £185 & my bill on James Cockburn Esq. for £9 wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise me on yo[u]r receipt hereof. I also send you herewith inclosed my acct of West Kenton rents for the Y[ea]r ended at Mayday last & by this post you receive the 17 vouchers to that acct under two covers. As to Mr Beaumonts arrear I desire you will acquaint the Gents c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 16 Nov 1756

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 16 Nov 1756 Sir Your not sending the lead away from the mils this year at the proper season was certainly a very great neglect, fo wch Sir Wr. orders me to require your reason as the sale of it is lost for 7 or 8 Months. At Allanheads Mil there were only 45 pieces sent away in Aug. tho there were 1000 p[iece]s at the Mil & in Sept. only 126 p[iece]s sent away tho above 1500 p[iece]s at the Mil, & when I sent to John Lee to know his reason

Letters – Joseph Richmond to David Thomas – 22 Nov 1756

To Mr David Thomas 22 November 1756 Sir I am desired by Mr Wilson of Leeds to acquaint you th[a]t I have by this post sent Jos.Banks Esq. in Chancery Lane L[or]d Chief Baron Ords discharge for 2407.15.1 reported to be due to him out of the purchase money for West Kenton estate, but not being certain how to direct to You I send this under cover to Mr Denton & am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Banks – 22 Nov 1756

To Joseph Banks Esq. at his house in Chancery Lane London Newcastle 22 Nov 1756 Sir I send you enclosed Lre of Attorney & Mr Ord of Fenhams receipt for £2407.15.1 by Mr Wilson's directions; wch I desire you will advise the receipt of. As the Lre of Attorney does not express the exact sum reported due to Mr Ord I was under some doubt whether to pay the money; But the sum p[ai]d is right with the Master's report & less than mencond [mentioned] in the Letter of Attorney

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Nov 1756

To Mr Chris. Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 23 Nov 1756 Dr Sr I have your favour of the 18th & thank you for indorsing Saml.Burn's bill wch I find I had emitted to do. I send you enclosed my Affid[avi]t to support the Allegations in S[i]r W[alte]r & Lady Blacketts petition & have p[ai]d my son for copying it & chargd it to Sr.Wr.s acct. You will remeber the £400 Sr.Wr. has p[ai]d in discharge of Sir Wm. Blacketts bond to Edwd. Ord & the £150 he has p[ai]d Mr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467