To Mr Thos. Street Confectioner in Old Bond Street London
Newcastle 1 March 1757
Inclosed is an acco[un]t of what Sweetmeats Sr.Wr.Blackett will want to be here by the last of this Month; wch I therefore desire you will forward in time by the Carrier & give me Notice when they are sent away. The bills for sweetmeats sent hither at Xmas last come to £29.11.3 You may put those then sent, & these now ordered into one bill & give it to Sr. Wr. who will order it to be paid. I
To The Rev[eren]d Mr Willm. Dawson at Yaxley to be left at Mr Palmer's Surgeon in Stilton Huntingdonshire
Newcastle 8 March 1757
I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 23rd past, & agreable thereto I send you inclosed my Bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London for Twenty pounds payable Twenty days after date; wch I desire you will advise the receipt of by the return of the post, & acknowledge it to be for Sir Wr. Blacketts half y[ea]r allowance due the 24
To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsm[i]ths in Foster Lane London
8 March 1757
Yesterday I drew two bills on you; one for £100 payable to Aubone Surtees Esq. or order 20 days after date, & the other £20 payable to the Revd. Wm.Dawson or order 20 days after date, wch I desire you will honour, & place to Sr.Walter Blackett's acct. I am etc JR
To Mr Chris. Denton London
Newcastle 11 March 1757
Dr Sir
I have sent you by the post under 3 covers 14 vouchers for money p[ai]d on acco[un]t of Hexham Division in 1756 wch makes the whole money p[ai]d to this time come to £1034.16.6 as below; & I shall finish my Affid[avi]t & send you by tuesday's post at furthest. I asl pardon for writing you that I wanted Lady Mansels receipt for I rec[eiuv]ed it in yo[u]r Lre of he 29th Jan & have placed it to your acct. I am etc
To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Golds[mi]ths in Foster Lane London
15 March 1757
I have drawn a bill on you today for £250 payable to Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. or order 20 d[ays] after date, wch you will please to place to Sir Wr's acct. When this bill & the two bills advised you of the 8th inst. are p[ai]d the ball[an]ce remaining in yo[u]r hand I make to be 2.17.5 3/4 if this agrees with your books I desire you will advise me thereof & then I think there will be no Occasion
To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London
15 March 1757
Dr Sir
I herewith inclose you my 2nd affid[avi]t & the plan of Lamberts house, wch I wish may be of any service to Sir Wr. As to the rec[eip]ts taken by Mr Ellis for Gunnerton & Hexham divisions I hope you will be able to prevail with the Master to admit them, for it will not be possible I doubt to get them in any other form. Sir Wr. has allowed all the sums mencond [mentioned] in those rec]eip]ts to Mr Ellis as paid on acct o
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London
Newcastle 15 March 1757
Hon Sir
The new Cart with 6 inch wheels was finishd on fryday last, & we have made sev[era]l tryals wth it & find th[a]t it is as easily drawn with two horses when full laden, on all sorts of ground, hard & soft, uphill & downhill, as any Carts with narrow wheels carrying the same burden; & as to one horse carts it is generally allowed th[a]t wheels 4 inch & /2 broad will be as
To Sr.Wr. Blackett Bt. London
Newcastle 22 March 1757
Hon Sir
Mr Peareth says th[a]t as the Guild & Sessions will not be till the 18th & 20th April yo[u]r being here on the 15 or 16th will be in time sufficient; for the Comon Council may be properly held on fryday the 22nd. I presume you do not incline to have many Country Gents at this Guild so th[a]t the two long tables & the drawing room may take in all the C[ompan]y necessary to invite. I wrote sometime ago to Mr Street to
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London
25 March 1757
Hon. Sir
Mr Ellison cannot find anything at Ravensworth th[a]t gives any manner of Light with regard to Mrs Gunter's claim further than th[a]t old Mr Fenwick of Stannerton, Mrs Gunters Grandfather married a Daughter of Sir Fra. Liddel; but how Sir Francis was any way related to Sr.Richd.Stole does not appear.
Mr Ellis says the Kirkheaton tenants answer to Anickgrange court & do suit & serv
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
25 March 1757
Y[ou]r Lre of the 21st I am satisfied will not do with regard to y[ou]r incident charges of £12.16.0. For when I am asked w[ha]t they are for, what can I say? they are so much higher than any other Stewards who have far more business to go about, th[a]t I am certain they will be struck off your acct. unless you send me a particular how they arise. Mr Peart & Mr C.Hunter do not charge half w[ha]t you do, & they always mention the O
To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London
29 March 1757
Dr Sr
I return you herewith inclosed & under another cover by this post, the notes you sent me in your Lres of the 15th relating to Hexham Division, w[hi]ch I hope will now pass muster, & you receive inclosd a certificate of w[ha]t the improvements are by the division of Gunnerton Hexham & Shildon (viz. £340 a year) so th[a]t I hope no objection will be made to the allowing Sir Wr. the money he has laid out.
I rec[eiv]ed t
To Mr Chris. Denton, Grays Inn London
8 April 1757
Dr Sir
I have rec[eiv]ed y[ou]r six ticketts & given your acct. credit for six Guineas if they cost any more pray let me know.
I expect shortly to be ready with my W.Kenton acct. for the half y[ea]r ending at Mart[inma]s last, & am endeavouring to get something of Mr Beaumont, who promises me £100 before Mayday. I presume I cannot send up the acct. till you send me down Jane Randolphs rec[eip]t for her last dividend, as I cann
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
13 April 1757
You say Mr Salkeld, when you sent him to inspect the Mils, br[ough]t you a bad acc[oun]t of Mr Lee. but you do not say whether he was very sick or very drunk. I presume it to be the latter & therefore another Clerk must be looked out for, & as to his brother being employed in the wastes: why is he so if you think it contrary to Sir Wrs intrest. It is your province to regulate these matters as to letting all bargains & not to l
To The Revd. Mr Moises London
15 April 1757
Sir W[alte]r Blackett desires the favour you will please to enter Mr Leake as a Sizer in what college in Cambridge you judge most proper. He sets forward in the Coach on Monday first for London & will wait on you with a Lre f[ro]m Sir Wr. as soon as he comes to town. You will please to let Sir Wr. or me know w[ha]t money will be wanted at present on this occasion & it will be ordered to be p[ai]d to you, or as you shall direct by the
To Mr John Beaumont
15 April 1757
In your Lre of the 6th of March you wrote me you would certainly pay part of your arrears for Kenton wayleave, before Mayday. for which Reason the Gentlemen concerned have allowed me to keep my accounts open till that Time to see what money you pay, I think it right therefore as the time draws near to remind you of it, & to acquaint you that I beleive it will be your intrest to pay up the whole £300 at once if you possibly can, if not, I hope you
To Mr Denton
19 April 1757
Dr Sir
I have rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 14th, but Sir Walter can't find here any of the three Receipts you mention for money paid Mr Stowel, Mr Martin & Mr North, but whether he has them in London he does not know. When Mr Darwin was here he took all the Receipts that Sr. Walter ever delivered to me for money paid by him on the Trust account, but whether any of the receipts you want were among them I can't tell for I kept no acct. of what I deliver
To Mr John Peart at Newhouse
Newcastle 21 April 1757
I rec[eiv]ed your letter of the 18th about Scraithhead & Pikestone, & have communicated it to Sir Wr. who is willing to let them on such terms as you & Mr Bacons think proper. But there is about 3 years to go in the old tack, & you cannot let a new Tack till the old one is expired or given up. The people who were with me offer to take Scraithhead at 30s a Bing wch Sir Walter will agree to if approved of by Mr Bacon &a
To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London
26 April 1757
Dr Sr
Since my last I have rec[eiv]ed Mr Ellis's acct. for the y[ea]r 1756, in wch I observe an Article charged for some woody gro[un]d bought for the use of Hexham Tine Mils, wch he had omitted to charge in his accts for the y[ea]r 1755. this P[iec]e of Gro[un]d lays near Dilston park, is not let, but is reserved for a spring of wood for the use of the Mils solely & therefore ought to be charged to the trust Estate, as those in
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London
Newcastle 30 April 1757
Hon. Sir
Capt[ai]n Lambert left this place on thursday senight & Wm. Fenwick, with the other recruits, marched the day before for Norwich. I learn from Dr Lambert that the Captn had said, upon some Application made to him for Fenwick's discharge, that it was not at all in his power; & that Tho. Fenwick was but a weak soldier, yet, as on acct. of his profession he wo[ul]d be useful
In the name of God Amen, I John Mulcaster of Acton Lead Mill in the County of Northumberland Yeoman, being very weak and infirm of Body but of sound and disposing mind and memory praised be God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following (that is to say)
First I commend my Soul in to the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my Body to be buryed at the discretion of my Executrix – As for my worldly Effects wherewith it hath pleased God
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London
Newcastle 6 May 1757
Hon. Sir
Mr Partis & Mr Langland are very well satisfied with the Gold boxes being made in London; wch they say wo[ul]d have taken them a long time to finish.
There are 22 desart frames at the Mayors house, 16 of wch are plain & 6 scollop'd. Mrs Betty says Mr Street has sent down as many Sweetmeats as will in her opinion serve all occasions till Mich[aelma]s.
The Waggon Men on this side of the water continue idle
To Rd. Wilson Esq at Leeds
8 May 1757
In answer to your Lre of the 4th I wish you could put off your journey hither for ten days, as Mr Robson cannot be here till the 17 or 18th, nor will the Survey[o]r get the Survey of the Estate finished till about that Time, & till that is done matters cannot be so well considerd about laying out the Farms. Wee have for some time been ditching, & winning stones for the Houses, & are beginning to clear the Ground of some whins, that it m
To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London
Newcastle 17 May 1757
Dr Sr
Inclosed are two bills for £263.10.0, as above, wch I desire you will advise the receipt of & place to my account.
I have rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 10th inclosing Lady Mansels receipt fpor £225 wch is placed to your acct. & I have rec[eive]d of Mrs Greenwel £3.9.4 for Crosby's receipt, wch is also placed to your acct. The Landtax at 4s in the pound is 10s8d wch makes up the y[ea]rs outrent due 12th inst.
To John Westgarth Esq at Unthank Weardale
20 May 1757
I rec[eiv]ed your favour of the 18th about the repairs wanting at Woodcroft, & have wrote to Mr Hunter, whose proper business it is, to come over & order them to be but if he do not come in a little time, nor Mr Peart who I have also sent to I accept of your kind offer to see done whats needful to prevent the timber receiving any further damage, for wch Sir Wr. will think himself obliged to you. Let Jno. Angus pay the slat
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield
20 May 1757
John Angus has applyed to Sir W[alte]r for some repairs at Woodcroft, where there are some slates off, & wch were so all last winter; by wch the wood receives damages & says when he applyes to you for any repairs you always refer him to me as if it were my business to go to Woodcroft to see them done. I am ordered to write to you to go over & see what is wanting & get it done, for Mr Westgarth also writes that it is absolut