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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 27 May 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London 27 May 1757 Dr Sir I have rec[eiv]ed of my son John £5.15.6 p[ai]d him by Mr Mosley & have placed the same to y[ou]r acct. I have made y[ou]r acct. Dr. for £14.0.6 & given you Cr. for £1.12.6 on W.Kenton acct. & have taken my son's rec[eip]t for £12.8.0 wch you have got him allowed for attending Mr Ord & Mr & Mrs Stoddart for wch he & I return you our acknowledgements. I am very glad to find you have got thro[ugh] wit

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 3 Jun 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London 3 June 1757 Dr Sir Mr & Mrs Stoddart have executed the deeds wch will be sent you by the coach on Monday, & you herewith receive the Lre of Attorney & Harry's Affid[avi]t. The reason that Jacky is the other witness is that he was going to Berwick to attend a Comis[sio]n about an affair of Sr.Wilfd. Lawson's, & saw the deeds executed in his way thither. We have fine growing weather, & the spring corn looks well, but the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 5 Jun 1757

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London 5 May [sic] 1757 Hon. Sir Mr Gibson says there is no manner of inconvenience will attend y[ou]r not holding a court the 13th inst. as there are no Causes at issue to be tryed on the jury day. Here were Lres in town 3 posts ago, advising the port of Dantzig was open for the exporta[tio]n of Rye & th[a]t the price was fallen 5 Guild[er]s a <last>. The D[u]ty ordered for the port is expected to come here at ab[ou]t 10s a boll, something lower

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Jun 1757

To Mr Chr. Denton in Grays Inn London 7 June 1757 Dr Sir The Deeds executed by Mr & Mrs Stoddart were sent to you yesterday by the Coach & the Carriage paid. I have discharged your account of the £14.0.6 & placed it to West Kenton acct. I herewith return you the Bill sent me in yo[u]r last letter, & as I beleive Sir Walter has paid the £130.15.0 to you & Mr Scott, I have certified the same accordingly. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Jun 1757

To Mr Chr. Denton in London 13 June 1757 Dr Sir To oblige a Servant maid of Sir Walters who is comeing up to Town I have drawn a bill on you for £28.10.0 payable 14 days after date to Cath. Quelch or Order & I have rec[eiv]ed of Mr Wm. Robson £87.13.3, both which sums are placed to yo[u]r acct. & by my Books will make the ballance £31.12.9 in your Favour. I am glad you have got the money for Edward Harrisons bond & expect the £1018 so soon, which if it had been left in you

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 14 Jun 1757

To Rd. Wilson Esq at Leeds 14 June 1757 Sir Mr King tells me he has been with you lately at Leeds & that you told him you would remit some m oney to me to carry on the new Buildings & as soon as I wrote you it would be wanted. I therefore take the liberty to acquaint you that as I do not expect to get in the Mayday rents till about Mich[ael]mas, wch will amount to only about £180 Landtax deducted, it will be necessary for you to remit 3 or £400 as soon as convenient for the Build

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Jeffreys – 17 Jun 1757

To Mr Wm. Jeffreys Attorney at Law in Berwick Newcastle 17 June 1757 Sir Inclosed herewith is the memorial you sent me to lay before Sr.Wr.Blackett. Yo[u]r restraining Sir Wr. f[ro]m communicating it to Mr Lisle leaves him not at liberty to take any further notice of it than to direct its being returned; as you desird in your Lre to me. When my Fa[the]r sees Mr Bulman's Ex[ecu]tors, wch I expect will be next week, he will mention to them what you Mr Brown & Mr Chisholm propos

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 21 Jun 1757

To Mr Collingw[oo]d Forster Attor[ne]y at law in Alnwick Newcastle 21 June 1757 Sir In your lre[letter] to Mr Robson you desire to have an acct. what Landtax has been allowed from time to time for Sr. Wr. Blackett's estate at Lucker, i.e. both the tithes & free lands, for they have never been assessed separately. I have therefore sent it you, as below, distinguishing the different rates at wch the same was allowed. We have no accts. further back than the y[ea]r 1727. I am etc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 28 Jun 1757

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 28 June 1757 Sir The late Mrs Windsor's estate at Kirkheaton will, as no heir has yet been found, in all probability be an Escheat & we are endeavouring to make out Sr. W[alte]r Blacketts Title to the same, in right of his Manor of Anickgrange, At wch you say it has immemorially done suit & service. I desire therefore, if you have any old Suit Rolls in Sir Jno. Fenwicks time or before, or any other antient evidence of their doing suit &a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 28 Jun 1757

To Richd. Wilson Esq. at Leeds 28 June 1757 Sir I have rec[eiv]ed you [sic] Lre of the 25th inclosing Mr Markhams bill on Mr Brewster for £100 wch I shall place to your acct. We are like to have some little debates already with the Kings about laying out your money, especially with Wm. King who wants to have the buildings put off in the meanest manner, that more money may be left to be applyed to the improvem]en]t of the land. But we think that you design the £1500 to be laid out in ma

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Jun 1757

To Mr Chr. Denton London 28 June 1757 Dr Sr By Sir W[alte]rs order I advanced the hundred Guineas for the Kings Plate run for here the 20th inst. I send you inclosed L[or]d Northumberlands certificate that it was won by Mr Holmes, who I am told is in London. I desire you will get him to endorse the certificate, wch is necessary to get repaym[en]t of the money, & when you have rec[eiv]ed it place it to the acct. of JR To Edmund Charles Blombery Esq at St James's house

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Samuel & James Burn – 28 Jun 1757

To Messrs Burns at Berwick 28 June 1757 Sirs The Owners of Yardford fishery have wrote to Sr. W[alte]r Blackett complaining That you put 2 ring nets into their water, wch they say is a new thing that Sir Wr. has no right to. Tho' I beleive they are mistaken I am ordered by Sr. Wr. to write to you & desire you will inform me as soon as you can : how long time & in what manner this priviledge has been enjoyed without any interruption before this. I have wrote to Mr Armorer by th

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Armorer – 28 Jun 1757

To Mr Wm. Armorer at Berwick 28 June 1757 Sir Sir W[alte]r Blackett having rec[eiv]ed Lres f[ro]m the owners of Yardford fishery complaining th[a]t Messrs Burns put in two ring nets into their water, wch they have no right to do, being a new thing never claimed before - Sir Wr. sends you his complim[en]ts & requests you will be so good as let me know by the first opportunity what you know of this matter & whether you enjoyd any such priviledge, when you had the Fishery of Wt. Ord,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Robson – 1 Jul 1757

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 1st July 1757 Sir I have sent you £320 by Josh. Forster, but whether you are to buy 6 or 800 sheep I cannot take upon me to advise; you will be able to judge better than I can, when you see Jno. Harrison & hear what has passed between him & Hump. Hopper. I always understood that Sr. Wr. had 160 stints on Redburn Fell & Hump. Hopper (for the farm he bought of Mr Wilkinson) only 80 Stints, but I can't pretend to tell you how the s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 5 Jul 1757

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt. at Wallington 5 July 1757 Hon. Sir I herewith inclose you Messrs. Burns & Mr Armorers answer about the ring nets complained of by Mr Fenwick &c; by wch you see yo[u]r right is indisputable & has never been called in question, till now that Messrs. Burns have let them to some persons for the rent of £6 a year; who may probably have exceeded the Boundary; wch sho[ul]d be now settled by refference, if the Gents are willing; or Actions brought ag[ain

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Samuel & James Burn – 8 Jul 1757

To Messrs Burns at Berwick 8 July 1757 Sirs I am ordered by Sr. Wr. Blackett to acquaint you, that he will propose a refference to Mr Fenwick & the other Gents wch he doubts not but they will agree to, in order to end all differences about the ring nets, & therefore desires you will think of a proper p[er]son for his refferee & try if he will take the trouble of it. He says he has no p[er]sonal acquaintance with Mr Strangeways or would have wrote to him; but if you think him t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Langstaff – 26 Jul 1757

To Mr Geo. Langstaff M[erchan]t in London 26 July 1757 I desire you will send by the first Opportunity 30 Casks of bone ashes for the use of Sir Walter Blacketts Refinery, & draw upon me for the Value as usual, & you will oblige yours etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 Jul 1757

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield 26 July 1757 Sr I have sold Mr Hodgson all the old castings at the 3 leadmils at £40 a Ton & he is to take them there at that price & pay the carriage. I co[ul]d not make any more of him so thought it better to take that price than let them lay any longer. You must give the clarks notice to weigh & deliver them & to mention the weight at the foot of their accts. & when you make out yo[u]r paybill you must deduct the money f[ro]m Messrs

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Aug 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton at Scarbrough Newcastle 12 Aug 1757 Dr Sir On Wednesday the Tryal with Jeffreys &c came on when the Def[endan]ts made themselves sure they wo[ul]d nonsuit us on the misrecital of the date of the bond in the Award For the bond is dated the 2d Febry & it is said in the Award to be the 6th. But after arguing the point for some time, it was agreed to make it a case & the Judge Mr Bathurst ordered the jury to find for the Plts [plaintiffs] for the sum awarded,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 16 Aug 1757

To Mr Richd. Harrison at Coalcleugh Newcastle 16 Aug 1757 Sir Mr Ord has asked Sr. Walter leave to work some stones in the quarry where you discharged his workmen, wch you did right in. So you are not to give them any further obstruction. I have rec-eive]d yo[u]r Lre wth the plan, wch is very neatly done. But I think the surveyor has drawn Mr Ords claim further than he makes it himself for he has drawn it to a well at Powstile house but there is a well wch goes by that name nearer Milstone

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 23 Aug 1757

To Richd. Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcastle 23 Aug 1757 Sir I herewith return you the draft of West kenton Lease, as it is agreed to by Messrs Kings after some debate. But as to their laying all the Gro[un]d down to grass 3 years before the end of their term, they insist upon its being contrary to their Agrem[en]t & the custom of the country; unless they were to enter to the whole Estate in grass. I told them I apprehended you meant the £200 to be allowed them for manure, as a compensati

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Ann Gunter – 26 Aug 1757

To Mrs Ann Gunter in Henrietta Street Covent Garden London Newcastle 26 Aug 1757 Madam By Lady Blacketts order I send you inclosed Peareth & Sorsbie's bill on Freeman & Stainbanks for £80 to pay yo[u]r own note & the other notes mentiond in her Ladyships order also encl;osed. She desires you will return her all the notes receipted as soon as paid & I desire you will advise me of the receipt of the Bill by the return of the post mentioning that it is to pay Lady Bl

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 23 Sep 1757

To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Golds[mi]ths, Foster Lane London Newcastle 23 Sept 1757 Srs I have sent you today by Laycock the London Carrier a p[iec]e of fine silver weighing 6581/2 Ounces wch I desire you will place to Sr. W[alte]r Blackett's Credit at the markett price & advise me on your Receipt thereof. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 23 Sep 1757

To Richd. Wilson Esq. at Leeds 23 Sept 1757 Sir I rec[eiv]ed the West Kenton Lease by Mr Fawcett & the Tenants have executed the counterpart, wch I send you by Mrs Rayner they asked me what was the charge. I told them I did not know, for I had no directions about it. We are now just covering in the second house; wch is better than a common farm house, at Mr Kings desire & I think will not be disagreable to you. As we can do little more at the buildings this year we shall proceed

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 30 Sep 1757

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham 30 Sept 1757 Sr I have seen Messrs Loraine & Midford & have since talked over their affair with Sir Walter, who says if the work charged in their bill was necessary to be done to put the Dams into repair it must be p[ai]d & he desires you will tell the Atkinsons that if they do not imediately pay one half of it at least, if you think they ought to do so; they will be sued without any further notice. And they must also make satisfaction for the manur
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467