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Deposition – Robert Armstrong – 28 Nov 1757

Robert Armstrong of the Herbert Law, Alston, gentleman, 70, said in 1732 he rode the boundary with Sir Walter Blackett (Hardrigg-Long Cross- Blue Snab – Standing Stone in Millstone Bottom- etc)…At the time he lived in Coalcleugh in Allendale and was steward to Sir Walter Blackett there and had been employed as a steward by the Blackett family since 1717.. He said that at the corner of the new Millstones enclosure made by Mr Whitfield, his brother John Armstrong and others pulled down the fen

Deposition – Henry French – 28 Nov 1757

Henry French, 60 and upwards, carpenter, of Planetree House, Whitfield. He said that there had been no dispute about Hareshaws, Thackshaws and Millstones Fell being in Whitfield Liberty, ‘until sometime after a rich groove or lead mine was discovered in the Manor of Hexham at a place called Grisslee Raw and then he heard that Mr Blackett now Sir Walter Blackett claimed the said ground called Hareshaws, Thackshaws and Millstone Fell to be parcel of and lie within the Manor of Hexham.’….. Re

Deposition – Thomas Dawson – 28 Nov 1757

Thomas Dawson, 63, born at Whitewalls in Whitfield manor. His father farmed there and his mother after his father’s death. He was present at the Whitfield boundary riding by Mr Utrick Whitfield, son of Mathew Whitfield Esq., then Lord of the Manor of Whitfield. Saith ‘that the riding of the boundary was very public and notorious and believes that there were about three hundred people collected together, some out of curiosity and others upon other accounts….He said that Whitfield tenants

Deposition – Nicholas Lee – 28 Nov 1757

Nicholas Lee, 62, Mason, lived at Whitelees in the parish of Kirkhaugh from childhood. In 1728 he leased Millstones farm for 21 years, but disposed of his interest after 3 years. During his time there he enclosed with a hedge a considerable part of Millstones Common with permission.

Deposition – Robert Wilkinson – 28 Nov 1757

Robert Wilkinson, 67, of Dufton in Westmorland, said his father was hired as a herd by Thomas Errington of Corbygate and Ralph Whitfield of Newshield who had taken the Millstones farm as a grazing farm. It had a very large stock he believes to the amount of 1100, and the neighbours complained that Errington and Whitfield kept too large a stock of sheep upon the said Commons for their farm. In the summer they counted their stock of sheep and did this between Hareshaws, Sandiford and the Long C

Deposition – Mary Pattison – 28 Nov 1757

Mary Pattison, 59, widow, was born in Allendale but lived from the age of 16 with her father at the Millstones Tenement. She said that some Allendale tenants got peat near Knights Cleugh, but only she believed with the permission of Squire Whitfield. Peat which was cast without permission was set on fire by a servant of Squire Whitfield, and she remembered seeing it burn for several days. Squire Whitfield would not refuse permission if asked to cast peats or to take ling for thatching. She us

Deposition – John Hetherington – 28 Nov 1757

John Hetherington, 58, of the Hope in Whitfield, lived at the charge of the parish at a house in Whitfield and is maintained by the parish and has nothing of his own there. In about 1717, his father took a farm at Whitewalls in Whitfield. He remembered the riding of the boundary of Whitfield about 40 years ago by Mr Utrick Whitfield, eldest son of Mathew Whitfield Esq. Saith ‘he rode a little Galloway and was able to ride through several of the mosses but others he was obliged to lead throu

Deposition – Mathew Martin – 28 Nov 1757

Mathew Martin, aged 100 years and upwards, of White Ouston in Whitfield Parish, who had given up his farm to his sons and now lived with them as a lodger, remembered the peats of Allendale tenants being burnt, and the impounding of an Allendale tenant’s sheep, after which ‘they were never again troubled’ with them. MM had been hired to plough a new Hawkuplee inclosure north of Powstile Burn about sixty years ago (1690s). He was with Mathew Whitfield, Lord of the Manor about 25 years a

Deposition – John Robinson – 28 Nov 1757

John Robinson, 63 and upwards, of Woodmas Walls in the West Allen, had lived at the Hope in Whitfield ‘and hath lived there from his birth till Mayday gone two years since’. He knew the places called Hareshaws, Thackshaws and Millstones Fell, but did not particularly know the name of Thackshaws until about 24 or 25 years ago when Sir Walter Blackett rode his boundary, but that to his knowledge they were always reputed to be within the Manor of Whitfield, and he never heard any claim to the c

Deposition – John Maughan – 28 Nov 1757

John Maughan, 67, of Upper Houses in Whitfield, born at Greystones where his father farmed and he farmed after him. Described Whitfield boundary, and driving cattle and horses in summer to graze on Hareshaws. He remembered waifs and strays being impounded and released only when the owners had negotiated with Squire Whitfield. ‘About six or seven years ago, he this examinant was Overseer of the Highways in Parmently Quarter and the Roads from Leadgate to Long Cross being presented for bein

Letters – Henry Richmond to Churchwardens – 1 Dec 1757

1757 Dec 13 Sent the Lres[ letters] to the Churchwardens, as usual, appointing Monday 26th inst. for distributing Sr.Wrs. Charity : for the form of these lres see Dec 1746. HR

Letters – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Dec 1757

To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Golds[mi]ths in Foster Lane London Newcastle 2 Dec 1757 Sirs My Father has been from home for sometime But on Fryday the 25th of last Month I sent you by John James the Carrier a P[iec]e of fine Silver Bullion weighing 666 ounces, which I desire you will place to acct. with Sr. Wr. Blackett as usual at the price such silver bears with you & advise my father on the rec[eip]t of it. I hope you & yo[u]r families are well & am etc HR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 2 Dec 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 2 Dec 1757 Dr Sir last night I got back f[ro]m Hexham, where a great many witnesses have been examined on both sides & the Referees are to make their award before the 23d of next month. In the draft of the affid[avi]t you have sent me down, I am to swear that Sir Wr. has actually paid the sums there mention'd ; in my former affid[avi]t I believe I have done so, wch I desire may be returned, as no use has been made of it & I desi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Dec 1757

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his House in St James's Street London Newcastle 2 Dec 1757 Hon. Sir Mr Scott & I got back from Hexham last night. A great many Witnesses have been examined on both sides, & if yo[u]r witnesses have proved before the Arbitrators what they s[ai]d to us on their Examination the Copyhold[ers] within the Manor of Hexham have had an uninterrupted enjoym[en]t of all the gro[un]d in dispute for time immemorial, But on the other side I find by Mr Colling

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 6 Dec 1757

To Danl. Lascelles Esq. MP. in Mincing Lane London Newcastle 6 Dec 1757 Sir Inclosed you receive Jos. Airey & Co's bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax for Three hundred & seventy nine pounds fifteen shillings wch when p[ai]d will discharge the 1/2 y[ea]rs intr[es]t on the £21700 due to you f[ro]m Sr. Wr. Blackett the 14 day of Aug last Wch Bill I desire you will advise the receipt of & am etc JR To Messrs Vere Glyn & Hallifax, London Newcastle 6 Dec 1757

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Dec 1757

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in St james's Street London Newcastle 6 Dec 1757 Hon. Sir Inclosed is Peareth & Sorsbie's bill on Freeman & Stainbanks for £300 wch I desire you will please to advise the receipt of. Mr Silvertop says he took your 1/2 of Garesfield farm of me at £5 a y[ea]r advance. The truth is as follows. That when the other tenants at Winlaton were advanced f[ro]m Mayd[a]y 1755 he & I had some talk on the Exchange ab[ou]t his farm whe

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Blackett – 6 Dec 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton in Grays Inn London Newcastle 6 Dec 1757 £60.0.0 Sir Twenty days after date pay Chris. Blackett Esq. or order Sixty Pounds value received of Sr. Edwd. Blackett Bart. & place the same to acct. as p[er] advice from, Sr. your etc JR To Chris. Blackett Esq. in York Buildings London Newcastle 6 Dec 1757 Dr Sir Above you have a bill for £60 wch I rec[eiv]ed today of Mr Jno. Blackett to remit to you, wch I desire you will advise the receipt of. I hope

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 9 Dec 1757

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 9 Dec 1757 Sir My son says the Copy of yo[u]r last acct. was return'd you certified a long time ago, so I hope you will find it among yo[u]r papers - On the 25 Sept 1756 I rec[eiv]ed of Messrs Walton & Boag £101.16.8 for 8 yrs fee farm rent due Mich. 1755 & allowd him out of the farm £15 for Landtax, wch is placed to acct. of Hexham estate - The Receipt you gave me for 13.8.3 p[ai]d Rt. Allgood will be sent to London next post, inst

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 10 Dec 1757

To Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 10 Dec 1757 Dr. Sr. I herewth return you my W. Kenton acct. wth my Affid[avi]t thereon for wch I p[ai]d Mr Widdrington £2 wch you will charge in yo[u]r bill -- As to the Affid[avi]t ab[ou]t Hexham Division &c I have no scruple abo[u]t making it because I know Sir Wr. has allowd all the money & I beleive his Agents have p[ai]d it accord[in]g to their vouchers, but there is an Article of 66.4.6 rep[ai]d by the Com[missione]rs being an ove

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 17 Dec 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London Newcastle 17 Dec 1757 £33.17.0 Twenty days after date pay Messrs Carr Ibbetson & Co. thirty three pounds seventeen shillings value reced of Lady Blackett and place the sam to acct. as advised by, Sir, Your etc JR To Messrs. Carr Ibbetson & Co. at the Queens Head Ludgate hill London Newcastle 17 Dec 1757 Srs Above you receive a bill for £33.17.0 to discharge the inclosed Note, wch I desire you will give a receipt on & return

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 17 Dec 1757

To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcastle 17 Dec 1757 Sirs I have this day drawn a bill on you for £100.0.0 payable to Mr Chris. Denton or order 20 days after date, wch please to honor & place to acct. with Sir Wr. Blackett -- The last P[iece] of Silver I sent you at 5s 9d an ounce comes to 191.9.6 wch is £0.4.6 more than you make it in your Lre of the 10th inst. I desire you will please to signify if you find it to be so. & am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 17 Dec 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton in Grays Inn London Newcastle 17 Dec 1757 Dr.Sr. Above is a bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne for £100 wch I desire you will place to my acct. & advise the receipt of. & this day I have drawn a bill on you for £33.17.0 pay[a]ble to Messrs Carr Ibbetson & Co. at 20 days wch I have placed to the Credit of your acct. I am etc JR PS For advertising Potto Estate £ s d In the Newcastle Courant 8 times will be 1 1 0 In the Newcastle

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 20 Dec 1757

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 20 Dec 1757 Sir Agreable to your Lre of the 17th I have p[ai]d Mr Cuthbertson & Mr Douglas the feefarm rents, wch with a receipt for George Carr & my receipt to you for £106.5.41/2 on acct. of Hexham lands will make up the money due to Mr Michl. Harbottle for Corn deliver'd to Coalcleugh as below, £268.14.4 & I have given Mr Harrison the four receipts to exchange with you for that sum to discharge his pay bill. I am etc JR £

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Dec 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 23 Dec 1757 Dr. Sir I herwth return you my Affid[avi]t with Schedules of what sums have been paid on acct. of Gunnerton Hexham & Shilden Divisions wch I hope will be satisfactory & my Bill payable to Mr Chris. Blackett wch are placed to your acct. I am not at all surprised at what you say abo[u]t Jeffreys & P[ar]tners; its my opinion you'l find it nothing but shuffling & that they'l sign no bond at all. I am very

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Haggerston – 27 Dec 1757

To Sr. Thos. Haggerston Bt. at Haggerston by Belford Newcastle 27 Dec 1757 Sir By Sr. Wr. Blacketts order I have wrote to Messrs Burns his tenants at West Ord to pay you the two y[ea]rs Castle rent you say is due to you at Mich[aelm]as last being £3.6.8 a y[ea]r out of wch the Landtax is to be allowed as below. I do not know when Sr. Carnaby died so that if there sho[ul]d not be two full y[ea]rs due to you, you will be pleased to adjust the difference wth Mr Haggerston. I am etc JR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467