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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 22 Jan 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his ho[use] in St james's Street London Newcastle 22 Jan 1758 Hon Sir I find L[or]d North[umber]land's Bailif was with the Kirkheaton tenants this day senight to summon them to go to Mr Scott & th[a]t the ans[we]r they gave him was they did not know any business he hd with them; & what it co[ul]d be I cannot imagine unless he thought he co[ul]d prevail on them to attorn to his Ldsp [Lordship]. But Mr Robson has been with them & they al

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Jan 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. in St james's Street 24 Jan 1758 Hon Sir I saw Mr Collingwood on Saturday, who seem'd to resent Mr Ords behaviour so far as not to join in any Award on worse terms than mentioned in your proposall but yesterday he told me upon the Exchange that he could not see how they could avoid making an Award, so that I presume it is done, & I doubt with the loss of all the Ground in Dispute upon the Testimony of two persons, who all the Country says have perjur

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 27 Jan 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton London Newcastle 27 jan 1758 Dr Sir Yesterday Sr. Edwd. Blackett desired me to receive £100 for yo[u]r use, wch I have placed to your acct. I presume you have all the Writings belonging to the late Sir Wm. Blackett's estate that were given up by Messrs Lascelles; & in Bundle No. 8, it appears by the Abstract, are all the Letters Patent & Grants f[ro]m the Crown to Sr. Jno. Forster &c f[ro]m wch may be seen whether Kirkheaton now belongs to the M

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Jan 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London Newcastle 27 Jan 1758 Hon Sir I presume all the Writings of the late Sir Wm. Blacketts estate have been delivered up by Messrs Lascelles & must be in Mr Denton's hands, & in Bundle 8 are the Patents & Grants mentioned in the Abstract I sent up; f[ro]m wch may be clearly seen whether Kirkheaton is now within the Manor of Anickgrainge or not I think Mr Denton told me he wo[ul]d send down all those writings to be placed in your study, wher

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Samuel & James Burn – 31 Jan 1758

To Messrs Burns at Berwick Newcastle 31 Jan 1758 Sirs In my Lre dated 27 Dec I desired you to pay Sr. Thos. Haggerston two y[ea]rs Castle rent due Mich. last & to deduct £1.3.4 for Landtax, but his Stew[ar]d writes me that he will not allow any Landtax for more than the even pounds, so that the deduction for Landtax is only to be £1.1.0 & the money to be p[ai]d him is therefore £5.12.4 wch I desire you will pay & take his rec[eip]t for £6.13.4 in the manner mentioned in my

Letters – Joseph Richmond to James Lamb – 31 Jan 1758

To Mr Jam. Lamb at Haggerston Newcastle 31 Jan 1758 Sir I rec[eiv]ed yours & agreable thereto have given directions to Mr Burn to pay the Castle rent due to Sir Thos. Haggerston, deducting only £1.1.0 for Landtax as you would have it; for Sr. Wr. Blackett will not chuse to enter into any dispute with Sr. Thos. for 2s 4d tho: if I understand the meaning of the word proportion in the Act of Parliam[en]t he ought to have it allowed. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Feb 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. St James's Street London Newcastle 3 Feb 1758 Hon Sir After taking Mr Collingwoods directions how to proceed, Mr Robson & my son went to Kirkheaton early yesterday morning, & got all the Tenants together in hopes of prevailing on them to attorn over to you, but found they had been advised by some neighbouring Gentleman to be carefull not to make any attornm[en]ts to any Person, till that they had signed to L[or]d Windsor was given up, least they should

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Feb 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett MP. at his ho[use] in St James's Street London Newcastle 4 Feb 1758 Hon Sir The Kirkheaton Tenants were all here today, but they have changed their Minds of making an attornm[en]t to you; for Mr Minican has refused to give them up L[or]d Windsor's original indemnity, he has charged them at their peril not to make an attornm[en]t to anybody till they hear further f[ro]m him, & has engaged in a few posts to procure them a suff[icien]t Indemnity wch I imagi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Feb 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. Newcastle 4 Feb 1758 Dr. Sir I have this moment been talking wth the Kirkheaton tenants, who seem to me to be an Artful set of People, tho' ignorant; but not so ignorant as not to have been apprized th[a]t they may continue in possession without attorning to anybody; till a proper owner can be found for the Estate. They say Minican has promised in a post or two to procure them an Indemnity & if so they seem inclined to continue tenants under the indemnity.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Feb 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 7 Feb 1758 Dr Sir Inclosed is Mr Ra. Featherston's bill for £50 on Messrs Child, wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise the receipt of. - I have put a kit of salmon on board the Industrious Farrer, Roger Wright Master, directed for you, of wch I desire your acceptance & am etc JR To Francis Child Esq. & Co Temple Bar London Newcastle 13 Jan 1758 £50.0.0 No 353 Sirs Thirty days after da

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 7 Feb 1758

To Richd. Wilson Esq. in Leeds 7 Feb 1758 Sir I find Mr James King one of yo[u]r W.Kenton tenants intends to wait upon you in a few days, to desire you will order a Country house to be built for him tow[ar]ds wch he says he will advance £60 himself, but what sort of a house will satisfy him I know not, for his brother has occasion'd a deal of unnecessary expence in the house built for him on Allans farm. I have told him I think it wo[ul]d be well not to apply to you on this occasion,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 7 Feb 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London Newcastle 7 Feb 1758 Hon Sir Inclosed is an acct. of all the Kirkheaton tenants, wch perhaps you may have occasion for. - I have rec[eiv]ed of Mr Geo. Wetherby the £11.1.0 that you paid for his son's discharge. - Mr Gamble says he sent the kit of salmon a firtnight ago in the John & James, Robt. Cummin Ma[ste]r, & will send you 3 more in the first ship that sails : the Charge of wch he will advise it is beleived he does them better &am

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Feb 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his ho[use] in St James's Street London Newcastle 10 Feb 1758 Hon Sir Mr Geo. Weatherby brought me the inclosed Lre today, & if what it sets forth therein be true he hopes you will be able to get the £11.1.0 repaid, that you paid to procure his son's discharge. This Lre is to another Geo. Weatherby a Mercer on the bridge, who is a relation of Mr Weatherby that applyed to you. I will do all in my power to raise the £2100 for Mr Fenwick ag[a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Feb 1758

To Sr. Wr. Blackett MP London Newcastle 21 Feb 1758 Hon Sir Mr Fenwicks writings are now before Mr Rudd. I find Mr Sparrow of Netherton has a Mortgage of Green Leighton for £1600, wch he thinks unreasonable to take in without 6 months notice, unless he can meet with a hand for the money before that time, but he will join in the Conveyance & take your bond if he does not take the money at Mayday. However to be prepared to pay the money I have sold 2000 pices of lead at £14.10.0 a f[o

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Smith – 21 Feb 1758

February 1758 To Mr Thos. Smith at Biddleton [undated, but sequence in volume dates it between 10 and 21 Feb 1758] Sir By yo[ur] Lre of 31 ult. to Mr Robson I find you compute there is 67.19.8 due to Mr Haggerston at St Cuthberts day 1755 for 23 1/2 yrs Castle rent But according to my computation it comes only to 67.0.0 as below, the diff[eren]ce may probably arise f[ro]m yo[u]r not deducting the Landtax for the odd 6s 8d only for the even £3.0.0 but it ought be allowd for the whole

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Peart – 22 Feb 1758

To Mr Joseph Peart at W. Black Dean Weardale 22 Feb 1758 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 20th wch I am sorry for the occasion of & wish it was in my power to do you & yo[u]r family any service. to be sure you have done right in making ti,ely application to Sr. Wr. for I find already there will be several candidates. But as yo[u]r Bro[the]r has been long out of health & Sr. Wr. has for some time apprehended he wo[ul]d not live long I am apt to beleive he has determined who is

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Feb 1758

To Sr.Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London 24 Feb 1758 Hon Sir Inclosed is a note of 3 kitts so Salmon ship'd in the Triton James Brown Mas[te[r. There has been such scarcity of good Fish at this markitt for some time th[a]t it co[ul]d not be sent sooner. There being some reason to beleive that Mr Fenwick charg'd his estate wth an ann[ui]ty to his Fa[the]r in Law Mr Ward, when he resignd to him the place of surveyor of the Hawkers & Pedlars, Mr Scott writes you by Mr Rudd's ad

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Mar 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt MP. at his house in St James's Street London Newcastle 3 March 1758 Hon. Sir I have repaid Mr Wetherby the £11.1.0, who did not so much as return you thanks for your trouble & loss about his son. From the acco[un]t I have about Mr Joseph Peart I am affraid he would be as bad as ever, if he was replaced & where to find a proper person I do not know. I doubt such a one will be difficult to meet with. But till you consider who shall succeed Mr Peart I

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 7 Mar 1758

7 March 1758 Advised Messrs Plumb & Brown of my draught on them for £250 to Mr Chris. Johnson at 30 days dated this day; to be placed to Sr.Wr.Blacketts acct. JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Mar 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 7 March 1758 Dr Sir I have rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 2d inclosing Copy of the Masters Report, wch I have looked over & think it is allright, except the Outgoings out of Kearslby & the Copyhold Estates being valued at 32 yrs purchase when the Freehold is only valued at 30 yrs & the Copyholds at 28 yrs purchase, wch I cannot find any reason for & it is surely a deduction of £63.17.8 to Sr. Wrs. prejudice, & the ground tak

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 10 Mar 1758

To Mr Richs. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 10 March 1758 Sir I rec[eiv]ed the favour of your letter; but desire to know whether the Copies of the Stile of Anickgrainge Court, wch you sent me, were taken from admittances only, or from the Suit Rolls of the s[ai]d Court. If they were taken from the Suit Rolls, I sho[ul]d be glad to know whether or no the Owners or tenants of Kirkheaton appear by those Rolls to have owed suit & service at the several Courts mentioned in the s[ai]d Copies; Or

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 14 Mar 1758

14 March 1758 Advised Plumb & Brown of a P[ie]ce Silver sent them the 11 inst. by Wm.Laycock. JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 14 Mar 1758

To Mr John Fenwick in Robert's Place York Newcastle 14 March 1758 Sir I have rec[eive]d yo[ur] fa[vou]r of 9th inst. & do not see how the estate can properly be conveyed to Sir Wr. without Mr Wards joining therein, unless you covenant to leave so much money in Sr. Wrs. hand during Mr Wards life as the intrest thereof at 4 P[er]Cent will pay his ann[ui]ty but if Mr Ward is willing to convey you may purchase his ann[ui]ty of Sr. Wr. if you can agree upon terms; & if you prefer t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 Mar 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in St James's Street London Newcastle 14 March 1758 Hon Sir The inclosed is copy of what Mr Ellis has sent me relating to the Manor of Anickgrainge, wch may perhaps be of some use. I have desired Mr Harrison to endeavour to find out a proper person for the vacancy in Weardale. As to John Watson he is a younf lad that knows nothing of minery, & not qualified to be an Under Steward, being educated for an Exciseman - I know nothing that re

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 17 Mar 1758

To Mr John Fenwick in Robert's Place York 17 March 1758 Sir In ans[we]r to your letter of the 13th, to wch you had not set yo[u]r name; If all other matters can be got settled as to the Title I presume Mr Sparrow will not refuse to convey at mayday on his principal money being then p[ai]d in & the intr[es]t thereof till Aug[us]t wch must be done if no better can be obtained. But Mr Douglas being indisposed I have not been able to see him since I rec[eiv]ed yo[u]r Lre. I have provi
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467