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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 May 1758

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his ho[use] in St James's Street London Newcastle 23 May 1758 Hon. Sir I wish you Joy of getting into possession of Kirkheaton estate & hope you will long retain it. All the tenants you sent bonds for have attorned and herewith inclosed is a Lre signed by five more that they will also attorn as soon as Bonds are sent down. there is one John Brown that is quite obstinate, & the reason I beleive is that he is more in arrears than he will ever be a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 May 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London Newcastle 23 May 1758 Dr Sir The Kirkheaton tenants th[a]t the bonds were sent down for have all attorned to S[i]r W[alte]r & by this post I have sent Sr. Wr. a Lre signed by five more, as below, th[a]t they will also attorn as soon as bonds are sent down for them; but there is one Jno. Brown a Ten[an]t th[a]t is so far quite obstinate & cannot be prevailed upon & I beleive the reason is th[a]t he is far more in Arr[ear]s than he will e

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Ward – 26 May 1758

To Mr Ward at Holbeck near Leeds Newcastle 26 May 1758 Y[ou]r Lre by the last post to Mr Douglas, wch Mr Fenwick inclosed to me, I sealed & sent him; & yesterday I waited on him to desire, w[ha]t he intended Mr Fenwick sho[ul]d sign for the Security might be got ready, for I wanted to send away the writing to be executed as I knew Mr Fenwick had imediate occasion for the money; His ans[we]r to me was very short, That he wo[ul]d not meddle between Father & Son, but if I wo[ul]d g

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 26 May 1758

To Jno. Fenwick Esq. in Robert's Place York 26 May 1758 Sir Yesterday I called on Mr Douglas to desire w[ha]t he had to draw between Mr Ward & you might imediately be got ready; to wch I rec[eiv]ed an Ans[we]r as mentioned in the inclosed to Mr Ward; wch you will forward or not as you think proper. You see plainly nothing will be got done wth Mr Douglas, who says he does not know who is to pay him, & wants me to give instructions to Mr Rudd to draw a deed about wch I am not ab

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 30 May 1758

To Daniel Lascelles Esq in Mincing Lane London 30 May 1758 Sir Inclosed is Messrs Peareth & Sorsbies bill on Mr Geo. Napier for £379.15.0 wch when paid, will discharge the half years intrest of the £21700 due to you from Sir Walter Blackett the 14 February last, which please to place accordingly & advise the Receipt hereof. I am etc JR NB advised Mr <Dubos> least Mr Lascelles should not be in Town JR To Mr George Napier M[erchan]t in London Newcastle 26 May

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 2 Jun 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 2 June 1758 Dr Sr Inclosed is Messrs Peareth & Sorsbie's bill on Mr George Napier for £200 wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise receipt of. The 4 undermentioned tenants have absolutely refused to attorn to Sr. Wr. I find Mr Minican has been with them with some instructions & promises f[ro]m Mr Fawcett & they say they are under no apprehensions of any trouble f[ro]m Sr.Wr. this y[ea]r. Mr Robson left the k

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Jun 1758

2d June 1758 Advised Plumb & Brown of a p[iec]e silver wt. 330 oz & 1/2 sent them this day by Wm.Laycock. JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 6 Jun 1758

To Mr Chr. Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 6 June 1758 Dr Sir I have rec[eive]d y[ou]rs of the 3d inclosing Ladt Blacketts receipt for £200 wch is placed to your acct. If the Stotts apply for a comis[sion], this Term & Sr.Wr. join therein Mr Coll.Forster & Mr Wm.Gibson wo[ul]d do very well for Comis[sione]rs but I conclude Mr C.Forster will be struck out if L[or]d North[umber]land can do it therefore you sho[ul]d think of two more of the ablest hands in the country. I am of

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 9 Jun 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London 9 June 1758 Dr Sir If S[i]r W[alte]r & you should think any of the p[er]sons mention'd in my last improper to be named as Comis[sione]rs I think Mr Thos. Dixon will do very well but Mr French being one of L[or]d No[rthumber]lands Agents I fancy he will not chuse to act. Mr Beaumont now tells me he does not know when he can pay the £200 therefore I desire to know whether I must send up my affid[avi]t & if the Writ is to be returned therew

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 9 Jun 1758

To Jno. Fenwick Esq. in Roberts's Place York 9 June 1758 Sir Mr Douglas now says he has not money of yours suff[icien]t to pay Mr Sparrows int[re]st & the int[re]st of yo[u]r £100 bond, wch he therefore wo[ul]d not deliver up when I sent him the principal as you desired me; therefore I see no other way than for you to give me an Order to pay the £100 & int[re]st & also to pay Mr Sparrow's intr[es]t to the 12th of May; & then Mr Douglas & you may settle your

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Ward – 9 Jun 1758

To Mr Wm. Ward at Holbeck near Leeds 9 June 1758 Sr. As matters are now nearly bro[ugh]t [to] a conclusion for the deeds to be sent into Yorkshire to be executed & Mr Widrington has drawn a proper security from Mr Fenwick to you for your rent charge I must desire you will send me a line by the return of the post where Mrs Fenwick was baptized; for as my son is a Comis[sione]r mention'd in the dedimus for her passing a fine it is necessary he sh[oul]d be satisfied that she is of a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 17 Jun 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton 17 June 1758 Dr.Sr. Inclosed is my Affidavit of serving the writt of Execution on Mr John Beaumont the charge of wch is £0.3.01/2, wch I have placed to your Account. Sir Walter has the Attornment of the Kirkheaton tenants with him at Wallington to try if the 2 Reays & Browne will sign it, in my next I will send it you, with the 2 Lres as you desire, & let you know who he would have named as his Comissioner, if the Stotes proceed on their Bill. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 Jun 1758

To Mr Denton 20 June 1758 Dr. Sr. Inclosed you receive the Attornment of the Kirkheaton Tenants, but as to the two Reays & Brown they still stand off, you have also inclosed John Dixons affidavit of a Waife being taken up at Kirkheaton, & under another Cover by this post you will receive the two letters sent to Sir Walter by the Tenants, which I desire you will advise the Receipt of. Sir Walter desires you will mention to Mr <B.Wynne> whether it may not be proper for him to s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Jun 1758

To Mr Denton Greys Inn London 23 June 1758 Dr. Sir The Attornm[en]t I sent you last post is not right; for Hen. Richmond was not present at the time when Mr Robson got Jno. Moraley jun. to attorn tho Mr Brown & he have signed to the sealing & delivery by them all; therefore the attornm[en]t sho[ul]d not be produced till that matter is rectified. Mr Fawcet now says that he has ordered Mr Minican to desire the two Reays & Brown to attorn to Sir Wr., who desires you will send me

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Jul 1758

To Mr Chr. Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 7 July 1758 Dr Sir Inclosed is a bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne for £45, wch I desire you will place to my acct. & advise the receipt of. And you herewith receive Robt. Shipleys Affidavit about the Waif taken up at Kirkheaton; wch is not so full as I co[ul]d wish, but his memory will not enable him to be more particular. I am etc JR PS. Sr.Wr. desires you will procure him of the Kings printer or elsewhere half a dozn of the Ponteland

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lawrence Richardson – 7 Jul 1758

To Mr Lawrence Richardson at the Lion in the Bailey Durham 7 July 1758 Sir Sr.Wr. Blackett orders me to write you th[a]t his Servants & horses will be at your house on Wednesday & thursday in your Assize Week. But he desires you will ingage a good Room & Bed for himself for those 2 nights in some private house, not far from your Inn. I desire you will let me know as soon as you have engaged such lodgings. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Horn – 14 Jul 1758

To Mr John Horn at Leeds 14 July 1758 Sir I Received your Letter by Mr Forster & in answer thereto, I have received no money of Mr Harvey for intrest, nor do I know what to receive, if you send him a proper receipt he will pay you the intrest himself. & as to intrest of the £100 you say is in Sir Walter Blacketts hand, I am quite a stranger to it but I dare say he will desire Mr Strother to pay you what is due. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 18 Jul 1758

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 18 July 1758 Dr Sir I have rec[eiv]ed the turnpike Acts by Mr French & also your Lre of the 11th & will pay yo]u]r bill to Mr Harland when he calls on me. I have got copies of sev[era]l surrenders at Anickgrainge Couret in 1622, 1631, &1633 in wch it appears by the stile of the court, that Sr. Jno. Fenwick was then Lord of the Manor, the Attornm[en]t is also rectified; & which may be sent Mr Darwin if any way necessary at prese

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Cross – 26 Jul 1758

To Mr John Cross Attor[ney] at Law in leeds Newcastle 26 July 1758 Dr. Sir Sir W[alte]r desires you will pay John Horn the sum of £6 for intr[es]t of £200 & take his receipt for the same according to the inclosed [see below] or w[ha]t other form you think more proper. I presume you know that Ben Horn left this £200 to be divided among his Relations after his bro[the]rs death, who is to have the intr[es]t thereof during his life. If Sir Wr. do not desire Mr Strother to repay you th

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 31 Jul 1758

To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newhouse 31 July 1758 Sr. I have acquainted Sir Wr. with w[ha]t Mr Bacon's Agents propose with regard to New Meadowheads & he is agreable to come into w[ha]t measures Mr Harrison & you think reasonable for him to do, & doubts not but you will consider the affair thoroughly wth regard to Mr Bacons being at a fourth charge in driving the two levels. I do not imagine there is any probability of cutting any new vein in driving them up to the intersection

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Jane Gomeldon – 11 Aug 1758

To Mrs Gomeldon Newcastle 11 Aug 1758 Madam By Sir Wr. Blacketts directions I wrote to Thos. maughan his Agent in Weardale about the damage you say is done to Miss Shields Estate by the Slitt Grove, whose ans[we]r is as follows, wch I am ordered to send you; & also to acquaint you that Sr. Wr. is ready to refer the damage to two indifferent persons & when you let him know who you make choice of, he will appoint one to whom there can be no objection I am, Mad[a]m Your etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Sep 1758

To Sr. Wr. Blackett Bt M.P to be left at the Cocoa tree Pall Mall London 1 Sept. 1758 Hon. Sir My son saw Mr Johnson at Hexham, who told him the four young men were returned the Evening before, having got information as suppos'd th[a]t their design to go abroad was discovered : there were sev[era]l more its beleived had the same design, all papists, but who perswaded them thereto is not yet known, its suspected one of their priests was to have gone wth them under pretence of carryi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Sep 1758

To Sr. Walter Blackett Bt as above 10 Sept 1758 Hon Sir. I shall send tomorrow by the Coach wch will be in Lond[o]n on saturday a box directed for you of Mr Carlisles with 12 pine-apples & Mr Blackett will send Phillis by the first carefull master that sails. I have no demand for Lead at any price, so there is no prospect of making the pays this year, which I am sorry for, as the Country will be uneasie for want of their money. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Sep 1758

To Sr. Wr. Blackett Bt M.P to be left at the Cocoa tree Pall Mall London 19 Sept. 1758 Hon. Sir As to borrowing of money to make the pays, wch wo[ul]d require 7 or £8000 more than I have, it is not to be got here, nor do I beleive it co[ul]d be got in London on security of 10000 p[iece]s of Lead. I therefore see no other way than to let the people have what subsistence money I can raise till the spring, in hopes of getting a q[uanti]ty of lead sold ag[ain]st that time. I find by the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 26 Sep 1758

To Sr. Walter Blackett Bt as above 26 Sept 1758 Hon. Sir Mr Edwd. Mosley has accepted the office of Sheriff with a very good grace after almost all the young Merchants in Town had refused it, I do not think they could have got a properer Person, for I beleive him to be a very worthy honest man that will not be influenced to do a bad thing, but this will not be agreable to Mr Peareth who suspected him to be someway connected with Mr Liddle in the Hopper affair. I will take care to send you
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467