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Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 14 Apr 1676

Newcastle Ap[r]ill 14th 1676 Mr Hum: Willett Sr I have before mee yours of the 8th present, doe heartily thanke you for giveing acceptance to my Bill of £100 I desire you to advise mee p[er] first, that if in case I shall send you any Forraige [Foreign] Bills accepted, whether upon discount you could procure mee ready money for the same or noe, w[hi]ch kindness Mr Nelthorppe used allwayes to doe mee, I paying him for itt, & Ingadgeing hee Actinge his parte on his side (I meane making

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 14 Apr 1676

Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 14th 1676 Mr Nicholas Verlane Sr Since my last to you of the 10th March past have Rec[eive]d yours of the 30th & 31st past the former by John Persey & the latter by Post both w[hi]ch I shall now answer God willing att large The price of the Shovels & Water Dogge I have placed to your Creditt, I thanke you for your kindness, about procureinge mee a good Water Dogg as you call him, as yett I have had noe greate tryall of him, soe knowes not how hee may prov

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 15 Apr 1676

Newcastle Ap[r]ill 15th 1676 Mr Jno Strother Sr My last to you was of the 11 <..> of Ap[r]ill 76 To w[hi]ch refers you since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 15th past, w[hi]ch before I ansar lett mee desire you to acquaint Mr Lecke that to this day I never heard from him, of his Arrivall att Rochell w[hi]ch I can nott, but take very well (I meane Ill) from him your Bill for the vallue of 300 RD I have accepted & w[ha]t more you draw upon <Mersieres> Bankes upon my acct I am ve

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 15 Apr 1676

Mr. Hum: Willett and Comp[any] Newcastle Ap[r]ill 15th 1676 Sir I have none of yo[u]rs to answer soe the less to Inlarge upon this sendinge Cheifely for Covert to the Inclosed 2 Bills for £ 250 = = = the needfull of w[hi]ch I pray promise when due ~ Sirs I have this day accepted a Bill for £ 72:3:7 dated Hambrough [Hamburgh] 4 present drawne by Messieurs; Cha: and James Bankes 2 /us [2 month's usance] To Wm. Delabies treate or order Endorsed to one W

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 15 Apr 1676

Mr Cha[rles]: and Ja:[mes] Bankes Newcastle Ap[r]ill 15th [16]76 Sirs My last to you was of the 11th of Ap[r]ill 1676 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 4th present and thereby takes notice of your draught upon mee for £72:3:7d w[hi]ch I have accepted, And need not question; but the same will be complyed w[i]th all, according to its contents att the house of Mr Hum. Willett and Comp[any], where I desire you would allwayes make yo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 15 Apr 1676

Mr Nich[olas]: Verlane: Newcastle Ap[r]il 15th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 14th present 76: To w[hi]ch refferres you Since none from you so the less att present to Inlarge upon this being only to confirme my former and especially the laste article thereof w[hi]ch tends to the following purpose (vizt) that you would without delay putt of w[ha]t Leed you have of myne, In yo[u]r hands att prise Currant and remitt mee as soone as is possible that the Nett p[ro]ceed thereof

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 15 Apr 1676

Mr.Walter Chaytor Newcastle Ap[r]ill 15: 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 14 present [16]76 to w[hi]ch refferes you Since none from you, soe the less att present to Inlarge upon this beinge onely to confirme my former and especially In the last Article Thereof, w[hi]ch tends to the followinge purpose; (vizt) that you would without delay putt of w[ha]t Leed you have of myne In your hands att prise Currant and remitt mee as soone as is possible the Nett p[ro]ceed thereof (

Letter – Thomas Norton to William Blackett – 17 Apr 1676

Sr My daughter cannot prevail on the man to wait you att Newcastle till next weeke & p expects 12 de an. I thinke he balleves his <shoitn Hige> Her[e]s another that a great Mr of his penn (& saith himself) that adds excat in all accompts, sober & industrious to my knowledge & will be thankefull for £5 if either of these may please you they will attend you. Wth all our best services to yu <….ly seet> good Lady & all <ply> Concludes sr

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 21 Apr 1676

Mr Peacocke Apr:21th: To order the moneys for London & sell Claratt at price Curante & to send the Skins per T: Comins I have writ to Mr Rudd & Mr Keat who is at London but what Cloth shall ship per first

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 21 Apr 1676

Newcastle 21 Aprill 1676 Honnored Sr I hope this will find you in good Health returned Home from your Progress . I doe not question but you would be so Curious as to goe & give Wanloch head a viszit tho I were not thair & doubtless you will as most men doe judge it hopefull but ear We can expeckt any good Care must be taken for Wood <na> & that suffecient for our Leds or the mine will not be worth looking after. Thairfor my Ld Carnwath must be looked for in time

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 22 Apr 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d; 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 15th present to w[hi]ch refferrs you since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 24th present w[i]th the welcome newes of Jno Vahans arrivall; for w[hi]ch God be preaysed as I formerly writt to you pray fayle nott to putt off all my Leed In yo[u]r hands and lett me have some money remitted as soone as possible you can ~ I am bacely Cheated about the Bitch you sent mee for that Wellbourne never I

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 22 Apr 1676

Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d [16]76 Sir My last to you was of the 15th ditto to w[hi]ch refferrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 18th present doe heartily thank you for the paymt [payment] of my £100 Bill. I perceive Capten Guliames hath nott as yett called upon you for any money nore doe I think hee will but if in case hee doe pray lett my former Order bee observed ~ I take notice of yo[u]r Answer to w[ha]t I writt you as concerneni

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes] Bankes Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 22d 1676 Sirs my last to you was of the 15th ditto to w[hic]h referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 7th and 11th present and doe heartily thank you for yo[u]r advise In the former, But Mr Jno Strother I doe nott feare, nor doe I blame him for serving of himselfe, soe pray lett not this hinder you from accepting of his Bills you have mee allwayes att the helme, if any loss itt will be myne, for bee assured w[ha]t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Tho: Finley Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d [16]76 Sir I have beene severall times to wayte upon Mr Jno Eden upon yo[u]r account, but cann nott bringe him to any reasonable tearmes I find him resolute, and as he sayth hee will be Revenged upon you, for the many asfronts [affronts] by you, putt upon him, so I have desired him to take his Course, but in the meane time thought good to advise you that hee Intendes to proceed ag[ains]t you, soe doe you order yo[u]r selfe accordingly, for my par

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Hen[ry] Nelthorppe Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d : [16]76: Sir I have before mee yo[u]res of the 13th present, the Silver Cann Therein mentioned I have Secd [Secured], and placed the Cost thereof to yo[u]r Creditt this Winter time Tradeinge is dead; I hope the next sumer our Corrispondency may begin afresh In the meane time I desire you to send mee such another Silver Cann rather Stronger than Weaker though itt bee alittle dearrer, for I would have itt alltogether as lardge soe hopeinge

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Antho: Allaire Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d [16]76 Sir By yo[u]res of the 27th past I had advise of Wm. Leckes arrivall and that you hadd sent him to Alleran where you hoped hee would bee dispatched in 3 or 4 dayes, Butt 20 beinge past and no account comeing to hand, trouble mee alittle, because the M[aste]r advises mee by last post that hee had lyen [lain] 15 dayes and had nott Rec[eive]d a loade board the quantity of one hundred w[hi]ch is the strangest thinge to mee Immaginable I ha

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Ed[ward] Willett Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 21th present the 2 billes I have Rec[eive]d, but noe newes of the Pistoles one bille more I must press upon you, that is, that by the first opportunity you would send mee 6 hattes more of the same biggness w[hi]ch I shall expect the Cost and Chardge of all w[hi]ch Advise mee and the same shall bee placed to yo[u]r Creditt ~ By next Post I expect Bills according to yo[u]r advice for the

Letter – Michael Blackett to Peter Barr – 22 Apr 1676

Mr: Peter Bar Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d : [16]76 Sir I heartily thank you for yo[u]r kindness In recommending mee To a good carefull Man att Rochell, from whom I had severall kinde lett[e]rs, w[i]th assureance, that hee would without fayle dispatch my Vessell In 3 or 4/d [days] how full working dayes I meane; butt hee <peones> nott accordinge as I expected In this business, by w[hi]ch I shall bee a greate looser, nay I am ashamed to tell you of itt, that of the 14 dayes lyinge, my

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 22 Apr 1676

Mr Jno Strother Newcastle Ap[r]ill 22d : 1676 Sir [Blank]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 25 Apr 1676

Mr. Hum: Willett and Comp[any] Newcastle Ap[r]ill: 25: 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of 20th present w[hi]ch requiringe little answer have the less to Inlardge upon this being cheifly to advise you that I have this day charged upon you £ 16:=: payable <7>/d sight to Ed Blackett Esq[ui]re or Order vallue of himselfe, To wh[i]ch I question nott butt you will give all due hono[u]r I hope ere this you have spoken to Mr Tho. Sheapherd I shall say no

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 25 Apr 1676

Brother Newcastle Ap[r]ill 25th 1676 I Rec[eive]d yo[u]res of the 22d present In due time, and d[elivere]d your inclosed To Peter Bell, but hee can lett you have noe Bill; nor can I my selfe procure you one In Newcastle, but before you should be disappointed; I have here Inclosed sent you my owne Bill, w[hi]ch you need not question, but will bee complyed w[i]th all; after your Endorsm[en]t to the Partey who you would have to receive the money I never k

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 26 Apr 1676

Ex parte Remendr Regis Termd posctide Anno xxviii Regni Regis Car 2d Mercarii xxvii dio April Johes Carey Barr Quer Willm Blackett the Bill Augb N Casted suy Tyne This day being appointed for reading of the plts Bill and the Defts Demurrer Now upon opening of the said bill the demurrer by Mr Warde of Councell with the Deft and hearing Mr Sawyer on the same side. And Mr Duncombe for the plt it is this day Ordered by this Court that if the Deft doe by the first day of

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 26 Apr 1676

Mr: Mat[t]hew Lambe Newcastle Ap[r]ill 26th : 1676 Sir I have Rec[eive]d youres of the 24 present, And am sorrey to heare of my Mothers Indisposition; Indeed the reason of my soe longe silence was my <preperacon> [preparation] for goeinge, As alsoe in goinge to the pay att the Leed Mines the last week, together w[i]th my business extraordinary att my returne from thence, But I am resolved (God willinge) some time this week, to see you and my Mother at Darnton, where wee shall ta

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 26 Apr 1676

Mr: Robt Jackson ditto [Newcastle Ap[r]ill 26th 1676] Sir I have Rec[eive]d a letter dated the 22 present from Mr Walter Tucker of Lyme wherin hee desires mee to fournish his Brother Mr Jno Tucker, (who is now in the Rob of Lyme as hee sayth and bound for this place) w[i]th money for buying of a Lo[a]dinge of Coales, and vallue the same upon you w[hi]ch may be done, I being assured how, to Reimburse myselfe by you w[hi]ch is all att presen

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Tucker – 26 Apr 1676

Mr: Walter Tucker ditto [Newcastle Ap[r]ill 26th 1676] Sir I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs the 22th present w[hi]ch the Inclosed for your Brother Mr Jno Tucker. And take notice of yo[u]r desire to fournish him w[i]th money for his Loadinge of Coales w[hi]ch shall be performed, when itt pleases God hee shall Arrive here, as allsoe his letter delivered, by him who is MB:
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467