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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Francis Salkeld – 10 Apr 1759

To Mr Fra[nci]s Salkeld at Dukesfield Mil 10 April 1759 Sir I rece[ive]d yours with Mr Teasdale’s acco[un]t the ball[ance] of wch is £17 6s 11 3/4d due to Sr Wr but you say he talks of a bill of £9 17s 4d for Leading of Ling to the houses wch I promis’d sho[ul]d be allow’d. I do not know that Sr Wr ever allow’d any tenant for leading Materials to repair their farm houses, & I am sure I never made Mr Teasdale any such promise without Sir Wrs directions, But no doubt he c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 10 Apr 1759

To Mr Tho[mas] Maughan at Newhouse 10th April 1759 Sr Your Pay to Xmas last, is now fix’d to be made on Thursday the 10th of May, so that you must be here on monday the 7th to adjust matters on tuesday the 8th. you will receive your money, & return on wednesday So you will write to your Bro[the]r Stewards to be here at the proper time The partnership pay will be made at the same time to Xmas, if Mr Bacon can be ready, which you will acquaint his Steward with I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Apr 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt M.P. London 13th April 1759 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Scott says he can not advise what steps are proper to take with regard to Mr Ords intended bill till he sees a copy of it wch you will please to order to be sent down – As Mr Lascelles has given you notice to pay in the £21700 upon Wallington I can think of no other way than to get the Security transfered into some other hand; wch I doubt not but you may do without difficulty, tho’ perhaps not at the same int[e]r[es

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Apr 1759

To Mr W[illiam] Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 17th April 1759 Sir, You say in yo[ur] Lre of the 22d ult[im ]o that Mr Thomas has mislaid my Affid[avit] of serving the writ of Execution on Mr Beaumont for the paym[en]t of the £200 in Arrear for Wayleave, I desire to know if he has found it, if not I shall send up a second Affid[avit] that the Money or any part of it is not yet p[ai]d to me for it seems to me by the Ma<rch> report that my Recognizance will not be discharged till the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Apr 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP London 20th April 1759 Honrd Sir, I have waited hitherto for Mr Robson’s sending me the new Articles in order to make you out a perfect rental of Wallington Estate f[ro]m Mayd[ay] next, but there are some farms yet unlet that he waits your directions for, wch I have put down according to his valuation & if they are let accordingly I believe the rental herew[i]th inclosed will be very right – Wm the Gard’ner says there are two small pine Apples almost ri

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Beaumont – 30 Apr 1759

To Mr John Beaumont 30th April 1759 Sir, I find I cannot get my Recognizance as Receiver of West Kenton rents, discharg’d for <want> of the payment of the £200 which you owe for Way Leave, I therefore desire you will immediately let me hear from you whether you will pay the money, or can promise an order from the <Parte> as to excuse the paym[en]t, that I may be acquitted thereof, for otherwise I shall be obliged to make another Affidavit of serving the writ of Execution i

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 1 May 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin, at his chambers No 8 Greys Inn London Newc[astle] 1st May 1759 Sir, I have rec[eived] yours of the 26th past with copy of Sr Wms intended answer to Mr Stots bill w[hi]ch I never before heard he had filed & as you do not order a copy to be returned I send you enclosed a particular account. How I think the blanks are to be filled up, but if there is more than w[ha]t is necessary you can leave it out. The 3 last mentioned tenants vizt Jno Brown & the and two Reays

Letters – James Scott to Walter Blackett – 1 May 1759

To Sir Waltr Blackett 1st May 1759 Hon[ourab]le Sir Mr Richmond has left with me a copie of a bill that is filed by Mr Ord against you, Lady Blackett, Tho Wentworth Esq, the reverend Mr Rastall and his wife, w[hi]ch I have carefully perused. I apprehend Mr Ord does not by it intend to compell the specified performance of the Award made by Mr Collingwood and Mr Fenwick or to establish the Boundary between the manor of Hexham and the Manor of Whitfield or to bring any of the matters in dispu

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 12 May 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin, Greys Inn London Newcastle 12 May 1759 Sir I have rece[ive]d a copy of Mr Stot's bill on which I have no other observations to make than that I believe as most other's do, that he will be scarce able to prove his pedigree to be as he sets it forth. I do not see anything amiss in Sir Wrs ans[we]r. I do not remember w[ha]t instructions have been sent up but if the p[er]sons who have attorned to Sir. Wr and for whom you are to appear are right set fort

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 May 1759

To Sir Wm Blackett Bt MP London Newc 12 May 1759 Hon[oure]d Sir I have made Weardale pay for your own mines, but Mr Bacon c[oul]d not be ready to make the partnership mines pay I intend to pay the leadmills on thursday next. Mr Scott sent you his opinion on Mr Ords bill sometime ago. If you think proper to stir any further into that matter Mr Wentworth & the other parties to the bill sho[ul]d in their answers desire that not only the testimony of the witnesses examined

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 13 May 1759

To John Fenwick Esq at Robert’s Place near Bootham Barr York Newcastle 13 May 1759 Sir, Above you have a bill for n£40 wch I desire you will advise the rec[eipt]t of by the return of the Post & mention that it is for ½ a yrs intrest of £2000 due fm Sr Wr Blackett the 12st inst I am &c JR Sirs Newcastle 11th May 1759 £40 Fifteen days after date pay John Fenwick Esq or order the sum of forty pounds, value recd and place the same to acct as by advice fm To

Letters – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 May 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 18 May 1759 Such of the Kirkheaton tenants as I co[ul]d meet with I have acquainted with the answers to Mr Craisters bill and they all approve of it so far as relates to them if it is necessary that every def[endan]t sho[ul]d be consulted himself and abt his answer I must take some other opportunity of seeing the rem. of these tenants. Mathw Atkinson told me his sons Wm and Rd Atkinson have now all the farm though he was joined with them in the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 19 May 1759

To Richd Wilson esq at Leeds 19th May 1759 Sir, Sir Wm Blackett having a farm house to build this year at Kenton desires the favour you will please to give him to win as many stones in Mr Kings quarry as will front it, they being of a harder nature than he can get in his own Estate, for wch he will readily pay you what satisfaction you require It will do Mr King no damage so he will have no objection. If you have found my accounts right I desire you will please to sign the dulicate

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 22 May 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin London 22nd May 1759 Sir, If Sr Wr proceeds in the cause with Mr Ord, Mr Scott says he Lady Blackett Mr Wentworth &c must in their answers pray that not only the witnesses who were examined on your reference, but also all other old witnesses that can be got may be examined at the comission and I imagine Sir Wr will order you to correspond with Mr Scott in every step that is necessary and to write to him to set forth the several acts of ownership that have b

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 25 May 1759

To Mr Darwin in Grays Inn 25 May 1759 Enclosed is my 2nd affidavit of serving Mr Beaumont with the writ of Execution which I desire you will advise the receipt of but if what I have said therein of sending Mr Denton a former Affidavit is in your opinion any way amiss I shall be very ready to leave it out for the reason of any making this addition is only to shew that I have done what became me to do. And I shall be very glad that Mr Beaumont may be excused the payment of £200 if Mr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 29 May 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 29 May 1759 Sir In answer to yours of the 26th inst the £379.15.0 and the £225 will be ready whenever Mr Hill calls for it with your Dra[ugh]t on me for the money or sends it for me properly indorsed in a Lre by the messenger who is to receive it. I have this day drawn on you for the £379.15.0 payable to Danl Lascelles Esq or order 20 days after date last to Lady Barba 3 yrs ann[ui]ty due 5th April last I desire you will pay it Mr Vernon as

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 29 May 1759

To Danl Lascelles Esq in Mincing Lane London 29 May 1759 Above you have a bill for £379.15.0 to discharge the 3 yrs intr[es]t on Sir Wr Blackett's Mortgage due 13th Febry last wch I desire you will place to acco[un]t accordingly and advise the receipt hereof I am &c JR Sir Newcastle 29 May 1759 £379.15.0 Twenty days after date pay Danl Lascelles Esq or order Three hundred seventy nine pound fifteen shillings value received and place it to account as advised by Y

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Jun 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at London 8 June 1759 Hon Sir Nothing material has happened here since my last Lre all the pays are made to Xmas last except the partnership wch Mr Bacon cannot yet get ready to make I cannot get a pig of lead sold tho the price is fallen to £12 a foddr so that I do not know wht can for money that is for the people's subsistence and your private occasions Mr Bells 1000 £ must be pd at Mart[inma]s and Mr Simpson desires to have his 1000 £

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 9 Jun 1759

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London 9 june 1759 Sir, Ejectments were served yesterday on the Kirheaton Tenants, according to one of the Declarations here inclosed, by wch you will see Jacob Lowry and Ann Atkinson are not served, therefore I presume you will appear for them all except John Brown and the two Reays who did not attorn to Sir Wr. PS is Sir Wr to have any council at our assizes to see how Mr Caister and Mr Bewick make out their claim, and if you do not come into the country at

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Jun 1759

To Sir Wm Blacket Bt at London 10 June 1759 Hond Sir I recd your bond to Mr Laidman for 500£ wch I have delivered him after endorsing thereon 100£ wch he took in part. I pd him the intrst from the date of the bond and the 15 guinees you ordered. On fryday an Express came to Gen[era]l Whatmore for the regiment here to march forward on tuesday and wednesday first, so that this part of the coast will be left quite unguarded wch surely requires the care of the government in no

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 19 Jun 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 19 June 1759 Sir According to your desire, I return you enclosed the copie of Sir Wms answer to Mr Craisters bill, & ask you send it back , I desireyou will also return me the accot between Sir Wm Blackett and Guys Hospital wch I sent you in my Lre 6 March I am &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 19 Jun 1759

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield 19 June 1759 Sir Sir Walter is come home and orders the lead carriage to be stopped at all the mils, except Allen Heads, till further orders, as we have more lead at Blaydon than can be sold in 12 months, therefore I desire you will give immediate direction accordingly to the mil clarks. p.s. I desire you order John Lee to send in his general acct for last year I am &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 29 Jun 1759

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London 29 June 1759 Sir Inclosed is Robt Scotts affi[davi]t of serving the notice on Mr John Beaumont I have received Mr Vernons rect for £225 and the bill you pd M. Lascelles for £379.15.0 wch makes up the £604.15.0 I pd Mr Hill. I have placed the same accordingly I have also recd copy of S.Wrs answer to Mr Craisters bill as you say it is put in, wch with the copy of the bill I have delivered to Mr Scott. p.s. I desire you send me an abstract

Letters – Joseph Richmond to J & T Barwick – 29 Jun 1759

To Messrs J and Tho Barwick Labourers in ordinary at the Tower London 29 June 1759 Sirs In answer to your Lre of the 21st inst. I do not doubt but your Uncle John has proved his brother's will and taken administration, tho I do not know that he has As to the £200 Sir Wr Blackett has £100 in hand and he has Mr Mathw Harveys note for the other £100 borrowed of your uncle Benj Horn, wch he intends to reserve till your Uncle Johns death then pay the whole as directed by t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 29 Jun 1759

To Mr Richd Ellis at Hexham 29 June 1759 Sir The commission de bene esse between Mr Ord and Sir Wr is to begin at Hexham on Tuesday 17th of next month. I presume the commis will sit at the Grey Bull and that Mr Ord will his witnesses at the Globe Mr Scott does not like the Phenix as being too far off and inconvenient And therefore he and I desire you will try if the people at the Grey Bull cannot take in all of Sir Wr’s people We do not intend to have above 3 or 4 witnesses
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467