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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 29 Jan 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington 29th Janry 1760 Hond Sir Hesitation at any orders you please to honour me with will I hope ever be taken as proceeding only fm consideration of yr interest. The materials wch I collected fm such papers and deeds as are in your office and your study relating to the Manors of Hexham and Anick grainge in order for Mr Darwin to form a case from, lay open many doubts about Several Rights you claim in those Manors and even about your title to hold t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 1 Feb 1760

To Mr Chris Johnson Attorn at Law in Durham 1st Febry 1760 Sir I have sent you herewith a copy of Robt Cays release of the house in hornsby Chair as you desired, and I hope you will get the declaration of trust done and executed by Mr Wilkinson before he goes to London. I see by old Mr Wilkinsons acct in 1719 that he made himself D[eb]tor to Sir Wm Blackett for 634£.7.8 wch he had recd by household goods etc in the part of Cays debt from the first of that transaction to that tim

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Feb 1760

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt at Wallington 2nd Febry 1760 Hon Sir I have recd back the extracts which my son made from the writings you have in the office relating to Anick Grange and I hope all the difficulties attending the matters will upon further enquiry be cleared up. I know of no business here at present to call you to town but I would be pleased to fix on a life to be named on the renewal of Redburn for which Dr Gregory is willing to take 35£ if done in a months time. Th

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 5 Feb 1760

To Mr Chris Johnson attorney at Law in Durham 5th Febry 1760 Sir Sir Wr Blackett desires George Robson son of George Robson of the Heugh in N.oland aged 16 years may be put into the lease of Redburn and enclosed is a certificate of Sir Wr being alive as you desired. And I hope by this time you have the certificate of General Howards being living as you said you wo[ul]d write to your agent in London to apply for it. So I hope you will get this lease executed by Dr Gregory as soon

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 12 Feb 1760

To Richd Wilson Esq at Leeds 12th Febry 1760 Sir I have acquainted Mr Gunn with the contents of the last letter relating to the Quarry rent commencing from Candlemass and he desires me to acquaint you that by the expression in the article of leasing the quarry at anytime before Mayday he understood a liberty also to break and work the stones till Mayday clear of rent. But not to lead any away till after that time; and says that in all the quarries he ever took he always had 3 or

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Feb 1760

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London 17th Febry 1760 Sir Inclosed herewith you receive a rental of Wallington w[hi]ch Sir Walter bid me send you and he desires you will aquaint Mr Walds that you have got it and that he w[oul]d rather chuse to have the term for five years certain than for seven but if it must be the latter he will make no further objection. Sir Walter has mentioned to me what you wrote him of the conversation between Mr Morton and you about Mr Craister's f

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Robson – 19 Feb 1760

To Mr Wm Robson at Wallington 19th Febry 1760 Sir I have sent you by Mr Turner 4 leases and the articles belonging to them vizt. Thos Wanless Geo Browns Marg' Hunter's and Dodds and Dixon. The 3 last I have filled up pursuant to the articles, as you desired to have them sent you, tho' I would have chose rather that Geo Brown and you sho[ul]d have been together first because he puts a very different construction upon the article from what you do, as you will see

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 26 Feb 1760

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newc 26th Febry 1760 Sir I have acquainted Sir Wr with what you say passed between Mr Craister and you; who says it is very well. But I was afraid it might be improper for anything of the £500 to be mentioned to him by us as he never said ought of it himself to either my father or me. I have rec[eive]d the abstracts of deeds &c relating to the Escheat of Kirkheaton which I shall give my best consideration as soon as I have time. At present it a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Strother – 29 Feb 1760

To Mr Thos Strother at Esholt near Bradford Yorkshire Newcastle 29 Febry 1760 Sir By Sir Wr Blacketts directions I send you the enclosed bill for £36.13s which I desire you will advise the receipt of by return of the post and mention that it is on Sir Wrs account I am Etc JR Sirs Newcastle 29 Febry 1760 £36.13s Twenty days after date pay Mr Thomas Strother or order Thirty six pounds thirteen shillings value <recd> and place same to acct as advised by Sirs

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Mar 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett at Wallington NewC 13th March 1760 Hond Sir I will remit to Mr Darwin 6 or 700£ in a post or two; as to what ans he is to give Mr Waldo, I presume you have given him direction. I hope Mr Lascelles will agree continue to his money for some time longer. Mr Robson was come away before I rcd the acct of Mr Ogles death and Dr Lambert was coming out with him, if the Dr had come sooner I believe he could have done him no service for he has been

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 15 Mar 1760

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 15th March 1760 Hon Sir I intended to have sent you by this post two bills for 600£ pay[a]bl[e] 20 days after date from this day; but Sir Wr being just come in from Wallington orders me to remit you 1100£ so that these are running on and I will endeavour to procure a bill at a short date for the £500 ag[ree]d this day senight or must send you the money by the carrier. I shall also have the money to remit you in a few posts to London the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 15 Mar 1760

1760 March 15th Advised Plumb and Brown of my <draft> on them this day for 100£ payable to Mr Wm Alvey Darwin or order at 20 days JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Mar 1760

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcastle 18th March 1760 in Grays Inn London Sir Inclosed you receive four Bills for £1100.0.0 as above, wch I desire you will place to Sir Wr Blacketts acct and advise me on the receipt hereof and that you place the same accordingly wch is all that occurs this post I am etc JR No 6498 £500 Newcastle March 15th 1760 Twenty days date to pay to the order of Mr Joseph Richmond five hundred pounds value received For Self Cookson Carr and Airey Matt Bell

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 21 Mar 1760

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield 21st March 1760 Sir I desire to know in what forwardness you are for the Mils pay, wch I want to have made as soon as possible. To pray hasten the quart accts. Rental and paybill without loss of time. I return you John Lee's acct according to your desire, he has been here half drunk, but says he is determined to live a sober life for the future and to attend his business very punctually but I have no faith that he will keep that resolution. He told me th

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 25 Mar 1760

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Ncastle 25 March 1760 Sir On the 18th inst I send you four bills for £110.0.0 as p copies inclosed, wch I desire you to place to Sir Walters Acct and to advise me on the receipt thereof, wch is all the vouchers I can have for the money in my acct. But having rec[eive]d no advice form you in this post I am apprehensive that the bills may have miscarried. If they should not be come to hand I desire you will

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Mar 1760

To Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 28th March 1760 Sir I have sent you this post such a state of the case as I am able to make out for the Escheat of Kikheaton to the Manor of Anick Grainge, But desire you will put It with such other facts observations and queries as occur to you to be necessary in a proper form for council; this being the Business of Folks of your profession; and when you have completed It I desire you will send me a copy and

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 28 Mar 1760

To Mr Chr. Johnson Attory at Law Durham Newc 28 March 1760 Sir Inclosed you receive copy of Lintzgarth lease and also two certificates that Sir Wr Blackett and Ralph Clark are living. I desire therefore you will apply for a new lease as expeditiously as you can. I acquaint you that George Robson of the Heugh aged 16 years, son of George Robson of the Heugh is the person Sir Wr desires me be named in the new lease in the room of Mr Philipson deced and that

Letter – William Wentworth to Diana Bosville – 1 Apr 1760

Dear Da [ughter] On Monday Julia set forwards for Bath by Dr Daulterys advice, & Betty is to go with her part of the way.  your Aunt and Miss Cotton went in my Chair yesterday to Sheffield to meet Betty and return home to day.  I was left with Annabella & your two little ones who look very well & do everything I bid them.  10000 pounds may have great charms with many people & may think it will give wit & good sense to Miss Kittey, whose Mother when a young woman wa

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 8 Apr 1760

To Richard Wilson Esq at Leeds Ncastle 8th April 1760 Sir Inclosed is a bill for £282.9.10 being the ballance of Messrs Kings half years rent due Martinmas last, as pr acct also inclosed wch bill I desire you will advise the receipt of and sign the acct of wch I send you a duplicate. You also receive inclosed Thos Gunns Article for the Quarry from &c JR Sirs Newcastle the 8th April 1760 £282.9.10 Twenty five days after date pay Richard Wilson Esq or order the sum of Two hund

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Apr 1760

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Newcastle 8th April 1760 Grays Inn London Sir Inclosed you receive Peareth and Sorsbies bill on Freeman and Stainbanks for £300 wch I desire you will place to my account and advise the receipt of. This Bill will enable you to pay the half yrs intrst on Kenton Mortgage due the 27th ulto and I desire you will make it recd of Sir Wr by my hand and send me the receipt as soon as the money is paid, wch I shall advise the rect of & as soon as I can get a bill will

Memo – John Airey – 9 Apr 1760

Qu[ery] the antedated term of all the leases. if not bett[er] to be from last mayday [and] Mrs Fetherston’s Lease to Mrs Button & Miss Robinson Fourstones Colliery — Comon [q] Ingrounds which. [q] all to the Hospital Gregshield Colliery Both Collierys. the liberties seem not sufficient. Exception of liberty to enter & view awanting Leases of the Tyths — Qu[ery] the parcels — exceptions - to enter and <re> restraint of assigning ought to be expressed in the p

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 11 Apr 1760

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newc 11 Apl 1760 Sir Thos Parker and the other Rookhope carriers I find will not lead this year undr 9s for 10 p[iece]s the price they had in 1758. I desire therefore you will imediately send to Jos Makepeace and other of the Darwent Carriers and try if they will engage to lead 10000 p[iece]s lead at 8s for 10 p[iece]s to Blaydon by Baybridge, or what price they will take for 10 p[iece]s

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Apr 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house in Pall mall London Newc 18 April 1760 Honrd Sir Inclosed herewith is the Rental of Wallington Estate, vouched I hope to Mr Savages satisfaction, but I am sorry you should have any occasion to deal with so tedious a person. there is a small alteration upon the rental you had before wch I wish he may not stumble at, tho the amount is the same There is £379.15.0 due to Mr Lascelles for the yrs interest on the 26th Febry

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Apr 1760

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London 18th April 1760 Sir Yesterday Mr Beaumont sent me £70 wch I tho[ugh]t it the best way to take, but when he will pay any more he did not say. I desire you will acquaint Mr Thomas herewith and let me know if I am to remit to you this money to be pd into the Bank. I am &c. JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 May 1760

To Sir Walter Blackett MP at his house in Pall Mall London 1 May 1760 Honble Sir I think it very unreasonable in the B[isho]p to require particular acct of your working the Groves and the profits arising from them, and what you should not submit to in case it can any way be avoided. I dare say it is a thing never before requested on the renewal of any colliery or lead mine lease. But as you think it must be submitted to I have drawn out an ac
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467