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Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 16 Oct 1760

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcastle 16th Oct 1760 Sir Mr James Hopper of Black Hedley has wrote a letter to Sir Wr Blackett and Mr Bacon complaining of the damage done by the cuts made thro' his brother's out pasture and meadow ground at Wolfcleugh to convey water to the engine at the p[ar]tnersp Grove. Sir Wr and Mr Bacon desire you and Mr Wharton will acquaint them that they are willing to make such satisfaction as will be awarded them by two indifferent persons one to

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Oct 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt Newca 24 Oct 1760 Honr Sir Dr Robinson writes that the £600 is now ready in Newca bank notes and desires to have a bond filled up for the £2200 when he will deliver up your two bonds for £1000 and £400£ and your note for 200£. You will be pleased to let Mr Pashley fill up a bond, and indorse up it that it is agreed between you and the Dr that the money is not to be called for nor paid

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Revd Robinson – 24 Oct 1760

To the Revd Dr Robinson at Ponteland 24 Oct 1760 Sir In answer to your letter of the 22nd Sir Wr is now at Etal and I do not certainly know when he will be here but as soon as the bond is executed for the £2200 you will hear further. If Sir Wr does not call upon himself will send my son to wait upon you and settle the intrt on the £600 to the date of the bond, but in the mean time you had better dispose of your bill for th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 4 Nov 1760

To Mr Rich Ellis at Hexham 4th Nov 1760 Sir Sir Wr Blackett desires you will enquire of Mr Crowhall [sic; Crawhall] who was lately Grove steward at Fallowfield, whether he is engaged with any body at present for if he is intirely at liberty Sir Wr has so good an opinion of him that he inclines to offer him a post in his service. If therefore he is disingaged I desire you will tell him that when he comes to Newcastle I should be glad to see him, but there is no necessity for his coming

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 5 Nov 1760

To Mr Nich Halhead at Durham Castle 5th Nov 1760 I have recd your letter of the 27th ulto and have communicated the contents to Sir Wr who thinks that the fifth pt of the ore ought in reason to be deducted, and hopes his Ldsp should be of the same opinion when he considers that the composition now paid for the Lot & tithe the same that was paid to the 3 preceding Bishops and to the rector of Stanhope, for the ore got

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 7 Nov 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house in Pall Mall London Newcastle 7th November 1760 Honrd Sir I have recd £600 of Dr Robinson £400 of my daughter wch is placed to acct and inclosed is Mr Thos Aireys bill on Messrs Hixom and Horne for £400 wch I desire you will please to advise the receipt of Your bond & note to Dr Robinson for £1600 are taken up and cancelled, my son not being yet returned from Durham, I know nothing of what was done there yesterday but you will no dou

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Nov 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house in Pall Mall London Newcastle 8th November 1760 Honrd Sir Ld Darlington Mr Verne Mr Shafto and Mr Halhead are of the same sentiments as yourself abt the Weardale Customary tenants, so that matter rests in Secrecy, and Mr Maughan promised to observe your directions minutely therein. Mr Forster was not at Durham, but all matters preparatory to the poll were talked over and Mr Raper and Mr <Swainston> directed to put the same i

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Nov 1760

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin at his Chambers No7 in Grays Inn London Newcastle 13th Nov 1760 Sir My father recd your letters of the 4th and 8th inst inclosing copies of the bill and Decree <ag[ain]st> the Hexham millers, and of the Exemp[lificatio]n of the judgement about tolls at Bradley Bank. I wish you would examine for the depositions in the cause between the Bp of Durham Wm Blackett esq and Hump Wharton Esq concerning the leases for lives and years of mines in Weardale; for if you

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 14 Nov 1760

To John Fenwick Esq in Roberts Place Near Bootham Barr York Newc 14th November 1760 Sir You receive inclosed my bill on Messrs Plumbe and Browne for £42.10.0 at 15 days to discharge the ½ yrs intrt on Sir Wr Blacketts bond due the 12th inst at 4 ¼ p cent agreeable to Sir Wr’s letter to you dated 22nd Dec last. I desire you will advise the receipt of the bill by the return of the post and mention that it is in full for the above ½ yrs intrt I am etc JR Newcastle 14t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 14 Nov 1760

To Messrs Plumbe and Brown Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newc 14th November 1760 Sirs I have this drawn a bill on you for £42.10.0 payable to John Fenwick or order 15 days after date, wch I desire you will accept and place to Sir Wr Blacketts acct I am etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 15 Nov 1760

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London 15th Nov 1760 Sir Enclosed is Messrs Peareth and Sorbies bill on Messrs Freemont and Stainbanks for £495.0.0 to discharge <1/2> yrs inst on the 22000£ due to Mr Savage the 6th inst[an]t which I desire you will advise the receipt of and send me his receipt as soon as the money is paid wch I shall <own> the receipt of I am etc JR Newcastle 7th Oct 1760 £495.0.0 Fort

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Nov 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett MP London Newcastle 21st Nov 1760 Hon Sir Mr Shafto's intrest among the freeholders in this town and Gateshead, I think stands full as well as when you left Newcastle. Mr Dodd gave a treat last week to those in Gateshead. And intends one tonight for those in this place. he will continue to do this as often as shall be thought necessary, tho Sir Tho has given none, that I have heard of since that at Parkers.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 21 Nov 1760

To Mr Darwin in Grays Inn London 21 Nov 1760 Sir Yesterday I rcd the £30 for Mr Redets bill on Thos Nathers, wch is placed to your acct and will return you the money by the first opportunity, and inclosed I send you back Redets receipt wch you you left with me. Is anything more to be done as to Mr Beaumont, or wo{ul]d you have me remit you the 70£. I have rcd of him to be pd into the bank, for perhaps I maybe cha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 28 Nov 1760

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Newcastle 28th Nov 1760 Sir Inclosed is the acct of West Kenton rent for the half year ended at May day last, with two bills for £281.17.6 the balance thereof which I desire you will please to advise the receipt of, and sign and return me the duplicate of the acct. the years intrst for the years £300 rent Mr King not being yet due, and it being too hasty to call yet for the quarry rent due Martins,

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Nov 1760

To Mr Darwin London 28 November 1760 Sir It is with great dejection I read your acct of Sir Wrs indisposition but hope you will be able next post to send me the agreable acct of the removal of this alarming disorder. I have recd Mr Salvages rect for £495 for the 1/2 yrs intrst of his Mortgage on Wallington due the 6th inst and have given your acct order for the same &c I am yr etc. HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 5 Dec 1760

Sir Above I send you a bill for £255 to pay Mr Vernon for Lady Mansels ½ yrs annuity due the 10th of Oct last and to pay yourself the £30 wch I rcd of Mr Natters for Mr Reedits bill wch I desire you will place to my acct and advise the receipt of and send me Mr Vernons receipt as soon as the money is paid. pray send the bill imediately for acceptance It is with great satisfaction that I find Sir Wr so well recovered as to be out of danger I am etc JR Sirs

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Dec 1760

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart in Pall Mall 10 Dec 1760 Honrd Sir Inclosed is Peareth and Sorsbies bill on Freeman and Stainbanks for five hundred pounds wch I desire you will be pleased to advise the receipt of and I hope this will find you much better and recovering every day. I have the pleasure to congratulate you on the news <James> Wilkinson brings me just now from Durham that Sir Thos Clavering has given up the Poll I am etc JR Ne

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Dec 1760

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. Newcastle 19th December1760 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have with great Satisfaction rec[iev]ed your two last Lres [Letters], & hope your Disorder is quite gone off & that the medicines you are now taking will speedily <recruit> your spirits & provide your natural Rest, for which Dr <….> Lambert says they are only intended, but you have his thoughts in the inclosed Letter. Sir Edward Blackett t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Dec 1760

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. MP at his house in Pall Mall London Newcastle 28th December 1760 Hon[ou]rd Sir I will take care to remit you six hundred pounds payable within the time you mention. Sir Thos. Clavering & his friends had a meeting at Durham on Friday, but what resolution they then came to, I cannot learn, further

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Dec 1760

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 28th December 1760 Sir Under this & 3 other covers you will receive part of the cases ab[ou]t Kirkheaton with Mr Pooles & Mr Welbrahams opinions thereon, & also on the Extracts from the black book. The other part is directed to Sr. Wr. You will please to return these cases etc when you have done with them, as they may be of use to us hereafter. I see, with the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mark Harvey – 30 Dec 1760

To Mr Mark Harvey at Sr.Wr Blacketts in Pall Mall London Sr. The Laudau arrived about a week ago, & today the Coach maker uncased her in order to hang & clean her; when tho’ the case was not the least damaged, yet he found one of the Glasses broke & the panel of the door split, without any marks of violence on the varnish, further than what was owing to the crack. This accident has manifestly happened f[ro]m the carelessness of the packer, who had put the two steps & a

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 9 Jan 1761

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 9 January 1761 Sir Inclosed is a bill drawn by Peareth & Sorsbie on Freeman & Stainbanks for £ 225 wch you will please to place to my acco[un]t & advise the receipt of. The reason of sending you this bill is; Sir Wr wrote me to remit him £200 to be ready in Leeds after he returned thither f[ro]m Bath, & can contrive no better method of doing so than sending this bill to you, in order that if

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Jan 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa Tree in pall mall London Newcastle 9th January 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I made enquiry the beginning of Nov by your direction, whe[ethe]r Mr Crowhall [sic; Crawhall] was disengaged f[ro]m the Co at Fallowfield; Mr Cookson one of the p[ar]tners, told me some time ago that they had done with him, but I did not receive any

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Jan 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree in Pallmall London [Newcastle] 13th January 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I was in hopes to have made a pay in Weardale this Spring for your own mines there being a year due at Chr[ist]mas, but I find I cannot accomplish it. As for the <ye> p[ar]tners[hi]p mines, there are 2 years due, wch looks badly, but if I had the money I could not pay them, without Mr Bacon; who I do not find makes any preparation tow[ar]d it. I have

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Jan 1761

To Mr Wm. Airey Darwin Grays inn London Newcastle 16th January 1761 Sir Inclosed is Thos Aireys bill on Nixon & Horne for £284.8s.6d, wch you will please to advise the receipt of. This is my own money & I am desirous of having it laid out in purchasing £300 stock in the four p[er] Cent Annuities 1760 as I think the placing it upon that security will, after a peace, be advantageous. But I am sorry I cannot obtain the chance of that advantage without b
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467