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Letter – William Wentworth to Diana Bosville – 24 May 1760

Dear Daughter yesterday I received the favour of Mr Bosville's who informs me that my Coffee pot is made which I desire my Crest may be put on, I would have the feet of the Griffin all standing upon the ground, & no Crownet upon the neck but plane & I desire you will bring it down with you.  I hope you have sold my Blanks, out of which pray pay your self, & let me know what may remain in your hands. we have had some very fine rain, with hail of late which has ma

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jun 1760

To Mr Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 8th July 1760 Sir Inclosed are Peareth and Sorsbie's two bills on Freeman and Stainbank for £1000 to pay off Mr Harlands bond the 31st installment wch I desire you will place to Sir Wr Blackett's account and advise me of your receipt hereof. I am not able at this time to make you any further remittance having paid off last week all of the mines, wch has left me neither money or bil

Letter – Joseph Richmond to George Davison – 10 Jun 1760

Sent to Mr Geo Davison at Newton Cap, Mr Bacon's account of his proposition of Weardale rents for the year 1760. JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Jun 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house In Pall Mall London 13th June 1760 Honrd Sir I cannot think of any thing more to be said to the Bishop as he defers giving you an answer till he comes into the county and advises with Mr Wilkinson and who I hope will not be able to controvert that acct you have d[elivere]d to his Lordship. If you were to offer a fine of 200 guineas, I do not believe he would accept of it, having no doubt had the matter set forth to him

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Jun 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett in Pall Mall 17 June 1760 Honrd Sir Mrs Cocking was with one about her proposal to pull down the nun's house and lay out 4 or £500 on building on a lease for 21 yrs, paying you the rent of £5 a year to keep the school Master now pays, I told her you had appropriated the manor house for the benefit of the Charity school of St Andrews, and I did not think you would make any alteration. I presume you know you have £1000 of her money upon bond, and pay her a life

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 20 Jun 1760

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin No 8 Greys Inn London Newcastle 20th June 1760 Sir Above is a copy of a note wch Sir Walter has given Mrs Mary Mathews an old servant of Lady Blacketts. She leaves this place tomorrow and will be in London in 14 days when she will call upon you for her first half years payment due the 24th inst. Wch you will place to Sir Wrs acct and settle with her how the future payments are to be made. I did not know when I wrote my last letter that

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Jun 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett MP at his house in Pall Mall London 24th June 1760 Honrd Sir I return inclosed the Denmark papers sent down in your letter of the 19th inst. Jno Cooper was a Newcastle merchant and Sir William Blackett's Factor at Copenhagen therefore the bond or bill on <Marcellius> was made payable to him and he gave a Lre of Attorney to Henry Lad of Amsterdam to receive the money, and then Ladd afterwards renounced that authority to S

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 19 Jul 1760

To Mr Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newc 19th July 1760 Sir Inclosed is my bill on Messrs Plumbe and Browne for £200 wch I desire you will place to Sir Wr Blacketts acct and advise me on your receipt hereof. On the 11th inst I drew a bill on you for £7.6.0 payable to Mrs Esther Allgood or order at 10 days date wch is placed to your acct. I recd last post a copy of the special jury wch I have sent to Sir Wr at Wallington, who go

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 20 Jul 1760

To Rich Wilson Esq jun at Leeds 20 July 1760 Sir As Mr Craister's and Mr Bewick's Ejectment cause ag[ains]t Sir Wr Blackett is to be tried at our assizes, Sir Wr desires you will accept of his compliments and if you come this part of the circuit, he desires hereby to engage you as his council in that cause and your retainer will be pd you when you come to this place where I shall be glad to see you I am JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 22 Jul 1760

22nd July 1760 Advised Messrs Plumbe and Brown of my draft on them this day to Henry Kindley or order at 20 days JR

Letter – Walter Blackett to Isaac Brown – 25 Jul 1760

To Mr Isaac Brown at Berwick Newcastle 25th July 1760 Sir Last night I had a meeting with Mr Geo Lisle and agreable to the proposal of yourself and Mr Jeffrey's contained in the letter of the 15th of last March to give up the coll[ie]ry at Whitsuntide last or Martinmas next we send you the following lease. vizt Sir Wr Blackett and Mr George Lisle do agree that Mr Wm Jeffreys and partners shall be at Liberty to give up thei

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 25 Jul 1760

To Mr Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 25th July 1760 Sir Sir Wr Blackett desires you will send down by the return of the post, the Orig[ina]l of Mr Craister's pretended agreement entered into at the last assizes if you have it and any other papers on the matters relating to that affair..... Sir Wr has the copy you sent my father along with Mr Wilson's letter I am HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Aug 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newcastle 12th Aug 1760 Honrd Sir I am sorry I omitted to acquaint you last post that all matters are agreed with Mr Jeffreys and partns: Mr Browne and I waited on the two Mr Lisles and they were both at last satisfied that the collry should be given up at Martinmas next, and that the letter wrote to you by Mr Jeffreys etc was suff[cien]t security for the rent. And as to the condition the collry is in both parties are content it shall be refered to Mr R

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 2 Sep 1760

To Mr Nich Halhead at Auckland Castle 2nd Sept 1760 Sir As it was agreed between us that my giving an answer in writing to the paper you delivered one would only be attended with replications and prolong the matters being br[ough]t to a conclusion, I have according to your desire sent you inclosed the particulars of the estimate delivered by Sir Wr Blackett to my Lord Bishop as taken from the quarterly acct or pay bills that any person may examine that his Ldshp shall please to appoin

Letter – Thomas Mauleverer to Edward Stewart – 9 Sep 1760

Durham Apl. 9th 1760 Dear Sir I have recd your favor concerning the intended reference between the Trustees of the Derwentwater estate & Mr Allgood, in answer to which I must acquaint you with my situation & how I am at present Circumstanced; In the first place I am to remain with the Regiment till the latter End of this Month, the month of may I am obliged to Employ at home, after which I return again to the Regiment; & then, as I find by Col[onel] Duncombe’s account, who is a

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 12 Sep 1760

12 Sept 1760 Advised Messrs Plumb and Browne of the piece of silver of 522 oz sent them this day by <Fryer> Todd JR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 28 Sep 1760

To Mr Willm Robson at Wallington Newcastle 28th Sept 1760 Sir Inclosed you receive two Arbitration Bonds, the one signed by Sir Walter Blackett and the other to be executed by Mr Smith, for refering the matters in dispute between them about Hawick Fell to Mr Ord and Mr Vaughan. Mr Widdrington has filled them up as you directed and you will deliver Mr Smith that wch Sir Wr has executed when he executes and delivers you the other. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 29 Sep 1760

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcastle 29th Sept 1760 Sir As there is likely to be a contest in the county of Durham on occasion of Mr Bowes's death Sir Wr Blackett would have you acquaint such of the freeholders in Weardale as you think will have regard to his inclinations that he is for Mr Shaftoe and hopes they will be of the same way of thinking: But Sir Wr would not have you press such as you find are dependant upon the Bishop. Below

Calculations – Nicholas Halhead – 1 Oct 1760

A Calculation of the Yearly Value of the Lead Ore got within the Inclosures and Parks including the Common Pastures, in Weredale, upon an Average of fourteen Years 1746 & 17<59> inclusive, being the Time <...........> the Lease thereof, over and above the <Benefit> to the Lessee from his Composition for the Rector of Stanhope’s Tenth, which his possession of the Lease of the said Ore has procured him. Ore got, according to the Extracts sent by Mr Richmond, with which

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 16 Oct 1760

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcastle 16th Oct 1760 Sir Mr James Hopper of Black Hedley has wrote a letter to Sir Wr Blackett and Mr Bacon complaining of the damage done by the cuts made thro' his brother's out pasture and meadow ground at Wolfcleugh to convey water to the engine at the p[ar]tnersp Grove. Sir Wr and Mr Bacon desire you and Mr Wharton will acquaint them that they are willing to make such satisfaction as will be awarded them by two indifferent persons one to

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Oct 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt Newca 24 Oct 1760 Honr Sir Dr Robinson writes that the £600 is now ready in Newca bank notes and desires to have a bond filled up for the £2200 when he will deliver up your two bonds for £1000 and £400£ and your note for 200£. You will be pleased to let Mr Pashley fill up a bond, and indorse up it that it is agreed between you and the Dr that the money is not to be called for nor paid

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Revd Robinson – 24 Oct 1760

To the Revd Dr Robinson at Ponteland 24 Oct 1760 Sir In answer to your letter of the 22nd Sir Wr is now at Etal and I do not certainly know when he will be here but as soon as the bond is executed for the £2200 you will hear further. If Sir Wr does not call upon himself will send my son to wait upon you and settle the intrt on the £600 to the date of the bond, but in the mean time you had better dispose of your bill for th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 4 Nov 1760

To Mr Rich Ellis at Hexham 4th Nov 1760 Sir Sir Wr Blackett desires you will enquire of Mr Crowhall [sic; Crawhall] who was lately Grove steward at Fallowfield, whether he is engaged with any body at present for if he is intirely at liberty Sir Wr has so good an opinion of him that he inclines to offer him a post in his service. If therefore he is disingaged I desire you will tell him that when he comes to Newcastle I should be glad to see him, but there is no necessity for his coming

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 5 Nov 1760

To Mr Nich Halhead at Durham Castle 5th Nov 1760 I have recd your letter of the 27th ulto and have communicated the contents to Sir Wr who thinks that the fifth pt of the ore ought in reason to be deducted, and hopes his Ldsp should be of the same opinion when he considers that the composition now paid for the Lot & tithe the same that was paid to the 3 preceding Bishops and to the rector of Stanhope, for the ore got

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 7 Nov 1760

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house in Pall Mall London Newcastle 7th November 1760 Honrd Sir I have recd £600 of Dr Robinson £400 of my daughter wch is placed to acct and inclosed is Mr Thos Aireys bill on Messrs Hixom and Horne for £400 wch I desire you will please to advise the receipt of Your bond & note to Dr Robinson for £1600 are taken up and cancelled, my son not being yet returned from Durham, I know nothing of what was done there yesterday but you will no dou
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467