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Letter – Henry Richmond to Earl of Darlington – 6 Feb 1761

To The Hon[oura]ble The Earl of Darlington at Durham Newca 6th Febry. 1761 My Lord As your L[or]ds[hi]p mentioned on Tuesday last , that you had heard some application had been made to the Customary Tenants in Weardale to vote for Sir Thos. Clavering at the General Election; I thought it right to send a p[er]son thither on purpose, to know from Sir Wr. Blacketts Agent whether anything of that nature had transpired, & have the honour of sending your Lords[hi]p

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Feb 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London Newcastle 10th Febry 1761 Sir Upon making Enquiry after the names of some of the Groves mentioned in the copy of the first of the 3 depositions you sent me in the cause B[isho]p of Durham ag[ain]st Humphrey Wharton Esq. , I have some reason to hope there is a misnomer, or an Error in the Copy. For one of the Groves is first called in that deposition Lodge Slitt, but afterwards Lodgefield Slitt. Now as

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Feb 1761

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. at his ho[use] in Charles Street near St. James’s Square London Newcastle 10 Feb. 1761 Hon. Sir L[or]d Darlington called last week, & told me he had heard that an application had been made to the Customary tenants in Weardale to vote for Sir Thomas Clavering at the General Election. I mentioned that it was scar

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mark Harvey – 10 Feb 1761

To Mark Harvey at Sr Wr Blacketts etc London Newcastle 10th Febry 1761 Sir Inclosed I send you the Coachmakers charge here amounting to £1.16s.0d for a new Glass & repairing the panel of the Landau, occasioned by putting the steps etc loose into the body of it when packed in London. I desire you will acquaint Sir Walter that Mr Berry is willing to allow this £1.16s.0d to be deducted f[ro]m his bill; for to take the money of him as you mention, in order to bring it down

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Feb 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. MP at his h[ous]e in Charles Street near St Jamess Square London Newcastle 15 Febry 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclosed is Peareth & Sorsbies bill on Freeman & Stainbanks for £1100 wch I desire you will please to advise receipt of. I am sorry to find you are not quite well, & hope you w

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 20 Feb 1761

To Mr Richd Ellis in Hexham Newcastle 20th Febry 1761 Sir The tenants of the petty tithes bro[ugh]t me your Letter yesterday & after some talk at last agreed to give £72.10s.0d a y[ea]r clear of all deductions or allowances whatsoever, for the term that Dotland common is tithe free by the agre[e]m[en]t in the division & I promised them to write to you to draw an article or Lease as you think proper accordingly. I intended to advertise Allandale t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 24 Feb 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 24 Febry 1761 Sir I have your Lres of the 17th & 19th inst; & have sent you by this post under this and four other covers one of the Briefs at the last Assizes in the Kirkheaton Cause, & also Lawyer Wilson’s Lre to Sr Wr Blackett abo[u]t the pretended agre[e]ment at the Assizes in 1759, wch you will please to take care of. I am glad to find by your Lre of the 19th that you have met with the bill &

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Feb 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. at his house in Charles Street near St Jamess Square London Newcastle 24 Febry 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I cannot think of any argum[en]ts about the renewal of Sandersons Lease, but what have in a great measure been made use of before, in the calculations & Lettrs you have upon the subject, wch I believe will bear the test of an impartial exam

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Mar 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. etc London 1st March 1761 Honourd Sir A no. of Colliers waggon men & others assembled in sev[era]l places in the County of Durham last week & took the militia lists f[ro]m the Constables & committed other outrages, & yesterday a large body of them armed with sticks came to Gateshead where there was a meeting of the deputy Lieuten[an]ts. Two of the Ringleaders who I am told are k

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Mar 1761

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 6 Mar 1771 Sir Inclosed I send you an abstract of the Lease of such of the Kirkheaton tenants as have attorned to Sr Wr Blackett, with such other particulars as I imagine may be necessary to enable you to prepare answers for them; as also the cancelled bond of indemnity intended for John Brown, who wo[ul]d not attorn; those bonds that were delivered were all in the same words as this, except Ann Atkin

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Mar 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. at his ho[use] in Charles Street near St James’s Square London Newcastle 8th Mar 1761 Sir The success that apparently attended the Durham mob on Saturday senight has encouraged the same sort of people in No[rthumber]land to obstruct the Constable & Deputy Leiutenants in the Execution of their duty. Mr Ogle of Cawsey parks funeral w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Mar 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. London Newcastle 10 March 1761 Honourd Sir At the meeting of the deputy Lieutenants & justices yesterday at Hexham S[i]r Lance[lo]t Allgood, S[i]r Robt. Bewicke, <Coll[one]l> Delaval Mr Fenwick Mr Reed & Mr Soulsby were present. The six Co[mpanie]s of the Yorkshire Militia, being about 240 men, commanded by Major Crow were drawn up in the market place before the Gaol Gate a little after 9 o’cloc

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 19 Mar 1761

Mr Mo. Harrison at Lintzgarth Mil Newca 19 March 1761 Mr Harrison I have spoke to Sir Wr. about Mr Hutchinson’s Lease, who says he does not intend to renew it, & I have wrote Mr Hodgson accordingly; therefore if you have not done it already you are at Liberty to take it your self. You remember what you said at Dukesfield that you would never require any damage on pretence of the mil reak I am etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 21 Mar 1761

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allenh[ea]ds [Newcastle] 21st March 1761 Sir I have mentioned to Sir Walter what you said to me about the poorness of Allenheads mines, & he orders me to acquaint you that when you let the next Bargains he agrees in order to encourage the workmen that you may give 20s a bing where you find it necessary tho[ugh] the price of Lead is still so low that it will scarce afford it, he doubts not But you will act here in acco

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 10 Apr 1761

To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmith in Foster Lane London 10th April 1761 Sirs I have drawn a bill on you to pay for £304.10s.10d payable to Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin or order twenty days after date, which I desire you will accept & place to Sir Walter Blacketts accot., in being in full for the balance of your account with him to this day according to our books, & I hope you will find it agr[e]eable to yours, which I desire you will please to advise me, & let

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Apr 1761

Newcastle 10th April 1761 £304.10.10 Sir Twenty days after date pay Mr Alvey Alvey Darwin or order three hundred four pounds ten shillings & ten pence value receiv’d, & place the same to account advised by Sir Your most hble servant JR To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Sir Above you have my bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne for £304.10s.10d payable at 20 days date which will be due in time to pay Mr Glover & <Mrs Sambrooks> half y

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 12 Apr 1761

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 12th April 1761 Sir Sr Wr has ordered Mr Widdrington to examine into & make out a state of the case about the two Leases of Weardale mines to be laid before council. Mr Widdrington says, to enable him to do it completely he must have copies of the Bill & answer in the cause in wch the depositions you sent me were taken, to wit Wharton ag[ain]st the Bishop & others, & also copy o

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 14 Apr 1761

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 14 April 1761 Sir Sr Wr desires you will order search to be made carefully for the Bill & ans[we]r in the Exchequer, Wharton ag[ain]st Wm. Hall Esq., wch must have been in or about the year 1664. for the verdict wch you sent me a copy of was obtained in 1666. If you find it & the B[isho]p is a party thereto, Sir Wr wo[ul]d have a copy thereof sent down as soon as possible; as also of any thing else you c

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 17 Apr 1761

To Richard Ellis at Hexham [Newcastle] 17 April 1761 Sir I am glad you have got Allendale tithes let, I think you have let them well. Sir Walter having given Mr Widdrington orders to file a bill against the people that grind from the mils, he will write to you to know whose names you think proper to mention, & I should hope on your acquainting them with Sir Walters resolution that they will submit without putting him or themselves to an

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 21 Apr 1761

To Wm. Alvey Darwin in Grays Inn London Newcastle 21 April 1761 Sir I am glad you have discovered that there was a suit in 1633 relative to the dispute about the Inclosures, & desire you will send down the pleadings both in that & in the cause in 1664 or there abouts, if you are so fortunate as to meet with them in your search in the Tower; Those in the cause in 1663 will certainly throw a strong light upon this dark affair, as that cau

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 28 Apr 1761

No. 7040 £287.1.6 Newcastle 25 April 1761 Thirty days after date pay to the order of Mr Joseph Richmond two hundred eighty seven pounds one shilling & six pence value received. For Bell, Cookson, Carr & Self, Jos Airey To Messrs Vere Glynn & Hallifax London To Richard Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcastle 28 April 1761 Sir, I send you inclosed the acco[un]ts of West Kenton rents for the half year d

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 28 Apr 1761

To Jno Fenwick Esq in Robert’s Place York 28 April 1761 Sir I have acquainted Sir Walter Blackett who is now at Wallington with the contents of your Letter, & he orders me to write you that he agrees to pay you 4 ½ p[er] cent from this 12th of May next. I am etc JR P.S. I shall pay your bills when due

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Harrison – 30 Apr 1761

To Mr John Harrison at Lintzgarth [Newcastle] 30 April 1761 Sir I desire you will set on your Lead carriage as fast as you can & if your Carriers will not abate of 9s. you must agree to give it them [in margin: C Bainbridge] for I do not find Mr Hunter is doeing any thing about it. I desire you will send in first, what lead & slag you know is unrefineable for we have working lead enough at Bladon, yours JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 1 May 1761

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield May 1st 1761 Sir If you have not done it already, I desire on receipt of this you will order away the Lead from all the mils, as fast as you can, & if the Rookhope Carriers will abate nothing of 9s. you must agree to give it them, but order all the Common lead & slag lead to be first sent away for wee have working lead enough at Blaydon, pray direct the mil clerks to work up all the slag

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 5 May 1761

No. 7561 £400 Newcastle 5 May 1761 Thirty days after date pay to the order of Richard Wilson Esq. four hundred Pounds value received of Mr Jos. Richmond. For Bell, Cookson, Carr & self Jos Airey To Messrs Vere, Glyn & Hallifax London To Richard Wilson Esq. at Leeds Sir I Rece[ived] your Letter of the 2nd inst., inclosing your Bond to Miss Hannah Headlam for four hundred Pounds dated 4 inst & inclosed you receive Messrs Bell & Co’s bill on Vere Glynn & Halli
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467