April the: 29: 1676
yours of the 25 Curant Came to saife hand, for which I thank you, wherin I rec[eived]d an accoumpt of £347 12s 3d Mr Peacock remittd which: last post I desired you to asigne it over to Mr Tho: Firman For the accoumpt of Mr Lancelott Moore, and this post I have asigned Mr Mr John Blanks of Wappen for the £160 For the Like value Recd of Henry: Miborne Last sume returned I have given Mr Peacock Credite per the ball[ance], if there be any Concerns I can serve you
I recd a letter From Mr Wm: Peacocke Junior where he hath ordered into your hands three hundred and forty seven pounds two shill which said sume I have assigned to Mr Thomas firman to receive per the accoumpt of Mr Lanclot Moore for the Like value here Receivd; praye if Mr Wm Peacock send more bills assigne them to Mr Thomas Firman and in so doing you will very much oblige
your humble servant
Ra. Grey
NewCastle Aprill the 29th1676
Mr Wm Peacocke
yours of 28th curent came to hand but noe accts as you mention in your Letter, I perceive you have remitted £347 2s to Mr James Pickering & Mr Lionel Robinson <merchant> in London, I have Assigned over the s[ai]d bills to be p[ai]d to Mr Tho <Fermon mercer> in London I hope per the next to have your accnt & the ballance returnd to Mr Pickering or Mr Robinson who I have writt to this post, as to the Fishing trade if we &
It may <affen> you that my daughters maladies are abated & she sleepes soundly we are near Rippon & hopes (through God’s mercy) for recovery. I hope the <love> will continue her & that she may have opportunities to acknowledge yo[ur] <indcarme.. to her>.
If you please to supply me with yours, will after discharge a debt, or serve her (if beggars may be chusers) I desire whittfeild may bring it to Rippon to Aldeman Gibsons. My <…..> to a
Mr Josh: Pannell
yours of the 29 April per Mr John Vaughan with the inclosed acct came to hand I shall make a bad accoumpt of the sweet sented hogshead, it would have given more <..> send the Returns if there be in <twofould twine>, I have shypt in Mr Vaughan 150 pcs Lead markd R:G: which praye despose to best Advantidge at prices Currant and send the Returns in dolars for I se[e] nothing here that monyes is mad[e] on if this do turne to any accoumpt shall send more I soul
May the: 5: 1676
Mr Will: Peacock
yours of the First Currant with the inclosed accoumpt came to safe hand for which thanks when the other moneys comes in as to the Ballance praye Returne for London I se[e] freinch wines will not do at your port: if the Vinicar be not sould send 24 for this port; my wife sent for it for her owne use, For the Leakidge of the Brandy its well its noe worse, he going from port to port, Mr Rudd hath sent <its now> to ship eight dozen of skins whereof
Mr. James Cooke ditto [Newcastle May 5th 1676]
I hope one thinks you have Rec[eive]d the forty pounds of Esqr Irrington; w[hi]ch makes In all three hundred and forty pounds.
you need send noe Bill as yett for I intend <soin.inge> the next weeke by Hen Lawes to send you some more money and then will advise you, for w[ha]t send you <soe> please to send mee a Bill. In the meane time pray advise mee how my Unckell Eden doth I am MB:
Mr. Walter Tucker ditto [Newcastle May 5th 1676]
My last unto you was of the 26th past, wherein I advised you that yo[u]r Brother John Tucker should be furnished w[i]th w[ha]t money hee wanted for the buyinge of his Loadinge of Coales, and this I would reimburse my selfe accordinge to your order upon Mr Robt Jackson of Stockton, but since I have advice from s[ai]d Jackson, that hee will nott accept any Bill upon yo[u]r account soe concerneinge this business
Mr. Peter Bar ditto [Newcastle May 5th 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 29th past, Mr Allaire [Allaine] hath left mee above £20:=:= my desire in every letter to him was to keepe mee indemnified from demaridge, Butt for all that and all his fayre promises of dispatchinge the vessell In 3 or 4 dayes shee was noe less then 25 dayes: 15 dayes demaridge att 40s p[er] diem; nay worst of all the Ma[ste]r hath made protest, how I come off I know nott Butt for
Mr. Hum: Willett Newcastle May the 5th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 22d: 27 and 29th past w[hi]ch I shall now God willinge Answer att large, In yo[u]r former and last doe find 2 Bills remitted mee by yo[u]r Brother, w[hi]ch Inclosed send you desiring you to resend the ballne [balance] when due and place the same To my credditt I thank you for haveinge spoake to Mr Sheapherd; and also for promiseinge paym[en]t of my Bill of £ 16:=:=:=. I take notic
Mr. Ed: Willett ditto [Newcastle May 6th 1676 ]
My last to you was of the 22d Ap[r]ill 76 To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 28th past and 5th present both w[hi]ch I shall now God willinge Answer att lardge
Noe newes as yett of my Pistoles I hope shortly to heare of them but yesterday I gott my Sweete meates w[hi]ch are good for little; as you may Immagine, having beene soe oft in Salt Water
Both yo[u]r Bills I have
Mr. Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle May 6th 1676 ]
My last to you was of the 22d Ap[r]ill 76 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of 30th past and 5th present the account of the Snayl I have examined, found right and booked accordingly, butt send noe more till further order for this sort is too Course for this Markett, I hope p[er] next oppertunity to Receive the Tow and send noe more of that neither, untill I see w[ha]t sort of Stuffe
Mr. Antho Allaine ditto
My last to you was of the 22d of Ap[r]ill 76 to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 24th past w[i]th severall Inclosures about William Leckes Loadinge all w[hi]ch I have examined found right and Booked accordingly and have acquitted yo[u]r draught upon mee for the ballne [balance] of the s[ai]d Loadinge, w[hi]ch you need nott question butt will be complyed w[i]th all accordinge to the Contents thereof, noth
Mr. Cha: and Ja: Bankes ditto
My last to you was of the 22d of Ap[r]ill 76, w[hi]ch I doe confirme Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 21th and 25th past doe heartily thank you for your continuall advice how Squares goes w[i]th Jno Strother but I have soe good an oppinion of him, that I will trust him w[i]th £1000 St[erlin]g soe that hee drawes upon you upon my account to that ballene [balance] pray let his Bills be accepted, And for noe more till f
Mr. Nicho: Verlane Newcastle May 6th [16]76
My last to you was of the 15th Ap[r]ill 76 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 27th past and the 4th present whering takes notice of the Sale of p[er] of my Leed I wonder you remitt mee noe money upon t[ha]t account to Effect my desire
Sir Expect noe more Orders butt this w[hi]ch is, that you fayle nott upon receipt to putt off w[ha]t Leed you have of myne In yo[u]r handes, an
Mr. Jno: Strother ditto [Newcastle May 6th 1676 ]
My last was of the 22d past to w[hi]ch referrs you Since not any from you, soe the less to Inlardge upon; I hope ere this come to hand, William Lecke will be come away, and I question not butt God sending the Goods To hand here they will all prove to Content w[hi]ch will be a meanes to Create greater Correspondence together hereafter, I allsoe hope that accordinge to my desire you would not fayle of puttinge o
1676 Accompt of Goods sent to Wanlockhead by Wm Pringell belonging to Sr James Standsfeeld.
May 8
To 27.5 gudes iron [wsting] 63.25 stones at 28s per stone is £88-11-0
To 6.25 stones of Candles at £3-12s per stone is £22-10-0
*To 2 barrels of herring at £11 per barrell is £22-00-0
To 30 dailes at 12s per peace is £18-00-0
*chargd to the work
Hond Sr
I am <Cranle> thither to master the best Fist ever I can to my dear Child when I see her I must <spend> all my earthly treasure – in our bottoms floating on the waters not all pray the <…> the praises for her, & advise to us all: the doctor has done what they can & advise us Southward into a warmer ayre, which her husband not onely allowes but a most passionately sealous to submit to anything that may Conduce to her Recovery. I confesse I am willing
Messieurs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle 12th May 1676]
Inclosed you have a bill of £50:=: =: upon Jno Osgood Endorsed to you pray see to procure acceptance and paym[en]t w[he]n dew; And as Rec[eive]d be pleased to place the same to the Creditt of MB
Mr. Math: Lamb ditto [Newcastle 12th May 1676]
I shall nott trouble your patience w[i]th any longe tedious unecessary lines, haveinge noe business to cause Inlardgm[en]t butt the Cheiffe Reason is makeinge pr[e]parTn [preparations] for my jo[u]rney Into the West w[hi]ch puttes mee a little to the Spurrs; I meane makes mee a little In hast[e] yett not soe much butt I can spare time for one 3 or 4 lines that soe I may be within bounds of my promise
Mr. Nicho: Verlane ditto [Newcastle 12th May 1676]
My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon this beinge chiefely to Confirme my former; my desire In w[hi]ch I doubt nott but is Effected and ere this come to hande the nett proceed of my Leed remitted; w[hi]ch will be to the greate Satisfaction of MB:
Mr. Ed Willett Newcastle 12th May 1676
My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of this date, doe heartily thank you for yo[u]r kind offer Therein In givinge mee leave to draw upon you payable in Paris att yo[u]r Friends House; w[he]n I should have occasion w[hi]ch kindness I shall accept of as good advantage is profered mee ~
Noe newes of my Pistoles I am fearefull they are gone the 6 hattes and
Mr. Walter Chaytor Newcastle May the 12th 1676
My last to you was of the 6th present To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of this date w[i]th an Account of 400 p[iece]s of Leed Sold w[hi]ch I shall examine and advise you p[er] next how I finde the same And now every Post shall expect the account of the other 600 p[iece]s for I hope you would not fayle to effect my desire in every perticular and soe shall acquiesse from reiteratinge any t
Mr. Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle 13th May 1676]
My last to you was of the 12th Instant to w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you so the less to Inlardge upon; not doubting but ere this you have effected my Earnest desire, by soe many letters in every Perticular, Soe this serves Cheifely to confirme my formers As to that business and for Covert to the Inclosed Note w[hi]ch was Omitted In my last by M:B:
Mr. James Cooke Newcastle May the 13th [16]76
you have £340 but I can spare noe more so pray p[er] first oppertunity, send mee a Bill for s[ai]d Sumd payable upon the 10th June as was promised; I had allmost done yo[u]r business this day as to the Dogg you know of, but was pr[e]vented patience a while I hope to doe itt shortly to yo[u]r satisfaction I am MB:
forgett not my respects to yo[u]r Wife