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Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Averay – 2 Aug 1761

To Mr Robt. Averay at Tiverton Devonshire Newcastle 2nd August 1761 Sir In answer to your Letter to Sir Wr Blackett, I am to write to you that the name of the person <…..> therein enquired after was Stephen Fryer (& not Pryer. I cannot find that he or any of the family ever were in America. On the contrary I am informed that the great fortune he has left, to be contended for, was acquired by his bro[the]r James & him as merchants &am

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 7 Aug 1761

1761 August 7. Wrote Mr. Coll. Forster that Sr Wr was at Walling[to]n & had taken the mat[te]r of his own & the Kirkheaton ten[an]ts answers with him, but that I would write him tomorrow that a peremptory order is obtain’d for putting in his ans[w]er in 6 weeks f[ro]m 26 July- Sent Mr Forster a copy of Edw[ar]rd Reay’s attornment. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Aug 1761

To Sr. Wr. Blackett Bt. at Wallington Newcastle 8th August 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir By the inclosed Letter wch came yesterday f[ro]m Mr Forster it appears that yours & the Kirkheaton tenants answers to Sr. Robt. Bewicke’s bill must be put in before the 6th of next month. You will please to consider what Mr. Forster says about retaining Mr Norton. I hope you are a great deal better. I am etc HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Aug 1761

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Sir Mr Thos. Dunn Ald[erma]n of Durham who marr[ie]d a Daug[the]r of Edwd. Harrison’s called on me today by the ord[e]r of Mr Meackham abo[u]t Mr Beaumonts money. I have acquainted him how the matter stands, that I have rece[iv]ed £70 & that £130 remains yet unp[ai]d wch I cannot get notwithstanding the sev[era]l processes I have served on him, & sent up my affid[avi]t of serving the same wch has been attended w[hi[ch £0.19s.1½d Expenc

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Fetherston – 20 Aug 1761

To Mr. Wm. Fetherston Westgate Street 20th August 1761 Sir As Mr Swinburn who took Kenton stone close, Hall, & stables of Sir Walter Blackett says he has turned the same over to you who are to pay the Rent in arrear, and there Being 4 years rent due at Mayday last, which comes to 120<g>, I desire you will pay me the same before Mich[elm]as at which time I always make up my Rental, for so large an arrear would look very ill in my accounts. I

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 1 Sep 1761

Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 1st September 1761 Sir On Saturday last I sent directed for you the answers of Sir Wr Blackett & the Kirkheaton tenants, all but Jno. Moraley junr., by one Willm. Turnbull serv[an]t to Mr <Mw> Bell & who will deliver to you I expect on Fryday or Saturday next. I gave the young man 5s. with it for his trouble & hope you will receive it in time to comply with the peremptory order of the court. Young Moraley w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mr Selby – 4 Sep 1761

To Mr Selby at Wm. Fenwick’s Esq at Bywell Newcastle 4th September 1761 Sir I find by a Letter I rece[ive]d yesterday from Mr Thos. Maughan that you & he did not conclude anything at Newhouse about the Tack wch Mr Fenwick proposes to take of Sr Wr Blackett. He writes me that he will be here on Fryday afternoon the 11th inst. & on Saturday morning the 12th. So that if you chuse to have any further conversation with him about this matter you will find or

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Davison – 4 Sep 1761

4 September 1761 Sent Mr George Davison of Newton Cap Mr. Bacon’s acco[un]t of his propor[ti]on of Weardale Rents for the year 1760. NB. I saw Mr Davison since & he told me he had got the acco[un]t & wo[ul]d pay it soon.

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 4 Sep 1761

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 4 September 1761 Sir I am sorry you are likely to have so much trouble about young Moraleys crop. I think you had better proceed upon the authority wch the law gives S[i]r Walter as Landlord, I mean by Distress, rather than upon the right you suppose the settled acco[un]t between Moraley & you has given you over this standing crop. Therefore look into the Landlords Law & see whether you can sell

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Lee – 9 Sep 1761

1761 Sept. 9 Advised Mr. Thos. Lee of a Box being sent in the Sea Nymph Thos. Hopper ma[ste]r directed for him cont 6 pots of moor game wch he was desired to send according to the directions on the several potts HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 23 Sep 1761

To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newhouse 23rd September 1761 Sir When you were here I desired you wo[ul]d as soon as convenient enquire into the tenure of Mr Kenedys Estate in Weardale, adjoining as I am told on Bollihope Fell, whe[the]r the s[ai]d Estate is freehold or copyhold. & also that you wo[ul]d send me your opinion of the Grove wch has been wro[ugh]t formerly in that Estate, whe[the]r it is worth while for Sir Walter to buy the Est

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Sleigh – 24 Sep 1761

To Wm. Sleigh Esqr. at Stockton Newcastle 24 September 1761 Sir I have been abroad since the date of your Letter wch is the reason I have not answered it before this. As to the refined Lead we have not above 500 p[ieces] at market unsold wch I am willing to take £14.12s.6d a fo[the]r for, the Newcastle fo[the]r. But we have of the 2 [n]d sort enough to compleat 100 fo[the]rs wch I am willing to sell at £14.7s.6d a fo[the]r in the sale of

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 26 Sep 1761

1761 September 26th Advised Messrs Plumb & Brown of a p[ie]ce of Silver sent them this day by Jno. James a q[uanti]ty 745 ounces & desired they wo[ul]d charge it at the market price & advise me of the receipt of it. Also acquainted them that I sho[ul]d in about 3 weeks draw a bill on them at a short date payable to Sir Wr Blackett or ord[e]r for £300. JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 9 Oct 1761

To Richd. Wilson Esqr at Leeds 9th October 1761 Sir Mr Willm. Brown who is concerned as a viewer for some of our Coalowners, has made a proposal to Sir Wr Blackett for the taking of Kenton Coll[ie]ry copy of wch is herewith inclosed. But he did not think proper to discover on whose acco[un]t the proposal is made, wch it is necessary to know before any treaty is ent[e]red into for he himself is not equal to the undertaking. Sir W

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 13 Oct 1761

To Mr Richd. Halhead at Durham Newcastle 13th October 1761 Sir By Sir Wr Blacketts direction I have sent you herewith enclosed, as you desired the copy of the depositions taken in the Cause between Hump[hre]y Wharton Esqr Comp[lainan]t & the B[isho]p of Durham Wm. Blackett Esqr. & others Defend[an]ts about the Lease of the mines in the Inclosures in Weardale wch I mention’d to you at Durham & wch when you have perused I desire you will

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 13 Oct 1761

1761 October 13 Advised Plumb & Brown of my Dra[f]t on them to Sr Wr Blackett for £300 at 10d dat[e]d 12th inst.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 13 Oct 1761

To Richd. Wilson Esqr. in Leeds Newcastle 13 October 1761 Sir Mr Willm. Brown has been again with Sir Wr Blackett abo[u]t Kenton Coll[ie]ry but stands to his first proposal without offering any advance of the certain rent, or discovering who are his principals. So that at present Sir Wr does not think the proposal merits any consideration. For Kenton Coll[ie]ry will let some time or other to persons who will give a better rent, & treat in

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 13 Oct 1761

To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths in Forster Lane London Newcastle 13th October 1761 Sirs Since my Father sent his Lre to the post advising you of his dra[f]t upon you yesterday he has rec[iev]ed yours acquainting him of a deficiency in the w[eigh]t of the p[iec]e of Silver sent you by John James the carrier on the 25th ulto. wch we are surprised at & desire you will let us know whe[the]r it appeared to you on opening the packing th

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 14 Oct 1761

To Mr Wm. Dalton at Blaydon Newcastle 14 October 1761 Sir I desire you will recollect as well as you can the shape of the last piece of Silver that you bro[ugh]t in; for the Goldsmiths in London to Whom we sent it write us that it does not weigh so much as we made it by above 60 ounces, so that I apprehend something must have been cut off it & have therefore ordered it to be returned by the first carrier that we may examine it I am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 22 Oct 1761

To Mr Wm. Dalton at Blaydon Newcastle 22nd October 1761 I wish you wo[ul]d come to Town tomorrow or Saturday, that we may consider abo[u]t the deficiency in the weight of the last p[iec]e of Silver. & desire in the mean time you will recollect how much you weighed it to at home, before you brought it hither I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Oct 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree Pall Mall London Newcastle 23rd October 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir Your friends here are sorry you have travelled so far to be laid up by so painful a disorder; but as it seems a regular Fit of the Gout, they are easier than if it had been a return of your late complaint, wch they had heard was pa

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Bishop of Chester – 23 Oct 1761

To the R[igh]t Rev[eren]d the Lord Bishop of Chester in Downing Street London 23 October My Lord I have paid your three bills for £52.10s.0d each, being for the half year Composition for the tithe oar in Weardale due the 11th July last, I desire when you draw for the next half years Rent, you will please to mention in your Letter of advice, that it is for the half yrs composition for Weardale tithe oar due from Sir Walter Blackett the 11 Jan[ua]ry 1762; which will be a more regula

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 24 Oct 1761

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Golds[mi]ths in Forster Lane London Newcastle 24 October 1761 Sirs Sir Wr Blacketts refiner & I have this day compared our Recollections & are satisfied that in weighing the last p[iec]e of Silver, sent you, we must have reckon’d a 64 oz. weight as a 128 oz. weight, wch as it brings us within 2 oz. of what you made it, has made me charge the p[iec]e at 679 oz. agreeable to your Letter. You will pl

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Nov 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London Newcastle 2nd November 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir It is with much concern that I find your disorder still continues attended with such violent pain: but I hope the sweating & other Evacuations, tho they reduce your strength for the present will soon procure you Ease & health. I have acquainted Dr L

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Cornforth – 3 Nov 1761

To Mr Richd. Cornforth at Quarrington to be left at the Golden Lyon in Sadler Street, Durham Newcastle 3rd November 1761 Sir I am sorry the Redburn rent is not paid so regularly as you could wish, & can think of no readier or more certain way of paying it for the future, than your sending a receipt to Sir Wr Blacketts office here by any person you would chuse to receive the money,
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467