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Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 8 May 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 8 May 1761 Sir Inclosed you receive two bills as above for £700 to enable you to pay Mr Savage’s half y[ea]rs intrest due the 6th inst & Lady Mansels <1/2> y[ea]rs annuity due 5 of last month wch I desire you will place to my account & send me their receipts when paid, wch I shall advise the receipt of & I desire you will advise of receipt hereof. P.S. I have rece[ieve

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Shafto – 8 May 1761

To Robt Shafto Esq. M.P. at Whitworth by Durham Newcastle 8 May 1761 Sir Mr Hen Wilkinson & I attended at Durham on Tuesday last as you appointed & went thro’ all the Agents bills, wch Mr Swainston had then got in. After considering the great number of days charged by most of them for canvassing, & the vicinity of many of the places, wch they charge distinct days for canvassing at, we co[ul]d not help thinking that 10s.6d a day, over & abo

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 15 May 1761

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 15 May 1761 Grays Inn London Sir Sr Wr Blackett has sent me f[ro]m Walling[to]n a list of the sums you have to pay in London in each qua[rte]r on his acco[un]t. The last time we talked of this matter Sr Wr ordered my fa[the]r to make remittances to you half yearly to enable you to make these payments, & he will endeavour to make the first of them the latter end of next month; But if tha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 15 May 1761

1761 May 15 Advised Plumb & Brown of a p[iec]e Silver q[uanti]ty 980 Oz. sent them this day p[er] Lee’s Waggon. JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 16 May 1761

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 16 May 1761 Sir In ans[we]r to yo[u]r Lre of the 14th the Intrest of the £378 was settled to one time of payment due the 29 Sept[embe]r 1741 & has been regularly p[ai]d at £18.18s.0d a year ever since & the last payment was made Mr Kirsop to the 10th April 1760 (allowing for the alteration of the stile) I wish you would fill up a proper bond & charge it your acco[un]t & you will consider whether

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 May 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Wallington Newcastle 16 May 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Widdrington thinks it would be best for you & Mr Ord to agree to move the Court to have the Depositions taken under the commission debene also read at the hearing of the cause, without having those witnesses examined again in their, & he thinks the Court may be prevailed on to allow this; the [ye] usual method is to examine all witnesses under a Comission in Chief. Mr Widdr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 26 May 1761

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 26 May 1761 Sir Mathew Carr, who is tenant of Hexham Fell Coll[ier]y, has wrote to Sr Wr Blackett, complaining that the owner of the Gro[un]d where he works the s[ai]d coll[ier]y now insists on satisfaction for spoil of Gro[un]d & that when he took the Coll[ier]y of you he did not apprehend he was to have any such damages to pay for. Sir Wr sees by the Act of Parliament for the division of Hexham Comon, w

Letter – Walter Blackett to Bishop of Durham – 31 May 1761

To the Hon[our]able & Rt. Rev[eren]d The B[isho]p of Durham London Wallington 31st May 1761 My Lord I beg that my Silence in respect to the Lease for years may not be construed to my disadvantage. The renewal of that Lease hath employed my thoughts ever since I came into the country, & after making the best

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 7 Jun 1761

To Mr. Coll. Forster Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcastle 7 June 1761 Sir By a Lre wch I rece[ieve]d last post f[ro]m Mr Darwin I find he has been called upon for Sr Wr Blacketts & the Kirkheaton tenants answers, & has been obliged to get six weeks time for putting in the same. To prevent the expence of further orders, Sr Wr desires all possible expedition may be used in preparing his answer & that of the tenants & hopes you wrot

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 7 Jun 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 7 June 1761 Sir My Father has rece[ieve]d Mr Vernons rec[eip]t: for Lady Mansels ann[ui]ty of £225, & Mr Savage’s for £495 being ½ y[ea]rs intr[es]t due 6 May last; wch two sums he has placed to your credit in that acco[un]t between you & him. Tho’ Mr <Coll[ingwoo]d> Forster is now concerned for L[or]d No[rthumber]land, yet Sr Wr employs him in the Kirkheaton cause as he thinks there is nothing in the

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 8 Jun 1761

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 8 June 1761 Sir The paper of Attornment signed by Edward Reay not being sufficient I have herewith returned it you & have sent you a deed of attornment to be signed sealed & delivered by him, and then after he has d[elivere]d a <turf> part of the premes, to you you will let the memor[an]d[o]m on the back of the deed be signed by two persons present at his doing, & their signing must be witnes

Letter – Henry Richmond to Earl of Darlington – 12 Jun 1761

To the Rt. Hon[oura]ble the Earl of Darlington at Raby Castle Newcastle 12 June 1761 My Lord On the otherside is the form of the poll book printing by Thompson & Co for S[i]r Thos. Clavering; wch, as it was given me in confidence not to prejudice the person who gave it me your Lords[hi]p will please to keep as private as you can. I am assured it will be a month or more before it can be finished & therefore think it may be as well to let them proceed for one week mo

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 16 Jun 1761

To Mr Collingwood Forster Attorney at law in Alnwick Newcastle 16 June 1761 Sir Edwd Reay became tenant to Sr Wr Blackett, not by executing the old attornm[en]t dated May 1758, but a new & separate one dated as I remember the 8th inst; But as Mr Robson has not yet sent it back f[ro]m Walling[to]n I cannot be certain of that nor tell you in whose presence he executed the same. I have wrote to Mr Robson & shall let you have an answer to these particulars

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Jun 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 16 June 1761 Grays Inn London Inclosed is peareth & sorsbie’s bill on Freeman & Stainbank’s for £240 which I desire you will place to Sir Wr Blacketts acco[un]t & advise me of the receipt thereof & set that this bill is to answer Sr Wrs payments due about midsum[me]r. I am etc JR Newcastle 19 May 1761 £240.0.0 Forty days after date pay Mr Joseph Richmond or order two hundred & fo

Letter – Walter Blackett to Thomas Wentworth – 20 Jun 1761

To Thos. Wentworth Esq., at Godfrey Bosville’s Esq. in Great Russell Street Bloomsbury London Wallington 20 June 1761 Dear Sir The inclosed agreement signed by Mr Ord & my self explains it self so fully that there is not occasion to trouble you with many words upon it. The intention of the commission to examine in chief is to corroborate the claim wch you or whoever of the remainder in S[i]r Wm. Blacketts will may come into possession of hexham may m

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 7 Jul 1761

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 7 July 1761 Sir My Father received a Lre yesterday f[ro]m Mr John Johnson of Whitehall, in wch he says he is very ready to pay his petty tithes, as has been usual, & therefore desires no bill may be filed ag[ain]st him. I have acquainted Sr Wr Blackett of this who desires you will draw up a paper of the manner of tithing in hexham manor such as you think custom will support, for nobody can

Letter – Andrew Adamson to John Armstrong – 10 Jul 1761

Friday July 10th. 1761 Sr The slide sump goes on very slowly for want of hands now, and since the Sinkers came being upwards of 3 Months, there is only about 2 1/6 Fathoms sunk of which nigh ¾ Fathoms was Coal & Famp Renwick is at a loss to get Men, yet unwilling to quit his Bargain, he says he’s a <lesee> & desired I wou’d not sett others to it, According to my Orders I therefore alow’d him to’day and to’morrow to procure hands, the which if he dos not

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mr Hill – 13 Jul 1761

1761 July 13th Wrote Mr. Hill of Manfield that Sr Wr desires he will send him ½ a doz. hams ½ a doz. <cheeks> & that Mr Darwin will pay him for them. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Jul 1761

Wrote Mr Darwin that if he has any deed executed in 1752 between S[i]r Wm. Wentworth & Thos. Wentworth Esq his son on the one part & Sr Wr Blackett on the other, in wch is a covenant that Sr Wr is to keep all the Leases belonging to the trust Estate full & leave them so as his death that he is to send me a copy of such deed. & that he is to pay Mr Hill, as above [see letter to Hill of same date] HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Averay – 2 Aug 1761

To Mr Robt. Averay at Tiverton Devonshire Newcastle 2nd August 1761 Sir In answer to your Letter to Sir Wr Blackett, I am to write to you that the name of the person <…..> therein enquired after was Stephen Fryer (& not Pryer. I cannot find that he or any of the family ever were in America. On the contrary I am informed that the great fortune he has left, to be contended for, was acquired by his bro[the]r James & him as merchants &am

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 7 Aug 1761

1761 August 7. Wrote Mr. Coll. Forster that Sr Wr was at Walling[to]n & had taken the mat[te]r of his own & the Kirkheaton ten[an]ts answers with him, but that I would write him tomorrow that a peremptory order is obtain’d for putting in his ans[w]er in 6 weeks f[ro]m 26 July- Sent Mr Forster a copy of Edw[ar]rd Reay’s attornment. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Aug 1761

To Sr. Wr. Blackett Bt. at Wallington Newcastle 8th August 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir By the inclosed Letter wch came yesterday f[ro]m Mr Forster it appears that yours & the Kirkheaton tenants answers to Sr. Robt. Bewicke’s bill must be put in before the 6th of next month. You will please to consider what Mr. Forster says about retaining Mr Norton. I hope you are a great deal better. I am etc HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Aug 1761

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Sir Mr Thos. Dunn Ald[erma]n of Durham who marr[ie]d a Daug[the]r of Edwd. Harrison’s called on me today by the ord[e]r of Mr Meackham abo[u]t Mr Beaumonts money. I have acquainted him how the matter stands, that I have rece[iv]ed £70 & that £130 remains yet unp[ai]d wch I cannot get notwithstanding the sev[era]l processes I have served on him, & sent up my affid[avi]t of serving the same wch has been attended w[hi[ch £0.19s.1½d Expenc

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Fetherston – 20 Aug 1761

To Mr. Wm. Fetherston Westgate Street 20th August 1761 Sir As Mr Swinburn who took Kenton stone close, Hall, & stables of Sir Walter Blackett says he has turned the same over to you who are to pay the Rent in arrear, and there Being 4 years rent due at Mayday last, which comes to 120<g>, I desire you will pay me the same before Mich[elm]as at which time I always make up my Rental, for so large an arrear would look very ill in my accounts. I

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 1 Sep 1761

Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 1st September 1761 Sir On Saturday last I sent directed for you the answers of Sir Wr Blackett & the Kirkheaton tenants, all but Jno. Moraley junr., by one Willm. Turnbull serv[an]t to Mr <Mw> Bell & who will deliver to you I expect on Fryday or Saturday next. I gave the young man 5s. with it for his trouble & hope you will receive it in time to comply with the peremptory order of the court. Young Moraley w
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467