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Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 3 Nov 1761

3rd November 1761 wrote Mr. I. Hunter that 1100 p[iece]s were wanting of the Rookhope Lead. 23 of Allenh[ead]s & 82 of Dukesf[iel]d & that no more Lead was to be d[elivere]d till the spring. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Nov 1761

To Mr William Alvey Darwin at his Chambers in Greys Inn London Newcastle 3rd November 1761 Sir I hope you got well to town before this. Sometime ago, by Sir Walters directions I sent Mr. Halhead the depositions in the cause Wharton ag[ain]st the B[isho]p & Sir Wm. Blackett & others, wch were taken on behalf of the Comp[lainan]t but have heard nothing f[ro]m him. I conclude we shall have an

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 3 Nov 1761

1761 November 3rd Advised Messrs Plumb & Browne of a p[iec]e silver q[uanti]ty 676 ½ oz. sent them on Saturday last by Matt Lee the London Carrier. HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Nov 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin in Grays Inn London Newcastle 6th November 1761 Sir You receive herewith inclosed Messrs Peareth & Sorsbie’s bill on Messrs Freeman & Stainbanks for £495 to pay Mr. Savages’s half years intrest due this day, wch I desire you will advise the receipt of & send me his receipt as soon as the money is paid. I hope this will find you got well to Town & shall be very glad to hear Sir Wr has got clear of the Gout, wch has been a

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 9 Nov 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 9th November 1761 Sir Yesterday my father rec[iev]ed your Lre inclosing Mr Glovers receipt for £140 & also Mrs Sambroke’s order & Mr Bonholes receipt thereon for her £140 wch two sums are for the ½ years int[e]rest of their mortgage on Kenton due f[ro]m Sr Wr Blackett on the 27th September last & are accordingly placed to your credit on the a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Nov 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. to be left at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London 9th November 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I am very glad to hear you are you are better & hope you will soon be able to walk without support. Since my last I met with Mr Ellison, but he co[ul]d tell me nothing further than Isable Pattison had done before, he says by the pedigree he has it appears, Sir Fra[nci]s Liddell had 2 sons & 2 daughters & that one of the daughters was mar[rie]d to Parson Fenwick &am

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 11 Nov 1761

To John Fenwick Esqr. in Roberts Plce without Bootham Barr York Newcastle 11 November 1761 Sir You receive herewith inclosed a bill on Messrs Plumb & Browne for £45 payable 15 days after date to pay the ½ years int[e]r[es]t of £2000 due f[ro]m Sir Wr Blackett this day wch I desire you will advise the rec[eip]t of by the return of the post. I wrote you before that I desired to <becaused> drawing in the form you sent me, as the af

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Nov 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree Pall Mall London Newcastle 17th November 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir My Father & I rejoice that you are so much better, & I am sure it will be a great satisfaction to everybody here to see you well again in Newcastle. Inclosed is Jos Airey & Cos bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax for £300 which you will please to advise the receipt of. My father rec[

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 17 Nov 1761

To Richd. Wilson Esq: at Leeds 17th November 1761 Sir Wee have heard nothing further from Mr Brown about Kenton Colliery I am apt to believe that his proposal was on the behalf of a Gentleman in this Neighbourhood, who if Sir Walter & you were to engage with would give you trouble enough. Mr Brown hinted to me as if Mr Ald[erma]n Bell was to be concerned, who would have been a very good tenant but when I mentioned it to him he de

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Nov 1761

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London Newcastle 24th November 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I am glad to hear you are better & have been able to get on horseback. The Wallington tenants paid last week as well as could be expected f[ro]m the Badness of the harvest & Fairs. & yet there remains above £2000 due f[ro]m them for arrears & last ma

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 1 Dec 1761

To Mr. Collingw[oo]d Forster Attorney at Law in Alnwick Newcastle 1st December 1761 Sir I sho[ul]d be glad to know whe[the]r you have got any acco[un]t yet f[ro]m Mr Newton or any other about Sir Fra[nci]s Liddells wife & what likelihood there is that she was a Sister of Sir Rich[ar]d Stote’s: For I have made all the Inquiry I am able but without success. Sir Walter is pressing to have something conclusive upon this point & there

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 1 Dec 1761

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 1st December 1761 Sir Sir Wr is very desirous of having all possible Inquiry made who was S[i]r Fra[nci]s Liddell’s wife, that is, whether She was S[i]r Richard Stote’s Sister or no? therefore pray make your Examination at Ogle & Whalton a soon as convenient. & don’t neglect to look over the Tombstones; for if she was buried at Whalton you will probably find her Christian name wch may help our c

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Dec 1761

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree Pall Mall London Newcastle 1st December 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir I deferred writing anything more about Allanheads & Coalcleugh pays till I co[ul]d speak with certainty about them. I now find they can be made without your returning any money f[ro]m London; for Mr Harrison’s paybill. wch we have just got, does not come to so m

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Dec 1761

To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Grays Inn London 2nd December 1761 Sir My father has rec[iev]ed this day Thirty pounds of Mr. Jno Ord on your acco[un]t. I gave him a Receipt for It, and have placed it to your credit in the acco[un]t between you & my Father. My father thinks the properest direction to Mr. John Beaumont will be to him at West Denton to the care of the postma[ste]r in Newcastle. But desires no more processes

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 5 Dec 1761

Hon[ou]rd Sir A Dispute has arisen between your agents in Weardale & Mr Bacons, wch like most others has some things clear & some involved in obscurity. The Groves in Welhope Fell are all your own, & in Kilhope Fell adjoining there is a partners[hi]p mine called Cowhaust wch is what is called a Float, & wch as it has no Che<e>ks Mr Bacons agents claim an unlimited width for, while it continues in Kilhope Fell, but further, the boundary of these two Fells is not well

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 10 Dec 1761

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 10th December 1761 Sr. Your Lre of yesterday about Edward Fenwicks descent f[ro]m Sr. Richard Stote does indeed put me upon the scent as you say, but it is so faint a one & so different from what we have hitherto been upon that I shall be quite foiled unless you can give me some more particular information. Because as there are some records that clash with your acco[un]t it is impossible for any body to form a right

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 11 Dec 1761

To Mr George Douglas in Berwick 11th December 1761 Sir Above is a note of the Lead you bought of Sir Walter Blackett & as it is now high time it sho[ul]d be paid, I must desire you will let Mr Wm. Robson have the money as soon as he comes to Berwick, wch will be in a day or two & his receipt upon this Letter shall be your discharge I am etc HR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 Dec 1761

To Richd. Wilson Esq at Leeds Newcastle 11th December 1761 Sir You receive herewith inclosed Mr Joseph Kings bill on Smith Wright & Gray for £286.17s.6d wch with the allowances made him is in full for his half years rent due May day last. I desire you will please to advise the receipt thereof & sign the duplicate of the inclosed acco[un]t as I have given Mr King a receipt for the rent. I have heard no more of Mr Gunn, but Mr King tells me he is makin

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Mann – 12 Dec 1761

To Mr John Mann Attorney at Law in Durham Newcastle 12th December 1761 Sir I have been desired to make Enquiry after Sir George Tong of Denton in the County of Durham, & shall be obliged to you if you can get me any information about him, his wife or children; especially the name of his wife & whose Daughter she was. I do not know how you are to obtain this unless you have some old people living in Durham that remember anything of the Family. Or yo

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Dec 1761

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. to be left at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London 13 December 1761 Hon[ou]rd Sir The poll for the city of Durham ended last night when the number for Major Gowland was 775 & for Gen[era]l Lambton 752 so that the former will be returned. As Major Gowland has polled 214 of his honorary Freemen it will certainly occasion a petition to parliament on behalf of the General. But whatever may be the fate of this return, those here, who wish well to our Constit

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Mann – 14 Dec 1761

To Mr John Mann Attorney at Law in Durham 14 December 1761 Sr. I find my Brother is to be at Durham tomorrow, & if he has time he will certainly be calling upon you. It is therefore proper that I should acquaint you that he & I are on opposite sides in the cause wch the Enquiry about Sr George Tong relates to, that you may not mention anything of it to him I am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 15 Dec 1761

1761 December 15th Wrote Mr Wm. Robson agreable to Sr. Wrs Letter of the 10th inst to buy him a saddle horse or two fit to carry him upon the Road as he intends to use them more in his journies than he has of later years. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to James Elliot – 15 Dec 1761

To Mr James Elliot at Middleton in Teasdale 15th December 1761 Sir. By Sir Wr Blacketts directions I acquaint you that he desires you will take the trouble of being his referee in the dispute that has arisen between his & Mr Bacons agents about Cowhaust Grove. Mr Maughan waits upon you to acquaint you further about this dispute & to appoint a time for your viewing the Grove. Sr. Wr has wrot

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Dec 1761

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 16 December 1761 Sir Above you have a bill for £30 to pay that sum I rec[iev]ed for you of Mr John Ord the 2nd inst wch I desire you will advise the receipt of & place to my acco[un]t. I have rec[iev]ed Mr Savages receipt for £495 & placed the same to your credit. I am your etc JR PS I have rec[ieve]d the copies of the depositions in 1684 as I remember you mention[e]d something of a decree for an issue to b

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Mann – 19 Dec 1761

To Mr John Mann Attorney at Law in Durham 19 December 1761 Sir I was sorry my Employm[en]t this morning wo[ul]d not allow me to wait upon you in Gateshead. But since my father saw you there we have enquired & cannot find any body in this Town well enough acquainted with Mr George Surtees of Mensforth to write to him about looking into his deeds relating to Sir George Tong, whose Estate you say he purchased: & therefore must request
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467