I have looked over my papers & don’t find that Sir Walter upon his entering upon His Receipt of the Rents and profits of the late Sir Wm. Blacketts Estate entered into any Agreement for renewing and keeping on foot all or any of the Leases, neither does it appear to me he was bound to do it either from the Will or other Decree, there being no Trust in the Will for such Renewals to be paid out of the Rents and profits.
On the other side I send you a Copy of a Sketch of a
To Sir walter Blackett Bart. M.P. at the Cocoa Tree in Pall Mall London
Newcastle 17th March 1762
Hon[ou]rd Sir
This morning I waited upon chief Baron Ord at Fenham with the Deeds wch were in your Secretere, relating to Ord Estate and his Lor[d]s[hi]ps Opinion upon the 2nd observation mentioned in Mr Darwins Letter (wch is herewith inclosed) is that, as Circumstances now stan
To Mr Willm. Alvey Darwin at his Chambers in Grays Inn London
Newcastle 19 March 1762
Sir Inclosed is Messrs Peareth & Sorsbie’s bill on Messrs Freeman and [Stain]banks for two hundred and Eighty Pounds which I desire you will advise receipt of and place to my account for I intend this money to pay Mr. and Mrs. Stainbanks half years interest which will be due the 27 In[stant]. As
William Robson at Wallington Newcastle 24th March 1762
I received a letter last night from Sir Walter in which he bids me send to <London> the Box of dressing plate which came from Wallington. I have enquired <torn> Jenny Gray; but she does not know any thing of such a Box, so tha<torn> must have it still at Wallington I suppose. And therefore des<torn> it may be sent hither tomorrow in the Cart which Rob
To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington N[ew]c[astle] 24 Mar 1762
Sir / I recd a Lre last night fm Sr. Wr in wch he bids me send to London the Box of dressing plate wch came fm Wallington. I have enquired of Jenny Gray; but she does not know any think of such a Box, so that you must you must have it still at Wallington I suppose and therefore desire it may be sent hither in the Cart wch Robin tells me he expects will come for some trees. I desire I may have i
To Mr Wm. Jobson Newcastle 28th March 1762
Sir/ I recd by Jno. Smith a Box containing part of the dressing plate, so much I suppose as Sr. Wr. ordered to be packed up to be sent to London; whither I sent it by yesterdays Carrier. Monday, that is, tomorrow fortnight I expect there will be a meeting at Wallington of Sr Robt. Bewick & Mr Co[lingwood] Forster etc to do something abt. the Kirkheaton Affair that is the day
William Robson at Wallington Newca 28th March 1762
I received by Jack Smith a Box containing part of the dressing plate so much I suppose as Sr Wr ordered to be packed up to be sent to London; whither I sent it by yesterday’s Carrier
Monday, that is, tomorrow fortnight I expect there will be a meeting at Wallington of Sr Robt Bewicke Mr Colld Forster &c to do something about the Kirkheaton affair. This is the day
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. M.P. at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London Newcastle 28th March 1762
Hon[ou]rd Sir
I have been told today that Sir Robt. Bewicke has determined upon accepting Kirkheaton Estate upon the Terms wch Mr. Collingwood, Mr Coll[ingwoo]d Forster & Mr Widdrington talked over one day last week; & left with Sir Robt for his consideration. The substance of wch, I understand, is that Sir <Ro..> & Mr Craster are to give bonds of indemnity , are to all
To Sir Walter Blackett Barot. M.P. at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall London
Newca 30th March 1762
Hon[our]d Sir : On Saturday last I sent by Fryer Todd the London Carrier, the box of Dr<missing, torn> directed to Mr Darwin within which I have put the Lease and Release 2nd of April 1733 and the Fines and Recoveries which were levyed in consequence thereof and have advised Mr Darwi
To Mr Collingwood Forster
Attorey at Law in Alnwick
Sir My Brother shewed me a Letter on Sunday, which he was going to send you by that post; to acquaint you of Sir Robt Bewick’s desiring you would meet at Wallington on the 12th of next month to settle the Turn-Over of Kirkheaton from Sir Wr. Blackett to him, but I had not then Time to write any thing. And all I have to say now is, that you are best judge whether it may not be proper for us to see you here before the meeting at Walli
To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin at his Chambers
in Grays Inn London Newcastle 30th March 1762
Sir I sent you last Saturday by Fryer Todd the London Carrier a Box of dressing plate; a List of which you have on the other side; and in the same Box you will find wrapt up in oil cloth the Lease and Release of 2nd and 3rd April 1733 and the Fine and Recoveries which were levyed in consequence thereof, all which Sir Walter Blackett wrote me to send to
Mr Collingwood Forster [Att]orney at Law in Alnwick Newcastle 2nd April 1762
I am sorry we can’t have the pleasure of seeing you here before the meeting at Wallington which agreeable to your Letter is fixed to be on Tuesday the 13th inst. for the Tenants, but Sir Robt. Bewicke will be there about noon on Monday the 12th in order to adjust with you any thing that may be wanting and therefore I hope you will be there as soon that Day as you can conveni
To Mr Richard Ellis Newcastle 2nd April 1762
in Hexham
Sir I am inform’d that a Number of Trees, about a hundred, have <……….> and sold as belonging to Beaufront Wood tho’ they stand in the <He……..> do more probably belong to Alnwick [Anick] grainge. It would be right <therefore……….> to Mr Harbottle to procure you such proof as he is able of Sr. Wr. <Blackett> to these trees; for I find
To Mr Collingwood Forster Newcastle 3rd April 1762
Attorney at Law in Alnwick
Sir I met with Mr Collingwood to Day upon Change, when I told him the Form which Mr Widdrington proposed to offer to the Kirkheaton Tenants agreeably to what I wrote you last post. Mr Collingwood thinks all is very proper <except> the Refusal to indemnify them against the money they paid Lord Windsor for this he thinks ought to be done, or else they will solicit
To Mr Collingwd Forster <ANs> Newcastle 3 April 1762
Sir/ My Bro[the]r shewed me the Lre on Sunday, wch he was going to send you by that post; to acquaint you Sr. Robt. Bewick desires you wo[ul]d meet at Wallington on the 12th ult. to settle the <storm> over of Kirkheaton fm Sr Wr Blackett to him, but I had not then time to write anything & all I have to say now is, that you are the best judge where it may not be proper for us to see
Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t MP at the Cocoa tree in Pall Mall Newcastle 5th April 1762
[Honourd] Sir
The price given for Standard Silver by Refiners, & other large dealers, is variable like that of the stocks; but like that may be known at the Exchange or by Lloyds Lists every day. And I should think Messrs Plumb & Browne, for their own characters sake would give you the market price. But probably after they had bought the Silver at that price they would not retail it out
To The Reverend Mr Railton in Knarsdale Newcastle 10 April 1762
Sir Wr Blackett having given me directions to pay you a hundred pounds I desire you will call upon me for it when you come to Newcastle. I am etc HR
To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 10 April 1762
Sir Mr Bullock call’d upon me last Wednesday about the trees which Mr Errington has sold, tho’ they stand in the Anick grainge side of his stone wall, & where I apprehend no person can come to cut them without Sr. Wr. Blacketts Leave. He says Mr. Harbottle and Mr Bell have viewed them & find only seventeen that there can be any doubt about and says further that M
To The Revd Mr Railton Newcastle 10th April 1762
in Knarsdale
Sir / Sr. Wr. Blackett having given me directions to pay you £100. I desire you will call upon me for it when you come to Newcastle & am etc J R
To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin
London Newcastle 14th April 1762
Sir / I have just come fm Wallingtn & have only time to tell that yesterday all matters were adjusted ab[ou]t the turnover of Kirkheaton Estate to Sr Robt Bewick.
I have wrote to Sr. Wr. All the particulars; only it may be necessary to inform you immediately of one of them; wch is that the Bill filed against Sr Wr & the tenants by Sr Robt. is to be
To Mr Richd Harrison of
Coalcleugh Newcastle 20th Ap[r]il 1762
Sir / Inclosed is a copy of a proposal made by Wm Summers & partners to work for coal in Allendale; as that district wch they want to have granted them is so large, & the term so long the rent seems to be too small. As I dare say you know the country well, & w[ha]t prospect it affords for Coal, I sho[ul]d be very glad to have yo[u]r Opinio
To Mr Richd Ellis in
Hexham Newcastle 20th Ap[ri]l 1762
Sir / The district which Wm Summers & p[ar]tners wants to have granted them to work for coals is of so great an extent that notwithstanding they are in so great a hurry, it will be proper to have some information before I can judge of that proposal. I shall therefore write to Mr Richd Harrison ab[ou]t it & as soon as I can get his answer you s
To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 20th April 1762
in Grays Inn London
Sir / By Sr. Wr’s directions I have shipp’d on Board the Patience Capt[ai]n Lilley, who sailed on Sunday last, 5 kitts of salmon directed to you. Sr. Wr. Said he w[oul]d tell you w[ha]t to do with them when they come to hand, I am etc etc JR
To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths
in Foster Lane London Newcastle 20th April 1762
Sirs / On Saturday last I sent you by Matt[he]w Lee the London Carrier, as piece fine silver, the weight of wch I make 762oz; I desire you will place to account with Sir Walter Blackett at the market price, & advise me of your receiving it. I am etc JR
To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 24 Ap[ri]l 1762
Sir / I have sent you £40.15s.10d by Wm Pringle, being the amo[un]t of the Garden bill. I am glad you have so handsomely bid for the wood in Winlaton <Letss> nobody has as yet ask’d us the question ab[ou]t it, & therefore yo[u]r barg[ai]n will stand, & I shall be glad to see you here the Day senight, to reduce it into writing. If Edwd Robson will bring the bond he has found to Walli