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Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 14 Apr 1762

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin London Newcastle 14th April 1762 Sir / I have just come fm Wallingtn & have only time to tell that yesterday all matters were adjusted ab[ou]t the turnover of Kirkheaton Estate to Sr Robt Bewick. I have wrote to Sr. Wr. All the particulars; only it may be necessary to inform you immediately of one of them; wch is that the Bill filed against Sr Wr & the tenants by Sr Robt. is to be

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 20 Apr 1762

To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths in Foster Lane London Newcastle 20th April 1762 Sirs / On Saturday last I sent you by Matt[he]w Lee the London Carrier, as piece fine silver, the weight of wch I make 762oz; I desire you will place to account with Sir Walter Blackett at the market price, & advise me of your receiving it. I am etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 20 Apr 1762

To Mr. Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 20th April 1762 in Grays Inn London Sir / By Sr. Wr’s directions I have shipp’d on Board the Patience Capt[ai]n Lilley, who sailed on Sunday last, 5 kitts of salmon directed to you. Sr. Wr. Said he w[oul]d tell you w[ha]t to do with them when they come to hand, I am etc etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 20 Apr 1762

To Mr Richd Ellis in Hexham Newcastle 20th Ap[ri]l 1762 Sir / The district which Wm Summers & p[ar]tners wants to have granted them to work for coals is of so great an extent that notwithstanding they are in so great a hurry, it will be proper to have some information before I can judge of that proposal. I shall therefore write to Mr Richd Harrison ab[ou]t it & as soon as I can get his answer you s

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 20 Apr 1762

To Mr Richd Harrison of Coalcleugh Newcastle 20th Ap[r]il 1762 Sir / Inclosed is a copy of a proposal made by Wm Summers & partners to work for coal in Allendale; as that district wch they want to have granted them is so large, & the term so long the rent seems to be too small. As I dare say you know the country well, & w[ha]t prospect it affords for Coal, I sho[ul]d be very glad to have yo[u]r Opinio

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Robson – 24 Apr 1762

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 24 Ap[ri]l 1762 Sir / I have sent you £40.15s.10d by Wm Pringle, being the amo[un]t of the Garden bill. I am glad you have so handsomely bid for the wood in Winlaton <Letss> nobody has as yet ask’d us the question ab[ou]t it, & therefore yo[u]r barg[ai]n will stand, & I shall be glad to see you here the Day senight, to reduce it into writing. If Edwd Robson will bring the bond he has found to Walli

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 27 Apr 1762

To Mr Hunter at Dukesfield 27 April 1762 Sir / I have recd a very pressing Lre fm Mr Frans Salkeld for leave to keep a publick house wch I wond[e]r at, as the matter has been talk’d over & over again, & always objected to, because, tho’ at present it might be a trifling advantage to him, it wo[ul]d in a little time occasion complaints against him, & I’m sure wo[ul]d be a disadvantage to Sr W[alte]r , therefore I

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 7 May 1762

To Mr Richd Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 7 May 1762 Sir / By last post I recd a Lre fm Mr Richd Harrison, in wch he says he knows very well there are no seams of coals between E[a]st & W[e]st Allan waters of any consequence; & that you may safely let Wm Summer’s & p[ar]tners a Lease to work for coals in the district at 5s.0d for the 1st yr, & at 4 or 5s for 6, 8 or even 10 yrs afterwards. Or upon any other better terms you ca

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 12 May 1762

To Mr Richd Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 12th May 1762 Sir / Inclos’d is a dra[ugh]t of y[ou]r bill intended to be filed the term ab[ou]t the Tyne Mills; wch I think necessary for you to peruse before it is engrossed. If you have time to peruse it tonight & consider wher any alterations sh[oul]d be made in it & co[ul]d wish you wo[ul]d return it; w[it]h yo[u]r observations upon it by y[ou]r bearer tomorrow, as the time is short,

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Westgarth – 21 May 1762

To Mr Jno Westgarth Esq; at Unthank near Stanhope Newcastle 21st May 1762 Sir/ I am sorry I was not at home when you did me the favor to call upon me. I cant yet find out who the Mr West is who claims the Ground you mention he has rode in as belonging to his freehold Estate & where it lays but I will enquire after the man & know w[ha]t his pretensions are, & at the pay on Thursday Senight, some method will be thought

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Revd Stoddart – 28 May 1762

To The Revd Mr Stoddart at Alnwick Newcastle 28th May 1762 Sir/ Sir Wr Blackett having occasion to mention the day of Mr Maj[o]r Allgood’s death & of Mr Rastalls marr[iage] in a bill wch he is obliged to file in chancery, desires, if you have any memorandums of these occurrances that you will be so good as let hin know when they happened. I am etc JR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Beaumont – 29 May 1762

To Mr John Beaumont Newcastle 29th May 1762 Sir/ I am called on by yesterdays post to send up my Acc[oun]t of W[e]st Kenton way Leave rent, wch has hitherto been postponed in Expectation of yo[u]r paying the £130 you are still in arrear, on wch there are to be a meeting of the parties, & w[ha]t may be the result of, I do not know; I shall send it away by next Tuesdays post & I sh[oul]d be glad you wo[ul]d pay me the mo

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 2 Jun 1762

1762 June 22nd Wrote Mr Hunter of Dukesfield to let me know w[ha]t he is doing ab[ou]t the Carr[ier]s of the Lead fm Allenh[ea]ds & Rookhope Mills, for that the season is slipping away very fast HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dashley – 4 Jun 1762

To Mr Willm Dashley at Wallington Newcastle 4th June 1762 Sir/ I have a Lre this post fm Sr W[alte]r Blackett in wch he bids me write Mr Robson not knowing that he is gone for Derby. That he wo[ul]d have two Beds put into the room over the kitchen for Mrs Trevelyan’s two maids & the two children it being the most convenient room for the purpose; As Mr & Mrs Trevelyan will have the East bed ch

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bacon – 8 Jun 1762

To John William Bacon Esq at Newtoncap by Durham Newcastle 8 June 1762 Sir/ On the other side is the Acct of your proportion of Weardale Rents etc for the last year; wch Sir Wr Blackett has p[ai]d & wch comes to £166.9s.3d. You will please thereof as soon as it is convenient to give directions about it. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jun 1762

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin at his Chambers in Greys Inn London Newcastle 8 June 1762 Sir/ Mrs Allgood has executed the Assignment of the 2 terms relating to Ord Estate; wch I shall keep here till it is wanted. I have p[ai]d Mr Davison his Bill relating to the matter & charged it to Sir Walter. My father has reced £22.1s.0d being the value of John Hick’s Bill on John Baker & will send you a Bill in a post or two

Witness Deposition – Mary Loraine – 18 Jun 1762

And this Defendant further Answering saith she doth Admit that she hath obtained Letters of Administration of her said late Husbands personall Estate and Effects to be Granted to her by the prerogative Court of York and that by virtue thereof she hath possessed herself of all the personal Estate and Effects of her said late Husband which she could come by and particularly the moiety of one Lead Mine called Caple Cleugh Mine which was brought by the said Robert Loraine in his Life time and of whi

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Jun 1762

To Sir Wr Blackett Bart M.P. at the Cocoa Tree Pall Mall London Newcastle 19th June 1762 Sir/ Mr Hardbottle says his Sister cannot take less than 4 & ½ p[er] c[ent] for her money neither now nor after the war; therefore agreeable to yo[u]r Lre I have told him you will take it at that rate when it is ready. The china is come & appears to be safe. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 25 Jun 1762

To Mr Geo. Douglas in Berwick upon Tweed Newcastle 25th June 1762 Sir/ I have reced your Lre of the 22nd inst. Inclosing Alex[ande]r Coxburn’s bill on John Hillermaster for £60, dated the 15th inst. & payable to Anth[on]y Lambert or Order, 30 days after date; wch the Bill when p[ai]d will be so much on Acct. of your ½ years Fishery rent due to Sir Walter Blackett at Lady Day last. I am sorry you have had so bad a season; I believe it has been the dries

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Jul 1762

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcastle 10th July 1762 Sir/ You receive back my Kenton Acc[oun]t sworn to before Mr Widdrington to whom I p[ai]d 2s wch I desire you will charge in yo[u]r bill of costs, when the Acc[oun]t is settled by your Master I will send you a Bill at sight for the Balance, pray what may be the reason of Mr Reed’s desiring to postpone the settling this matter. I am etc JR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Jul 1762

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 10th July 172 Wallington Hon[our]d Sir/ After many conversations wth Mr Bell ab[ou]t Winlaton Coll[iery] he has this day told me how he will keep her for another year. He told me also that there will not be a Comon Council held on Monday as was intended. The wine sent by the Newcastle Carr[ie]r is come; but being all in one hamper I have set it into the cellar here till you give orders h

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Johnson – 14 Jul 1762

To Mr John Johnson at Sunderland Newcastle 14th July 1762 Sir/ Sir Wr. Blackett has ordered me to return you Mr Boulby’s Lre [Letter], wch you had sent inclos’d to Mr Robson & to tell you that he has no thoughts at present of purchasing your ½ of the Corn Tithes of Ord Estate. Iam etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John brown – 19 Jul 1762

To Mr John Brown Newcastle 19th July 1762 at Unthank Sir / You told me that you had Estimated the damage done to Sir Thos. Clavering’s Estate by working for Gravel for Pontel& turnpike road, at ten pounds I find it will be necessary that you certify this by putting it into writing & setting your name to it; that it may be produced at the meeting of the Commissioners and an order thereupon made for the payment of

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 Jul 1762

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 26th July 1762 Sir/ I am very glad to find that the [lead] comes so fast away fm Rookhope Mill at 8s.4d p[er] ten pieces. I wo[ul]d have them proceed till they get the length of ten thous[an]d p[iece]s; only let me know as soon as you can where the Dukesf[iel]d & other Tenants are likely to pay their rents by this Carriage. They sho[ul]d be urged to carry as much of the Lead as possible, as we have no thoughts at present of moving the Dukesf

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Clark – 27 Jul 1762

To Mr Ralph Clark at the Oxbridge to the care of Mr Archibald Reed, at the sign of the Windsor Sloop, commonly called the Sloops Arse in Stookholm Newcastle 27th July 1762 Sir / The opinion wch Sir Wr. Blackett had that you wo[ul]d be a long lived man made him insert your Life some years ago with 2 others in a trifling Lease wch he holds of the B[isho]p of Durham. One of the others, namely, Fenwick Bowman is dead & it is necessary, in order to have the Lease renewed
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467