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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Jul 1762

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. At Wallington Newcastle 28th July 1762 Hond. Sir/ I have endeavoured to see Mr Fenwick, to learn whe[the]r the meeting of the Com[missione]rs tomorrow can be adjourned to some day in the Assize week in Newcastle; but I have not been able to meet wth him, only have reced a message fm him, that he knows of no particular business to occasion a meeting tomorrow! The fine for inserting a new Life in Killhope & Wellhope Lease w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Armstrong – 1 Aug 1762

Farnacres Sunday Morn:1:Augt 1762 Sir The bearer Ralph Marley Engine Wreight & Gawen Croan Engine Keeper, comes to Enter upon their respective Offices at Fallowfd. Engine the former at Ten Shillings a Week & the latter at Eight Shillings, you to provide them Houses and Fireing. R Marley is at present a Single Man, but may probably alter his Scituation, in that pticular, in wch Case he must have a House and Firing. Gawen Croan has the Same Wages, I have mentioned above, fr

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Crawhall – 6 Aug 1762

Mr John Crawhall at Allenheads Newcastle 6th August 1762 Sir/ I reced your Lre of the 31st past, & approve of your washing wth tub & sieve what oar come to the mill you think stands in need of it, I thought that method had been used at all the mills, I remember some of the Coalcleugh oar was formerly washed so at Dukesfield mill & turned to great advantage in the produce, & as to weighing the oar to the smelters it is certainly a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 6 Aug 1762

To Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 6 August 1762 Sir/ I send you the inclos’d Lre open, wch I desire you will seal & send to Mr Crawhall. I am etc HR

Letter – Andrew Adamson to John Armstrong – 12 Aug 1762

Fallowfield Lead Mine 12th Augt. 1762 Sir By the bearer hereof I send you three different Papers, each shewing the Expence of the Grove & how it ariseth from the 11th. Octbr. 1760, to the 4th. of June 1762 as it is in the Books, to the which I refer you, in Case the Papers don’t satisfy; it not being in my powers to make it appear more plain without Transcribing the whole of the Books. We have had no Stopes, but one smal one, this week, for four weeks bypast and have made a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Aug 1762

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bart. MP at Wallington Newcastle 19th August 1762 Hond. Sir/ I was wth Mr Halhead this morning at the Mayor’s, but to little effect; for he told me he had been mistaken in making the profit by the Lease for 2 yrs only £500 a year, & that he now makes it £652 a yr. And what is worse, he told me the B[isho]p had now fixed the fine at £2500. Whereas if even Miss Shield’s field is allowed to

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 20 Aug 1762

To Geo. Douglas in Berwick Newcastle 20th August 1762 upon Tweed Sir/ I received your Lre of 16th inst[an]t desiring to know the price of Lead; in ans[we]r to wch I inform you that the price of Sr. Wr. Blackett’s ref[ined] Lead is at present £14 our fo[the]r, or 21 cwt; if sold for ready money. But if you want to buy it, I must desire you apply to some of our merch[an]ts ab[ou]t it; for I cannot undertake to ship for anybody. I am

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 2 Sep 1762

To Mr Caleb Hunter Allenheads Newcastle 2 Sept 1762 Sir/ I am extreamly sorry to hear of Mr Harrison’s illness, wch Steph[e]n Nicholson has just now told me of. I am afraid it will be long before he can get again to Coalcleugh. Till we see further, it will be necessary that you give a little attention to C[oal]Cleugh Grove; for Geo. Armstrong is not for the charge; & Mr Harrison I sho[ul]d suppose w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Sep 1762

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. Hexham Newcastle 3 September 1762 Hond. Sir/ I heard yesterday of Mr Harrison’s struck with the palsy & wrote to C[aleb] Hunter to give all the attendance he co[ul]d at Coalcleugh till you ordered what sho[ul]d be done. I wish you may meet with as able a minor to succeed him for I fear the stroke, if he sho[ul]d escape with less, will disqualify him for doing you any furt

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 7 Sep 1762

To Mr C Hunter Stuard at Allenheads Newcastle 7th September 1762 Sir/ I am sorry for Mr Harrison’s death. It is a great loss. But as Coalcleugh Grove must not be neglected, nor the men laid idle, Sir Walter desires you will take charge of all matters their till he orders otherwise. And as the day of lending money to the men is drawing near, you are desired to acquaint Mrs Harrison that her husband had £200 of Sr. Wr.

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 7 Sep 1762

To Mr Geo. Douglas Plumber in Berwick upon Tweed Newcastle 7 September 1762 Sir/ Yesterday I read your Lre of the 4th ins[tan]t enquiring whe[the]r I had got one fm Mr Blake ab[ou]t the 200 p[iece]s of Sr. Wr. Blackett’s Lead wch you spoke to me ab[ou]t for his use & by the same post I recd a Lre fm Mr Blake ab[ou]t it. Therefore that quantity of Lead will be delivered on his acc[oun]t to any person you shall authorize to rece

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 10 Sep 1762

Sir/ I am sorry to find, by Mr Salkeld’s acc[oun]t for August that only 762 p[iece]s of Lead are delivered fm Dukesfield mill. You know we wanted to have 5000 p[iece]s down to Blaydon before winter; & now, that we are likely to have a peace, we must have more if possible: Therefore I desire you will set on all the carr[ie]rs you can; only do not be too urgent with them lest you occasion a demand for more price but act with discression. P.S. Pray forw[a]rd the inclosed by a safe hand so tha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 10 Sep 1762

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allenheads Newcastle 10 September 1762 Sir/ Sir Wr. Blackett will be at Hexham till 3 or 4 o’clock on Monday next: where if you conveniently can be at the same time it w[oul]d be right; Because he will want to know what character Thos. Nixon of Dotland, who was formerly Steward of Mr Lorain’s Grove, bears as a minor, he having offered himself for C[oal]cleugh. And you will let Sir Walter kn

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 11 Sep 1762

To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newhouse in Weardale Newcastle 11 September 1762 Sir/ The death of Mr Harrison has occasions several applications to Sr. Wr. Blackett to succeed him. The principal are for Thos. Nixon of Dotland, who was Steward to Mr Loraine’s Grove till the year 1751 since wch time he has not been employed in mining; except upon some views & references. And the other is in behalf of Mr Hewat

Letter – Thomas Chatty to Mary Jurin – 14 Sep 1762

[on outer leaf:] To Mrs. Jurin [annotated in a different hand:] Mr. Chatty’s letter The Hermitage September 14th 1762 Hon. Madam Herewith you receive an abstract of all my Receipts and Disbursements from my first entring into my Master’s Service to the 3d. July 1762 inclusive, and also an Account of my wages and how much I have receiv’d, and that upon the whole there appears to be a Balance of £46 0 2 due to me. I believe I informed you that Mr. Waller made

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 24 Sep 1762

To Mr I Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 24th September 1762 Sir/ As to advancing the price of Carriage oar fm Weardale mines to Dukesfield 8d p[er] Bing, I have no objection to it, if it cant be got under, & you are sure the Lead will come as cheap to Blaydon after that advance as it wo[ul]d if the ore was smelted at Rookhope mill, but as you must now calculate the Carriage of Lead fm Rookhope at 8s.4d only, p[er] ten pieces, that being

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hodgson – 25 Sep 1762

To Mr William Hodgson at Alston Newcastle 25th September 1762 Sir/ Sir Walter Blackett has thought proper to appoint you his Steward at Coalcleugh in the room of Mr Harrison & desires you will immediately take the charge & direction of the Grove & every thing there wherein he is interested. He wo[ul]d be glad to see you here on Tuesday Seninght in the morning, so that you will come to Town the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 Sep 1762

To Mr I Hunter Dukesfield to the care Newcastle 26th Sept 1762 of Mr Wm. Hunter Att[orne]y at Law Hexham Sir/ I desire you will send some safe hand to Alston with the inclosed Lre for Mr Wm. Hodgson without loss of time, as it is his appointment to succeed Mr Harrison at C. Cleugh. You will charge the expence of the messenger to Sir Walter’s ac[c]o[un]t. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Bishop of Durham – 29 Sep 1762

To The Hon[oura]ble & R[igh]t Revd. The Lord Bishop of Durham Witworth 29th September 1762 My Lord/ Without entering more minutely in to the difference & difficulties wch subsist with respect to the calculation upon wch your Lords[hi]p has proposed to renew the Lease for <3> Years for £2500, I beg leave to offer your Lordship £1500 for a renewal of that Lease in the manner it hath been here to for

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 11 Oct 1762

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allenheads Newcastle 11 October 1762 Sir/ Sir Walter having considered that the working in Killhope can be more conveniently attended by Mr Hodgson, who is to reside at Coalcleugh, than by you of Allenheads has tho[ugh]t proper to appoint him director hereof; & Caleb Kidd to be his assistant I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hodgson – 11 Oct 1762

To Mr Wm. Hodgson at Alston Newcastle 11 October 1762 Sir/ As Killhope from its situation falls more naturally under the inspection of the C.Cleugh Agent, Sr.Wr. has thought proper to put the mines under your management; & has appointed Caleb Kidd to be your assistant there, at a salary of £20 a yr. And he has also appointed Jos[eph] Dickinson to succeed Geo. Armstrong as under steward at C

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 24 Oct 1762

To Mr Wm Robson at Wallington <Newcastle> 24 October 1762 Sir/ I still have the Gold I told you amounted to £13.1s.0d not having been able to get any of it disposed of. Inclos’d is Sir Walter’s bond to you as ad[minis]tor of John Ogles effects for £300 in lieu of the rec[eipt]s wch you sent me in. I am etc. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 2 Nov 1762

To Mr Wm Robson at Wallington <Newcastle> 2 November 1762 Sir/ As to the manner of carrying forward Killhope mines, Sr. Wr. Blackett leaves it wholly to your judgement; but I am sorry they are in so ruinous a condition & the levels & shafts are so much out of repair. As you cannot get all the ore sent to the mill before the pay, I think the best way is to complete it, & let the men have something in part of it, as subsistance

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Nov 1762

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. MP in halfmoon Street Piccadily London Newcastle 9th November 1762 Hon[our]d Sir, Inclosed herewith is the dr[augh]t of the bill for an Act of Parliament for sinking the Lease for Years into the Lease for Lives, as settled by Mr Fawcett who hopes that the reci[ept]ed part with regard to the trust Estate will pass in the form he has put it; & that, if so, it will not be necessary to have Mr & Mrs Rast

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 12 Nov 1762

To Mr Nicholas Hallhead Esq in Durham Newcastle 12 November 1762 Sir/ My business will not allow me to come again to Durham till Monday or Tuesday next. On one of these days I shall wait upon you, or Mr Robson for the Lease for Years; & shall bring the old Lease & the counter part of the new one executed by Sir Walter Blackett & also the notes for the fine wch is £2500. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467