To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. in Newcastle 2nd April 1763
Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Sir/ My Father has been very ill, from a total suppression of urine: which begun at abt. 5 o’clock on Thursday morning. He was twice in the hot bath yesterday & it has given him ease. But the doctor cannot yet say that the cause, whe[the]r it is a stone or an Inflamation in the Bladder, is removed: only that there are some favourable symptoms. Mrs Esthe
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 4th April 1763
in halfmoon Street Piccadilly London
Hon[ou]rd Sir/ The Doctor thinks my Father better.: but he is so excessive[ly] reduced by the use of the hot Bath wch was necessary in his case, that I doubt it will be sometime before he will get the better of it. It is still uncertain whe[the]r it was a stone or an Inflamation, but the obstruction is removed for the present, at least. I am etc
To Mr Cuth. Swanston at Newcastle 9th April 1763
Sir/ The Petition inclosed herewith came inclosed to me from Mr Robetson of Holy island, desiring I wo[ul]d forw[ar]d it to Mr Shaftoe; because he did not know where to direct to him. As I do not know any more than he I have given you the trouble of this; & desire you will transmit the petition to Mr Shaftoe. Mr Robertson says a duplicate of it has been sent to Mr Vane. I am
To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. Newcastle Friday 15 April 1763
in half moon street picadilly London
Hon[our]d Sir/ Last night you lost a faithful Servant & we the best of Fathers. It will be an Illeviation of my Grief if you sho[ul]d think me worthy to succeed him. I am etc HR
16 April 1763, Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett
Wrote Sir Wr of Mr Hodgson’s death, wch happened on the 14th inst. HR
To Mr Joseph Dickinson Newcastle 18th April 1763
at Coalcleugh
Sir/ I am sorry for Mr Hodgson’s death. It will be necessary for you to come down with his Ex[ecut]or when you want money.
As to the Groves at Coalcleugh & Killhope you & Caleb Kidd must take care that every thing is done according to the Bargains that have been taken. But as to other work let it rest as much as possible till Sir Wr appoints another in Mr Hodgson’
His late Majesty King George the 2d by Letters Patents dated the 4th day of December in the first year of his Reign appoints several great Officers of State & many Noblemen Gentlemen & certain other persons therein named Commissioners or Governors for Greenwich Hospital Orders that any 7 of them may be a Court & after giving them several Powers relating to the finishing the Building the paying for the same and to the provision for the pensioners requires any 7 of them whereof the Com
To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths Newcastle 22 April 1763
in Forster Lane London
Sirs/ My father died on the 14th inst; & Sir Wr Blackett, who is in London, has by this post been pleased to give me the Charge of all his affairs in the same manner my Father had it. I therefore desire to know where you will please to accept of such bills as I may draw upon you for the Balance remaining in your hands for silver sent of Sir Wrs Ac[c]o[un]t or I must g
24 April 1763 Calculations referred to by N. Halhead under No. 721 & 722 in his Paper concerning Renewals of Leases of Estates belonging to the See of Durham of this Date
Cost of a Bing of Ore from Sr. Wm. Blacketts best Mines in Weardale above £2, according to the Quantity & Cost certified by Mr Peareth & Mr. Walton.
Ore raised in 12 Years 1750 & 1761 inclusive 53078 Bings, which cost [£]116725.15.6
Whereof <not> Expenses in Raising, to be deducted,
To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths Newcastle 30th April 1763
in Forster Lane London
Sirs/ I reced your favour of the 26th inst. & thereupon examined Sr Wr’s books & found that the difference between your ac[c]o[un]t & mine, of the Balance due from you to him, consists in the two ounces of silver you mention’d & which I had not rectified, but wch I shall now do. & then the Balance will stand as you make it, to wit £322.6s.
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 1st May 1763
In Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Hon[our]d Sir/ The Lease for yrs will be sent by the Coach, wch sets out for London early tomorrow morning. & I shall appoint Mr Maughan & Mr C. Hunter to be here on Saturday the 14th inst. I find two of the best Grove Stewards of this County intend to offer their service to you wit, Mr Brown & Mr Westgarth they are both at present emp
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P.
in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Newcastle 3rd May 1763
Hon[our]d Sir/ I find by Mr Leaton that your Bond to Mrs Bowes for £5200 is looked up at Gibside; & tho’ notice has been given you to pay in the money on the 23rd inst. & everything is ready on your part, yet the Bond cannot become at. Mr Leaton says Mrs Bowes says she hopes you will accept of her promisory note till she comes to Gibside, for th
Mr William Robson Newcastle 3rd May 1763
at Wallington
Sir/ I red your Lre abt. the 7 Rilies & two Coach Horses wch you are sending to eat up the Grass in the Nuns, as you have nothing for them at Wallingt[o]n. I am very glad there is Grass in the Nuns to help you: but you must not expect that. I can furnish them with hay; for I have scares enough to last till the new crop will be fit to eat; therefore when the Grass is gone y
To all people to whom these presents shall come Sir Walter Blackett of Wallington in the County of Northumberland Bart. sendeth Greeting Whereby Indenture of Lease [inserted text: duly executed] bearing date the 9th day of September last past and made or mentioned to be made between the Right Revd. Father in God Richd. by the Grace of God Lord Bishop of Durham of the one part and the said Sir Walter Blackett of the other part the said Revd. Father for divers good causes and considerations Did de
To The Lord Bishop of Durham in Newcastle 16th May 1763
My Lord/ My Accounts to ascertaining quality of ore gotten in Weardale & the charge for getting it for 13 yrs ending the 31st of Decr. 1762 shall be laid before any person or persons at any time your Lordship shall please to appoint; but first it will be necessary that the <medi[u]m> price of oar for that 13 yrs sho[ul]d be ascertained & I shall agree to abide by the med[iu]m pr
To John Westgarth Esq at Unthank Newcastle 16th May 1763
near Stanhope in Weardale
Sir/ Sir W[alte]r Blackett bids me make his comp[limen]ts to you, & acquaint you that as the division which you propose of part of Bollihope Comon by act of parliament he does not find that it will be of any material Benefit to himself; but nevertheless is willing to concur in it for the Benefit of others; therefore as soon as any meeting is appointed to consider
19th May 1763 Advised Mr Darwin that I reced Mr Savage’s receipt for 495£ & placed to his account. HR
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart Newcastle 21st May 1763
at Wallington
Hon[our]d Sir/ Mr Widdrington says that whatever goods are upon Ripeth Farm, whether they belong to Jas. Selby or any other person they may be distrained & sold for the Rent due to you at Mayday last for the execution is of no consequence; nobody being left to keep possession of the Goods. If you chose to assist Mr Alder the sooner the seizure is made the better. I sol
To Mr William Westgarth Steward to the Newcastle 24th May 1763
Quaker’s Co in Alstone Moor
Sir/ The Letter which Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bart. Received the last post from the Secretary of the Lead Company leaves him at Liberty to take you into his service & therefore he appoints you to the late Mr Hodgson’s place. So you will go & take the charge of Coalcleugh, Mohope & Kilhope Groves: & as soon as it is convenient I shall be glad to see you
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. Newcastle 24th May 1763
at Wallington
Hon[ur]d Sir/ Mr Ord’s serving Mr Jobling & the other Freemen with a rule of Court now when the Road was filled up & all was subsided in so violent proceediure that it has set all a float again. The Eight who were served are endeavouring to stir up the company to assist them but how far they will prevail upon them, is not known. Mr Peareth is out of Town, but Mr Clayton t
24th May 1763 Sir Wr wrote yesterday to the Gov[erno]r & Co for smelting Lead & C/ commonly called the Quakers Co/ acquainting them that Mr Wm. Westgarth had offered his service to him but as he was their servant Sr. Wr. desired to know whether he had their Leave to employ him. WB
To Mr Richard Ellis at Newcastle 28th May 1763
Sir/ I sho[ul]d be glad if you wo[ul]d, as soon as it is convenient to you, make up your Rental, let the arrears stand as they will. As to Robt Allgood’s proposal to take low stubblock coll[ier]y; Before I lay it before Sir Walter, I desire to know what terms you wo[ul]d advise Sir Wr to let her upon whether, if you expect she will be a valuable Colliery after the winning he talk
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bart. Newcastle 28th May 1763
at Wallington
Hon[our]d Sir/ Inclosed is the paper abt. the servants.
I have sent you some writing paper & if you like it will get more of the same so it, when wanted.
The advertisement about the ponteland road came to[o] late for one of the papers, but it is inserted in the other. Pleased to let me know whether it is to be continued till the meeting; or once in each paper will be
June 1763
To Mr William Westgarth No place or date
Sir/ Sir Walter desires you will attend on the day that Mr Ord Rides his Boundary, taking Jos. Dickinson with you/ & when he or his Bailiff comes to that part thereof where he begins to ride in the Ground wch was lately in dispute & was by the arbitrators awarded to Mr Ord. You are to desire that he & his Company will stop till you read the inclosed pa
To Mr Richard Ellis Newcastle 7th June 1763
Sir/ I have shewn Sir Walter Mr Allgoods proposal ab[ou]t Stubblock Coll[ie]ry but he does not think himself at Liberty to treat with him till he gives Mr Downs & Mr Ray an answer to a proposal wch he remembers receiving from them in London about her. But he cannot find the paper; neither indeed is it now clear that they are in the same mind, since Mr Ray has en