To Mr William Rutter Jun[io]r Newcastle 9th June 1763
Attorney at Law
Sir/ On the other side you have the acc[oun]t of Mr Bacon’s proportion of the Moormasters Rent, Compositions etc for Weardale Mines for the year 1762 amounting to £126.5s.9d wch sum I must desire you will let me have in a month. I am etc HR
To Messrs Plumb & Brown Goldsmiths
Forster Lane London Newcastle 11 June 1763
Sirs/ I sent you yesterday by Matt Lee the London Carrier, a piece Silver Bullion, weighing 716 ounces: wch I desire you will place to Acc[oun]t with Sir Walter Blackett at the market price & advise me on your Rec[eip]t of it. I am etc HR
To Sir Wr Blackett Bsrt MP Newcastle 11th June 1763
at Wallington
Hon[our]d Sir/ I have heard nothing ab[ou]t Mr Ord’s Affair since you went to Wallington. I do not see what expectation he can have from an application at this time to the Comon Council for a grant of the Road. This prosecution of Whitby & Co is founded as I understand upon the right, wch he alledges, Fenham has to a way over the moor to Newcastle; but wch the d
Glynde June 1763
I reced the Favour of Your Letter dated 19th. May, but I cannot agree to what you propose in Regard to the Price of your Lead Ore for the 13 Years ending 31st. Decr. 1762, as I understand that a Bing of Austin [Alston] Moor Ore is not at any time sold for so much as a Bing of Weardale Ore, that the Owners of the Dues of Austin Moor have for a considerable Part of that time been under the Disadvantage of having but one Buyer of their Ore, and having no Sme
To Mr Richard Ellis Newcastle 16th June 1763
Sir/ Sir Walter Blackett desires you will let him know whe[the]r the allegations in the inclosed petition are true & what you think is proper for him to do in case the Estate of the said John Ridley sho[ul]d Escheat for want of an heir do you think the petitioners or <Inquiry> etc w[oul]d have the better claim to Sir Walter’s Generosity in such a case? You
Weardale inclosures
1. Prydale, has got about 50 bings of Oar the last years but is now very poor. [annotation in different hand]: pretty good like to continue
2. Kids Grove, is the property of the Dean & Chapter, & leas’d of them by John Kidd.
3. Dryburnside is freehold, [annotation in different hand: ‘Mr Williamson freehold’] The copyhold adjoining is under the moor matrs. Lease & no inclosure under the Leases for Years, but it has been try’d very lately & does
Abstracts of The Weardale Lead Mine Leases viz under
The Commons Inclosures
(As granted to Sr. Wr. (as proposed by Sr. Wr. Blackett
Blackett 1750.) 1763.)
Recital of a Surr. of a Do. but in a Form somewhat different
former Lease
The Parcels. Liberties & The Parcels etc.
Privileges (Reserving late
Hall & Sanderson’s part.)
Habend: [for] 3 Lives Habend:[for] 3. Lives
Reddend: 1/9 o
To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newcastle 6th July 1763
Newhouse in Weardale
Sir/ Not knowing I sho[ul]d see Mr C. Hunter today I sent you a Lre by Robt. Loftus who promised to forw[ar]d it to you by a safe hand. It was to the following effect. To desire you wo[ul]d enquire & let me know w[ha]t mines there are in the 2 parishes of Stanhope & Wolsingham wch do n[o]t belong to the B[isho]p for Sir Walter wants to change a
Newcastle 6th July 1763
You will please take notice that Sir W[alter] Blackett Tenant for Life of the manor of Hexham does not oppose the riding of the Boundary of Whitfield in the manner now propos’d, because the Boundary is awarded to Mr Ord by Arbitrators; but <O. rssu> thinks it proper to make the declaration, that any claim wch may be made hereafter by any future Lord of the manor of Hexham may not be invalidated by such riding.
To Sir Wr Blackett Bart at Wallington Newcastle 9th July 1763
Hon[ou]rd Sir/ The direction to Lord Senants park keeper is as Mr Todhunter at Julian Bower near Penrith. I have acquainted Mr Mayor ab[ou]t the Buck he returns his comp[limen]ts; & says he will let me know when to write to your park keeper for it.
I found the paper to be given to Judge Gold where you said I would I shall wait upon him with it when he comes to Town. You will please to let
To Mr Caleb Hunter Allenheads Newcastle 11 July 1763
Sir/ I have sent you the money by Mr Robt. Allgood.
I have also sent you by John Lee the Carrier, one doz[e]n of Stephenson’s port wine, two doz[e]n of Simpson’s Claret, one doz[e]n of Brandy, & one doz[e]n & two Bottles of middleing Beer; being all that the panniers co[ul[d hold, but wch I hope will be sufficient, as you have so much remaining at Allenh[ead]s. He also has tw
To Robt. Shaftoe Esq M.P. at Newcastle 15th July 1763
Whitworth near Durham
Sir/ I reced the favour of your Lre [Letter], but not having Experience of copper mines, nor of the practice in letting leases of them, I can only acquaint you of what is usually done in regard to Lead mines. The general Reservation is a fifth of all the ore, clean & well washed & fit for smelting into Lead, & also clear of all charges & deductions w
To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 17th July 1763
Greys Inn London
Sir/ I reced your Lre inclosing me nine vouchers for the paym[en]t of the £72.0s.81/2d being the balance of my Father’s acco[un]t of <W> Kenton rents. I have therefore given your acct <ordered> for the same & make the balance to be £3.4s.10 ½d due to you, & nothing seems now to be wanting except the cashier of Bank’s own rec[eip]t for the
To Mr John Brown Newcastle 19th July 1763
at Kirkharle.
Sir/ I shall me much obliged to you if you will let me know as soon as the Duke of Portland comes to N[ew]castle, because I have Sir Wr. Blackett’s directions to wait upon his Grace with the offer of his house & the conveniences it affords. You may be well assured that the beds will be well aired, & ready against the time. I am etc
To Christ[ophe]r Blackett Esq; at Newcastle 24 July 1763
Hexham Abbey
Sir/ Sir Walter writes me from Etal to wait upon the judges when they come hither & tell their L[or]ds[hi]ps that he desires they will Lodge at the Abbey, as having better beds in it than any public houses in Hexham can afford. And at the same time he orders me to acquaint you of this & desire you will direct the beds to be ready for the L[or]ds[hi]ps & that yo
To Mr Rich Ellis in Hexham Newcastle 9th August 1763
Sir/ Sir Wr. Blackett bid me write to you that, agreeable to what passed betwixt him & you, he has ordered my Bro[the]r to come & make a schedule of any writings & papers you have in your custody, belonging to Hexham Manour, that you think are of any value. My Brother proposes being at Hexham on Monday Evening next, & spending 3 or 4 days with you abt. this Buisiness; if conveni
To Mr Thos. Maughan at Newcastle 13th August 1763
Newhouse in Weardale
Sir/ As you say you propose being here the latter end of next week or the beginning of the next following, it may be no inconvenience perhaps to come on Thursday next, wch I desire you will do, & also in the mean time you will inform yourself as particularly as you can, of the prices that Ore has been sold at, to be smelted into Lead for Newc[astle] market,
To Sir Wr. Blackett Bert. M.P. Newcastle 19th August 1763
at Wallington
Sir/ The more I consider Mr Halhead’s proposal the greater the Impropriety of it appears. He wants to determine your large quantity ore, gotten out of a great number of Groves, by prices that have been given for small quantities gotten out of a few freehold Groves in Weardale. One of wch Groves namely Mr Westgarth’s is esteemed of an extraordinary quality; & its Or
To Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin Newcastle 22nd August 1763
Greys Inn London
Sir/ I have sent you Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Vere Glynn & Hallifax for £200 & have Mr Porter’s advice of receiving the Bill, in your absence: but I shall be glad to have the Annual Rec[eip]t for this Sum on Acct. of the quarterly payments, it being required as a voucher to my Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett. I have recieved the forty pounds of L[or
To Mr Wm. Dalton at Blaydon Newcastle 27th August 1763
Sir/ Mr Renaldson having told me this moment of the sinking of piles of Lead upon L[or]d Widdrington’s Key about 4 feet; it has made me very uneasy & very apprehensive of the consequences; the expence of shifting the Lead & all the inconvenience that can attend the doing it; is very trifling compared with the loss that will fall upon Sir Walter Blackett & the
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle August 27th 1763
at Wallington
Hon[our]d Sir/ Inclos’d is the substance of an ans[we]r to the Bi[s]hop’s proposal of valueing your ore by the prices of the Freehold Ore, in Weardale. As to form, you will please to give it such as you judge best. I have boug[h]t 8 dozn of Swainson & Darnels Brandy, as Mr Blackett tho[ugh]t it very good. 4 doz of it is sent by the cart today & the other 4 is p
To Robert O Varzie Newcastle 30th August 1763
at Hexham
Sir/ I reced the favour of your Lre [Letter], & am sorry you sho[ul]d be told that I had heard you were concerned in publishing the paper for meeting at Hexham ab[ou]t the Tithes. I assure you that paper was in my opinion, too senseless a performance for any body that knows you to believe you had the least hand either in the composition or the publication of it. I hope Mrs Varzy a
Messrs Plumb & Brown Gols[mi]ths] Newcastle 2nd Sept 1763
in Forster Lane London
Sirs/ I have this day sent you by Matt. Lee the London Carrier a p[iec]e [of] fine Silver weighing 725 oz; which I desire you will place to Acct. as usual with Sir Walter Blackett at the market price & advise me of your rec[ie]pt of it. I am etc HR
To The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chester Newcastle 9th Sept 1763
at Chester
Lord/ My Father died in April last, but I have p[ai]d your L[or]dsh[i]p 3 Bills f0r £157.10s.0d., though there was not any Lre expressing that they were for the ½ yrs Composition due 11th July last. As your Bills will not be regular vouchers to my Ac[c]ot.Sir Walter Blackett, without such Lres [Letters]; I hope your L[or]ds[hi]p will favour me with them, on future occasions. I am etc HR
WHERAS THREE PIECES of LEAD, which were marked WB, and were the property of Sir Walter Blackett, Bart. were stolen, some Time between the 1st Day of August last, and the 2d Day of this Month, from that Part of Crook Oak Common, in the Parish of Shotley, which adjoineth to the House of John Sidell, Lead carrier: Now, this is to give Notice, that whoever shall give Information to the said John Sidell, at Crook Oak aforesaid, or to Mr Henry Richmond, in Newcastle upon Tyne, of the Person or Persons