Mr. Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle May the 15th [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 9th present; w[hi]ch is soe full of kinde expressions, that I can nott omitt to returen you my hearty thankes and especially for yo[u]r lardge freedome you give mee of nott spareinge you upon all occations; w[hi]ch Inboldenes mee to advise you that as business falls outt I will mak[e] bold to trouble you ~
Sir I have this day vallued upon you £50:=: p
You may justly clayme all our best services here & I know <wee> have soe much <Candour> & good nesse, as will be pleasing to <….> to know my dear molly is much Changd for the better & eats pretty well & sleepes better & a <…… ep..> most of her infirmities. I must thanke the Lords worke <If> the means were very ordinary; now then the noble favour of yr vigil which we must thinke surpasd the other great endearments; for all which w
I was desired by your sonne the last post to send you inclosed your daughter-in-law’s case, such as I apprehended it to be when she first came to this Town, wch you will receive from
Sr your most humble servant
Martin Lister
Yorke May 19th 1676
[Translation from the Latin original, made in 1958 by L.M.Payne, Assistant Librarian at the Royal College of Physicians, for an exhibition of medical records by the British Records Association:]
At the beginning of May the
Sir Ja: Standsfield
Your last to us of the 4th instant recd wch had answerd sooner if Mr Vermouden had bin in towne & since hear that hes gon towards Newcastle & believe hel write to you from thence if not come over. Soe soon as I understand how to direct a Lettr to him shall advise him of wt you writt in yr lett that you may be fully answertd. In our Lett of the 5 of December 74 was sent to you a scotch Bond of Sr Ja: Keith & his Lady for £300 payble to Hump. Wilie Esq to be sequ
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle 20th May 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 16th present Signifienge yo[u]r procureinge acceptance of my Bill of £150 Inclosed you have a Bill of £340 payable upon the 10th June next w[hi]ch allthough upon a greate Person yett I question nott, butt itt will bee punctually Complyed w[i]th all according to the Contents thereof; if either acceptance w[he]n pr[e]sented or paym[en]t w[he]n done bee refused pray
Mr. Ja: Cooke Newcastle May the 20th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 16th and 17th present and in yo[u]r latter a Bill of 340 £ allthough itt be chardged upon a Greate Person, yett doubts nott butt that itt will bee complyed withall accordinge to the contents thereof; if I can spare £100 more shall send itt you of w[hi]ch in a Post or two you may rest assured To be advised w[ha]t can be done by : MB:
Noe drinke will hurt my Unckell Eden; I am nott
Mr Wm Smith and Compa[ny] Newcastle May the 20th [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 13th present Mr Robt Jackson of Stockton, continues his former advice (vizt) that hee will nott accept my Bill upon Mr Wm Tuckers account for about £20 towards the loadinge of Jno: Tucker, soe w[he]n please God hee arrives; If hee meete nott w[i]th a Freight here, I shall furnish him w[i]th the needfull money and valew [value] my disbursm[en]ts upon Mr Mark Mortimer of
Mr Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle 20th May 1676]
My last to you was of the 13th present to w[hi]ch reffers you Since none from you soe the less to Inlardge upon; nott doubtinge butt ere this; my desir[e] In formers is Effected To my Content soe shall conclude onely if you have any moneis, upon receipt in yo[u]r hands of Mine you may please to send mee by very first opportunity 1000Wt more of the finest 22 glt. Tow. if noe money, send none, but as yett I have
Mr Marke Mortimer Newcastle 20th May [16]76
I am ordered by Mr: Wm Smith and compa[ny] of Lyme in Dorsetshire To furnish Jno Tucker w[i]th as much money as will purchasse him a loading of Coales and to reimbursse my selfe upon you, Sir I desire upon Receipt you will please to advise whether you will accept my bill upon the same account yea or noe, In doeinge of w[hi]ch you will oblidge MB:
Mr Geo Turfrey ditto [Newcastle 20th May 1676]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 16th present for Answer unto w[hi]ch may rest assured that if Hen: Fairiwater come into this Port I shall find him outt, and will not fayle to furnish him w[i]th as much money as hee will have occasion for to purchase a loadinge of Coales, nott doubting yo[u]r Complyance w[i]th my Bill, for the discharding of the amount of the same; And when you have time to examine my last accou
I recevd yrs of the 20th instant by yr servt who saw molly, who I bless God <impayls> not this last night, had a quiet & sound sleepe & <…> (as my Fryday letter tould you) to the best of my skill if I wrote for any returnes of money (since I last saw you) I was mistaken, for my last (as I remember) eyther did or ought to have tould you I had sum £30 which I thinke makes up 160 besids interst & the other £40 <woould shor> my occasions 20 days later. I
Honoured Father,
I receved yours of the 19 present which transported me with joy that you were pleased to confer so great ann Honour upon mee ass to answer my Letter. I wish that I may merit your love in being your dutyfull daughter: which is my desire; madam Bridgis & Cuzen Blackett came to London onn purpos to have uss goe with them to Ember; and this day & wee retuned all to Ember; in the degree that you are obligeing soe am I troublesum: in putting the trouble upon you for to gi
Honest Man Jon Eadon Newcastle May the 23th 1676
Inclosed is a letter for one Welborne who att present is att Hartlepoole, upon receipt hereof I doe Intreate you to hire a Man to goe and deliver him the same I will pay all Charges And if you gett mee my Bitch I will fill yo[u]r Belley with Socke, the first time I come over pray Slipp noe time, soe feare hee bee gone w[hi]ch if hee bee, lett him that goes Inquer [inquire], where hee is gone to
Mr Welborne ditto [Newcastle 23th May 1676]
If you had a Bitch when you were last att Rotterdam w[hi]ch was Chalenged by Mr Walter Chaytor, butt (neither to trouble you w[i]th readinge, nor my selfe w[i]th writinge many times) without any more to doe I would Councell you to deliver her To the bearer hereof my Bitch I would nott loose for £20:=:=: Shee kept my house, Soe that if the Same be broaken; I doe think if any contraversue betwixt us you may be found liable
Mr Nicho Verlane ditto [Newcastle 23th May 1676]
My last to you was of the 20 present to w[hi]ch refferres you, Since none from you Soe the less to Inlardge upon, but I doe a little wonder that In 20 dayes I have nott heard from you, yett am In hopes you would not fayle, upon receipt of my lett[e]rs to effect the desire of MB:
Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle May the 23th [16]76
My last to you was of the 20th present To w[hi]ch referres you Since none from you soe the less to Inlardge upon, butt I doe a little wonder That In 20 dayes I have nott heard from you yett I am In hopes you would nott fayle upon receipt of my lett[e]rs to Effect the desire of MB:
Sr Ja: Standsfield Newcastle May the 24th 1676
I have so often writt unto you to pay mee what I have beene soe long in disburss for you that I doe blush when I sett penn to paper to putt you in minde w[ha]t you are oweing mee w[hi]ch I thought you might have payd longe ere now w[i]th consideration for the time, or the Course of Exchange, But seeinge you rather ere forgettfull of w[ha]t you are Indebted; I thought good to give you these few times to putt you I
Yesterday myself and Mr Sheldrake went to the Exchequer Office and there we gave the Bond you sent up to the Hands of your Atturney Mr <Natts> with this order, to shew it to the Atturney of the other side that he might take notice that the Bond was brought into Court according to former order. Soe that now they can take noe advantage against you, you having fully performed the same if your Adversary doe at any time (which Mr Natts beleeves he will not) move any new matter the Bond be
Mr Hum: Willett: ditto [Newcastle May 26 th 1676]
I have Rec[ei]v[e]d yo[u]rs dated of the 18th present, And have Answered the needfull thereof this morneinge, Butt one thing I forgott w[hi]ch was to Intreate you to buy mee 20 duzen of Good Glass qu[a]rt Bottles, Marked MB: (If possible) and send mee by the first opportunity; w[hi]ch will very much oblidge. M:B:
Mr Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle May 26th 1676]
My last to you was of the 23th of May 1676 To w[hi]ch refferes you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of this date, w[hi]ch In 2 places doth nott a little trouble mee, firstly you say you have sold p[ie]ce[s] of my Leed. And as moneyes comes In you will remitt itt mee I am certayne you allow yo[u]r selfe <.> p[er] 20 for vys [usance] paym[en]t Soe tis Strange to mee that you receive nott the money upon
Mr Hum: Willet and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle May 26th 1676]
I have heere Inclosed sent you a Bill of £100 w[hi]ch I pray rece[i]v[e]d when done and place the same to the account of yo[u]rs of the 18th requiers but Answer more than hearty thankes for all yo[u]r kindnesses I am MB:
Mr Hurbt Aylwyn Newcastle May 26 : [16]76
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th present for Answer unto w[hi]ch may please to take notice that w[ha]t Mr Brokeinge heares Concerning Mr Clark is a false report for the Lady is in as good health as I was att the present writinge, yo[u]r s[ai]d letter requireinge noe further Answer shall Conclude only before I doe lett me assure you that upon all accounts you shall find mee ready to Serve you and none shall bee mo
Mr Edw: Willett Newcastle May the 27th 1676
My last to you was of the 12 present to which referrs you Since I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 29 ditto for answer to this day I never had one line from Mr Jon Coquemaer about my Pistoles nor have I yett rec[ei]v[e]d them, Soe pray desire Sr Coquemaer to advise either you or mee by whome hee send them, for itt will vex mee to Loase them the 6 hattes and 12 Reames pap[er] I shall expect p[er] first oppertunity; I a
Messieures Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle May 27th 1676]
I writt you 2 lett[e]rs yesterday Morninge to w[hi]ch refferrs you, Since none from you Soe the less to Inlardge upon this sendinge Chiefly for Covert to the Inclosed bill of £100:=:= upon Geo: Gooderidge w[hi]ch pray Rec[ei]v[e]d when due, and place the same to the account of MB:
Mr Nelthorpe ditto [Newcastle May 27th 1676]
Att yo[u]r Leasure bee pleased to send mee my account that soe as oppertunity offers mee may beginn upon a new In doeinge of w[hi]ch you will oblidge MB: