To Messrs Plumb & Brown Newcastle 30th September 1763
G[o]lds[mi]ths Forster Lane London
Sirs/ Inclos’d are two parts of your Account with Sir Walter Blackett, one of wch I have signed & desire, if you find the other is right, that you will sign it & return it to me, who am etc HR
To Mr Geo. Scott at Alnwick Newcastle 11th Octo[be]r 1763
Sir/ Sir Walter Blackett & the other Lords of Winlaton having appointed Mr Widdrington to hold the Courts wch your Father held there for several years will be obliged to you if you can furnish them with any books rolls or papers wch he had relating to those Courts & if you will please to send them by the first opportunity directed for me, I am etc HR
To Mr. Rich[ar]d. Ellis Newcastle 21st Oct 1763
at Hexham
Sir/ As Sir Wr Blackett has appointed Mr Bell to the rec[ie]pt of his rents etc at Hexham, wch you desire to resign; it sho[ul]d be settled to what time you will close your rental & he begin his: wch I think sho]ul]d be at May d[a]y last or Midsummer next; but fix it as you chose. And now that our Correspondence is hereby drawing to an end, my wishes are that you may long enjoy in your re
To Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Newcastle 4th Novr 1763
Grays Inn London
Dear Sir/ Inclosed you receive four Bills; the first is to pay Mr Savage’s ½ yrs Interest due 6th inst. & wch I desire you will place to my Acct. till you can send me a proper Receiept. The 3rd Bill you will also place to my Acct. being all I can at present produce on acct. of the money I rec[iev]ed for you of Mr John Ord. Of the rec[iep]t of these 2 Bills you will please advise
To John Westgarth Esq at Unthank Newcastle 9th Novr. 1763
near Stanhope in Weardale
Sir/ Inclosed I return you the paper you were so good as send me I thank you for it. When you Advertise a public meeting about the division of Stanhope Comon I will write to Mr Marchant Mr C. Hunter to attend it. & will speak to the latter as soon as I see him ab[ou]t your proposal for a Tack of Prydale. I am etc HR
Mt Thos. Maughan Newcastle 24 November 1763
at Newhouse
Sir/ I have rec[iev]ed the 2 parts of an article ab[ou]t Langlyhead Level executed by L[or]d Darlington; wch is a pity they have been so long in transmitting hither: for Sir Walter is gone to London & therefore I shall be obliged to send them up to be executed by him there; wch I shall do by the first opportunity, I am etc HR
To Mr Francis Salkeld Newcastle 29 Novr 1763
at Dukesfield Mill
Sir/ I rec[iev]ed your Lre [Letter], & do not suppose you designed to prejudice the Farm you hold of Sir Thos Blackett; only you must be sensible that what you have done tends to the impovourishing of it, unless both you & Mr Hunter take proper care & look well after the management of your <subtenant>. But the great hazard is that this assignmen
To Mr I Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 29th November 1763
near Hexham
Sir/ As to Mr Salkeld letting so considerable part of his Farm, he has done it entirely of his own accord. Yet as you say he has not let it for any term, that the person who has taken it is a good husbandman & that you think no disadvantage will arise to the Farm by this assignment I am satisfied only desire you will look well after the management of it. Also to h
To Mr William Wilson at Haydon Bridge Newcastle 29th Novr 1763
To be left at Mr Turner’s in Hexham
Sir/ As I remember, I told you at Allenheads that Mr Westgarth thought it right for Sir Walter Blackett to make the trial near Dipton Mill himself & not let her upon Tack, & therefore he had directions to do it as soon as convenient. This is all I can say to the first part of your Lre [Letter]. As to your Enquiry about Stubblock Coll[ie]ry I mus
To Mr Jno [John] Bell at Mr Ellis’s Newcastle 29 November 1763
in Hexham
Sir/ I wrote to Mr Ellis on the 7th June last desiring were he had learned if Mr Downs was still inclined to take Stubblock Coll[ier]y upon the terms he & Mr Ray had offered; But I have not yet heard what he is for doing. As he applied for it Sir Wr Blackett has postponed from time to time giving as ans[we]r to Robt. Allgood’s proposal. As you will probably receive some so
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 29th Novr. 1763
at the Cocoa Tree Pall Mall
Hon[ou]rd Sir/ There were ten Commissioners at the Meeting yesterday at Katy’s; & the Bidders for the tolls & repairs of the road were Mr Charlton & Mr Bell. The former offered £5 a yr less than his present contract; But Mr Bell relying upon I guess Miles Anderson’s assistance, proposed to take them without any abatement. After some
To Mr Richd Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 2nd Decr 1763
Sir/ Inclos’d you recieve the duplicate of your Rental for the yr ending Mayday 1762 wch I have examined & figured. I shall be glad to hear that you recieve it safe & that you are well, I am etc HR
To Mr Robson Newcastle 6th Decr 1763
at Wallington
Sir/ I am very sorry you are so much out of order after the journey but hope soon to hear you are better & to see you here. In the mean time I pity the poor girl that is left, to take care of this large house, alone; & think it is absolutely necessary that one of the maids sho[ul]d come from Wallington by the first opportunity I am etc HR
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 9 Decr 1763
in Half Moon Street Piccadilly
Hon[our]d Sir/ The present high price of coals in London is not owing to any continuance of the coal owners here. Their prices are the same now as in the summer; & the quantity wrought by them & imported into London this year has been as great as usual & wo[ul]d have been greater if the wet summer had not so often made the roads impassi
To Mr John Bell Newcastle 10 December 1763
at Mr Elis’s in Hexham
Sir/ I think it is right to send both Mr Robt. Allgood’s & Mr Wilson’s proposal, for a Lease of Stubblock Colliery, to Sir Wr Blackett; and as soon as I get his answer shall let you know. As to your Bond it must certainly be to Sir Walter Blackett; for he will be intitled to all the Arrears of Rent growing Rents and profits which you are by him appo
To Sir Wr Blackett Bart M.P. Newcastle 13th Decr 1763
in half moon street Piccadilly
Hon[ou]rd Sir/ Inclos’d are two proposals for a lease of Stubblock Coll[ie]ry, wch Mr Downs now declines having anything to do with. Mr Wilson a[s]ks a lease for 12 yrs & Mr Allgood for 21 yrs: as the former offers a higher Rent tho[ug]h for a shorter Term, his proposal is the better for then if the Colliery sho[ul]d prove a good one you may prob
14 December 1763. Advis’d Mr Darwin that I had rec[iev]ed his Lre inclosing Mr Savage’s Reciept
Note: a further copy of this letter was included in the ledger after the letter to Richard Wilson on 16th December
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart M.P. Newcastle 21 Decr 1763
in half moon street Piccadilly
Hon[our]d Sir/ I receive your Lre inclosing your Bond to Mrs Byne; but as I cannot get the money before tomorrow and you will be
To Mr Richd Wilson at Newcastle 16 Decem 1763
Sir/ I have not heard anything from Mr Goulton about the Bond you sent me. I think they are much to blame to trifle away the opportunity they now have of getting the money. The surveyor tells me that the Alterations which <Messrs> Rinks> have made in Hedgeing your estate at Kenton, since the plans were done, render them entirely useless: and that there must be almost a new
21 December 1763, Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart M.P. Newcastle 21 Decr 1763
in half moon street Piccadilly
Hon[our]d Sir/ I receive your Lre inclosing your Bond to Mrs Byne; but as I cannot get the money before tomorrow and you will be gone into Berkshire before my Lre by Fridays post would get to London, it will be safest not to make the remittance till you return to London.
My Bro[the]r will l
To Mr Jno Bell at Newcastle 23rd December 1763
Mr Ellis’s in Hexham
Sir/ Inclosed I return you the draught of your Bond and the Letter of Attorney, with such alterations as appear to me to be proper and as will be agreeable to Sir Walter Blackett. It is unnecessary to insert a power of distraining in the Letter of Attorney because by the statu[t]e every Bailiff Steward or Agent of any Landlord etc has that power given
To Sir Walter Blackett Bart MP Newcastle 31st Decr 1763
in half moon street Piccadilly
Hon[our]d Sir On the 22nd inst. I received the Thousand Pounds for your Bond to Mr Byne, & have charged the same in my Cash Acct; & included are Peareth & Sorsbie’s two Bills, as below, for one thousand pounds: which I desire you will please to advise the receipt of.
Nobody says any thing to me yet about Kenton, or ab[ou]
To Mr Geo Douglas, Plumber in Berwick Newcastle 2nd Janry 1764
I am very sorry you sent me Sterlings bill on Milburne in part of your rent; for I indorsed it to our bankers and now it is not accepted; & therefore will be returned protested, with charges & interest besides discredit – pray let me hear immediately what is proposed to be done by Mr Sterling & you in this matter. I am etc.
H Richmond
To Sir Walter Blackett Beamont M.P. Newcastle 10th January 1764
In Halfmoon Street Picadilly London
Honourable Sir Your part of the partnership Pay bills which I received last Week, amounts to 2764.4.5 ½ ; and as the money for this Pay must be kept ready, to wait Mr. Bacon’s motions, I think it would not be advisable to pay the 600 for the purchase of Mollersteads out of the Residue of your present Cash, Lest these should be a want for nece
To Mr. William Hutchinson Newcastle 14 January 1764
Attorney at Law Bernard Castle
Sir I wish Mr Bowes had desired any Gentleman of the Law to call upon me at first it wo[ul]d have saved much trouble at once have made the matter more intelligible than by Lre. As to the 170 wch you now inquire after, the note of it appears to be Mr Bowes’s own writing but the Receipt is Mr Maughans writing who is Grove Stewa
To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcastle 14th January 1764
In Grays Inn London
Sir I received your Lre of the inst inclosing me a London Bank bill for fifteen pounds ; wch I have placed to your credit in the accts. between us I have therein made you d[eb]tor for the fourteen pounds fourteen shillings & four pence w[hi]ch I this day paid to Isable Richardson for the Balance of the Acct of her sons wages on Board the Ar