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Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 27 May 1676

Mr Nicho: Verlane Newcastle May the 27th : [16]76 Sir My last to you was of the 23th of May 76 to w[hi]ch referres you Since have yo[u]rs of the 29 present w[i]th 2 Bills of £190 for w[hi]ch have Credited yo[u]r Account Currant £2126:13:8d In Conformity w[i]th you I am Certaine John Huntington was w[i]th you but not noe more of that Leed £11:10s p[er] fod[der] Coales 7s p[er] Chalder; Rye 3s3d p[er] Bushell Malt 2s3d barley 2s2d Oats 15d wt Pease 3s6d beanes 2

Letter – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 29 May 1676

Wanlockhead May 29th 1676 Received then by me John Curtise from Sr James Standsfield to accompt of what is due to the Workmen att this place the sume of Twenty six pounds ster. with Twenty two pounds in cash presently paid and foure pounds formerly rect by order of the said Sr James from Capt Alisone, which he is to make good to him for the which sume I promised & oblige mee & <mene> to hold accompt for the said Sr James or Mr William Blackett. Towards payment of what is

Account – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 29 May 1676

An Account of the Carrying Charges from the first of Aprill till the 27th of May 1676 £ s d James Mecall 45 horse of wood at 5.5d per horse 01-00-02.5 John Markmoran 36 horse of wood from the barr 01-00-00 at half Mark per horse John Mechanrick 13 Load of wood from the barr at ditto 00-07-02.5 Gilbert Mecall 21 load of wood at 5.5d per horse 00-09-07.5 Andrew Clark 33 horse of wood at ditto

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 2 Jun 1676

Newcastle: June: the: 2d: 1676 Mr Peacock This att present are to aquaint you that I have per Thomas: Shafto M[aste]r of the Batchelors Love of Newcastle ship you 13 dozen skin which makes in all 22÷ doz and Likewise I have per him sent your accoumpt of what have be[e]n disbursed For Carseys and skins since the First. Mr Rudd desires to know if you be willing to contenue in giving him his price For skins that is 12s per doz small and 14s doz Large and he will take care to furnish you

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 3 Jun 1676

Mr Ja: Cooke Newcastle June the 3th 1676 Sir These are to give you thankes for yo[u]r kinde p[ro]ferr of yo[u]r Bills w[hi]ch I thought might have beene so jofull to to mee; but heere is Bills of my owne come from Amsterdam; to Serve my needfull occasions, Soe that att present I have noe want of any w[i]th my kinde respectes to you I remayne M:B:

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 3 Jun 1676

Mr Lamb Newcastle June the 3d: [16]76 Sir In the first place I hope you are both well, secondly I thought to have beene w[i]th you ere this, but a journey to york hath prevented mee And I am for the West shortly, that and other business putts mee soe to itt that I can nott possibly bee w[i]th you till Munday come three weeks the 26th present; w[hi]ch will be the 2d fortnight day after <guate> Munday, Soe pray tell all they <Tenna.s> [Tennants], that upon the day the

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Mayes – 6 Jun 1676

Mr Nicho: Mayes ditto [Newcastle June 6th 1676] Sir I have before me yo[u]rs of the 26th past; w[hi]ch I could nott answer sooner; you shall allwayes find mee ready to serve you In what I may bee able to doe for you In this place but I can nott councell you att present to send any sortt of grayne heere price (vizt) Rye 3s2d wheate 3s6d Oates 14d beanes 2s2d beanes and pease mixt 2s3d Malt 2s4d Bigge and Barley within a penney of the same Rate Leed £11 p[er] fodd[er]: Coales

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 6 Jun 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle June 6th 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 26th of May last past To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Recvd yours of the 1 mo and 2d present In your former have the Invoyce of the 1000C Tow w[hi]ch have booked In conformity w[i]th you, But I never see fine Tow soe done up in all my life how ever by Jno Vaughan send mee another 1000C by whome you will receive 3 or 400 p[ie]ces of Leed upon my account w[hi]ch after arrivall bee pleased to receiv

Letter – Michael Blackett to Mark Mortimer – 6 Jun 1676

Mr Mark Mortimer ditto [Newcastle June 6th 1676] Sir I have before me yo[u]rs of the 24th past by w[hi]ch p[er]ceive you missunderstand mee In myne of the 20th ditto for I have p[er]used my Coppe Book of Lett[e]rs and doe nott find that I advise you of Mr Tuckers beinge heere; <oneley> this I had order to furnish him w[i]th money w[he]n hee arrived and to reimbursse my self upon you; Soe desired to know whether you would accept my Bill upon the same account yea or nae hee

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Mattson – 6 Jun 1676

Mr Jno Mattson Newcastle June the 6th 1676 Sir I have nott writt you this longe time for want of occasion this is cheifely to desire you as to p[ro]cure acceptance of the Inclosed Bill and lett him write underneath in what house in London I may repayre unto for paym[en]t thereof And after returne the Bill unto Meseurs Hum: Willett & Compa[ny] of London In doeinge of w[hi]ch you will very much oblidge me; who upon all accounts you shall finde willing To Serve you in what I m

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 6 Jun 1676

Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ne[w]castle June the 6th 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 25th 30th past and first present w[hi]ch I shall now god willinge answer att large; I doe nott question but my Bill of £340 will be punctually complyed w[i]th all; allthough itt bee upon a greate Man; yett I heare hee is as punctuall in his business as any Merchant what soever; I doe heartily thanke you for yo[u]r care, that you will take about my bottles you see I make bold w[i]t

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 8 Jun 1676

Cousen Wm ditto [Newcastle June 8th 1676] My cousen Rumney goeinge Soe Suddenly away desired mee to Answer yo[u]rs of the 5th present as followoth; In the first place hee takes notice w[ha]t you write Greyston to w[hi]ch hee sayth that hee hath allowed himselfe the money Soe you and hee may Reckon as you please and when my Cousen comes home hee will reckon w[i]th you both att pleasure and as to w[ha]t you write about the bonds of £50:=:= hee will say nothinge to itt untill hee c

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 8 Jun 1676

Ma[ste]r Walter Chaytor Newcastle June the 8th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 6th present To w[hi]ch referres you Since none of yo[u]rs Soe the less to Inlardge upon this beinge cheifely to acompany the bearer hereof Mr Jno Va[u]ghan In whome I have Laden and consigned unto you 350 p[ie]ces Leed w[hi]ch after good arrival be pleased to receive and dispose thereof accordinge to my Order above payinge the Ma[ste]r 8½ Sts [Stuyvers] p[er] p[iec]es freight without either

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 9 Jun 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle June the 9th 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 8th present w[hi]ch I writt you yesterday by Jno Vahan [Vaughan], Since none of yo[u]rs, Soe this serves Cheifely to confirme which is above written and therefore have no more att present to Inlardge upon, then only to buy and send mee by s[ai]d Vahan [Vaughan] 10 bolts of the best Hollands Docke for mayne Saile, fore Saile, Missen [mizzen] and Sprissell [spritsail] and 5 bolts of Small Hollands D

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 10 Jun 1676

Mr Geo Moorecroftt Newcastle June the 10th 1676 Sir I have Rec[eive]d yours of the 7th present concerneinge Huntington w[hi]ch pleased mee very well and returne you my thankes for yo[u]r care and payme[nt]s In the same I take notice of what you write concerneinge Speareman referres the businesse to my uncle Eadon [Note 1.] and yo[u]r selfe <wha.y> [whereby] Soe whatsoever you doe therein shall be to my Satisfaction butt w[ha]t passes till itt bee att yo[u]r leasure Impa

Letter – Ralph Grey to Stephen Jackson – 10 Jun 1676

ditto Mr Steph Jackson I recd a letter from Mr Geo: Johnson dated Hambrough the 28 of May in which he gives me acct that he hath remitted into your hands £200 & next day but remitted the Ballance, bestow 2 lines of me to lett me know what usance & how your Exchange rules in soe doing you will ingage R: G my respects to Mr Juson when he arrives at your port

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Partis – 10 Jun 1676

ditto 10 Mr Partis Yours of the 6 curent recd with an acct of your arrival in Brothers Letter to dover,& now your own to London, I perceive you intend to <unliver> you find you find [sic] the markett at London much Better than the Merchnts here you write not the price as it now rules, the last I had from holland was 7 Stivers, if the leaf be large & good my advice to you is to goe over, if you intend to buy a ship you may safe 1/3 part & be as good for your Trade if y

Letter – James Standsfield to William Blackett – 10 Jun 1676

Sirs I <recd> yours from Wanlockhead and by it am still the more surprised by the unreasonable method of proceeding in that affaire of the Mynes there. You cannott but acknowledge in justice & equity that I am onely concernd for Mr [Lindsay] and quarter for my selfe, and if <you refuse ….> I can evidence itt by sevrall of yr lres by wch you sollicited me to gett Mr Vermoden out, that you might have a halfe otherwise said you would not <continue> at soe small a par

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 10 Jun 1676

Sr James Standsfield Our last was of the 20th past to wch refferr you. Since none from you These are to Advise Our Bills on you for £41-15-2 payble David Congnard at 8d wch let receive due honour & place it to Our accot - We hope since our last you have heard from Mr Vermuyden for As we know not how to direct a Lettr to him He travelling from place to place but hope per next to advise mee thereof For my Br. Jno. Lindsay & Compo. Peirse Reeves [outer leaf:]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 13 Jun 1676

Mr Hum: Willett And Compa[ny] Newcastle June 13th :[16]76 Sirs I have heere Inclosed sent you a Bill of Seaventy pounds of w[hi]ch I pray p[ro]cure the needfull; noe more at present but that I am MB:

Account – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 15 Jun 1676

Taken Jorney for Wanloch Head from Newcastle, May the 26th 1676 Pr expend' as fol £- s- d 27th At fallowfield in the morning 00-04-00 at branton for man & hors 00-00-06 28th at allison's bank alnight man and hors 00-15-06 ferreing at annan 00-01-06 29th at morn pd at the bank end for man and hors al

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 15 Jun 1676

London June 15th 1676 These lines are written before the Gazet is abroad if this be defective let the Gazet Supply it, but thus runs the discourse in Westminster Hall and the Exchange, that the King of France’s Flett have Sheerness & the Dutch Fleet in the Port of Palermo in Italy & soe have revenged our quarrel against the Dutch for Sheernes <..> us but yet wee are Sorry that the French got the advantage: for if hee got Cicily our Turky Merchants may bid a

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Partis – 16 Jun 1676

Newcastle June the 16th 1676 Mr Partis My last was of the 10 currant wherein my advice for you was to goe either to Amsterdam or Rotterdam if you goe not yourself pray send mine if to Amsterdam to Mr Wm Peacoke Junior Merchant his correspondant in London is Mr James Pickering & Mr Rionell Robinson who will assist you in shipping, for Rotterdam consign it to Mr Joseph Pannell it is now worth 7 Stivers & w[ill] save 1 ½ per[cen]t Custome I am sory of your great damage as to that

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 17 Jun 1676

Sr, I received your large letter which I leave Mr Sheldrake to Answer who likewise writes this letter for mee. Who although he formerly gave you an Account what the Capp of maintenance came to does now give you another Account of the same as alsoe the disbursements in your owne concernes but he must hereafter Add some further disbursements because wee have had a Motion in Court as to your busenesse to prevent Cary dismissing his owne bill and at the next Seale wee must defend the same Motion w

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 17 Jun 1676

Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle June 17th : [16]76 Sir My last to you was of the 8th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 12th present; I hope the second thousand Harlem Tow will nott bee of the same sort as formerly you have sent; I meane nott soe done upp In Bagges; w[hi]ch if itt bee; if this come In time I desire you to dispose thereof upon the best tearmes you can and if any loss I will bee willinge to doe itt you good; butt if In Mattes as
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467