To Mr John Bell at Mr Elis’s in Wallington 7 May 1765
Sir I am now here receiving Rents, and have just now got a Letter from Sir Walter dated the 4 inst[an]t in which he says “if £20 are not bid for the Tolls of Marketts and Fairs I do think it would be right to appoint an honest diligent person to collect them; nor do I think it would be at all improper, even without trying to let them, to try what they do amount to; if an honest person ca
To Mr John Bell at Hexham Newcastle 10 May 1765
Sir As you say you have met with a person that may be trusted to collect the Tolls of the Fairs & markets for a year, for £10 & to be at all incidental expence of collecting them out of that sum; & to pay you the whole amount of the Tolls without any deduction. I think you must employ him & that in so doing you will act according to Sir W[alte]rs intentions, as contained in the
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newcas[tle] 10th May 1765
Foster Lane London
Sirs I have this day sent you by Matthew Lee the London Carrier a piece of fine silver weighing Four hundred & twelve ounces: which I desire you will place to acco[un]t as usual with Sir Walter Blackett at the Markett price and advise me on the receipt thereof. I am etc Hen Richmond.
To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t MP in Newcas[tle] 10th May 1765
Half Moon Street Piccadilly London
Hon[ou]rd Sir I shall send Mr Darwin a bill for £400 in a few posts, to be placed to your account, as you ordered: and shall at the same time send him one for £300 on acco[un]t of the quarterly payments.
I have been at Wallington this week receiving the rents; but had a very poor receipt, and the arrears are still increasing.
The Mr Isaacson that applie
To Richard Wilson Esq[ui]r[e]e Newcas[tle] 11 May 1765
In Leeds Yorkshire
Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & o[th]ers bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax for two hundred ans seventy eight pounds nine shillings & ten pence for the balance of the inclosed acco[un]t of your rents to Martin[ma]s last. I desire you will favour me with advise of your receipt of the Bill by the return of the post and that you will sign and return me the inclosed duplicate of the
To Mr John Fenwick in Roberts’s Place Newcastle 12th May 1765
Sir Inclosed herewith you receive Jona[tho]n Sorsbie Jun[io]rs bill on Robert Sorsbie for One hundred and forty nine pounds twelve shillings and sixpence payable at 40 days from 22nd of last month; which with the bill for one hundred and eighty six pounds that you have drawn upon me to Mr Hall & which I have accepted makes up the value of your two receipts. I desire you will by the return of t
To Mr Thomas Ornsby Newcas[tle] 13 May 1765
In Sunderland
Sir Sir Walter Blackett received your Letter of the 3rd inst[an]t and in answer to it has ordered me to send you Ten Guiness; which I shall give to Mr Alderman Peareth, who will bring it to Sunderland on Wednesday knight and says you will find him at Michael Harrisons, the innkeeper, I am etc Hen Richmond
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 14th May 1765
Sir Since I sealed my other Letter I have received yours of the 11th inclosing one Mr Sam[ue]l Savage’s receipt for Four hundred and ninety five pounds for the half Year’s int[e]r[es]t due the 6th inst[an]t on Sir W[alte]r Blacketts Mortgage to the late Mr Cha[rle]s Savage and have given your acco[un]t credit for the same. P.S. I have also received the Agreement about the £1800
To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcastle 14th May 1765
Greys Inn London
Sir Inclosed are two bills, as above; the former, for Four hundred pounds, I send you by Sir Walter Blackett’s directions; to be placed to his Account and applied as he shall order: and you will advise me of it accordingly. The other bill, for three hundred pounds, is on acco[un]t of the quarterly payments between 1st April and 1st July; and I desire you will send me the usual receipt for It
To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcas[tle] 23rd May 1765
Grays Inn London
Sir Inclosed herewith you receive Bell Cookson Cos bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax for to hundred and ninety five Pounds payable at 30 days from 15th instant which I send you on acco[un]t of the quarterly payments you are to make for Sir W[alte]r Blackett in London between 31 Dec[embe]r last and 31 March next. I desire you will place the same to your acco[un]t with him and send me t
To Mr William Rutter in Newcas[tle] 23rd May 1765
Sir Inclosed I send you the Acco[un]t of Mr Forsters proportion of the Rents etc for Weardale Mines for the last Year: and also a general Acco[un]t of what he owes Sir W[alte]r Blackett in the whole for these rents etc; to wit £300.12s.11d. You did promise me on the 26 March last that you would pay the Years 1762 and 1763 in a fortnights time at the most; so I hope it cannot be
To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Newcas[tle] 2 June 1765
Sir I think it would be right to fetch as much of the Rookhope refineable Lead to Dukesfield Mill as with what you now have and can get from Allanheads Mill will make so much as to keep your refining House employed till this time 12 months- for this purpose I reckon 2000 p[iece]s from Rookhope will be sufficient: for your 2 furnaces will not refine more than 4000 p[iece]s
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcastle 4th June 1765
Sir I must now beg you let me have your Rental with all expedition; in which you may charge the £42.2s.7 ¼ d which Mr Ellis took credit for in his Rental, as the Arrears of fee farm Rents in his time; and which Sir W[alte]r Blackett has now agreed to allow him. As to the Balance of £252.4s.6 ¾ d due by his last Rental, Sir Walter has ordered One hundred pounds to be allowed Mr
To Mr William Dalton at Blaydon Newcas[tle] 4 June 1765
Sir I would have you now make Lithage as fast as you can; for the quantity of refined Lead which I had sold is now completed; and I find we shall have orders for Litharge by and by. I desire you will let Peareth and Sorsbie have nine hundred p[iece]s of RWBL [possibly RW3L] Lead in part of the 3000 p[iece]s which I have given them a Tickett for. it being intended so when the bargain was made but was forgot
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 5th June 1765
Sir I have received of Mr Greenwell the three pounds nine shillings and four pence for Roger Crosby’s out rent according to his receipt which you sent me and have placed the same to your credit. Dr Brown, Vicar of Newcastle, lays claim to the petty tithes of West Kenton which belongs to Lawyer Wilson of Leeds; who apprehends that the modus of 13s.4d which is paid by Sir Walter Blackett to th
To Mr Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas[tle] 10 June 1765
Sir I have acquainted Mr Hunter who is now with me, of Sir W[alte]r Blacketts desire of having a view made this month of Allanheads Grove and also of Wolfcleugh and Hackford; and he thinks that the 24 instant will be a convenient time to them: but any day within this month will do, and he has promised to let you and Mr Maughan know certainly at the time he sends you this Letter if he finds any
To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Newcas[tle 15th June 1765
Sir Yesterday Mr Isaac Thompson shewed me a Letter from Sam[ue]l Swalwell acquainting him of the notice you had given him that you would set on the Lead carriage and come along the road from Edmondbiers to Blaydon without paying him any acknowledgement and I see he (that is Swalwell) is endeavouring to stir up Lord Northumberland to defend the road to be a private one: But Mr Thompso
To Richard Wilson Esq. in Newcas[tle] 17th June 1765
Sir I acquainted Sir Walter Blackett that you desired he would, at your expence, let his writings be looked into by his own council; to see whether the modus of 13s.4d paid for East Kenton small Tithes will cover West Kenton; He readily agreed to it, and ordered me to write to Mr Darwin of Grays Inn accordingly, (the writings being in London) and on the other side you have a copy of the answer I recei
Mr John Bell at Hexham Newcas[tle] 21 June 1765
Sir Sir Walter tells me he has given Sir Lanc[elo]t Allgood an order in writing directed to Mr I. Hunter to cut peats on the moors near Blackhall Mill for smelting some Lead ore that he has there; But now doubting that there may be some impropriety in such an order he bids me advise with you; for if it should be wrong he will get it back again from Sir Lanc[elo]t Imediatily.
I spoke to Sir Wa
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newcas[tle] 22nd June 1765
Foster Lane London
Gentlemen I sent you yesterday by William Laycock the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver weighing four hundred and sixty five ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the market price and advise me on your receipt thereof. I am etc HR
To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Newcas[tle] 25th June 1765
Sir I desire you will let me know if you can how many Bings of S[i]r Lanc[elo]t Allgood’s ore go to a fother of Lead for he wants Sir Walter to buy it, or to smelt it for him; and as Sir Walter does not chuse the latter he would offer S[i]r Lanc[elo]t as good a price as the quality of the ore & other considerations will allow him to give for it; therefore let me have an answer by Fr
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 26th June 1765
Sir To what I wrote you in my Letter of the 16th April last about the conveyance of Mollarsteads to the Governours of Queen Ann’s bounty on their paying Sir Walter Blackett £1000. I have now to add, by his directions, that he did on the 21st instant execute a deed of Gift of £200 for the augmentation of Ninebanks Chapel and another of £200 for the augmentation of Hexham curacy; which two sums ar
To Mr Isaac Hunter J[unio]r at Dukesfield Newcas[tle] 30 June 1765
Sir I desire you will send me a computation what you think S[i]r W[alte]r ought to ask S[i]r Lan[celot] Allgood a fother for smelting his Lead ore at Dukesfield Mill & you will take into consideration whe[the]r ashis ore is so difficult in fluxing it will not take both more workmans[hi]p & fuel than S[i]r W[alte]rs own ore; & let me have all the particulars of the charge & add
To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas[tle] 2nd July 1765
Sir I have shewn Sir W[alte]r Blackett the Report of the state of Allanheads Hackford & Coalcleugh with the joint opinions of the several Stewards concerning what is proper to be done towards carrying on these Groves effectually: wch report is dated the 26th ult[im]o. Sir Walter approves of what is therein proposed to be done & orders that it be executed without loss of time. I am etc
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t MP at Morpeth Newcastle 4 July 1765
Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Hunter writes me that the smelting 500 Bings of S[i]r Lan[celot] Allgoods Ore at Dukesfield Mill will stop your business there for two months. He says further that there is not a bing stead but what has ore in it & that the Refining house which is now building there has left no room for Laying this ore & the slags of it distinct from your own, so that I do not see how it is