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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Nov 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newcas[tle] 24th Nov[embe]r 1765 Hon[ou]rd Sir When you are at Hexham Mr Bell will bring you the dra[f]t of a bill for £1000 upon the Gov[erno]rs of Qu[een] Anns bounty, which you will please to sign before Mr Brown of Whitley: who is to witness it and then it is to be sent to Mr Darwin. I think it is a pity that there should be a practice of applying to the Justices of th

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 29 Nov 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcas[tle] 29th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir I have just received your Letter inclosing me the draught, which is signed very properly; and I shall give it to Sir Walter or take his directions about it when he comes hither. If I do not hear any thing to the contrary by Sundays post I shall send Sir W[alte]rs Letters directed to him at Hexham Abbey, by that post boy. So if S[i

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 29 Nov 1765

To Mr Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law In Durham Newcas[tle] 29th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir Inclosed I send you a copy of the plan which as I think my Father got from some on the other side of Wolsingham disputed Ground: And also a copy of the Bounder Roll of the parishes of Stanhope & Wolsingham as riden in 1737. As to the papers that I have relating to this dispute you had copies of them sent you on the 18 Dec[embe

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Brown – 30 Nov 1765

To Mr John Brown at Kirkharle Newcastle 30 Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir Sir W[alte]r Blackett having wrote me about getting Henry Hind of Bearl who in you applied for into the Lunatic hospital. I have spoke to Dr Hall about him; who says that the blanks in the inclosed petition must be filled up & then it must be signed by the Church w[ar]dens & overseers of the parish of Bywel St Andrews. And if after that it is sent to me I shall give it in to the

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 2 Dec 1765

To Mr John Fenwick in Robert’s Place York Newcas[tle] 2nd Decem[be]r 1765 Sir Inclosed you receive Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Vere Glyn and Hallifax for Twenty Eight pounds ten shillings, which as it is at so short a date as 20 days I must beg you will advise the receipt of by the return of the post, or else I shall apprehend that it is not come safe to your hand. And in your Letter of Advice I desire you will mention that it is for the ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Brown – 4 Dec 1765

To Mr John Brown at Kirkharle Newcas[tle] 4th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir The petition to the committee of the Lunatic Hospital for the admission of Henry Hind was presented this morning and there being a vacancy an order is made for his reception so that you will please to order him to be brought to the Hospital which is in Gallowgate, as soon as convenient, the sooner the better; where he will be taken in without further trouble to anybody; directi

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 4 Dec 1765

To Mr Darwin in Grays Inn London Newcas[tle] 4th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir I have yours of the 30 ult[ last month] inclosing me Mr Savages receipt for four hundred & ninety five pounds for the half years int[e]rest due on his late Brothers mortgage on Wallington the 6th ult [last month] and have given your Acco[un]t credit for the same. I have sent you by the Fly coach, which sets out for London tomorrow, the deeds o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Chester – 8 Dec 1765

To Mr Chester at the Rolls Coffee House Chancery Lane London Newcastle 8 Decemb[er] 1765 Sir Pursuant to the instructions, wch came along with the deeds for the purchase of Mollersteads, I am to acquaint you of their being now executed & sent to Mr Darwin of Greys inn: who will wait upon you with them. Sir W[alte]r Blackett has drawn a bill on S[i]r Jeffrey Elwes for the considera[tio]n money, & made the same payable to

Letter – Henry Richmond to Jeffrey Elwes – 8 Dec 1765

To Sir Jeffrey Elwes, Treasurer to the Gov[erno]rs of Queen Anns Bounty at Messrs Fuller & Cope’s Bankers <Bercken> Lane London Newcas[tle] 8 Dec[embe]r 1765 Sir On the 12 Oct[obe]r last I drew a bill for £1000 payable to Mr W[ilia]m Alvey Darwin or order: being the consideration money to be paid me by the Governors for the purchase of Mollersteads Estate, to augment the curacy of Whitley & being the same sum for

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Robinson – 9 Dec 1765

To Mr Robert Robinson Attorney at Law in Durham Newcas[tle] 9th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir Not knowing that you were concerned for the master of Sherburn Hospital, I wrote soon after the death of S[i]r Cha[rle]s Howard to Mr Chr[istopher]Johnson, to apply for a Renewal of Redburn Lease; as he had transacted the last Renewal with Dr Gregory and the 9th Octo[be]r I sent him the certificates of the Lives in being, a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Gawen Aynsley – 10 Dec 1765

To Gawin Aynsley Esq[uir]e At Littleharle Newcas[tle] 10th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir The Trustees of the Ponteland turnpike road having at a meeting held this day, impowered me to pay off the sum of one hundred pounds of the money borrowed upon the Tolls of that road. I therefore desire to know if it is agreeable to you to take in the money due to you, and if so, the sooner it is done the better, as I have enough in my hands to

Letter – Andrew Adamson to Thomas Jones – 12 Dec 1765

Fallowfield Leadmine, 12th Decr. 1765 Friend Thomas, The Barr lead I have sent you by the following Persons are as followes Viz William Smith & Forster 2400 John Walton 425 William Cant 199 John Soppit 170 John Charlton 115 Mathw. Robson 160 Nichs. Scott 90 3559 As I have been disapointed in coming down Pray be so good as deliver the inclos’d, b

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 13 Dec 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcastle 13 Decem[be]r 1765 Sir Sir Lanc[elo]t Allgood wants to have a Lease of the Coach house or stable, I do not know whether it is, that is built against the old Tower formerly called the Goal in Hexham and S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett agrees to it and he is to have it for 21 years at 12d a year. So I desire you will let me have such a description of it that it may be known at the End of the term. Sir Walter bids me tell you

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 13 Dec 1765

To Richard Wilson Esq[uir]e in Leeds Yorkshire Newcas[tle] 13th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir If you should have any inclination for East Kenton upon the terms mentioned in my last, Sir W[alte]r Blackett will not be in haste for the money for a year or two hence will answer his purpose very well. You paying int[e]rest from the time you enter to the rents, at 4 p[er]cent[iu]m. As to the enquiry what advance I think the Lands are capable

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 14 Dec 1765

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas[tle] 14th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir I have your Letter acquainting me that the Bishop of Durham’s Secretary, Mr Hodgson, has mentioned to you that there is a great part of Wolsingham Comon likely to be lost upon the present Division of it under the Act of Parliament thro[ugh] the indifference of the owners of the herbage, who think this part of no value to them; but wch if given up will be a considerable contraction o

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Westgarth – 17 Dec 1765

To Mr. Will[ia]m Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcastle 17th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir The hospital for Lunatics in this Town is by an order lately made confined to such persons as are poor, and chargeable upon the parishes wherein they live: and even for these it is required that the Churchwardens & overseers of such parishes shall engage to pay about five shillings a week as I am informed, towards the maintenance of suc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Gawen Aynsley – 24 Dec 1765

To Gawin Aynsley Esq. Littleharle Newcas[tle] 24 Decem[be]r 1765 Sir I received the favour of your Letter and inclosed is an account of the int[e]rest due to you from the Trustees of the Ponteland Turnpike road: the receipt at the bottom of which you will please to sign and to take the trouble of indorsing and signing a receipt for the hundred pounds upon the Assignment to you of the Tolls of the said road accord

Letter – Thomas Jones to John Armstrong – 2 Jan 1766

By the Hand of John Armstrong. Matfen January 2nd 1766 Received of the Owners of Fallowfield Lead mine the Sum of Thirteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings on Account of Wherry hire from Newburn to Newcastle of Lead, I say Reced. As above £13:13s: 0d For mee – Thos. <I>ons to 3559 peices of Lead at 1d p piece - £14:16:7 [in a different hand:] The above is to & with 12th. Decr 1765 as p[er] Mr Adamsons Acct

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 3 Jan 1766

To Messrs Plumb & Brown Goldsmiths in Fosters Lane London Newcas[tle] 3rd Jan[ua]ry 1766 Gent[leme]n I have this day sent you a piece of fine Silver containing four hundred and seventy three ounces: which I desire you will place to acco[un]t with S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t as usual at the market price and advise me of the receipt of it. I wish you many happy years and am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 7 Jan 1766

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas[tle] 7th Jan[ua]ry 1766 Sir I have rece[iev]ed the two pieces of Silver by Rt. Little the weight of the larger is 4453 oz and the other 2772oz. Both sorts of Lead have yielded very well in Silver but the waste in reducing the Coalcleugh Lead is very great. You’l see it is a twelvth part whereas Hackford is little more than a fourteenth, pray how can this be accounted for ? How the account stands of delivery

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 14 Jan 1766

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Yorkshire Newcastle 14th Jan[ua]ry 1766 Sir Inclosed is Jos Kings bill on Henton Brown and son for two hundred and seventy Eight pounds nineteen shillings & sixpence for the balance of your acco[un]t of West Kenton rents to Mayday last which is also here inclosed along with Miss Headlam’s receipt for her int[e]rest. I desire you will advise the receipt of the Bill by the return of p

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 14 Jan 1766

To Mr William Robson at Wallington Newcas[tle] 14th 1766 Sir I desire you will look over the inclosed copy of a draught which was left with me by Isaac Thompson for confirming as he calls it the division of Ingo Moor, made about 70 years ago: and when we meet, which I suppose will be before Sir W[alte]r goes for London, we will talk the matter over. In the mean time you may be recollecting whether Ingo Colliery is in any part of it wrought in the old In

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Jan 1766

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas[tle] 17th Jan[ua]ry 1765[6] Sir I have your’s of the 12th inst[an]t enquiring after the deeds you sent to Mr Johnson: which I got from him after many applications, only the last week: and which I proposed sending you by Sir Walter when he comes to Town and that will be very soon. P.S. Mr Johnson says he hopes to obtain the Order very soon. I am etc H R

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 17 Jan 1766

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths In Foster Lane London Newcas[tle] 17th Jan[ua]ry 1766 Gentlemen On Fryday last, the 10th instant, I sent you by David Jackson the London Carrier a box containing two pieces of silver, weight as below; which I desire you will place to Account with S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett as usual at the market price, and advise me of the receipt of them. I am etc 445½ oz at

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Ornsby – 18 Jan 1766

To Mr Thomas Ornsby in Sunderland Newcas[tle] 18th Jan[ua]ry 1765[6] Sir I have acquainted Sir W[alte]r Blackett that you had sent to repay the Ten guineas you gave me your receipt for on the 23rd May last: but he orders me to return you that receipt which is here inclosed, and begs you will accept of it without saying or thinking any more about the payment. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467