To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s
in Hexham Newcas[tle] 23rd Sept[embe]r 1766
Sir Inclosed herewith are the Ingrossments of the articles of agreement between Rob[er]t Robson and Sir W[alte]r Blackett about his stall in the market place in Hexham; both parts of which are executed by Sir Walter, and when Robson has executed you may return one of them to me. Inclosed also is a note of the lead got by Thos. Lee.
To The Rev[eren]d Dr Sharp at Bambrough Castle Newcas[tle] 25th Septem[be]r 1766
Sir Above is a copy of the Newcastle Bank bill, which I sent by Post on the 20th instant, directed to you at Hartburn near Morpeth; whether you desired me to direct your Letter. As I have not had any advice of your receiving this bill, I am apprehensive it may have miscarried; and the more so, as it is payable at so short a date: at your particular desire. I beg to hear from you by the return of the po
To Messrs Plumb & Browne
Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newcas[tle] 3rd Octo[be]r 1766
Gentlemen I have this day sent you by Fryer Todd the London carrier a piece of fine silver containing five hundred & sixty nine ounces; which I desire you will place to acco[un]t with S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett, as usual at the market price; and advise me on your receipt of it.
I thank you for your Information about the maker of boneashes & am etc
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s
in Hexham Newcas[tle] 7th Octo[be]r 1766
Sir Sir Walter desires to know how and by whom the Duty is done at Bingfield, at present. Mr Rumney wants to have the doing it after Mr Leeke comes, but Sir Walter thinks Mr Harrison had some directions about it. You will let me have an answer by return of the post, how it was settled.
By Dr Sharp’s directions I am to send you by the
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas[tle] 10 Octo[be]r 1766
Sir I have received by the Hexham carrier a box containing two pieces of silver from your refinery; one of them weighs four hundred and forty two ounces and the other three hundred & eighty one ounces. I am very sorry you have not been able to get the Allanheads Lead away this year, if other people were advancing their prices we should have done so too if I had known it. Pray what is Mr
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths
Foster Lane London Newcas[tle] 11 Octo[be]r 1766
Gentlemen Yesterday I sent you by William Laycock the London carrier a box containing two pieces of fine silver weight as below; which I desire you will place to acco[un]t with Sir W[alte]r Blackett and advise me on your receipt of them.
I have this day drawn a bill upon you for one hundred & thirty pounds, payable to Mr William Alvey
To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t at
Wallington Newcas[tle] 28 Octo[be]r 1766
Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Blackett says he has to write you today about the meeting next Monday; being the first in the month; and also that Mr Smeaton will be in town on that day & that he will send you at the same time Mr Holme’s Letter.
Miss Ilderton expressed herself much obliged to you for your offer of the tithes; and as she expects
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t at
Wallington Newcas[tle] 30 Octo[be]r 1766
Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Robert Ilderton of Westoe called upon me this morning about the tithes of Roseden & Flinthill- he agrees to give the £336 for them and thinks himself obliged to you for the offer of them to his sister- he will take them liable to Snowdens Lease and will pay the money as soon as the conveyance can be got done.
Bowlt u
To Mr Dan[ie]l Alder at Mountain
Near Alnwick Newcas[tle] 31 Octo[be]r 1766
Sir Inclosed I send you the acco[un]t of Mr Bacon Forsters proportion of Weardale rents, compositions for the last four years and hope it will be convenient to pay the amount of it soon, as Sir W[alte]r Blackett has occasion for money.
The Bishop and Rector are always very punctual in their calls upon Sir W[alte]r for these rents & compositio
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas[tle] 31 Octo[be]r 1766
Sir Inclosed I send you three bills for fourteen hundred & forty five pounds, as above; the £495 bill is to pay Mr Savage’s int[e]r[es]t due 6th of next month & in the mean time to be placed to my acco[un]t and advised of accordingly. The £450 bill is on acco[un]t of the quar[ter]ly payments you are to make for Sir W[alte]r Blackett to 31st Dec[embe]r next; & you will please to place it
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn
London Newcas[tle] 2nd Nov[embe]r 1766
Sir Inclosed under this and another cover I send you the draught of the conveyance of Standilane Tithes from Sir W[alte]r Blackett to Mr Selby as settled by Mr Thomas Davison, which Sir Walter desires you will peruse and return as soon as you can that we may get this matter settled if possible before Sir walter sets out for London. Any remarks or alterati
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn
London Newcas[tle] 7 Nov[embe]r 1766
Sir I have received your Letter inclosing me a receipt for one hundred and forty pounds for Viner and Glovers half years int[e]r[es]t due from Sir W[alte]r Blackett the 27 Septem[be]r last, & have given you credit for the same in your account with me.
I shall insert the advertisement for the sale of Woodcroft and the farm at Fenwick in our newspap
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn
London Newcas[tle] 12th Nov[embe]r 1766
Sir I have received your Letter inclosing me Mr Freemans receipt; as Ex[ecu]tor to Mrs Sambroke, for one hundred & forty pounds for the half years int[e]r[es]t due 27 Septem[be]r last of her mortgage on Kenton and have given your account with me Credit for the same.
I am obliged to you for thinking about the candles; as to the
To Messrs Plumb & Browne
Goldsmiths in Foster Lane
London Newcas[tle] 28th November 1766
Gentlemen I have sent you today by Fryer Todd the London carrier a piece of fine silver weighing five hundred & thirty eight ounces and a half which I desire you will place to account with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the market price and advice me on your receipt of it. I am etc HR
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s
In Hexham Newcas[tle] 28th Novem[be]r 1766
Sir I was very sorry to hear of your illness; but glad to learn by a line from Mr Caleb Hunter that you were recovering: I beg you will take care and not venture abroad too soon.
Inclosed is a note of Thomas Lee’s lead, with an order for him to pay the same to you: & you will be so good as settle the same with him; & w
To Mr Gott, mason in Calverly
Near Bradford Yorkshire Newcas[tle] 2nd December 1766
Sir By Sir Walter Blacketts direction I send you the inclosed queries about the Bridge over the Tyne near Hexham; of which you made a plan & calculation sometime ago. Sir Walter says he may possibly have put the same queries, or some of them to you before; but if he did he has lost your Letter; & therefore will be glad of your answer dir
To Mr Robert Lowes Attorney at law
In Hexham Newcas[tle] 5th Decem[be]r 1766
Sir I received the favour of your letter about continuing the Head Court Entertainments at the Blue Bell; & shall acquaint Sir Walter Blackett of your desire. I am etc HR
To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t at
Wallington Newcastle 5th December 1766
Hon[ou]rd Sir Mrs Collingwood of Chirton died yesterday of a cholical disorder; after 3 or 4 days illness: & is to be buried on Monday next at 3 o’ clock, at All Saints church; the corpse being to be brought to his house in Pilgrim Street against that time.
Mr Collingwood has sent to desire you will be a Bearer, if it is convenient to you &
To Mr Darwin Greys inn
London Newcas[tle] 10th Decem[be]r 1766
Sir I have your Letter of the 6th instant inclosing me Sam[ue]l Savages receipt for four hundred & ninety five pounds for half a years int[e]r[es]t of £22000 due from Sir Walter Blackett the 6 of last month and have placed the same to your credit in the account between us.
I have rece[ive]d a box of candles which are very good ones and I thank you for
To The Churchwardens
of St Andrews Newcas[tle] 12th Decem[be]r 1766
Gentlemen Monday the 22nd instant being appointed for the distribution of Sir W[alte]r Blacketts usual charity, I desire you will Tickett one hundred & fifty poor persons of your parish & bring them all together to Sir W[alte]r exactly at eight o’clock that morning. I am etc HR
To The Churchwardens
of All Saints Newcas[tle] 12th Decem[be]r 1766
Gentlemen Monday the 22nd instant being appointed for the distribution of Sir W[alte]r Blacketts usual charity, I desire you will Tickett two hundred & fifty poor persons of your parish & bring them all together to Sir W[alte]r exactly at ten o’clock that morning. I am etc HR
To The Churchwardens
of St. Nich[ola]s Newcas[tle] 12th Decem[be]r 1766
Gentlemen Monday the 22nd instant being appointed for the distribution of Sir W[alte]r Blacketts usual charity, I desire you will Tickett one hundred & fifty poor persons of your parish & bring them all together to Sir W[alte]r exactly at one o’clock in the afternoon. I am etc HR
To The Churchwardens
of St. Johns Newcas[tle] 12th Decem[be]r 1766
Gentlemen Monday the 22nd instant being appointed for the distribution of Sir W[alte]r Blacketts usual charity, I desire you will Tickett one hundred & fifty poor persons of your parish & bring them all together to Sir W[alte]r exactly at two o’clock that afternoon. I am etc HR
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s
In Hexham Newcas[tle] 12 decem[be]r 1766
Sir Sir walter has offered Mr Blake the use of the Abbey, in case he should have occasion for it; but says that as to the liquor etc he will send Mr Liddell over time enough to settle those matters.
Abatements are never made in the Lead Trade; so Mr Lee must pay the full of his note & am etc HR
To Mr Geo Douglass in
Berwick upon Tweed Newcas[tle] 19 December 1766
Sir Sir walter Blackett has executed the two parts of the Lease of Unthank Colliery; & Mr W[illia]m Brown will bring them & the draught to Tweedmouth on Sunday next in the Evening;
to get them executed by Mr Stow, Mr Boreham & yourself and to settle every thing previous to your entry. He says he cannot stay longer with you than Monday; therefore