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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Dec 1767

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Hexham Newca[stle] Tuesday 8th Decr 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Inclosed is the form of a Letter to Mr Wilson of Leeds acknowledging the receipt of the Ten Thousand pounds for the purchase of Kenton. And also the forms of two Letters to the two mortgagees of Mr Smith’s Estate at Hawick giving notice that you intend to pay them off. Mr Rd Featherston being gone to London I cannot get any good Acco[un]t about Extra Clerks in the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 Dec 1767

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 11th Decemr 1767 Sir Inclosed are two parts of my Account of your half years rents of West Kenton due Mayd[a]y last; and my bill on Plumb & Browne for two hundred & Seventy seven pounds seventeen shillings and Sixpence for the balance of It. You will please to advise me of the receipt of this bill by the return of the post and return me a part of the Account signed by you; and acknowledge receivi

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Dec 1767

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 11th Decemr 1767 in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day drawn a bill on you for Two hundred and Seventy seven pounds seventeen Shillings and Sixpence payable to Richard Wilson Esqr or order thirty days after this date; which I desire you will accept and when paid place to Acco[un]t with Sr Walter Blackett Bt. I have this day sent you a piece of Silver weighing seven hundred

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Smith – 12 Dec 1767

To Mr Robert Smith at Unthank Colliery Newca[stle] 12th Decemr 1767 near Berwick upon Tweed Sir Inclosed I return you Mr Bells receipt which you sent me and which I cannot alter otherwise than by the Endorsement, which I have made on it. P.S. Mr Bell and Mr Forster the new Steward at Wallington, will be over in a little time & then you may pay any of the Debts, you may have received, to either of them. I am etc HR Memorandum 11th Decemr 17

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 13 Dec 1767

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Wallington 13 Decr 1767 Sir I have received as Mr Henry Richmond wrote you on the 27th & 30th of last month, of the Newcastle Bank Seven Thousand pounds & Three Thousand pounds; on Glyn and Hallifax’s two receipts for those sums paid into their hands, by you, on my Account & have given discharges for those Sums on the back of those Receipts. And now agreeable to your desire I do hereby acknowle

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Horsley – 14 Dec 1767

To John Horsley Esqr at Bolam Wallington 14 Dec 1767 Sir As I find it convenient to pay off your Mortgage of Nine hundred and fifty pounds on the Estate at Hawick which I bought of Mr Smith I desire you will receive the money on the 24 June next. But if you should have occasion for it any sooner you may have it by giving Notice to Mr Henry Richmond at my office in Newcastle. WB

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Davison – 14 Dec 1767

To Mr Thos Davison Shoemaker in Morpeth Wallington 14 Dec 1767 Sir As I find it convenient to pay off your Mortgage of Nine hundred and fifty pounds on the Estate at Hawick which I bought of Mr Smith, I desire you will receive the money on the 24th of June next. But if you should have occasion for it any sooner you may have it by giving Notice to Mr Henry Richmond at my office in Newcastle. WB

Letter – Henry Richmond to Joseph Hutchinson – 14 Dec 1767

To Mr Jos Hutchinson at Chillingham Castle Newca[stle] 14 Decr 1767 by Belford North. Sir I received your favour of the 9th instant and should be sorry that Mr Snowden should make a difficulty of paying you the sixteen pounds four shillings for Lord Tankerville’s proportion of the Years tithe rent due Mayd[a]y next. I gave him a particular Acco[un]t on the 30th Octor last, how that years rent was to be proportioned and paid by him; and told him th

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 14 Dec 1767

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 14th Decemr 1767 Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Glyn and Hallifax for Twelve hundred pounds payable to me or order at 25d from the 5th instant; which I have endorsed and send you by Sir Walter’s directions to be placed to his Acco[un]t and desire you will advise me of your Receipt of it and that you have placed it accordingly for a voucher to my Acco[un]t. Sir Walter has granted W

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 15 Dec 1767

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 15th Decer 1767 Sir Inclosed I return to you Peter Bells three Bills, no part of which I can find charged in any of those paid him by Mr Robson or Mr Wray. As to the reasonableness of the Articles in the Bill for helping in the Kitchen and Stables I cannot judge of them. I should think, if the family was there and he had his meat, a shilling a day is over much; I never pay more that 6d a day, for t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Dec 1767

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 18th Decemr 1767 Sir The inclosed Advertisement is sent you by Sir Walter Blacketts order to get inserted in the St James’s Chronicle and daily Gazetteer for a fortnight; and inclosed you have a List of those who subscribed in London to the Bridge. Their first payment if to be 1/3 of the Sum subscribed but if any should chuse to pay the whole, there can be no Objection to the taking it. I am oblig

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 19 Dec 1767

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Newca[stle] 19th Octor (sic) 1767 Sir I am sorry Mr Malabar and Mr Wilson should have been so warm as you say – there was nothing meant to offend them. Sir Walter certainly agreed to the Terms of their proposal with the Alteration only of 17 years from Mayd[a]y next instead of the 21 years which the[y] required and that the Fother should be fixed by Mr Wm Brown and that they might be at Liberty at the End of t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 31 Dec 1767

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 31st December 1767 Sir I have received by the Carrier the box containing the two pieces of Silver; the weight of the first is three hundred and ninety four ounces and the other three hundred and sixty four ounces. I wish Mrs Hunter and you the Compliments of the Season & and am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 31 Dec 1767

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newca[stle] 31st Decer 1767 Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day sent you by William Laycock the London Carrier three pieces of Silver Bullion; the weight of which is below. I desire you will place the same to Acco[un]t with Sir Wr Blackett Bt as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your receipt of it. I wish you many happy years & am etc HR one p[iec]e q[uanti]ty 584 ½ ano[the]r q[

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 5 Jan 1768

To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 5th Janry 1768 Sir I have sent you by the post, Mr Robson’s Debt Book, which I hope you will receive safe: and inclosed I send you John Shafto’s two Agreements for burning Lime at Harterton & Green Leighton. I wish Mrs Forster and you many happy Years. P.S. I think I mentioned to you the bill which Mr Cookson has upon you from Yarm due 15th instant & am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Barstow – 15 Jan 1768

To Mr Barstow Town Clerk in Leeds Newca[stle] 15th Janry 1768 Sir Mr John Fenwick has a bond from Sr Wr Blackett and William Peareth Esqr for £2000 dated 12th May 1758: of which he has got at different times £500 and £300 as will appear by the Indorsements made thereon; He now wants the further sum of Two hundred pounds, which Sr Wr intends to accommodate him with, if the proper Indorsements can be got made upon this bond and also upon the

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 15 Jan 1768

To Mr Jno Fenwick in Roberts’s Place York Newca[stle] 15th Janry 1768 Sir I communicated your Letter to Sr Wr Blackett and he agrees to let you have the Two hundred pounds on the 22d of this Month in further part of his and Mr Peareths joint bond provided the Indorsements can be got made for it on the said bond and on the Assignment of it in the same forms as before for the £500 and the £300. For this purpose you will please to wait upon Mr Barstow, T

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 16 Jan 1768

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 16th Janry 1768 Sir I find by a Letter from Mr Douglas, that the work is all done at the pitmens houses etc at Unthank and that the people will want their Money: So, as the Colliery rent & other rents there are due, Sir Walter thinks Mr Brown Mr Forster and you should go over the week after next and settle all these Matters. You will please to let me know by return of the post whether you can

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 20 Jan 1768

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 20th Janry 1768 Sir Inclosed is a particular of the Farms at East Kenton as you desired. Mr Graham has agreed to making the rent payable half Yearly at Micha[elma]s and Lady day and I shall get the Lease prepared accordingly. I should be glad to know how Leases are paid for with you, it is usual here for the Tenant to pay one half and the Landlord the other – but I shall wait your directions about

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 20 Jan 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 20th Janry 1768 Sir In Answer to your Letter to Sir Walter of the 14th instant He bids me write you that he would have Dr Blackett’s £40 and Mr Cooksons £17 10s 0d paid out of the £460 which I remitted you on the 26th October last – as they appear to be included in the list of quarterly payments for which that Sum was sent and then the balance due to him will be £793 12s 11 ½ d; unless t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nicholas Walton – 22 Jan 1768

To Mr Nicholas Walton at Farnacres Newca[stle] 22d Janry 1768 Sir If the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital want any further Information about the Title of the Tithes of Ilderton parish Mr Darwin of Greys Inn is the person whom I told you could Satisfy them. As to the £20 which Sir Walter paid as the Hospitals Subscription to the reparation of Warden Church; he did it in Consequence of a conversation between him and Mr Burrel and him, upo

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 23 Jan 1768

To Mr John Fenwick in Roberts’s Place York Newca[stle] 23d Janry 1768 Sir Inclosed you receive my bill on Plumb & Browne for Two hundred & Eleven pounds one shilling and Nine pence payable to you or Order Twenty days after this date which is the value of the two receipts you sent me dated Yesterday. It will be for your Security and my Satisfaction that you should advise me that this bill comes safe to hand: because if I do not receive such Advice,

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 23 Jan 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Brown Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 23d Janry 1768 Gentlemen I have this day drawn two bills upon you; one payable to Mr Jno Fenwick or Order for Two hundred and Eleven pounds one shilling and ninepence, at Twenty days from this date: and the other payable to Mr William Alvey Darwin or Order for two hundred pounds at Thirty days from this Date. Both which bills I desire you will accept and when paid place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett Baro

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 27 Jan 1768

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 27th Janry 1768 Sir Inclosed you receive my bill on Plumb & Browne for two hundred pounds payable to you or order Thirty days after the 23d instant; which I send you on Account of the quarterly payments to 31st March; and desire you will send me the usual Sort of Receipt for it, to be a voucher to my Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett to whose Account you will place the said bill. I am etc HR New

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Rastall – 8 Feb 1768

To The Revd Dr Rastal in Newark Newca[stle] 8 Febry 1768 Sir Inclosed is a Copy of Lawyer Fawcetts Opinion that with your Concurrence & Mrs Rastals a Lease can be granted for 99 years of a piece of ground in Sidgate a street in this Town containing one Acre and a quarter which was given by my Grandfather Sr Wm Blackett to the Church of St Andrews in this Town. Pursuant to this opinion the Minister and Churchwardens have agreed to
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467