To Mr Thos Maughan at Newhouse Weardale Newca[stle] 11 Febry 1768
When the Weather will permit, I desire you will enquire whether all workings of every Sort, are discontinued at Rispy W[es]t & E[as]t Brakensike, Longwell, West and East Searsike, all in Rookhope; being the veins which were let to Rogers Hudson and Ord and how long it is since they were so discontinued Also whether any and what additions or Alterations have been made to Featherstons h
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 12th Febry 1768
Inclosed is an Extract from the Lease of Rispy Grove; by which you see Sir Wr Blackett has not any right to Featherstones house while these Leadmines remain in the possession of Mr Rogers etc and the Lease is so loosely worded that a discontinuance of working will Scarcely be deemed a forfeiture of them and till then as this house was allowedly build for the use of these Mines
Newca[stle] 16th Febry 1768
Do Sent Mr Isa Hunter a copy of J Hopper’s Lease of Stanhope hope
To Mr Chrisr Johnson Attorney at Law Durham Newca[stle] 16th Febry 1768
Inclosed is the Acco[un]t of the late Mr Forsters proportion of Weardale rent, Compositions etc for the Year 1766 which I mentioned to you, & which you said I might send to you: when it is convenient you will be so good as order the Money to be paid.
The Acco[un]t for the last year I cannot yet send you; not having got the Accounts down from the Mines. I am etc HR
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 20th Febry 1768
Inclosed I return you Mr Marriotts bill; which I cannot say any Thing to, in the form it stands at present not being a judge of the Value of his Time – he is the best Estimator of that himself & it must be left to him to charge for each day he was employed, according to what he usually has in such Cases. I wish the bill could be settled before the Pay; but I would not
To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newca[stle] 20th Febry 1768
I think Mr Brown has drawn out the Account of Dunham Colliery very properly: only with regard to our Way of accounting, it will require some Variation. In the 1st place you must make yourself Dr in your Acco[un]t with Sr Wr Blackett for the £28 10s 9d paid by Mr Wray deducting from it the £6 he had received of Heighley – on the other side you may take Credit for the £21
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 25th Febry 1768
In Answer to your Letter about Thos Little’s refusing to pay tithe, it appears to me now, from the particulars you have given me, to be a Matter that deserves Sir Walter’s Consideration, and therefore I desire you will draw up a Case to be laid before Council and that you will therein state, besides the Facts contained in your Letter, whether prior thorns is Tithe free by
To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newca[stle] 25th Febry 1768
Inclosed herewith I return you the Act of Parliament for the division of Hamsterly Common; which was borrowed of Mr James Elliott, and for the Loan of which you will please to tell him I am much obliged to him.
As soon as the Weather will permit you to weigh off Mr Bacon’s Share of the partnership Ore, or else to compute it, I beg you will let me have the partnership Account fo
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newca[stle] 26th Febry 1768
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by William Laycock the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Six hundred & fifty four Ounces; which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual, at the Markett price; and advise me on your receipt of it. I am etc HR
To Mr Jameson Wine Mercht Leith Newcastle 6th March 1768
Upon returning to this town yesterday I found your Letter of the 18th of last month. I readily take the hogshead of Claret you mention to have sent to Hexham & desire you will draw a bill upon Mr Hen Richmond my Agent in this town for the sum mentioned in the bill you enclosed me vizt £42 6s 0d. I am etc Wr Blackett
To Collingwood Forster Esqr at Alnwick Newca[stle] 8 March 1768
I have sent you this day by Jno Fairbairn the Alnwick Carrier the box with the Nine Deeds relating to Lucker Moor and the Tithes thereof executed by Sir Walter Blackett. I am etc HR
At a Meeting of the Directors of Greenwich Hospital at Salter's Hall on Wednesday the 9th March 1768..
A letter of this date, from the Governor of the Lead Mine Comp offering to buy the whole of the Lead Ore Dues lately advertised, at 62s pr Bing for the Bouse, and 47s or Bing for the Cutting Ore, as also the Proposals from Sir Lancl. Allgood & from Mr. James Elliott & Co. wch were transmitted in the Rece[ive]rs Letter of the 12 of last Month & for part of the Sd. D
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 15th March 1768
Sir Walter bids me write in Answer to your Letter to him of the 3d instant about his granting a deputation to the take the Examination and Surrender’s of such of the parties, to the deed for the Conveyances of Hexham E[as]t Ferry boat to Him, as are under coverture; which I cannot better do than by inclosing you a Copy of Mr Wilson’s opinion, who is the Steward of Hexham Cou
London, March 16th 1768
Dear Sir,
I had lately the pleasure of a letter from you by Mr. Livius, by which I find you had not received a letter from me then, but I hope you received it soon after.
Mr. Paul Wentworth left London March 1st for Holland and never to return to England as he thought then. We had the pleasure of his Company in Yorkshire last Summer he has fine Spirits and is a very good Companion and we travell’d about together in Post Chaise for he is the wor
To Benjn Blaydes Esqr at Hull Newca[stle] 20th March 1768
Sir Walter Blackett is obliged to you for the Trouble you have had in enquiring about Betty Atkinson & for your Readiness in offering to advance her the Money.
Sir Walter desires you will pay her Six Guineas as soon as you please, towards cloathing herself and Children and that afterwards you will pay her Thirteen pounds a Year in quarterly payments commencing on the 2
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 20th March 1768
Sir Walter Blackett has desired Mr Benjn Blaydes of Hull to pay Six Guineas to a poor Woman of that place towards cloathing herself and three Children and also to pay her Thirteen pounds a Year in quarterly paym[en]ts commencing on the 25th instant; & he has desired Mr Blaydes reimburse himself from time to time by drawing upon you; as we have no direct intercourse between t
To Messrs Seymour & Widdrington at Mrs Place’s Newca[stle] 20th March 1768
On the other Side you have Mr Wm Charleton’s Resignation of Birtley Colliery; he being now satisfied, from the late Mr Robson’s Acco[un]ts wherein the Receipts and payments for this Colliery from 5 April 1761 are all charged to Sir Walter Blackett, that Mr Robson contracted for the Lease of this Colliery only as Agent for Sir Walter. I was present when he was ordered to do
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 2d April 1768
Sir Walter bids me write you that if Mrs Idle’s representatives are willing to take four p[er] Cent[u]m he will give his bond accordingly with a Clause in it if they please that it shall not be paid or called in for the Term of four years. I have wrote to Mr Wilson of Leeds about Mr Freeman’s wanting his money & will let you know as soon as I hear from him but I am as
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newca[stle] 2d April 1768
Foster Lane London
I have this day sent you by David Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Six hundred & Seventy five ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t as usual with Sir Walter Blackett at the Markett price & advise me on your receipt of it. I am etc HR
To Mr Thos Wilson Merchant in Norfolk Street London Newca[stle] 2d April 1768
Sir Walter Blackett has sent me your Letter, to him, about Lead & bid me answer it.
Sir Walter has two Sorts of Lead – refined which I now sell at £15 a fother & Common at £14 15s 0d. Our fother consists of 21 cwt of 112 lb each. As to Litharge it is sold by the Ton of 20 cwt and the present price is £14 10s 0d. I should be very ready to execute your commissions for Lead &
To Richard Wilson Esqr at Leeds Newca[stle] 2d April 1768
Mr Darwin writes me by this post that Mr Freeman, having lately made a Considerable purchase is under a Necessity of calling in his £7000 & therefore has desired him to acquaint Sir Walter Blackett & You of it; that he may have an Answer & know when he can depend upon having his Money. Sir Walter would be glad to know what progress is made in the Conveyance deed
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 2d April 1768
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
I shall write this post to Mr Thos Wilson & recommend some of our Lead Merchants to him for his Commissions as it is not consistent for me to Act both as Byer and Seller.
Mr Ellison, Minister of St And[re]ws ought to execute the Lease of the Charity Land before it is send to Dr Rastall: but he has been at Oxford and only got home a day or two ago: Mr Lambert will
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 3d April 1768
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr Smeaton is now in Cumberland attending the Election & the time of his being here is uncertain. Mr Nichs Walton says he believes his time is so set out that there is little probability of his going back to Hexham from this place & all that can be now done will be to write him of your desire of Meeting him there as soon as he can fix the day. but that he canno
To Sir Walter Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 5th April 1768
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Yesterday the Sailors broke loose again at Shields and a few Stragglers behaved audaciously here in carrying a flag about and threatening that they wo[ul]d pay us a visit in the afternoon from Shields & make the Mayor & every body sign the paper, containing the terms some Masters at Shields had come to with them to advance their wages. The Mayor thought i
The Revd Dr Rastall in Newark Newca[stle] the 6th April 1768
Pursuant to Sir Walter Blackett’s Letter to you, of the 8th of Febry last, I shall send by the Fly Coach to morrow a Box directed to you, containing three parts of the Lease of the piece of ground in Sidgate, left by Sir Wiliam Blackett to St And[re]ws Church. One of the parts is intended for the Vestry, one for the Lessee, & the other for Sir Walter to keep with the D