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Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Brown – 22 May 1768

To Mr Richard Brown at Kirkharle Newca[stle] 22d May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you that he is satisfied that the £40 which Mr Robson advanced in his own Name to one Simpson on the promisory note which you shewed him was nor Mr Robsons Money for it is charged and allowed him in his Acco[un]t with Sir Walter for the year ending May 1765 as you will see in your part of that Account under the head proper Account; therefore S

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 May 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 23 May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett desires you will pay Mrs Scott Ten Guineas which she writes him she has paid Mrs Vaughan for 14 Months from April 1767 to June 1768 & place the same to his Account. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 24 May 1768

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 24th May 1768 Sir John Johnson has been again with Sir Walter about Benson of Yarridge turning Jane Bell off her part of That farm which Johnson took; desiring Sir Walter will write to Benson to let her continue and have peaceable Enjoyment of her Share, which he says is 1/8th part. The complying with this request may prejudice the Lease as it will shew Sir Walter’s privity to the Assignment o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 25 May 1768

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 25th May 1768 Sir I apprehend by your Agreement for the purchase of East Kenton that you are to pay all intrest, on the two mortgages that shall become due after the 18th Novemr last; and if so your share of the £280 for the ½ year’s int[e]r[es]t due the 27th March last is £200 and Sir Wr Blacketts £80 & as to the rents of this Estate that were due the 12th instant, I should suppose in cas

Letter – Henry Richmond to Benjamin Blaydes – 25 May 1768

Mr Blaydes in Hull Yorkshire Newca[stle] 25 May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has made an Addition of Two pounds a Year to Eliz Atkinson’s Allowance, so that she is now to have Three pounds fifteen shillings paid to her every quarter of a year; & the first payment is to be due to her on the 12th of July next. Sir Walter desires you will be so good as pay her according to this Appointment & that you will draw from time t

Letter – John Ibbetson to Nicholas Walton – 26 May 1768

At a General Meeting of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital which was held at the Admiralty Office on Thursday the 26th of May 1768.   The Court approved of the Directors proceedings with respect to the Building of the Smelt Mill and Refinery & of their Proposals to Smelt and Refine the Dues of Lead Ore, on the Hospitals Account; and authorised them to appoint the proper Agents and Workmen, with the Salaries and Allowances proposed or such others as shall be judged reasonable;

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 27 May 1768

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 27 May 1768 Sir I have rec[eiv]ed by the Hexham Carrier a Box containing two pieces of Silver from Dukesfield Refinery; the one weighing three hundred & Eighty four ounces & the other five hundred & twenty three ounces. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Teasdale – 27 May 1768

To Christr Teasdale Esqr in Chichester Sussex Newca[stle] the 27th May 1768 Sir I received your Letter desiring me to pay the intrest money when due for the last Year to Mr Alcock and that his receipt shall be a sufficient discharge. I would readily have done so as soon as the intrest is due which will not be till 13th Augst; but Mr Alcock does not chuse to give me a receipt in the form that is necessary, such a one as is below; and therefore I see no other way b

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 28 May 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 28th May 1768 Gentlemen I sent you yesterday, by David Jackson’s Waggon, a box containing two pieces of Silver; the weight of which I make nine hundred and seven ounces; which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual, at the Markett price; & advise me on your receipt of them. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 May 1768

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 28th May 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Ridley came to Town on Tuesday Evening. I saw him yesterday & he looks very well; he proposes going to Blagdon the Beginning of next Week but promised to write you particularly of it and other Matters today – he says he finds by a Letter last post from London that all is quiet again. We contine so here, but the Mayor with Mr Ridleys approbation has inserted an

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 May 1768

31st May 1768 Mr Peter Mulcaster wrote to, to come to Farnacres as soon as he conveniently can.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Jun 1768

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Matfin Newca[stle] 3d June 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir People continue here in a peaceable State; and the Mayor says there is not any public business that requires your coming to Newcastle at present and that he hopes to meet you at Blagdon. Mr Blackett, who came home on Thursday last, talks of seeing you to morrow at Matfin. As to private business I do not know any thing to occasion your coming to Town sooner than you

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Marley – 4 Jun 1768

To Mr Jno Marley at Dunstan Newca[stle] 4 June 1768 Sir The Lease of Sr Wr Blacketts part of Winlaton Colliery being expired & the Materials which belonged to it & are contained in the Schedule of the said Lease a Copy of which is below being now to be valued we desire you will take the trouble as soon as you conveniently can of making a valuation of the same . We are etc For my Father Matt Bell Junr For Sir Wr

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 4 Jun 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 4 June 1768 Sir I have received your Letter of the 31st Ult[im]o inclosing me Mr Savage’s receipt for four hundred & ninety five pounds for half a Year’s int[e]r[es]t of £22000 due from Sir Walter Blackett the 6th of last month & have given your Acco[un[]t Credit for the same. Inclosed in the same Letter I rec[eiv]ed Roger Crosbys receipt for three pounds twelve shillings whic

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Trevelyan – 5 Jun 1768

To Walter Trevelyan Esqr Queens College Cambridge Newca[stle] 5th June 1768 Sir Last Night I received the favour of your Letter of the 28th Ult[im]o & as I wrote you on the 15th April last you may have your quarterage by drawing a bill either upon Mr Darwin or me. Either of us will pay your draughts with great readiness, if you please but to write a Letter, the same day you draw your bill, to the one or the other of us on whom you have drawn it. The form of the b

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 7 Jun 1768

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 7th June 1768 Sir I received your Letter of the 4th instt inclosing me Mrs Sorsbie’s receipt for forty two pounds for two year’s Allowance & Mrs Eden’s receipt for Twenty one pounds for a Year’s Allowance: both w[hi]ch sums I have given your Acco[un]t Credit for. As to the modus of 10s which is paid for Fenwick Burnside & Shields farms, it is plain that Mr Robson who transa

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Snowden – 9 Jun 1768

To Mr John Snowden at Fawden near Alnwick Newca[stle] 9th June 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you that he is satisfied you have no right to this Years tithe of Wool and Lamb in the parish of Ilderton & therefore desires you will make no Demand of them. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Jun 1768

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 10th June 1768 Sir I should be glad to have a copy of the Masters reports containing the Acco[un]t of the Trust Estate from the former Adjustm[en]t of it in 1758 when the balance was stated to be £43 14s 4½d due to Sr Wr till the last settling of the same when Woodcroft Estate & the 150 Acres of Fenwick were sold to pay him his £5000; & how the balance now stands. For it is proper tha

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Jun 1768

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 10th June 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Forster & I waited upon Mr Wilson about your Minutes concerning the Exchange between Mr Errington & you; & find that the Arbitrators intend to award you 67 Acres of Mr Erringtons ground in the room of 45 of your’s – they have valued his 67 acres at 8s an Acre at a Medium: & one of them said he thought it was worth more. On the other hand they hav

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Jun 1768

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 10th June 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir I think there is no necessity for your coming to Town imediately on Account of the intended Exchange between You and Mr Errington as there will be another week before the Award will be executed. I have communicated the Contents of your Letter to Mr Wilson & he is of the same opinion. He says he will make free to enquire of the Arbitrators what grounds they hav

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Hugall – 12 Jun 1768

To Mr Hugall Attorney at Law Durham Newca[stle] 12th June 1768 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Letter inclosing me the Notice of Ld Darlington’s riding his Boundary on the 17th instant. I wish I had had it sooner but I shall send it to Sr Wr Blacketts Grove Steward in Weardale & direct him to be as carefull as possible & to get proper Evidence to preserve the Bishop of Durhams Boundary. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 12 Jun 1768

To Mr John Bell Hexham Newca[stle] 12th June 1768 Sir There is an Advertisement in our Yesterdays paper that Ld Crews Trustees intend to perambulate their Boundary of Blanchland on Tuesday the 21st instant. As there is a Dispute between them & Sr Wr Blackett where they join the Manor of Hexham I desire you will procure some proper persons who are well acquainted with that part of Sr Wrs boundary to meet you that morni

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 12 Jun 1768

To Mr Thos Maughan at Newhouse Weardale Newca[stle] 12th June 1768 Sir I have just now rec[eiv]ed the inclosed notice from Mr Halhead of Ld Darlington’s intention of riding his boundary on Fryday next who desires that proper persons well acquainted with his Lordships boundary may attend and discharge them in Case they interfere with his Lordships boundary – he mentions one John Wilson who lives at Raerdion [?Rare Dean] near Lanchester who was formerly

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Jun 1768

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newcastle 12th June 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir I was at Durham yesterday with Mr Wilson & the Arbitrators. Mr Bullock was there & begun with remonstrating abo[u]t the Quarry w[hi]ch the Arbitrators said they had not set off any Ground in lieu of having no power to do so. So they proposed a review w[hi]ch Mr Jephson said was the more necessary on acco[un]t of a doubt that had been raised in his mind o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 14 Jun 1768

To Mr Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 14th June 1768 Sir On Sunday last I wrote Sir Wr upon belief only, for I had got a Cold that kept me at home that day, that I had the Articles for both the farms at Ryal and that the plan was at Wallington but I find that was a Mistake for when I got to the office I found the plan & William Hepple’s Lease here; but cannot find any thing of Richd Dunn’s Article which is for 21 Years
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467