Mr Walter Ettricke Newcastle July the 6th [16]76
I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of this date, and returnned you hearty thankes for all your kindnesses; but can doe nothinge w[i]th your Doll[e]rs att 4S7d And as for billes I have none to Spare; but if you have occation Mr James Cooke of Stockton; may furnish you as hee hath done him what restes
Londo July 6th 1676
Sr James Stansfeild
Our last was of the 1 inst, advising the Bill on you for £310 sterling at 20 dayes payable, to Jno <Beddle>. Wee find since the scarcity of mony here in London divers psons endeavouring to creep into the Businesse of Exch[equ]er with your place, but wee having put ourselves at much ease in our Businesse at home, doe resolve to renew our Businesse of that nature & hope to find good incouragemt & intend shortly to
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 7 July 1676]
pray doe mee the kindness as deliver the Inclosed and if the party will Signe the Release be pleased to be a Witness thereto after w[hi]ch lett him have itt and doe w[ha]t hee will w[i]th itt; if hee aske you if you will pay the money pray give him for answer that you will nott creditt mee for soe much; lett himselfe send itt downe to whome hee pleases; in this part of the Countrey and when I know where to finde itt; shal
Mr Michaell CLipsham Newcastle July the 8th: 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 4th present; w[hi]ch before I answer; lett mee bee soe free w[i]th you; As to tell you in playne English that after haveinge follwowed [followed] orderes and that nothinge was wantinge, on my part to p[ro]mote yo[u]r Interest in the Sale of yo[u]r 12 p[iece]s Prunes as I can endorce by Sober men in Towne, I never did expect to have beene Blamed; because I could nott sell them (beinge n
Mr Walter Chayteor ditto [Newcastle 7 July 1767]
My last to you was of the p[ri]mo July to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eve]d yo[u]rs of this date; yo[u]r Bill of £100 upon Robinson and Compa[ny] is booked in conformity w[i]th you; And I shall trye Mr Stocke of Dover once more w[i]th the Other Bill; but I hope you will (p[ro]cure) and place to my Creditt w[ha]t Chardge I have beene att about s[ai]d Bill; the p[ro]test is 2S 10d besides all post of lett[e]rs w[h
Mr Mat[t]hew Lamb Newcastle July the 7th 1676
I Expected to have heard from you ere this; of the Receipt of my Rent from Esq[ui]re Foweller, desire to know whether you have gott itt or nott and that p[er] first God bee thanked wee are both very well; hopeing that you are both in like manner I remayne
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle July the 7th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the p[ri]mo present, doe heartily thanke you for all your kindnesses; I am afrayed I shall never bee able to make you any Retaliation but upon all accountes pray freely Comand him who is really and wholy att yo[u]r devotion – the blacke Gowne and other things desired, may please to send them made p[er] any Shippinge Inclosed you have 2 Billes of £100: each; the one is the Bill upon Mr
I received your letter by this Post with a Bill of Exchange for £20 which I gave to Mr Sheldrake to demand money when payable and to reimburse himselfe what was layed out for the Capp of Maintenance as also what he hath disbursed upon your account in the Exchange of which he will send you a Bill very speedily.
There was a man taken the other day with a Fire brand in his hand kindling hay & straw to set Hogsden near <name/nare/Ware> on Fire he confessed he had 30s given
Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle July the 11th: [16]76
This is to accompany Edward Alderson in whom I have Loaden 300 p[ie]ces Leed 14 Chalder of Grindstones (vizt) 13 Stones 7 footte 13 more 6 footte, And also 20 Chalder of Coales Newcastle Measure w[hi]ch after good arrivall be pleased to Receive, and dispose there of according to Order p[er] Post payinge noe freight att all neither primidge nor Averidge for the same, but if <the.tle> have occation for any money; lett him k
Mr: Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 11 July 1676]
I writt you this morning the needfull to w[hi]ch referres you And since to pleasure a freind have this day mad [made] bold to vallue upon you nine pounds payable three dayes sight To Thomas Liddle Esq[ui]re Order Vallue of Madam Jane Liddle; w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed w[i]th all I am MB:
Ditto [Newcastle 11 July 1676]
Writt to Mr Tho: Finley <.e> M:B:
Mr James Burkin Newcastle July the 11th 1676
I have before me yo[u]res of the 6th present w[i]th a Warrant Inclosed To be served on the person of Mr Henry Braband In the Effecting of w[hi]ch I will begg yo[u]r Excuse, for I am unwillinge to meddle In a businesse of that nature, beinge hee is a magistrate of the Towne soe Inclosed I returne you s[ai]d Warrant, and Remaynes
Mess[eu]rs Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle July the 11th: [16]76
I have before me yours of the 6th present for Answer my Wifes Gowne and other thinges you are desired to find p[er] very first convenience of Shippinge for if they came not to hand before Lammas; I must runne the Countrey; That w[hi]ch I called a Toppinn is a Tower of Haireworke; w[hi]ch pray lett bee one of the best and of the lightest Haire you can procure; I observe your Insureres answer to my busin
Mr Rich: Crossman: Newcastle July the 14th [16]76
Yo[u]res of the 8th present I have before mee; In w[hi]ch takes notice of yo[u]r request In desireinge to know w[ha]t white Leed is here worth p[er] Ton to w[hi]ch I answer that I doe nott understand what you meane by white Leed nor cann I imadgine, w[ha]t sort of Leed t'is you desire, Wee have here both white and Read Leed but they are used medicinally. And allso wee have a Sort of white Leed such as is used for Pencilles but
Mr Walter Chaytor 14 ditto [July] : [16]76:
My last to you was of the 11th July 76: p[er] Edward Alderson; who I hope may be w[i]th you as soone as this; When please God hee Arrives be pleased to dispose of the goodes above mentioned att price Currant you are to pay neither fr[e]ight Primidge nor Averidge for the same onely as above If the Ma[ste]r want aney money lett him have w[ha]t hee demandes and upon Sight of his Receipt itt shall be done you good on account ~ Pray lett my Go
Mr Math: Lamb: Newcastle July the 15: 1676
I have before me yours of the 13th but I have nothinge of Esq[ui]res Fowlers paym[e]nt here neither doe I expect itt nor like him at all, but this to your selfe pray talke to him about itt I am this day returned from the Leed Mines; Now w[i]th our Freinds God be thanked are all well hopinge you are in the same condition I remayne M:B:
Cousen Wm Newcastle July the 15th: 1676
Inclosed is a letter to S[i]r James Standsfeild [Stansfield] w[hi]ch after perusall I pray Seale and deliver; of whome pray p[ro]cure all the Ballance if you cann or as much as is possible for you know (considderinge) I expect dayly W[illia]m Lecke; and that I shall have occation for money; soe the more you procure the greater kindness you will do mee
I am M:B:
Hon[ou]red Sir [Note 1.] Ditto [Newcastle July 15th 1676]
I desire you upon Receipt hereof to pay unto my Cosen Mr William Blackett Junio[u]r what money you are oweinge mee; or as much there of as you can conveniently spare but haveinge ocction [occasion] for money the more you pay him upon my account; the greater kindness you will doe mee. And his Receipt for w[ha]t you pay him shall bee yo[u]r discharge from
Mr James Burkin Newcastle July the 18th 1676
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 11th present w[i]th a second warrant to be served on the p[er]son of Mr Henry Braband [Note 1.]; butt as I writt you in mine of the 11th I have noe minde To meddle att all in the businesse soe Inclosed you will find s[ai]d warrant and allsoe the letter, you shall find mee upon aney other businesse
Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 18 July 1676]
I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 11th and 13th present; In the former have the account and cost of thinges Shipt for mee In Geo: Johnson; w[hi]ch I have booked in conformity with you
I will trouble you noe more w[i]th the Bill upon Mr Abra[ham]: Stocke w[hi]ch you returne mee In yo[u]r last I longe till I have the happynesse of seeinge yo[u]r Brother and you here; none in the world should bee more Welc
Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 18 July 1676]
My last to you was of the 14th July 1676 To w[hi]ch Referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 17th present w[hi]ch requiereing little answer have the lesse to Inlardge upon this cheifely comes for Covert to the Inclosed Bill of £100 w[hi]ch if I have some time Since remitted mee upon Mr Stocke of Dover acceptance to w[hi]ch is once more refused; and Still for want of advice Soe that tis to be concluded; either s[ai]d Sto
Honnered Sr Edenb[urgh] 18th July 1676
The ship assigned for the 26 fodr of leed was beat back into the road and went from here againe yesterday morning about 6 a Clock so that I Coni Lud she may be with about this time pray give her all Imaginable dispatch and Writ me by the Fryday & Saturdays next post. I intreat you, the other vessel will be with you. I hope very shortly I come not from hence til Weddens Com Sennet [senight?] so the letters will come sfe to me wch you
Newcastle July the: 19 1676
Mr Joshaua: Pannell
Sr this is to Accompany twenty doz of whit Calve skins 13 doz cost 14s per doz and 7 doz at 12s per doz which with charges of coustome and other petty Charges cums to £15 1s 1d for Returns pray send two doz Nutmegg one doz Mace on[e] doz Clovs and the ball[ance] of ye Lead accoumpt with this in Mussleine [muslin?] whalebonne or <..effyny> for I Lost 4d per dolar this whats neadfull from your servant
Ra: Grey
Lead for present t
Mr James Ward Newcastle July the 21th: 1676
I have before mee yo[u]res of the 15th present doe note it's Contentes; Inclosed you have yo[u]r Bill accepted and when pleased God W[illia]m Lecke comes In; I shall discourse yo[u]r businesse w[i]th him; and his Answer shall be Signified unto you by him that is realy upon all accounts
Mess[eu]rs Hump: Willett and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle] July the 21: 1676
I have before mee yo[u]res of the 15th present, for answer in the first place pray returne mee the letter from John Strother; Secondly be pleased to Informe yo[u]r selfe of the Taylor and advise mee w[ha]t those 12 yards of flowered Silver Ribbin is for and how to use them for here will know nott ~
I take notice you have spoaken w[i]th Mr Clipsham but could nott p[re]valye w[i]th him to Signe