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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Aug 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 2d Augst 1768 Sir Inclosed is the Duplicate of the Acco[un]t between You and me; which being right I have signed and returned: and am only sorry you did not give me an opportunity of settling it with you in Newcastle. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 12 Aug 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcastle 12 Augst 1768 Gent[leme]n I have this day sent you by Wm Laycock the London Carrier a piece of Silver containing 705 Ounces; w[hi]ch I desire you will place to Sr Wr Blacketts acco[un]t as usual at the Market price & advise me on the receipt of it. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Aug 1768

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newcastle 16th Augst 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr G Brown went to Hexham Yesterday in a Chaise & Mr Lambert thinks he will be quite well of the Fistula when the wound heals w[hi]ch will be in a fortnights or three weeks time – the cure has been a little retarded by his having the Piles. I have spoke to all our principal Merchants abo[u]t young Mr <Bonack> but cannot find any room for him, at prese

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Aug 1768

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin at Elston near Newark Nottinghamshire Newca[stle] 17th Augst 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has given me the Copy of the draught you sent him of Mr Wilsons Conveyance deed of Kenton: and I have wrote Mr Wilson about the exception that you think sho[ul]d be inserted in Sir Wrs Covenant against incumbrances – touching the Out rent the fee farm rent & the Leases & also about Sir Walters having a Counterpart. In your Lre to Sir Walter you say the rents & intres

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 17 Aug 1768

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 17th Augst 1768 Sir Mr Darwin writes that the draught of the Conveyance Deed of East Kenton is right all but an exception that sho[ul]d be inserted in Sir Wr Blacketts Covenant against incumbrances, of the Outrent of 16s & the fee farm rent of 4s a Year & Leases and Articles for Leases for Terms of Years not exceeding 21 Years. And he thinks it will be proper that Sir Walter should have a Coun

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Aug 1768

To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 19 Augst 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Inclosed herewith is the plan of Lucker Moor, and some Minutes concerning the Tithe of it. & I will send Mr Robsons Book in a few days. I have sent a deed which is to be executed by Mr Smith; it is an Assignment of a Term of 999 Years in the part of Hawick which you bought of him – all the parties have executed but himself and he is to do it at the 2d Seal bef

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Aug 1768

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newcastle 23d Augst 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir The Mayor dines at Gibside to day & as Judge Yates leaves Durham to Night the opportunity of writing thither to him about Welch is over: but I find several of the Magistrates are ag[ain]st an Application to the Throne for this Man: but that they are willing to soften his Sentence by paying for his passage & letting him take his chance in America as a Serva

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 23 Aug 1768

To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 23d Augst 1768 Sir I have agreed with Thos Forster for Carriage of the Boat, (which Geo Bowlt has made) for two Guineas. he is to deliver it at Rothley Lake safe and Sound and to be at all Expences and Risks attending the Conveyance. I am etc HR

Letters – Godfrey Bosville to John Wentworth – 23 Aug 1768

Dear Sir, Your letter gave me great pleasure and flatter’d my Vanity very much to find that I was remember’d at so great a distance, and especially by a Gentleman in your Station, and that your letter by the length of it is not merely a complimentary one, but I have really been some hours in your thoughts, notwithstanding the multiplicity of business that a person of your rank must be perpetually involved in. You should have heard from me sooner if I could have got what you wanted, f

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 30 Aug 1768

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Weardale Newca[stle] 30th Augst 1768 Sir As it will be necessary to examine some of the Witnesses that were present at the riding the boundary of Weardale Mines by Sir Walter and the Bishops Agents in 1737, I have sent you herewith a Copy of the boundery roll; and desire you will, as soon as you can, collect the testimonies of such of them as you find have a clear remembrance of the riding that part of the Boundary which is betwee

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 30 Aug 1768

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 30th Augst 1768 Sir Yesterday I received by Ralph Little the two pieces of Silver, one weighing five hundred & Eighty six Ounces and the other four hundred and Ninety Ounces and have given Dukesfield Refinery Credit for the same. P.S. pray what occasions the great difference of produce between the same ore on the 12th July & the 26th Augst. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Sep 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 2d Septr 1768 Gentlemen I send you here inclosed two Copies of your Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett – I have signed one and if you find they are right I desire you will sign and return the other. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 2 Sep 1768

To Mr. Chrisr. Bell. Farnacres 2nd September 1768 Sir Corbett and Johnson having refused delivering the Lead into the Warehouse at Newcastle unless we pay the Labourers for carrying it from the Waggon to the Warehouse we desire no more Lead may be delivered to any Person if they want to agree to take 13d pPig for Carriage from the Mill to the Warehouse and delivery thereof into the same. We are Sir your most Hble Servt Nich. Walton Jun. J. Smeaton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 5 Sep 1768

Part of Messrs. Walton and Smeatons Letter of 5th September 1768 to John Ibbetson Esqr.   Mr Errington having applied to know whether it would be agreable to the commissioners of Greenwich of Greenwich Hospital to receive Proposals for the Purchase of the Dues of Lead Ore for a Term of Years, the price to be governed by the price of Lead at Newcastle, he had for answer, that it was apprehended the Commissioners would not take any Proposals for the Duty Ore as they had determined to Sm

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 5 Sep 1768

To Mr Darwin at Elston near Newark Newca[stle] 5 Septr 1768 Sir Mr Wilson has sent me the dra[ugh]t of Conveyance of East Kenton agreeable to your Copy only he has inserted the Name of Freeman Sambroke which I think is wrong & that it sho[ul]d be Sambroke Freeman. He says there is no occasion to except the Out rent and the Fee farm rent which were payments before the Blackett’s family came to the Estate; for since restrained Covenant

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 5 Sep 1768

To Richd Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 5th Septr 1768 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Letter from Scarborough inclosing the Draught of the conveyance of East Kenton which I shall get engrossed with a Counterpart inserting the exception about the Leases etc; as I wrote you and making some Additions to the parcels to continue them down to the present possessors. The dra[ugh]t and Counterpart as Sir Wr Blackett desires me, I shall send as soon as

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Sep 1768

To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 10th Sept 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Dr Fawcett desires his Compliments and is obliged to You for the Venison which came just according to their wishes. A Little for our Christening dinner will be acceptable & as soon as I can fix the day I will acquaint You. I think it can hardly be in this Mayoralty but I hope early in the next and while you are in Town to avoid giving You a Journey on purpose. Yo

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 12 Sep 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 12 Sept 1768 Gentlemen On Friday last the 9th instant I sent you by William Laycock the London Carrier two pieces of fine Silver, the weight as below, which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Markett price and advise me on your receipt of them. I am etc HR one p[iec]e qty 586 at p[er] oz the other qty 490 at p[er] oz 107

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 15 Sep 1768

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 15th Septr 1768 Sir Inclosed I return John Oliver’s Case with Mr Fawcett’s opinion thereon; for which I gave him half a Guinea & have placed it to Sir Walter’s Acco[un]t and you will let me know whether it ought to be placed so, or you are to repay me. I wonder Mr Hunter has not got Elliott over to view Westburnhope and give his testimony about the Ground taken in – I shall write h

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 15 Sep 1768

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 15 Sepr 1768 Sir If you have not already got David Elliott over to view Westburnhope I wish you would do it as soon as you can and let Mr Bell know what his testimony amounts to – there were two or three more that were to be sought after vizt Jos Armstrong of Stobbilee, John Liddell some where near Hexham, Walter Elliott of Allanheads and John Green Brother of Thos Green Carrier. I wish

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Sep 1768

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 15th Sept 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Maughan was here on Tuesday last for Money; but had not finished his Examination of the people about the Langtihead boundary – he expects to do it in about ten Days or a fortnight. So far as he has gone affords but little Satisfaction, & what is worse the Grove is not so good as she was. But on the other hand he says Dawsons Grove is mended and has yeilded 200

Letter – Henry Richmond to Teasdale Gardner – 17 Sep 1768

To Mr Teasdale Gardner of Castle Howard near Malton Newca[stle] 17th Septr 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has ordered me to pay your bill for the pines you sent him. You will therefore please to let me know the Charge and how I am to get the Money conveyed to You – and at the time you do so it will save trouble if you send a receipt on the Note according to the form below. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 26 Sep 1768

To Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 26th September 1768 Mr Mulcaster When the large Beam came from the Mil, I expected the Scale Boards, Chairs & Hooks had accompanied it; but upon enquiry at Newcastle this day, I find they did not: I therefore send this Letter to desire youll take care they come by the very first Hexham Carrier directed by Mr Airey in Newcastle.   Pray let me know in your next Letter how much Lead is delivered at Newcastle. The large Beam instead of

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 30 Sep 1768

To Mr Chrisr Johnson Attorney at Law Durham Newca[stle] 30th Septemr 1768 Sir Inclosed I send you Mr Forster’s Ex[ecu]tors Acco[un]t of their proportion of the rents compositions etc paid by Sir Walter Blackett for Weardale Mines for the Years 1766 & 1767, w[hi]ch comes to £75 1s 10d and shall be obliged to You for the money when convenient – on the back of the Acco[un]t you have the particulars for the last Year – those for the year 1766 I sent you on th

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Laidman – 4 Oct 1768

To Mr Laidman Surgeon in Morpeth Newca[stle] 4th Octor 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you that, having made presents to some of his distant relations, he is inclined to do something also for your family; & desires you will send me the names of your several children. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467