To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres. 7th October 1768
Mr Mulcaster
I have ordered William Laybourne to take off a small Chip from every Pig of Lead at Dilston, which I desire youll run together in a Ladle and make two Assays each of one Pound Weight, as soon as possible afterwards, as I beIieve it will be our best way to send this Lead to the Mill at Langley to be refined in case the Assay turns out which indeed I cannot say I doubt. After you have made the Assays pray send me them
To Mr Newham Nicholson. Farnacres. 7th October 1768
Mr Nicholson
Care should taken when the Lead is delivered, I mean that which is Sold, to take down the Numbers and Weight of every Ten Pieces as they are Weighed, which will be a Checque upon the Account kept at the Mill. I am
Your &c
N. Walton Jun.
To Mr Bell at Hexham Newca[stle] 9th Octor 1768 – omitted
I think Mr Kirsop cannot expect that Sir Walter should allow Mr Errington Landtax for the ground at Hallington that was exchanged for ground at Anick grange and is now to be let to Mr Errington at £26 5s 0d a Year unless Mr Errington will on his Side pay his proportion of the Landtax that Sir Walter pays for the whole Estate at Anick grange.
I am sorry there is any unce
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 15th Octor 1768
Hon[our]ed Sir
Inclosed is the paper which Mr Walton gave me about the Corn tithes of part of Wallington Lordship; which he says the Comissioners of Greenwich hospital intend to sue for. If it could be learnt that Dr Sharp receives Corn tithe from any part of his parish it might be argued that the Modus you pay him covers the Corn tithe of such farms, or parts of farms, as you pay him t
To Mr Willm Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcastle 18th Octor 1768
Sir Walter Blackett orders me to write you that finding Mr Caleb Hunters state of Health but indifferent he is desirous of having a proper person, well skilled in Mining and Engineering, provided for the Managem[en]t of Allanheads Grove; in Case of Necessity. And as he has a Reliance on your Judgement, he could wish you wo[ul]d be considering, against I next see You, of some pers
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 18th Octor 1768
If you have not before the receipt hereof put a Stop to the delivery of Lead from all the Mines I desire you will now do it. I desire also you will send the inclosed to Mr Westgarth by a special Messenger; unless some opportunity offers, that you can depend upon, in two or three days after you get this Letter. I am etc HR
To Mr Henry Angus at Fenham Newca[stle] 18 Octor 1768
I was so particularly engaged when your Letter, desiring some Slates from the Quarry at Kenton was brought me that I could not answer it then. I now acquaint you that Sr Wr Blackett has sold that estate to Lawyer Wilson of Leeds and that the Slates now winning there are intended for his own use as occasion may require and that I have no power to dispose of them – however to
To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 21st Octor 1768
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
According to the Notice given to Mrs Idles Representatives your bond to her for £1700 is to be paid off the beginning of next month – You will please to sign the inclosed order for me to send the Money to Mr Darwin.
The Boundary of the Corporation was ridden yesterday with the usual wrangling at Fenham Gate and two or three other places, but upon the whole wi
To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 21st Octor 1768
Inclosed you have two bills as above, for Seventeen hundred pounds to enable you to pay Sir Wr Blacketts bond to Mrs Idle’s representatives. I desire you will place them to his Acco[un]t and that you will advise me, by the return of the post, that you have received them for the purpose of paying the said bond and that you have in the mean time placed them to Sir Walter’s Ac
To Mr John Richmond Attorney at Law. Newca[stle] 22 Octor 1768
Dear Bro[the]r
I should be glad, if you have settled the Conveyance of Kenton in such Form as Sir Wr Blackett ought to execute it, that you would let me have it to send to Mr Wilson as soon as you can. I am etc HR
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 24th Octor 1768
We are likely to have a Dispute with the Commiss[ione]rs of Greenwich hospital who have the Rectory of Hartburn; in which there is an Estate called Rothley that belongs to Sir Walter Blackett, and of which they are now demanding, in a peremptory manner, the Great Tithes – there have never been any tithes paid for this Estate, that I can find; It being always deemed exempt as
To Mr Ralph Heron in Hexham Newca[stle] 28 Octor 1768
Sir Wr Blackett bids me write you that he expects to be at Hexham in a little time and will then execute the Deeds between Mr Errington & him; but if he should find that he cannot come he will write you where to meet him for that purpose.
As to the place to be set out for the Common Carriers, Sir Wr has no Objections to it; upon the Terms Mr Wilson has proposed – only
To Richd Wilson Esq Leeds Newca[stle] 28th Octor 1768
On the 21st of Septemr I gave your Dra[ugh]t of Conveyance of E[as]t Kenton to Messrs Widdrington & Richmond to be engrossed, not apprehending any thing further to be done; but they objected to the Mode of it and my Brother wrote Sir Wr Blackett that some hazard would attend the letting his bonds for the two £7000 to the Mortgagees of the Estate stand out – Sir Walt
To Mr Laidman Surgeon in Morpeth Newca[stle] 28th Octor 1768
Inclosed I send you Sir Wr Blacketts bond for One hundred pounds to each of your Children; with int[e]r[es]t in the mean time after the rate of 5 p[er]Cent[u]m. I shall be glad to receive a Line from you that it comes safe to your hand & am etc HR
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 28th Octor 1768
Inclosed is Bell Cookson and Cos bill on Glyn & Hallifax for Eight hundred & Eighty four pounds, which I desire you will place to my Acco[un]t and advise me of the receipt of.
This Bill is to enable you to pay Mr Savage’s half yrs int[e]r[es]t which will be due the 6th of next Month amounting to £495; and to pay you the £3 12s 0d I owe you, & leave three hundr
To Mr Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 30th Octor 1768
I rec[eiv]ed your Letter inclosing Johnson & Grahams proposal for Keenley Quarry & draw kilns. I suppose no more can be got than they offer which I see is the same that Stobbart paid; So lest Stobbart should complain to Sir Walter of the preference given to these folks by letting the quarry to them it wo[ul]d be right to acquaint Sir Walter of the charge against him
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 8 Novemr 1768
Inclosed are the two parts of the Agreement between Sir Wr Blackett and Mr Errington for the Land at Hallington both w[hi]ch Sir Walter has signed and when Mr Errington has done so, you may return me one part, to be kept here; and you will please to acquaint Mr Errington that the rent must be paid to me, as this Ground now belongs to Ryal Estate; which is in my receipt. Sir Wr d
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcastle 8 Novr 1768
Inclosed are two bills for One Thousand pounds, as above, which I send you by Sr Wr Blacketts directions to be placed to his Account, and desire you will advise me that you have received then & have placed them accordingly to be a Voucher to my Acco[un]t with Sir Walter for this Sum.
I hope you are got well to London, and that I shall by this Nights post, or the next, r
To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 8th Novemr. 1768
Mr Mulcaster
When we were last at Hexham, you desired to know at what Periods we would have the Silver taken off; in answer to which this us to acquaint you, that we desire it may be done Monthly til further Orders; and you are desired to deliver the Silver to Mr Bell, who will send it from time to time by his Carrier Corbitt directed to us at Mr Gab Marleys in Gateshead.
For the Time to come it will not be necessary to
Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 8th Novr. 1768 to Mr Chr. Bell.
We have desired Mr Mulcaster to deliver you the Silver from time to time taken off at Langley Mill which we beg you will send by such Person as you shall judge will deliver it safely into the hands of Mr Gab. Marley in Gateshead. It must be directed to us to his care.
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 9th Novr 1768
Inclosed you have two bills, as above, for two hundred and Eighty pounds; which I received last post from Mr Wilson of Leeds, desiring I would apply them in discharge of the half year’s int[e]r[es]t due 27 Septemr last, on the two Seven Thousand pounds, charged on the Estate at East Kenton, purchased by him of Sir Wr Blackett. Which bills therefore I have sent to You, and desire
To Richd Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire
I received a Letter from Mr Hebdin last post inclosing me two bills for two hundred & Eighty pounds, as above; to be applied in discharge of the int[e]r[es]t of the two Seven Thousand pounds, charged on East Kenton; which int[e]r[es]t was due on the 27 Septr last: I have sent these bills to Mr Darwin, desiring him as soon as they become due, to pay the Mortgagees the said intrest, and to take the receipt for it in your name & send them to me.
Part of Recers. Letter of 11th November 1768 to John Ibbetson Esqr.
We also beg leave to inform the Board, that in pursuance of their Order we have entered into agreement with Mr Thomas Airey & Son for the Sale of the Lead, on the Terms mentioned in our Letter of the 29th April last.
At a Meeting of the Directors of Greenwich Hospital, at Salter's Hall. On Wednesday the 16th November 1768. The Board approved of the Receivers having entered into Agreement with My Thomas Aire
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 13 Novr 1768
Sir Walter desires that Matt Bell’s Stock may be distrained on for the £322 1s 4d due Mayd[a]y last and for the half Years rent also due Martin[ma]s but you will look to the date of the Lease, whether it is old or new Stile that you are to reckon Martin[ma]s by. I think Mr Forster or Mr Ladler should assist you herein. As to Messrs Marshall and Langlands bill you must pay i
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellises Hexham Newca[stle] 14th Novr 1768
John Pringle of Redburn has solicited Sir Walter Blackett much, to remain on some part of Redburn farm; Sir Walter has considered his request but does not think it right to grant it, of this you will take the first opportunity of acquainting him. I have received the plan of Ryal and also Hepple’s Lease and Dunn’s Article & Mr Marriots plan of the East part of Westburnhope