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Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 18 Jan 1769

To Mr Chrisr Johnson Attorney at Law in Durham Newca[stle] 18 January 1769 Wednesday Sir I have rec[eiv]ed the favour of your Letter of this Date acquainting me of the intended Application to Parliament for a division of Wolsingham East Town fields. Mr Alder mentioned this to me last Saturday, which was the first time I heard of it. I was then upon Change, and told him that before I could give any answer or could write to Sir Wr Blackett about it I must write to Mr Maughan to whose Car

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Jan 1769

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 18 January 1769 Sir I have your Letter of the 14th instant inclosing me two receipts the one for Twenty one pounds for Mrs Sorsbies Years Allowance from Sr Wr Blackett due Chr[ist]mas last and the other for the like Sum for a years Allowance due Micha[elma]s last to the representatives of Mrs Ann Eden dec[eas]ed both w[hi]ch sums I have given you Credit for. Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos b

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 20 Jan 1769

To Mr Christr Johnson Attorney at Law in Durham Newca[stle] 20th Janry 1769 Sir I am sorry you sho[ul]d have sent a Messenger on purpose to know if I had got an Answer from Mr Maughan for I would have wrote you if I had – he has not had time since he could have rec[eiv]ed my Letter to have given me an Answer – indeed I am sorry the time is so short as you mentioned in your former Letter because it seems insufficient for those that never heard of the intended App

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 20 Jan 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 20th Janry 1769 Sir The reasons you give why the wood cut at Anick grange in 1767 and 1768 should now be sold, are very good ones; and if Sir Wr Blackett has no occasion for it or any part of it, himself the sooner it is disposed of the better - and I will write to him about it if you will let me know what Mr Wray thinks it worth and what the Chap he has met with bids first and at the same time w

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 21 Jan 1769

To Mr Chrisr Johnson Attorney at Law Durham Newca[stle] 21st Janry 1769 Sir Agreeable to what I wrote you yesterday, I now acquaint you that I have received a Letter this morning from Mr Maughan, and shall write to Sr Wr Blackett to night about the Division of Wolsingham East Town field. Mr Maughan does not tell me the value of the piece of ground Sir Walter has therein; but calls it a Ridge of Land. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Jan 1769

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt MP. Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 21st Janry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir The people interested in Wolsingham East Town field w[hi]ch contains about 200 Acres, are desirous of having it divided by Act of Parliament; for it is at present an open field, enjoyed in Ridges, and some of the proprietors have so many detached pieces therein that it is of little value to them. Mr Bacons Ex

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 22 Jan 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 22d Janry 1769 Sir I do not think you need pay Mr Tower’s fee farm rent to Mr Heron, till he is appointed receiver; for perhaps Mr Tower may employ somebody else. however no harm can arise from your postponing the payment of such a Sum till Mr Heron, or whoever it be, receives an Authority that will justify your payment; and I dare say Mr Heron will not blame you for postponing it till then. P.

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 23 Jan 1769

To Mr John Fenwick in Roberts’s Place York Newca[stle] 23d Janry 1769 Sir I have received your Letter of Yesterday’s date, with a Receipt for forty seven pounds ten Shillings; for a Year’s int[e]r[es]t due to you from Sir Wr Blackett and in return I send you here inclosed Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Glyn and Hallifax for that sum payable at 30 days from this date which I desire you will let me know by the return of the post that you have received;

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 25 Jan 1769

Part of Mr. Walton Junrs. Letter of 25th January 1769 to Mr. Smeaton Above I give you three rough Sketches of Plans for Housing at Langley Mill for Smelters etc. upon which I should be glad to have your Opinion. The first 50 by 19 feet Outside and 13 high is upon an Idea that the Persons living in them are to have Cows & the whole Apartmts. for each Family in this way will be One Room on the Ground Floor 16 by 15 feet A Milkhouse or Closet on Do. 4 by 6 feet. A Byer or 2 St

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 25 Jan 1769

To Sr Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 25 Janry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Wray thinks that the wood cut at Anick grange in 1767 and 1768 should now be sold; as it will be worse for lying and as some of it lyes on the ground Mr Errington got by the Exchange. He values it at £90 and says he has met with a person will buy it, as he expects, tho’ he would not make any o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 25 Jan 1769

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse in Weardale Newca[stle] 25 Janry 1769 Sir I received your Letter of the 21st about the Ridge of Land w[hi]ch you say Sir Wr Blackett has in the undivided part of Wolsingham East Town field – but I wish you had been a little more particular and acquainted me of what you thought might be the annual value of it – whether it is not absolutely necessary for Sir Walter to have this very Ridge allotted to him, as being the best and di

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Richmond – 26 Jan 1769

To Mr Jno Richmond Attorney at Law 26 Janry 1769 Dear Brother I desire you will send me the two Leases of <Sedgate> Closes either this Evening or to morrow forenoon: that I may examine them, and then give them to the respective parties for their perusal. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 28 Jan 1769

To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres. 28th January 1769 Mr Mulcaster I have tryed the Assays and find them good Weight Viz Oz Dwt Gs MiddleCleugh 1st & 2d Sun Veins Slag Lead 1 1/2Gr[ain]s sh produce 7 7 pFo[the]r Rampgill Slag Lead 1 9/20 7 3 2 4/10 Thortergill 1 4/5 8 16 11 6/10 Greengill and Hush 2 2/5 11 15 4

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Jan 1769

To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 28 Janry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Inclosed are Bell Cookson & Cos two bills on Glyn & Hallifax as above for one Thousand pounds which I have got at as short a date as I could; & you will please to advise the receipt of them. I dare say I shall find the want of this Sum in April next when Dukesfield pay must be made unles

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 29 Jan 1769

To Mr. Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres. 29th January 1769 Mr. Mulcaster As the 25th of March is a Saturday I desire our Accounts for the Pay may end including that day. Mr. Labourne I have ordered to make another Buddle with all possible expedition and am Your Hble Ser        NWJunr. April 10th 1769 Lead Mill Pay, fixed 25th Janry 1769

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 31 Jan 1769

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 31st Janry 1769 Sir I received your Letter about Mr Clarke’s desiring to put his Horse into the ground behind the Abbey Garden, but hope he will excuse my not giving leave for it; because in similar Applications for the Nuns field in this Town I always think it right to wait for Sir Walters Order. I desire my Comp[limen]ts to him. P.S. Mr Wray may now come as soon as he pleases; & I shall be

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Feb 1769

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP in half moon street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 3d Febry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir I have acquainted the Stewards of the Cordwainers and Tanner’s Company’s with the paragraph in your Letter & find the former intend to petition but the latter are lukewarm tho’ they wo[ul]d be glad to see what the Tanners in London have to say upon the Subject, whose paper is not yet come to me. M

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 6 Feb 1769

To Mr Jno Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 6th Febry 1769 Sir I had a letter last Night from Sr Wr Blackett in which he says he would have Mr Wray to sell the Fell’d wood near Beaufront as soon as he can get what he thinks to be the value; but adds that it wold be right to see what part of it may be fit for his own use at Wallington for building the new Kitchen, or for posts and rails, or other uses; which are occurring very frequent

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Feb 1769

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt MP in half moon street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 6 Febry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Your Letter, by Express, came to me last night between 11 and 12 and the inclosed was delivered to Mr Ord a little after six this Morning. Inclosed is a Rental of Ord & your other Estates near Berwick – the last Article being the Tithe of Middleton hall w[hi]ch you intended for Greenwich hospital,

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 7 Feb 1769

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 7th February 1769 to John Ibbetson Esq. In conformity to the Boards Commands, we have taken Mr, Erringtons Proposals under our consideration and as no new matter appears to induce us to alter the Opinion given in our Letter of the 5th September last, we advise the Commissrs. not to accept of the same, but to continue their resolution of Smelting and Refining the Dues; And as it is necessary to build at least four Houses for Workmen this S

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 7 Feb 1769

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP in Half moon Street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 7th Febry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir At Meeting yesterdayof the Magistrates at Wind’s, being the first Monday in the Month, it was taken into consideration whether the Corporation should be proprietors of Shares in the Company that furnishes water to this Town. The Mayor Mr Peareth, Mr Simpson Mr Blackett, Mr Mosley & Mr Forster were t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 8 Feb 1769

Part of Mr. Walton Junrs Letter of 8th Febry 1769 to Mr. Smeaton. With the Boards Minutes of the 17th & 28th Decr. & 7th Janry came Mr Erringtons Proposals and Jona Wrens Letter both to which there an Answers in the Letter to Mr. Ibbetson inclosed with this Packet and I shall be glad to hear you approve of what is said therein, & of the Estimate for the Workmens Housing and in such case that you will Sign and forward them with the said Proposals & Wrens Letter to. Mr.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 9 Feb 1769

To Mr Chrisr. Bell. Farnacres 9th February 1769 Mr Bell, We propose being at Hexham on Sunday the 26th of next Month in the Evening and shall receive the Rents the two following days on Wednesday Thursday and Friday at the Lead Mill and in the Neighbourhood of Hexham and on Saturday go to Alston; on the 9th of April we shall return again to Hexham and the 10th make the Lead Mill Pay, the 11th View Wears etc and the 12th Return Home. You are desired to give the necessary Notice

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Feb 1769

Mr. Mulcaster. Farnacres 10th February 1769 I reced. yours with the Operation Papers but some mistakes appearing in those I send you I desire youll look them over and return them at any time convenient to you with such Alterations or Memorandums upon them as shall seem to you necessary. When you have time I wish you could consider the expence of Smelting and Refining at our Mill upon a Fodder of Lead and I will inclose you an Account of the several Articles with Blanks f

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Feb 1769

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stl]e 10th Febry 1769 Sir I sent Sir Wr Blackett a Rental of Ord estate a post or two ago but inclosed is one to the same Effect and in the form you desire to have it. You will observe some little variation herein from That which I receive in your Letter of the 4th instt in respect of the quantity of Land in each farm. If I sent you That Rental I cannot tell where I got those quantities except from M
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467