To The Revd D Sharp at Bambrough Newca[stle] 17 Febry 1769
I have direction from Sir Walter Blackett to pay you one hundred pounds towards the Augmentation of Bingfield chapel: which you may have whenever you find it convenient to favour me with a Call; or if it suits you better you may draw upon me for it, only mentioning in the bill, or in the Letter of Advice, that it is Sir Walter Blacketts benefaction for that purpose. I congratulat
To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP in Half Moon Street
Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 18 Febry 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr Forster brought Jno Shafto yesterday & inclosed is Mr Wilson’s opinion; which I have got this Evening how the penalty is to be recovered against the Men that killed the Hare. Mr Wilson says, as no Inconvenience can arise from postponing the Conviction a Week, I should ask how you would have the hal
To Walter Trevelyan Esqr at John Hudsons Esq in York Newca[stle] 20th Febry 1769
Last Night I received your Letter dated 17th Janry & in it your receipt for Sixty two pounds ten shillings: in return for which I hear inclose you my Bill on Plumb & Browne for that Sum at twenty days; which is the shortest date I can make it. You will please to signify, by return of the post that you have received it; otherwise I shall not know that you get it safe.
Durham Mustar
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 20th February 1769
I would not have you give yourself any trouble about the particulars of the Expence of Smelting etc pFodder, but only to observe the Stock of Coals, Bone Ashes, Lime, Peats etc at the time of finishing the Smelting etc the Ore which was brought in last year.
Nothing must be done at the Buddle above the Dam, til we ourselves come up, but I would have you buy the Slaggs you mention of the Man near Allendale Town
To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP in half moon street
Picadilly London Newca[stle] 22d Febry 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
As soon as I have an Opportunity I will enquire why James Oliver was discharged at Wolfcleugh. As to his charge against Robert Allgood for engrossing farms, it is the same that John Pringle made, who said he co[ul]d reckon up £300 a year that he had got including your’s at Redburn: but he could mention o
To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newca[stle] 22d Febry 1769
Mr Forster of Lucker has wrote Sir Walter that he is willing to give the value of Lucker Tithes & freehold whenever Sir Walter sends any person to treat with him. Sir Wr therefore desires you will make a valuation of what he has at Lucker; & says as old Mr Forster is but very indifferent he would have Mr Bell go with you to settle and finish the Acco[un]t about the Ti
To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newca[stle] 24th Febry 1769
I have a Letter this post from Sir Wr Blackett in answer to that I wrote last Saturday about the Hare; & he says the part of the penalty, which by Law is forfeited to the poor of the parish, he cannot give up; & therefore you are to take Shafto to Mr Ward of Morpeth & when you have made the information, Shafto will prove the Truth of it. & when the penalty of
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 24th Febry 1769
Sir Walter has desired Mr Forster to make a valuation of Lucker Farm which Mr Thos Forster has wrote him he is willing to give the value of when any person is send over to treat with him about it. Sir Walter finds old Mr Forster is very indifferent & therefore desires you will go with Mr Ralph Forster & try if you can settle with him for the tithe of the Moor & rece
To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon Street
Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 27th Febry 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Inclosed is a Case about the Tithes of Wallington and your other Estates in Hartburn parish; which as the comissioners will want an Answer soon, an opinion should be taken on, after Mr Darwin has made any Alterations or Additions, that he thinks proper; especially with regard to Rothley, which he is
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 28th Febry 1769
I have wrote Mr Forster of Lucker that you & Mr Ra Forster will be with him on Tuesday the 7th of next Month & that your receipt would be a discharge for what money he pays you for the Tithe of Lucker Moor: If he says he has not Money, you may take his note at a reasonable date.
Inclosed is your paper of the Sums Mr Forster has rec[eiv]ed for these Tithes annually, am
To Mr Thomas Forster at Lucker, near Belford Newca[stle] 28 Febry 1769
Mr Forster of Cambo will be at Lucker on Tuesday the 7th of next Month to make a Valuation of your Farm, by Sir Wr Blackett’s desire; that he may know what may be reasonable to ask for it. & Mr Bell will come at the same time to settle for the Tithe of Lucker Moor & receive, if it be convenient, either money or your promisory Note for whatever it may amount to. Mr Bells rec
To Sr Wr Blackett Bt MP in Half Moon Street
Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 5th March 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr G Silvertop has a freehold Estate in the Manor of Winlaton, called Ash tree: there is Coal under it, w[hi]ch he claims, and has begun to work, within these few Days; tho’ it is apprehended he has no right to it. I see by an Abstract of the Writings of Winlaton, which are in Mr Darwins hands, that Sir Wm
To Mr John Bell at Wallington Newca[stle] 5th March 1769
As I recollect, for I am now writing at home, my Letters about the Tithe of Lucker Moor are clearly enough expressed that you are to receive of Mr Forster the whole Tithe, it being all due to Sir Walter till the making the Award which has no retrospection. I am etc HR
To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo near Wallington Newca[stle] 5 March 1769
I hope you got the Money for the Garden bill Yesterday by Thos Thompson – it was too large a Sum to send by such a Conveyance & therefore I could wish when any bargain work is to be paid for that it may either be put off till the rent day or at least till you have an opportunity of coming to Town yourself to receive it. When any Thing is done about Marshall and Turners affair you
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. March 5th 1769
Mr. Labourne brought me your two Pacquets with the several inclosures Safe, and upon examination, the Operation Papers to the 24th December now all agree with one another.
I have tryed the Assays of Thorngill Slagg Lead & find it will not answer for Refining, you will therefore pile it with the Cowslitts & Carrs Slagg Lead til further orders.
I would not have you think of engaging any other
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 5th March 1769
As I wrote before in a very great hurry & have now an opportunity of writing you a few Lines more I cannot let it Slip.
In addition to what I said concerning the Smelters who you think it right should be dismissed I must observe that in case any of them have behaved so as to deserve being turn'd off I beg they maybe set adrift immediately as we will not suffer any Man to be at Langley Mill who you
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 13th March 1769
I am much concerned for poor Elliot and fear he is in great danger advise he is having the best Man that can be got as a Surgeon. The Bark would it is likely be of great Service to him and I desire you will mention this to the Surgeon he employs.
If you think the Liddles are sensible of their mistake & they continue to behave well you may help one or both as you see most proper but by no means allow any Man to Stay who will n
To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon street
Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 15 March 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr Forster of Cambo says that Marshall & Turner have paid 50s; being the half of the penalty due to the poor; & that by Mr Wards desire it is lodged in his (Mr Forster’s) hands till you come down – he has given 50s, as you ordered to John Shafto and placed it to your Acco[un]t. He has been
To Mr Thos Maughan at Newhouse in Weardale Newca[stl]e 16 March 1769
I rec[eiv]ed a Letter last post from Sir Wr Blackett, in which he desires me to acquaint you that according to your Letter to him of the 13th of last Month he enquired of Mr Robinson, who bought in the bill for the division of Lands in the Township of Temple Sowerby, & has reason to believe it is a fair bill. Sir Walter says he saw the bill but the Blanks, as he remembers, were not all
To Mr Christr Johnson Attorney at Law in Durham Newca[stle] 17 March 1769
Inclosed I send you An Acco[un]t of the proportion of the Rents Compositions & Land tax for Weardale Leadmines for the years 1766, 1767 & 1768 due from Mr Forsters Ex[ecu]tors to Sir Wr Blackett, & which amounts to £106 15s 7d; and as I have occasion for Money I hope you will be able to let me have this Sum in a little time. On the back of the Acco[un]t are the particulars fo
To Mr Geo Douglass in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stl]e 17th March 1769
I received the favour of your Letter, that you had waited on Mr Ord to learn what he required for the Gravel you won in his Ground, for the road; & find he is so obliging as to refuse any Thing for it; & that he is sorry he pulled down the Bridge – but then you add “the plank meets with disturbance as yet”. Sir Walter intends to maintain the plank way as he finds it is an A
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 20th March 1769
I think upon your State of the Case that Mr Coulthard should be content with a Sum after the rate of £4 a Year from 3 Janry 1767 to 25 March following & from that time to 29 Septemr following after the rate of £2 a Year. If your friend that has the £1500 to lend will take Sir Wr Blacketts bond for it at 4 p[er]Cent[u]m you may let me hear from you by return of the post for
To Mr Richard Wray in Hexham Newca[stle] 21 March 1769
In answer to your Letter of the 19th, I wish Mr Caleb Hunter & you had settled the price at which you were to furnish Candles to Wolfcleugh Grove, for as you cannot do it at 6s 6d a Doz[e]n I do not know what to say further about the price of them. In general I can only say that believing you would, without regarding the Machinations of other Men in the business, serve Sir W
To Mr Robt Mulcaster at Blaydon Newca[stle] 22d March 1769
The demand upon you of 3s 4d for a Church Cess is not legal; for the Lead trade is not liable by Law either to poor Cess or Church Cess; this Matter has been tryed & determined. & if you pay poor Cess it is only during Sir Wrs pleasure; who may if the parish is troublesome about these Cesses discontinue the payment of poor Cess as he has done in the parish of Stanhope; w
To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon Street
Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 25 March 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Mr Bell will not want this Money till the latter End of May or the beginning of June; so Mrs Browell’s £1500 will suit very well. My Brother has not yet heard of any more, but Mr Bell of Hexham writes me that Mrs Loraine of that Town has £1500, which she is willing to lend on your bond at 4 p[er]C