London, May 20th 1769.
Dear Sir,
I received your last favour at Bretton, which gave me double pleasure, finding by the contents that we had been equally busy and amused in buildings, cutting and planting, but you mention nothing of a garden, however I take for granted that you will have the pleasure in making a large one with walls to surprise and set an example of improvement in that article to the rest of your Countrymen.
In one letter (which I have not here) you ment
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 21st May 1769
I yesterday reced. your Letter of 17th instant and since that time have seen Mr. Labourne who I have desired will consult with you, what is most proper to be done with regard to the conveying of the Water you mention, for the purpose of Washing Guddamgillings Ore; and I have also desired him to consider with you any other matters which comes within his Province and I shall agree to any other thing that is thought right by you both. I will
To Mr. Newham Nicholson. Farnacres. 21st May 1769
Mr Nicholson
I believe they will begin delivering Slag Lead at the Mill very soon and I therefore think it necessary to inform you the Refined Slag Lead which I took up it as nearly as good as the the best Refined Lead is marked GHR and the Common Slag Lead GHO3.
I am Your Humble Serv.
Nich. Walton Junr.
Part of Postscript to Messrs. Walton & Smeatons Letter of 21st May 1769 to John Ibbetson Esq.
As we shall frequently want Bone Ashes for the Refining of Lead we should be glad to have the directions of the Board whether we are to Insure the Value to Newcastle from time to time as we cannot have them but from London. We did not Insure last Year. The Annual Value will be about £60 - supposing the Quantity of Lead Ore to continue as at present, and £20 worth or th
To Sir Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newcastle 23d May 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
It appears by an Abstract which was got from Mr Denton of an old deed dated 10 Augst 1615 That Thos Ord settled, on the Marriage of his Son Thos with Joan Pudsey, among other Things “Eight sheets of Net of fishing water in the Upper of Tweed called the High sheel” In another deed, in the same Abstract, dated 10 May 1671 Hen Ord who by intermediate deeds, that do n
To M John Heron Attorney at Law Hexham Newca[stle] 23d May 1769
I mentioned to Sir W Blackett, as you desired, the Assize of Bread in Hexham; and he bade me send you Copies, as I have here done, of Mr Fawcetts and Mr Wilsons opinions upon the two Queries that were put to them sometime ago. I see that I sent you a Copy of Mr Fawcetts opinion in July 1766, but am not sure whether I sent you Mr Wilson’s. If there is any Thing that you want further re
To Mr Walton Junr at Fernacres Newca[stle] 27 May 1769
According to what passed between us upon ’Change to day, it was not necessary, as you were right in the Sum of £8 2s 8½d to have troubled you with these Lines. I only do it as it gives me an opportunity of wishing you a good Journey and of telling you I shall be obliged to you for receiving that Sum of your Tenants at Middleton hall for Sir Walter Blackett . I am etc
To John Hudson Esqr at Bessingby near Burlington Yorkshire Newca[stle] 31st May 1769
I have spoke for the Scotch Carpet, as you desired. The Upholdsterer tells me has not any of so large a Size, but will write next post for one; and send it you as soon as he gets it. I shall send the garden Shears along with it – as to the Casks the Broker has not yet found a Ship for them. I hope Mrs Hudson & your Daughters are well & am etc HR
To Mr Jacob - Silversmith Panton Street Lester Fields London Newca[stle] 31st May 1769
By Sir Walter Blackett’s direction I acquaint you that the Box of plate you shipt for him in the Industry – Scorer, Master, is arrived safe. I am etc HR
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 2d June 1769
Inclosed is a Copy of Watsons and Rains Charge against John Pringle; which I received by the Hexham post about the 14th of last Month, but as it appeared to me a very frivolous Charge, containing no proofs, but only Conjectures & Imaginations, against which no Man’s Character is safe, I postponed taking any notice of it till I should see you. But by the last Carrier I
3d June 1769
Wrote Mr John Bell & sent him his rental for Mayd[a]y 1767 signed by HR
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 3d June 1769
As Matt Lee’s Waggon was to be here this day I postponed answering your Letter of the 26th Ult[im]o about the Kitt of Salmon, sent to Mrs Darwin, till I could learn some particulars for your Satisfaction. John Cook of whom I bought the Salmon delivered the Kitt, directed to Mrs Darwin at Elston near Newark Nottinghamshire, on the 6th of last Month to Francis Lindley principa
Farnacres June 5th 1769
Mr Mulcaster
On Saturday I wrote in a very great hurry concerning the Bingsteads, and least I should not have expressed myself fully on that head I now think it necessary by way of preventing mistakes to inform you that Mr Smeaton and myself are only Sollicitous to have every addition made as compleat and convenient as possible, when it appears necessary that an addition should be made, and that being now very satisfactorily to us the Case, the only Questi
To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 6th June 1769
Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir
Inclosed is a Letter from Mr Darwin, containing his thoughts on the modus’s and other alledgeable Exemptions from Tithe in the different parts of Wallington Estate; & desiring to know if you would have the opinions of the Council, he mentions, taken on the Case. Mr Silvertop has begun again to work for Coal in his Estate called Ash tree, in the Manor of Winlaton
To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Newca[stle] 10th June 1769
I have this day drawn a Bill on You for Five hundred pounds, payable to Messrs Bell Cookson & Co or order Thirty days after this date; which I desire you will accept, and when paid place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t. I am etc HR
To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 12th June 1769
I have shewn Sir Walter Blackett your Letter about the Tithes of Wallington Rothley etc which the Com[misione]rs of Greenwich hospital are now Claiming; and he desires you will draw out the Case in form, with such Queries as you think proper, and lay it before Mr York, Mr Dunning & Mr Blakiston for their opinions and that, as soon as the Case is drawn out, you will send me
Part of Mr, N Walton Junrs Letter of 12th June 1769 to John Ibbetson Esqr.
One third part of the Bone Ashes wanted for this year are Safe arrived without Insurance.
Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th June 1769
Your Letters of the 6th & 9th instant are now before me and in answer to that part relating the Bingsteads I must desire youll get them fixed so as in your Opinion will be most convenient and answer the end best.
I have not yet had time to look into the Mill Accounts.
As to Marmaduke Forest I think it is nonsense to try him further where his ignorance is so manifest and I desire nothing more may be done as to the Lithar
To Mr Thos Maughan at Newhouse Weardale. Newca[stle] 15th June 1769
Inclosed is a Copy of a paper, Sir Walter has received from Lady Houstowne; and which he desires you will explain as far as you can, with respect to the the following Articles: Namely – what is the Estate her Ladyship has in Weardale & what Groves are wrought in it? Whether there are, or have been, such Sums paid for damage as she mentions, & how they came to be paid; as you k
To Richard Wilson Esqr at Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stl]e 16 June 1769
On the other side is an Estimate of the repairs necessary to be done this Year at the houses on Curry & Pattison’s Farm in East Kenton. The Slater tells me he is satisfied they cannot be done for less Money; but when the Roofs are off a better Judgement can be formed, & I shall take Care to get them done Sufficiently and as reasonably as possible, on receiving your direct
To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s Hexham Newca[stle] 16 June 1769
Sir Walter does not seem inclined to have any Tryal made at present for the Leadmines you wrote him about in Errington Estate. I hope Mr Marriott will get time to finish his Survey of Westburnhope & not keep us waiting for it much longer. I am etc HR
To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 16 June 1769
I have received your Letter with the Testimonies about the charge against John Pringle, and think they contain no sufficient proof of it, and that it would not be reasonable, upon such suspicions, to deprive him of his Work. If he has behaved Ill to Mr Harrison, in a public manner, so that he is affraid of losing his Authority at the Mill as he says. I should hope you might
To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres. 17th June 1769
Dear Sir
Yesterday Indrew a Bill upon you for £228.18.9 payable to Messrs Bell Cookson Carr Airey & Saint Ten Days after Date being
for 768 Ounces of Silver at 5s111/4d POunce£228 and for Carriage from Newcastle to London 18.9 [total:] £228. 18.9
The Bill will not come from Newcastle til Tuesday next.
By this Week's London Carrier I have sent three Pieces of Silver, one of which I take to be as fine as
Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 19th June 1769 to John Ibbetson Esqr.
Our Engagements in the several Branches of the Hospitals Business ( particularly the Lead Mill) having prevented making out a General Account for last Year we propose with the Directors permission to include the last and present years in one Account.
To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stl]e 19th June 1769
I received your Letter of the 15th instant inclosing me five Notes of our Bankers for the Sum of Thirteen pounds, w[hi]ch I have placed to your Credit & inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Glynn and Hallifax for Ten pounds Eighteen Shillings & Eight pence, which I make to be the Balance of our Acco[un]t. You will please to give me Credit for the Bill and advise me o